HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-12-14 .. RESINTlAL': Apor -C"'7'-ON/o~-MI'7' _ o..J.1 1"1_1. .. r:.1"t _ 225 North 5th Street SpriY'.gfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 SPRINGFlE1.C Job r.oc::.tion: 4362 Elderberry Street Tc;:: Lot # A8:::eSGOr~ ,\!ap olj SUbdiuisicn: Donald Subdivision, Lot #1 ~"7Ier: Charles 542 "0" and Dawn Street Add!'aS3: City: Springfield, Oregon n n n n '/t"".J Peterson Pr..one: 746-7988 Zi:l: 97477 Desal"";be II'ark: S.F, Residence with attached garage Addi ticl'l RemodeL ,'!obi Za .~oma 11-30-82 rate of AppZicaticn Conr:racr:O!'8 G~.rol Howard Constructlon sys, Plumbing Gene Lewi s ~l.ctricalNorms Electric M.c~ic=lHarvev and Price COl'1stl"'..u:ti.::rn [.~rta.'er VaLue 63,500,00 Rcce-:.~t; ,it I',;\.~' ',~ ..;. I i""'\~~. (PO / /0.; &0/)) AeareS3 Lise.!! ~U ~o~ lllj~, tugene j~l~j 866 NE Nash. Roseburq 128 Spalding, BrownsvilJe 2015 Nuqoet Way. Euoene Siqr.ed'~J1j' . - -, J'\ Data: I" /<:::.j) 1'1'X"}l E~il'CS j-l<::-~j :?J:om: O~j-~jOj 673-0714 466-5328 746-1621 [t. is ths reBponaibility of' ehJJ permit holder to see that al~ irwpections are ,-;:ad6 at the propel' time, t,J,..at ~ch .::ddrlilSS is rea.::a.;Z. .from eM street, and that the pcrm:t card is t...."Cated at the [1*Cnt of the property. ~3ui~i~~ Diui.=io~ ~proved F~ s~~lZ remain on tha B~iZding ~its at ~ZZ times. P.70CSDljRE pon rNSP~CTrOfl ,q.s:.Q()'~ST:CALL 726-3769 (~caord.e:r) state your City desigr.::.ted job nUT;';bar, job_ad60css, typo of ir::;poc-;icn l'~questcd a:,,:d when you 1.1iz.l. be :-eady tOl' ir.spcction, Contractors or OI...,"nez-s r.cme ar.d phone nu.':'lbcr. Requ€sts receiuad csfere 7:00 ==! :..>iZZ 00 Ir.ado thE; same day, requests mcde aft;:.:r 7:()O a;'1'I !JiZZ be rrr::z.ce the JU:Zt :;orkin; day. ~~i~pA r~~~~t~~"q O <:~...~ ""SP-~~"'''' To' . ..... ..l.!_ ,t.. .:....._'..1... oe r.rlce al;,2r ezcavation. ~u: prier t~ set up of forms. o u,'IDSRSL:..3 _':JU.1:.f3I.VG. FtEC":'RIC,I[. .{ ....'ECii;....'IC:.,,: 'To 003 "..ade bej"ore any work is -=o:Jcred. Lm F'OOTING ~ FOlR1DAT:C:l: To be .~e after trencnes are exca-~ated and forms are erected, ~u: prier to pouring acnc:oet;. [XiI W!DSRC.~(J'J.'.'!) P:'UN3ING.. S!:.IFR. ;/.1T!R, DRAn1AGE: fo be rr.a.:1e p:-:'c;r :0 fi L- Ur.g r;rer:cr.es. mlDE.~E"WO.' P!.U,'.,'EI:lG ~ !'f::'C::r.4.VICAl.) To be r::ae.e prier :0 in3tc::iZar;~on of floor insul.c::icn or d.ecking, MS! ..HlD 3EAN: To JJe .'7'.cC.c pr-'':'or to insrall.:;::icn of floor ir.3!.OZa:icr. 01" decki".. ~. w @ RO'-'CH ?!..r.r.