HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-5-9 "T- ~ ;;.-. ~-.... " 1~05 rJ I / .. RESID~TIAL" APPLICATI'fJ/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spl'ingfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Looation: . /1'/1- /; Lt -:l., '::J \EQd Qvtlo ..vn.~.l) I r~"r\ ~ rI --, ?l ()r\ C ABGe8DOl'~ Map II~. _ , _ _'._ . _ -+ Taz Lot # r-J.....61 /J~I'VA-t.d ('~vb. (Xntl("}Sa I Subdivision: f'.o~'1 ~~ Jh(!'; V' . " t :~ :;.C;, 12- ~ I M.."" n Addition n Remodel n .'Iobile Homo ~ / / Date of AppUoation~4' ' . ''f ()., Contractors Y I Address General II/. WI fAlI;...,4' '<f - IT .4-/ ~ ~h-- I El,ectr:i..!:al At j t,y- /~ 3/7 f) U/,e...-.r /1 ;- /C~ ~ " I Sl1pe""_~;;;og Electr~dan~ h//./.k~ /.A ~ A..4"/ . /(~ It is the l"Bspontribility of the permit holder to BBB that aU inlJpections al"e Le at th6 proptn' ti.m~. t".at Qc.ch :dd:rS88 is l'sadabZe from t1ul street. and that the permi t card is located at the f'ront of th8 pr~;: . . ~Bui!.di!'t!J Divic'ior: approved Flan B,haU remain on thE Bu-:.1.ding Sit:; at aU times. PHOCED{IP.E FOR IIlSPEr.:lION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job number.. job addN88. 'type of in3PQc~icn requested ar-.d w,l:en you. win be ready for inspection, Contractors or OI.mers name end phone number. Requ(;sts receil;sd before '1:00 G;":1 :"'ilZ. be t1t1dB the same day, rBquests made. ~~~a' '1~OO ,am win be made the next :.JOrking day. q( /'V::!.../Yl , Your City Desigr.atea Job Numb.r Is: )( AJ M . Ctmer: Addre~3: City: Phone: 11{ 7 6"7 d c/ Zip: 1f/71{77 Describe rl'ork: ~ Slttj/~ f)wul'7 4m;7 , Plumbing iHechanical Reaui~ed In~r~~tir.~R f'V}' SITE INSPECTION: To be made after ~ excavation, but prior to set up of forms. O ' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING_ El.ECTRICI\L .. , NECHA,'IICAL: To be made before any work is covered. [29 FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring Cc:ncrBt.;. UNDSRGROU.'!D PLUMBING. SewER. w'1TER, DRAIIlAGE: To bB rrn:iB prior to fi"l- }ir.g trenches. rYl UNDEliFWOR PLU/.!BING & MECHANICAL: ~' To be mcu:I6 prior to inota"LZation of floor insulation or decking. o o POST AND BEAN: To be made prior to insta"LZ.atian of floor irwulation or deoki"fi . ROUGH PLUHBI!lG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No :JOrk is to be cOl;ered .until these inspections have beer. made and approved. ' FIRE:PLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materiaZs and before framing inspec- tion. r\7I FRA"~I!IG: Must be requeDted after LL.J approval of rough plwr.bing, eleotroi- caL & mechanical. An roOfing braaing & chimneys, etc. nt'~st be :completed. !Io work is to be con- .... cec.led until thiD inspection has ~b6en made and approved. [l1 D Va lue ~.lllO . Pnon.,:. -'lo 1 '/7 n (1 t/ 71/7.s:, Y'9 ',Lisc. # v Bldrs Board I. .?.:J ~ _ 72,{ .3 2-91/7 //~7S_ "uA4'W {hr--~ rVl INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION:, ~ To be made after all insu.l.atian w..d , .," required vapor barriers are in place ',' .: but before any l.ath. gypsum board or . U2l.Z. cover-ing is applied, and before . ~y inDu.lation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after az.z. d:rytxzZZ is in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, Ix>>u1 beam3, grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpZetcd. o [Z] CURB & APPROACH APRON: After- forms are erected but prior to pouring C!01U!rete. ('g 1/ uan DEUOLITIO!! OR ;'.JOVE] BUILDlilGS ~ Sani~ary SB".Jer ~appBd at p~op~rt':i Ur:e ~ Septic tank p~cd and fille~ with gra~BZ I Final - ({hen ah...""VB items are camplsted ---1 ar.d when demolition is completB o~ stru~- . ture moued and premises clGaned up. . }.JobilG Hames :::J Blocking and Set-up :::J Plumbing connections sewer- and wa~Br :::J Electrical Connection - Blocking, Bst-up and pZumbing connections nr~st te approl;Bd before request:.ng elec~rical inBpec~io:'1 :::J Accessory Building --, Final - Aft;:r p"rcr.es, skirting, decks, --l etc. are comple~ed. o All p~oject conditions, such as the instaLlation of s~reet trae3, ca~laeion of tns required landscapir.g, etc., must be Datisfiad before tho BUILDINC FINAL can bo l'aqucst3d. 00 FIlIAL PLU/.!8IllG [Z] FIliAL 1.fE~HAIIICAL CXJ FINAL EL/:CT.9ICAL [J ill FINAL BUILDING: Tho Final BuiZding Inspection must be l'squeDtsd alte~ tho PinaL Plumbina Electrical, and Mechar.icc.l InspectionD have been made and app~ou~d. [lJ SIDEWALK & DRn'EWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- .0f-liXZY, to be made after all exca- vating complete & fo~ work & cub- . base rrcterii::zl in pZa.:!e". D PENCE: When compl.;te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. ' . *ALC NANHOCES AND CLEANOUTS lfUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTNENT TO BE M.