HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-2-26 . -.... ...._". _................__4. ,:.. ,_~~.. ~. -"-II-h..\.. .~'_... . ...........'....;.(... ._.,..,.. ~~_ . _,,, .......~,...,..,...,.:.:..........,~.........I...-...:....-"..._. ..." J.... .. RESID~TIAl" , APPLICATI~PERf!IT 225 North 5th Street . Sprinifie~d, Oregon 97477 Bui~ding. Division 726-3753 Job Looation: 'H-7-' -_~,-JLf}~~ A8G88GOrsMap# 17_n7-32-,3'-/. TazLot# 5~O Subdivision: RJ:lUDnl.7nnn Lot 36 ().mel": ~ess & Betty Brooks P.O. Box 116 Phone: 747 5009 Address: City: Sorin2:fiield. j;l n n n N",,,, Addi ticn Remodel ,'-!obi le Home 1-~ ~~ Date of Application f.,'ontl"actors Gen6l"al PZumbinq Electrical f.16CItar.iC.:Jt. Jess Brooks 'Ankenny Plumbing Lynn's Electrical Marshalls ConstJ"llction tender Zip: 97477 .Rooe:Pt,~ 11'17 I ,- , . \\.\1 )0 I ~ !I..llf . Signed: Date: CC ?-::u, -y5( Describe rl'ol"k: ~r:R. Va lue lfo f a-rro 'Lise. fi 8537. Eroircs l-i6-89 Phone 747-5009 OOO-LOOI -126-/'6'J':; 747-7445 Address P.0.Box116, Spfd. Coburg Fall Creek Springfield It i" ths responsibility of ths pfll'mit holdezo tQ S88 that all innpections are made at 'ths proper time.. t}-.a.t each ::ddrSBB is rooadabZe ftom ths stroest. and that ths permit card is 1.ocatod at tho f?'Cnt of the property. -BuiZding Divicier: approt.'od pZlm, shc.l.l roemain on tha Building Sit:; at all. times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccoroderJ state your City designated job nwnbero. job adi.rcSB~ type of in3pec~icn requested ar.d when you lJilZ. be roeady for inspect-';on. Contractors or Owners name end phone number. RequBsts received befero 7:00 a-:t r..'ilZ. be rrr:zde the sarno day. requssts made after 7:00 am will. ba made the next :xJroking day. Reaui~p-d In~Dp.cticns D. SITE INSPECTION: To b8 made after e:tcavation# but proior to set up of forms. O : UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be made beforoe any . wrk is o01Jcred. , ;:l. :. f)(1 FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To b8 made ~ after trenches are excavated and forms are eroected# but prior to pouring ccncret~. .J 1...(1 UNDERGROUN?9tUMBINGY'SEWER. W.'TEI1 " DRAINAGE: To be m::uie prior to fil- lir.g troenchBs. . ;:)1, i,x I UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: . To bo made prowr to inatallation of c; ; floor ins~lation or decking. I IX I POST AND BEAM: To b8 made prior to ... \ installation of floor insulation or dsokirl{;. ~~, 31,4;) ~ ROllGH PLUMBIllG_ ET,ECTRICAl. & MECH- 1\ ANICAL: No work is to be covered .w:til these inspections have beer. made and approve'::. . D FIRF:PLACE: Prrior to plc.cir.g facing matefliaZ.s and before framing inspec- I,,; tior.. I \/ J PRAJ.!ING~ Must be requeoted after .t' approval of rough plwr.bing~ electroi- .oat & mechanical. An roOfing bracing ~ chimncY8~ eta. TTr.lst be :' complstod. No LX1rok is to be con- ...,...,coalea. until this inspection has .~.b6~n made and approved. ....-. ~ [l] FIliAL PLUMBING :''1 Cil FINAL MECHANICAL ~~ FINAL ELECTRICAL Your Cj,ty Desigr.atcd Job Number Is: ~ '1 I)' I XI INSULATION/VAPOH BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made aftero all insuk:.tum w.d '. required vapor barriers are in p laco . " but before any lath# gypswn bowod or wan covering is appZied~ and beforoo ClT!y insulation is concealed. I' ~ DRYWALL INSPE:CTION: To be made ~ aftero all drywall is in place# . but proior to any taping. . O. MASONRY: Steel location# bofzd beama. grouUng oro verticals in aacordanco with U.B. C. Sectien ":i, ").. 2415. Ix I WOODSTOVE: Aftero installation is ccmpleted. .qO q I rAl CURB & APPROACH APRON: AfteI" forms L.iJ are ere:Jted bu t prioro to pouring . aoncroete. . r;:l SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For aU ~on-' ~ crete paving LJithin streot right- of-t.:ey.. to be made after all exca- vating complete & form worok & sub- . base material in pla:Je. " O PENCE: When co."1Tpl.sto -- Proovide. gates or movable sections through P.U.E. . .',' o $S(V~ DE110LITION OR ;~:OVE!J BUILDIilGS ~ Sanitary Se'.J61' :::apped at rn:op~r~:i lir:o =:=J S8ptic tank ~""?ed and fiLLed with ~"8L ---, Pinal - rl?um ab..."'1JO items ar'O cc:nploted ~ and when demolitior. is complote or 8tru~- ture moved and pror:miaes cleaned up. ,... I Nobi le Homes ~ Blocking a7Ui Set-~p ~ Plumbing connections -- s~or and wa~B~ ---, Electrical Connection - Btocking# Bet-up. --.J and plumbing conr:octions nr.....st be approv6d . before roequesting elec:rical inspoc~ion ~ Acaessory Building ] E'in:zl - Aftar porcr.oB# skirting~ decks~ etc. are camplet~d. D . , AU project conditienB# such as the installation of streot trooes~ co.':'lplation of the 1'6quiroed landscc:pir.g# etc.. must be satisfied before tJo.e BUI~DING' FINAL. can bo rosquosta'd. 1~. o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeoted aftoro tho Final Plumbing ELectroioal# and Mechar.ical Inspeotiorw 1Kwa been made and approovad. ~!.