~!!DGo ~!..ZC'7.F:?~C.!'!.. ,~ .'.fECH- ~: .';0 '.Jork :..; :0 :;e COI,:2:'.,a ur.tiZ :r.eSB :r~=ec;icr.s ~ve ~€er. m..7.:ie era ::ppl"~n/q.:!. FI.~ZP!.~CE: Prior:o ;:Lacir.q jca-:.ng mct~l'iaLs ar-.d o6j01'6 frc::mir.g inspec- tior.. o @ PR..4.'~I,'1r;.' .'1U3t ~6 '!'e~ue3ted Cf~21' apprcv~l of rough ~l~~ingJ aleatr-'':'- cal j r.:ecr.anic.:J:Z,. ,HZ. l"Oojir.g bracing ~ c.ltt..r.ncus, stc, ,':7'.lsc JJe . co~Ze:ad. . ;'10 ~r~ is to. btl con- .. ceat-old ur.t:." :ht3 t.r:soeC:-:'cn r,Q.S . b6~n ..r:ad~ enc apPl'Qt:ed. Your Cit:-,. Desigr.atcd Joo tVu/Tlba Io: I XXi Ij"lS~l.~T!~N/"/Af:o_-q 2~RR~.:a I."lS~=:C':'ICt~: To 06 ::'!aae a; ..61' a" 1. l.n$'.l latt..011 a:"'A rao-.Ail"ed V.x:or barriers Cl'e in =' lace . c-.At eefore any Lath, gypsum boCz.d or I.XZU covering is c:ppZ-ied. ~.d oe'lor6 any insul.ct:ion is concealed. I XXI [H?Y;/ALl. I:/S. P::CTION: Te be !~acI.e ~f=er all. dr:f!.;a l. l is in place, au c prior to czny taping. O ,'1ASO.'lRY.' Steel. Location, bond be~s, grouting or verticals in accoreanae ~th V.B.C. Section 2415. O ;'iOOOS':'J'n:.. Aft2!' instaLlation is CC"~Tpl.2:cd. o [3 CUPS & APP.90ACH .4?~~:Jtl: Alta:o fo~s c:re c:oecud .;ut pr~or W pC".lring .:on.:'rete. SIV!WALj( & JRrlEWA"!: For aU ccn.- a~ece paving wi chin street rignt- ol-<.x:.y, to be mcde a;'tel' .:J:lz. e:::ce,- :.latina ::urrvZe:e & f'01':':1 ~..:ark .j :;u.b- base ;;'.ctet'iaz. in pl.a::e, 822652 TJEUOLITIOH OR ;'.:OV;:: 3U!l.DI;;CS ~ Sani:ary 86'Jer ::apped ::t p~op~rt-;i lir.a =:J Septi:: tank rr...yed a:1d f:.lZ..d :.;ith ;r::::;Q~ :J E"inaZ - r/hen ch.::tJe -;,te,~s are ce.'':':::lleted ar.cI. when :Ier.rcl.-:.:ior. i:3 cor.:Pt..tQ or st:""...:.::.. tu""O moved ar~ ?r~;3eS cZ.e~n2d up. Nooi La Hc.'~:.es :::J Blocking ar~ Sat-up :::J Pl~~ing connec=iar.s -- s~ar c.r~ wa~er :::J Elcct~;cc.l Ccnr.ec~-:.on - Blockin;, S8~-~: and plumbing c.:mnections 1:':'"....st =~ G?P!""u~d oe;orc l'equesting eLec:r-';cal ins?ec:io~ ~ /'c.::e850. 0' Sui Zd.:.r.q :J Final - Aft~r ?.?1'cr.es. skir:ing, dec~~, etc. are cc.m?le;~d. o CRJ. fIUAL P!.U:-!SI:/G All. projea: conditions, .1:":c':: as <;;'08 {.ns:aLlacion ol13treet: :r.les. ,::;::,:'~lo::::on of :iu: required l.cr.dsacpir.g, etc., .'~usc .;e satislicd oc.-or6 tr.s BUII-cr:,'G ?I::AL :an be l'sq".lss:3d. w. FI:!A' iofE:aA:IICA' <0 YI~AL 3UIrDIJC: The Final Buildir~ !r.sp2ation ,~St 09 requeaeed ~fter the Fir~Z. PZ.