~DE AT /.'0 COST TO CITY I PaFc 1 of 2 , -- -.. .-;::,gc. i:::~ I J~B NO. L[()(IT"RSOLAR ACCESS REQ.- I Zona: 1_7)/';;(- IJacuvano" C. ~L;> f../?7-/ Type/Cor.st: !-at Sq. Ftg. /"3 -s~r LOT TYPE . I Lot Faaes - ;-v""?':'~ . ~~ . I Setbaoks S .:;1 lot CJU61'age / ...::.-r~ Intel't.ol' I P L H ~" I A .. .. ousearaae caess. .II of Stories / Cozoner North "2b -r- ," / ~=-- Total Height /c../~," V Panhandle lEast ~/ i:-"I . I l/~'~..,.o- South /~/ I Topography ~' ,,/.r~ J Cul-de-sac IWest . _ I" ~ I ITEM !lobin I GaPaae I CaroOl't I ACCeS80l'U I I Is.D.c. -- Fees -- I SQ. FTC I X Value 1 11l216LJ31JD +1 ?-{6'L 14~lJ14J6 LJ,l~<g , I I I I I I I I If{),(~ 1"\:' .","':' 175/.SC> " \., TOTAL VALUE (uaLuc) 1.5 :J: Building Permit State Suroharge Total r:ha..-ges lITEM I Fixtures I Hesidential (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer I Wat'er' ,- " . . I NO~J F:E Iz I ') I '5"";?5'e> I 15'",/ ~ /sp'1 bo i2./~6/1 ~/.'2zW./N< ~:~/.?d/ '1'5:""'" Plumbing Permit I /~7, ~O I I 7- :3.81 VS7' . Eel I , " State Surcr.a.rge Total Charaes I ITEM I NO'1 I Hes. Sc. fta. /,t)~ / I NEW/Extend Ci"cuits I I I r..,.. -" ~_.; __ ,---i---: ~.4?~Y/c<.<l I Ele~tl'ical Permit State SUl'~harae Total Chart;es ITEM I FUrnace ETV' S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I WOodstO:JB I NO'1 FSE III 121? I I III Jk'7'l!'R //E"'-/,- . Permit Issuance Me::hanical Permit M/..<.I. State Sla'charae Tntnl r.htrrt'JP.8 I -- ENCROACHMENT -- I Securit.l/ DzPOsit I Storage I Maintena'fU!e I Permit ICurbcu: Total Charaes Sidewalk Pe7U!e Electpical Label Mobile Home /~/.& .r --'7// K>(C'! 9~ ~L~ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:.4 , :::?~ """" /7". 30 :3::'<? '0 CHAHGE , 9&:>_ e:=> ~._e> FEE CHAHCE I ~7..~ I I -. I I I "5. 7~ I 7~ ?>" l ' I I q:50 10.## I I ":7. <$~ I I /5: ",,= I ,?SI I /5:7sl. I I I I I , ' I I I I I I 11~~.'..r) I -q,/: 5.:> 7.c;: p-t:> CI/ARCE /2.7..:? /"'5, /5' /5/3'.23 ,-.r7 L-COG-{< .-/y, Bed!-ooos: ":3 I I Enep(1u SOUPC6S . Tuoe 11 .~eat ~L~~:r: 1~d!~L. I 1 rv~tel'll~f'}tp.'f' /?/ c:c-.r.. 1 I Hange /, I I I Fireplace I Wood;; tove II i Building Value & Permit This permit ia gl'C111ted on the express condition that the sdid construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning C'rdinance, regulating the constpuction and UDe of buildings, and m::.y be 8uapended 01' revoked at ~y time upon vio- lation of any provisions~f ~~i? Ordir..ances; " _ :' . , , . , , .... ':-:' '." . " " 0' "J ~\. ., , .. , ,,',' '. '.' , " '. '. IPlan Check Fee: ICat. Paid: I Heodpt. N.: , I Signed: \') . ,Plumbin'g' Permit I K;<=).,,({) ..,\ , " " No person shall construct, instaU, after 01' chang,,! any nelJ cr e::Jlsting plumbing or drainage system in whole Or in. part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, 'except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is OlJned, leased or operated by the app1.i- :~t~. .....~. ) '. t\. '. ,,' .. \ . .. ~. \, , 1 ~ , '. ~, '. ", '. ". " ,) '. '- ' ;' ,,,,. .\\ \ Electrical Permi t Where State La1J requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Ele~trical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall r.ot be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the ElectPical ~ontractor. . ,- ,. Mechanical Permit &"7.~ D /~---..-? l"/ exam->.ne" ' . / . . -S-- ':y- 7",e. JJate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA..'fINED the. completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all ir:fo:omation hereon is tpue and cor-rcct, and I .I f..aother- certify that any ar.d aU work perfomed shall be do:1e in accor- dance :.n.th the Ordinances of the City of Springficld~ and th~ Ltr..;s of tha State of Oregon pzrtaining 'to the lJOrk described here.:.n, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be rrnde of any structure IJithout par>mission of the Building Di- vision. I furthe-r: certify that o:1ly contractol'S ar.d e:rrp1."yecs who are in c~pl.:.ance with ORS 701:05E will be used on this project ,&L ~h Signzd V R-;/.? - 90 Data