~~bir~ rlectrica~, and ~ecr~~icc.Z. Inspecticna r~va been made ar~ appl"eved. D. ?I,'1Al. E!.EC':RICA:' ,c:J o ~";'!NC'S: :rh6T: compl...t2 -- ?rovide sates or ~ovable' aeatic;ns through P.IJ,E. " I .ALL NANHOLtS AND CZ.ZANC{)TS .'fUS';"3E.AC:i:SSI3f.E. A.C.n",'S'i'.'!E::T 70 3E gADS I!T ;'.'0 :;;S':' T? ~I':''! ~"'.~i1 o of :.: i JOB NO, 822652 !, RL !,;.C7'.a: SOLAR .ESS CCC"J.=a.nc~ CrO'.t;:;: R3 I Lot Sq. Fe;. . -f ,~. ~_. - j" _ ._. ___orag. .:,; of Stcr-:.e8 ! :'otaL HJigh: , 'T' I cpo9'1"a?ftY I I ITS:.I I"lain 7378 31% 1 I:>' o - '~~2 I 1 ::.Ir=~r: I. t ..tC::eS3~r', I I I SQ.FTG I 11.807,25 ! 486,75 7OT.-tL :'All./S S.D.C. l:.J<::':.U;J 1.5 = ZuiZd:.ng ?i!Tm";t State Surchrge ':'o"taL C;..a:"ge~ 2% I I I':'::;\f 1,'/0. I F~:: I Fi--:;u.res I Resid""tial (! ba:hJ 1 I Scr.i.tarwj Sewer 1:;c.-=tJ!' IAdd. Bath 2110,00 PZ:m:ln.ng Perr::i. t Stats Surcr~e T.:taL Chc.rces ; ;::':' Sa. fta. 1807. 2J "~'I I N;uIErt.md Cil"'cuL ts I Temperary Service 1 Ele::trical. ?e~t State Su:r::;..arae To:aZ C'~ce8 I :;:F,~ 'FUrr.::ae "TV'S 12 KW E=haus t Hood. I Vent Fan I ' , ilooasto:.:e I I ;c. I 1 3 Perrm.t Issu:zncs .'ofe::;..anic:zl. ?e1"I':T'i.t State Surc~c or"':':.-::l Charo:unl -- E:lC.'9.::AC!:.'.~!E:!'!' -- I a ' D .. ..eC".lntu C::031... Stora.qe ,'m"':"tenc7"~e I Parmi:: I TotaL C'flCl'''1aS I C".a'.?C'.lt I Sid2!oJaZ.~ lo.,,-,e I E!.zc:rical , 1.'.fobiLd H:;me 1 - 20' l.ci;el I roTAL A.~!OU.'IT DUE: 4 ml I 3,00 LOT T'!?! X Ir.:re'!'ioro COM1er Panhandle C"'..lZ-de-sac x I I I I I 163,500,00 I 952,50 Value 215,00 8,60 223.60 CI!ARCE 25.00 20,00 45.00 1.80 46.80 C,i'A..QCE 25.00 10.00 I 35,00 I 1.40 I 36,40 I. CHARGS 6,00 4.50 9,00 10,00 29,50 1.18 30.68 I. 14.40 j 7.00 I I ,20 I I I -- $1,311.58 P::.qe 2 R EQ,- Yes, approved LP Tiioe/Cor.sr; : I [,ot ,aaes ,South I Setbacks I P. I.. I .;'0'...56 I Caraes IlIOl'<;.It lEast I ' I I' ISouth ~' i IWest I -- Fees I I I I I I I I. , I I ,. , 'L-COG~ NA 3 I Access. I I I VN 3eenoms: I I Enerau Sour-:es I I Heat f I ;{ate'!'Ul?a~~r I I Range I I :-:-reo i.ace I I Wooa:3to:.:e II 1:;::6 Building Value & Permit This oernrit ia granted on the e::::press condition that the sdid const2""..u.:~-::on shaLL: in alZ l'8Speats, aonform to the Ordinance adopted by tfts ::i.ty of Sprir.gf':.eld. -;nc~ud:.ng the Zoning Crc-:.rtance, 'l'egu.Zc.tir:g the CCr.3tT:I.:::.cn ar~ ~$e of buildings, and ~y be ~uGpended or revoked at cr.~ t:'Ne ~?or. vio- lation of ~y ?r~Vi3ior.s of said Ord:.r~ces. Plan Cheak Fee: $64, 50 Cote Paid: I I /30/ tJi:: #: 60033 B,J, Rec.ipt IS,;g,:ed: Plumbing Permit No pereon chell C07'.st1'tlct, instaZZ., a~ter or change any r.ew cr e=isti7'.g pZumbing 01' drainage syst~ in ~hole or in part, unLess such F6rson is the ZegaZ possessor of a valid plumber's license, e=cept tr~t a pe~son ,T.a~ do plur.:bing :,jork to propert'!:I which is OTJ7'.ed, leassd or operated by the cppl.i- cant. . / Electrical Permi t Where State Lc:J.J requires tr.at the electr-'~caz. work be done by an Ela~trical Contractor, the electricaL portion of this permit shaLL roOt ba vaZid until the labeL has been signed by the ELectricaL t:ontractor. Mechanical P/,.a7t ~"l.ner Permit L/ata I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.~INE:D t.w complatsd c:ppLication jot' permit, c:rui. do hereby certify that aLL i;o:fo:-mation he:>8on is true ar.d c01'1'cce, and I f.a'the:r certify that any ar.d all r..;ork plJt'lo~ed ahal.Z. be do:-:e i:-: ac~or- dance :.rith -che Or>din:znces of th,; City of'Springfield, and ;h~' U::.;S oj' tn" State of' Oreo.:;l11. DZl't.::inina to the /JOrk. dBSC"!"";bcd herein, c:r.d tha;; NO OCC!/- PJ..'ICY ~li. b~ rrr:J.d.e of c:ny~ ai::ruct:ura without ?:Jl"m"i.s~io!"', oj' the EuiZdir:g f/';- vision. I further ~eri;iJ""':i t;r.:::.t ~i.y contra~tors ar.d e:rrpl..::;yees r..;,~.o ~B in c~pZiance with CRS 701.055 will be used on -<;hia projzct: ~;) ~' ~47. , It', " .. RESIDENTIAL" AF?~ICATION/PE?~lIT 225 ~orth 5th Street SD~~r~fieZd3 Oreccn 37477 . "". .... BuiZding Di~i3ion 726-3753 Job ::.oc.::d~": 4362 Elderberry Street ~c: Lot: .1/ ..ts~esaor= .t.'ap .~ S1<bd,,,":sic".: Donald Subdivision, Lot #1 ~_"7tel': Charles 542 "0" and Dawn Street Add....es:;: Ci:-d: Springfield, Oregon n n n n '/",.., Peterson Pr.one: 746-7988 Zi::): 97477 Descrf-be ;I'ork: S.F, Residence with attached garage Addi z:iC71 Remo.::.eL .'!obi lot ::tcma 11-30-82 Dc:e of Ap?Zi~~icn Con::rcc::o:,s G~eraL Howard Constructlon ~ys. PL""""",, Gene Lewi s SLect"';ca!Norms El ectri c I "'.chcr.iccLHa rvev and Pri ce I, CO"~t:l'"'...tC!":.:rn [.~,"c."el' Vatue 63,500,00 . , ~ .=?cae:;],; .~ ..{ ":.~~8'lf;..:I~~ ] (,{;O II 0.) (PO!) ) Addres3 Li3C. ,; ~u tlox IllJ~, lugene J~ltlJ 866 NE Nash. RoseburQ 128 Spalding, Brownsville 2015 NUQQet Way. EUQene , S,qr.~d'tfv ~ Date: - -J (JJ i' J<::1) 1'1'15"c_ e--jil'es J-IO::-tlJ PhonD btlJ-:>JbJ / 673-0714 466-5328 746-1621 It, is :ho re8p011.o-ibiZi.:y of' th8 Fermi: holder :.0 see ~ha:- aL! 'incpectio7lS are :::adll at the proper tim~~ t,"".at .u:ch ddrflBS is l"ca::ab:. from eho street, and that the pc.rr.r::t c:J...-.d. is z..."'Ca:ed..:t the f'l'C7tt of tr..e property. "3ui!di:",.g [)f.',)i.=i.o~ ~~1"ot:t]d ;:l.cn s;..:;:ZZ 1"~ain on tha a~iZdi.11f1 Sit.;; at :lll ~es. P!~OC~!)1JPS .r'aR .r,'lSPECTI:;fl ,~.:C.UE"ST.:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City .:1esigr.:::ted ,job nur.:ber, job addrcss, tYFB of ir.3?Bc:icn l'flquestca' a!'".d /Jhen yeu t.ral. ~e :oe::dy f;;1' ir.spcct-:..::m, Cor.t;rac1:ers or Ct.'ne:os ".c,";'1e c:.r.d Fhar.e nur.tbcr. Requ€sts redBiJ.:~d cafc1"8 7:00 =::l :..'il.l be l1"~d6 the. scr.:e day, requesr::$ r.:cde aft~... 7:00 a'n IJiZl be made the nat :.Jar-kin; day. ~p~J{tCfl rr~-c~~~r-~~ O Sr:.'~ I:1S?E".':':'~.],Y: To be r.r:de aft,tr e.:ccw.::t:...:m, .;u: Fricr ;:: ae: up of forms. O U:J~~.~S!.':'3 ?!:.:':.'.S!.'lG. =!.zC"':'.:a':,l!. i ,\'ECH.2.,'liC:'i.: To be tr.cde be:a:'03 cny work is ~o~a:'ed. IXX1 ~ F'COTT1G ~ ?CU,'!DA':':C.'l: To ce ,~o after t1"encr.es ~r6 ~ca-Jcted ar~ forms are ar-ec:ad. bur:: Friar to pour-:r.g ccnc:'e::.c:. V.lfD2fG.~CIJ:,'!) F:'l;.~f7![:;'G. ssn.~, :I.1T.:.:;', DRAl:'.'AGZ: :o:,e r.:a:::'e pr-:c:, :;0 fi:'- Zir.g ;rer.cr.az. U,'/DE.'t?:-::lC.( !'!J}.I..~r:!G 1 ...~,:."!_4'\'ICAL) ro ';6 rn:Ce :;rur :0 :..n.Tr;cii:.1:;:::on :;f !toor' -:.nsul.C:;;icn 0:' deck inc. GYI [M' ~ ?'JST ,J.t'lD 3KA-N: To be :r.c.ac =,r-;o:, :0 ins~,:l.l...::~cn ot [lcor' ir.3to.G:-::cr. Cr' deCK"'''':;.. o P{}'J(;.'.!. ;:!.'P.'f!~_?C. ;~2~_1:?!':.':"~ :, 'E,~.:;- AHJ~A~: ~o ~:Jr~ ~~ ;0 ~c co~erec ur.:i~ ;~C3~ ~r~=ec;i.~r.3 ~V~ ~€~ ,~~e ~~ =??~?~~~. F:.~E?!.)"CE": .?rior ~o ptcc~r.q :=c-:..."ti] mc:eria~s c!'".d b~fore fr~r4 .inspec- :ior:. o @ P.o..t'~I.'Jr;: ,vu:;t ~e :"e~:.uz:;ted c.f'";ti1" ap?rov~l of 1":Jtogh ?l~hir~. zZcctri- cal j r.:ecr..:ni,::z.!. Al.! '!"':Joj:r.q b1"acir4 ~ ch~~cusJ Jt~. .~~3= ~e . cOm'Dle;cd. :.'0 '';;ri( is :-0 ~.;! ::::ocn- " cec.1.tld ur.=i~ :hts ir.soec:-:.cn ;'..:28 'b~en ,~~ end ~??r:J~cd. Your Cit'i' Desigr.atcd ,job Nlmrba It]: @J I:lSUtA'I':'J.v/'lAPO.f? 2ARRI::.=i I."!S::::C':'ICN: To be made after a Z ~ inS'".( L.:;t~n cr".d ra~.(i~ed u~or barriers C!'e in olace C-.l.t ~Bj'ore ~y lath, gypsum cadre 01" wZZ; cover-;ng is cppZied, =r.d aefol's an:! in.1UZa~ion is ccm.cea~ed. 822652 -:: I CEUOLITIOH OR ;,.:av;; 3!/ILDI;:CS ~ SOl'i.tar"';I se".Jel' c:::;?ed :::: ~'?-=r~' tir.:a ~ Septic tank ~~~~d and fiL!.~ ~~th ;r~~Bt :J F:..naZ - flhe1'1. ab.;-ve its.,:,:s a:t'e cc:~:=,Z6t~d ar~ whQn i~oL~:ior. is c~Z~:a or 8:~~~~ tu."S r.:ouec ar~ pr~3es cLe~ad U? c ~ DF('!;.!AU, 7.','SPE:CTTC.\': Tc be r."~de czt:el' all. Q>o::/L,:al.Z is in place, bu t prior to any taping. .~SCJRY: Steet location, c~d :'cGr.:s, grou:iro.g or verticcls in accorcencs ~;:h U.B.C. Section 2415. I NoaiZe HC.':':BS ~az."c,lc-:.ng ~P~;.ur.bi.r..; ~ ~Zectricct Ccnr.ec=~on - Btockir~, sst-U? --.J and p~tunbing cor.r.Qctu,ns 'T..:st =~ c:pp:,:n:a= bejor'c request~ng s!ec;~;caz. inspec=io~ :md Se:-up cor.nec::icns S,aJQ1" c:r..:! 1.lc.:a1" o o ;""OODS':;J"I2: After -::nstaZZation -:.s ccmpl.a;i:d. :.J .4.CCeS:;O~ ':,' 3uil.:i~r.g :J Fin.:;,Z - Aft~r ;:;1"cr.~s, etc. are a;m?tB=~d. $kirt~ng, dec~~, o CURS & .4.t:"P.9CACH _4.?}?~;'l: Aj'te:o fo~s .:::re ~:'ec~ed b:.lt pr;or .to pc-.n-;ng ~on.::1"e te. $IJ::r';ALi<. & JRI:rcr-lA?: For aU ccn- c:'ete =,cving ~ith~n 3treet richt- of-'x.y: to be made a/tar al! e.::cc- vati.na ~cmvz.er::a j faI"-T ',.:ark ~ ::uiJ- base ,;.cter.;al in pLace. o All p~ojec~ conc~=~ons. ~~c~ cs ;r~ ins=a~la=~on af $treet :rces. ~~~!~c~on of :~ 1"equired Lar.c:sccpi.r.;, c-:c., ::o:ust be sa::..sj:.cd oo:/ore tr.a 3UI:'CI:,'(; F!.','AL =an l;e 1"3t;'.(3S:.zd. :JJ. FINAl. ?tr.;.~!3[.'/G CiJ. F!,'/Al. :-!E~HA.'l!CA:' CJ FI.'1AL 2!.EC':'.9!C';'; ,~ <D ?I~AL 3UlrDIYC: The F~ncZ. E:.li.Zdir4 !r.s~€ction .~8t 09 reauested ~f:ar tho :ir~L ?L~~~ir~ ~Zac~~icar, cr~ :~~r~~~ccZ :r.s?ecti~na ~~ua beBn mada ar~'a?prou~d~ "AL':' Mh.~'HC:'2S AN!) C:.S......;'lCU':S .'W=':' EE AC:::SS:Er.E. A[;J~'S';':!2::T ':0 3:: :.:'1C! ..!T !:O :;S'; :'? ':I':''! ~ o ~: :/her. comd.;::.a -- iTouide ga~as 01" ,~vabl2' 3ec;i~ns through P.U.~. o 1'--, . ~." 0.' :: I JOB NO, 822652 ! :~a~ RL I Lot Sq. :t;. j. ~f 1~. ~~er~6 i~ .~. w . ~.i 0/ S:.:n'":.6S I...... 1:r" .! .o..c.. ...r.gfl:: ,~ . ,,,,cpoqrr::;r.y 7378 31% 1 I:J. o - 2% I '""'J I.,,,,,;" 1~...~.1' i ' 1 :.lr:,:zr: i. ! :tC:;233~r'J I I I SQ. F':C 1.807,25 486,75 "~':.,t.C. Z.t:'l.'!' Is.J.e. I j:;Ci..:At::; 1.5 = Zuildir:g ?~;; State Surcnrge ::'o~L CJ-A:-ge3 I r:,,'-t I ,70. I I :L~.g6S I ResidentiaL f1 bc::hJ I 1 I Sa:i.t.2~/ $elJiZr I I "e'.~ I IAdd. Bath I 2 Pl:..m1r;ng Prlm t StatQ Surcharge T:zta! C"llCrces i ;:::1 Sa. "a. 1807. 2d :i~. i l.vi>IJ/E--tand Cil'C"".d:8 ' I Terr.pcrc::ry SeroJics 1 I , Ele:;t~~caL ?e~; St~te Sur:;r~ce To:al C'I'.a:!'C6S 1,,",",,'1 ~'::C13 ET!J'S 12 KW E=ha:.:st Heod. I Vent F::::n 1 ' I iloodsT;o:;e I ;;Q.' 11 11 13 I Peme l3~B ."f8:;r.anic::1. ?err.-ri. t Statt1 Sur:;~c ':"..,~.,,:,~ C'h::'!"":"!J -- ~:lC.::::ACHXE:.''!' -- ISe~~~;~J O~=o3i~ I Star'1ce I ,'~.:.r.;er.cr~~ PC!"m";: T~taL t:t1Cr'':'cs Ct.a';CO,.ol:- 1 - 20' Sidz.u!K. I. ; .'~1"-=e Inolc:r:.c:tZ Lc1; e 1. ! ,"'OCi.!d ",XUJ I :"QTA!: .~}!OU:lT DUE:" SOLA'-CESS ('C'::-..I::'anr.~ ~ro-..I:::: R3 l.C': -::'?! X Ir.re!"'icr Corne:" P~le CUL-de-saC' X i'alue 163,500,00 I 952,50 215,00 8.60 223,60 F!2 CHA?GE 25,00 I I 10,00 20.00 45,00 1.80 46.80 r.;.i'~J~GE 25,00 10.00 35.00 1.40 36.40 3,00 I 6,00 I 4.50 I 9.00 I I I I I I. CHARGE 10,00 29.50 1.18 30.68 P=qa 2 approved LPfl VN L-COG~ NA J REQ,- Yes. '7:...''Oe/Cor.st: I Lo. ?ocas - South. I 5e:ca~ks 1 2,:. I' ii"" I Coreee 11Ioro~it lEas. I I' I 7 ' S,,"on 5' I' I..est I I .~":ce33. i I 3e:ir.,or.:s: I =rtsrau SOUl":~3 .;'e:::.: i I ;'/r.,1;I(1" _:J~(1"';~1" I I Ranq€ r I ?-:.roeoic.ce I I "aa~:a". II ;"-J~e Fees Building Value & Permit This perm:.t ic granted 071 the e--press ~orzdieion that ehe sdid. con3t1""..IC;~on shaLL, in alL r'esFccts, conform to the Ordinance ~dopted by the :ie~ of Sprir.gf~eZdJ inc!ud-:.ng the Zon.-:.r.g Crd-:nance, roeq'..I.tc.tiI1g th~ ccr.3tro:l.::i.;r. arA ~ce of buildings, and m~y be Juspenaed or roevoked at cr.y t"':m2 u;~r. vic- lation. of ~y provt3ions of said Ordi.r~es. . I I i. I I I ,. I I I I I I , I I I I I I I , . I Plan Check Fee: $64, 5~ Da.e 2a';d: 1 J /JU/tJ2 IRec,';? #: 60033 Is,;g,:ed: B ,J, Plumbing Permit No person chaLZ construct, instal-!, a!.t:er or char.ge any l".8lJ or e=isting plumaing Or' drainage ayat~ in ~hoLe or in part, unless such Feraon is :r~ legal posse3S0r- of ct valid plwnoer's license, e::cept tr.at a pe:oaol't ma;! do plumbing :.:ark to prapert'":I which is owned3 leased or- opcrat~d by tha appli- ~t. ~ Electrical Permi t Where. State U::J.J requires that the eLectr'ical. work oe done by em Elactl"ical Contractor, the eLect-rical pOJ"tior. of thi3 permit shaLL roOt ba valid until. ths labeL has been. signed by the ELecrncaL ~ontrac:or. Mechanical Permit Pi.an Z=.c:niner 00:::.1 I I j. 14.40 I 7 ,UO I I .20 I I 1 'v.I)/lr~;J $1,311,58 I ~;';i(;/ I HAVE CAREFULLY ~XA".fItlED t:.":s complClted =?pLication for permit, =nd de hereby cerdfy tkt all i:o:jo:T.ration i:e:oeon is tru,a ::.r..d cOr!'cct, ar.:J. i r..l.I'"':J:er cezo~il;; ;hat any and an ~...ork F~rlor::ted 3halZ. 08 ao:18 i:1 :::c:ar- dance :J'ith the Ordin::nces of eha City of Spl""~ngfi~ld3 and th& L.zs of ti:3 State of Orea.:," ozzot..::inino to the work d.esc:-~bcd. herein, c.r.d the:: NO OCC!J- pl..'leY :.ri.zz. o~ :rr:zde of t.::1f.yWatruc"t:U'8 wit:iur....t p~rm-~.33io:o: of the =uiZdir.g ~;- vision. I furthBr -:el'tif"d cr..::::t: o:1ly ccn.tra.-:tors ar.d e:::rpLvyeBs who .:rs in c~pZ~e with CRS 701.0S~ will be used en this proj2Ct .'t hir4? (P7/