~ !tALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE# ADJUST!fE.NT TO BE UA~E AT NO COST TO CITY I Page ! ~f z I'age 2 I JOB NO. Yf.ns-r;sq SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- I Zone, U)Q' oc"",=".' P..:=r 1/77-/ Lot Sq. Ft;;. 7~. LOT TYPE r Lot Faces - . I s ~f Lot C""erage 2/<::;:>G) K Interior I P.l,. fI of Stones ( Cornel' INorth TotaL Height 1'11.6" PanhandLe lEast -=>"'-- South Topography 0:'..../17 CuL-de-sac I West I : I ITEN I "bin lGaJ'taae I CartlOl't I Accessoru IS.D.C. ISQ.FTG 1/410 ~B? TOTAl, VAWE cvctuC) 1.5 x Building Permit State Surcharge TotaL Cho..."'fIes 1110. I P I ResidsntiaL CZbathJ f2 I II I II I ~~ ~ArHk.k=- lITEM I Fixtures Sanitary SeLler Water Plumbing Pem t State Surcr.arge Total Charaes lITEM Res. So. fto. //'-/,,;;> I Nw/Extend Cil'cui ts I Temporary Service I';" I I 1/'1 I-z-. ..4A'?~ 1/ I Eleatl'iaat Per,mit State Surcharqe Total Charaes lITEM I Purnace ETU' S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I WOodstove NO. / ( 12. I ;;:<><>1 I I I I I Perrrrit Issuance Mechanical. Peromi t State Surcharoe Total Charoeo -- ENCROACHMENT -- I Secu.rit1l Deoosit I Storage I Maintenanae I Permit I I Curbcut I SidewaLk Total Char>qcs / - 2q / 051 I Pena8 1..r.;;r~tz'f."M ff L5U ~ I Nobile Home. . . I I ITOTAL AMOUNT DUE,' L-cod'1< Type/Cor.at: 6# Bedrooms: .:; ~A1'. 1 , Enerqp Sou.rces TilDe Setbacks II Heat &~7. /".'A. House I Garaqe Access. Water Hp.atp.r ,., Range " I ,/2/ I Fireolace i :::z.a/ / Wo0d3tove 7/ I I i -- Fees -- x Value Building Value & Permit This permit i3 granted on the express condition that the said const'f'Uction shaU, in all respects, conform to the O'l'dinance adopted by the City of SprlngfieZd, including the Zoning Ordinance, regu'Lating the const'f'Uction I and use of buildings, and ma.y be suspended or revoked at c:r:y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said O'l'diruznces. I I~~""', I ~.,e> <L? ::??$?-o _~ II. ?<:S ~7.7,::) . IpLan Check Fee: /S'-(, 7/ / - Date Paid: 7-Y-Y Y IReceipt #: /lg1q I Signed: /?/ Plumbing Permit FEE I I 5::<-~ I :?.tP. <'C> I -~I /~. I ?c:>P& I 1/0.7. 5'0 -<; I 5:"'38 I //2.8'81. I CHARGE ":?''7_5'l? I I I I I 4/.(5"t? I I c:;}~-,5t:) I ' . CIiARGE No person shall construct, install, alter or change any new cr e:isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e:rcept that a pe:>son may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased 01' operated by the appli- cant. . FEE Electrical Permit Where State La1.J requires tr.at the electrical. work be done by an Ele~trical. Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shaU not be valid until. the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. v:S;"- :57-r:5l51 ~_ esz:> I-l.../ FEE CHARGE Mechanical Permit tff.- """""" If-SO C;; - -.:;> /7'): "'l> I I I I 31. sz:::' I-l.. I /.5e I j 33': C::H!3l ' I I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do I hereby certify that aU inforrmation hereon is true and correct, and I , fUrther certify that any ar.d aU IJOrk performed shaU b6 do'ne in accor- I dance :Jith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Lcr...;s of tho ~.. State of Oregon..pzrtaining to th6 work describcd her6in, and that NO OCCU- , PANCY :Jill be mde of any structura without permission of the Building Di- n.~ 0 /),I vision. I further certify that o-n1.y contractors ar.d e:rrpl"yess who are in /"7_ ~II) """'pLia""e ",ithORS 701.055 ",iLL be used on this p"oject I . 2~ 1;(/ I I I I . '.. ~~~ p~rannner ~- 7-<:':?-88 va1e ISI I I I //-23. 7/ ^~J ~~ ~. - J ,1~H~ Date -~ADDRESS- 4374 ELDERBERRY BUILDING . F INAI.. -VALUE- 40000 DESCR:SE'R -OWNER- JESS BROOKS 747-5009 PO BOX 116 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 -INFO- NEW RESIDENTIAL J.l.1J. REPT CAT tIOl DIVISION JOB~ 880~.'R9 -LEGAL- LOT 36 BLOCf( RAVENWOOD 1702323405300 880726 / 890126 -ENERGY- HEATl- H20- RANGE- -STATS- BLDG ZONE RL STORIES FLOODPLAIN BEDRM OCC GRP R3 UNITS SQ fEET 1140 CONST TYPE 5N -CONTRACTORS- GENL- CONTRACTOR PHONE- PLMB-ANKENNY PLUMBIN ELECT-LYNN'S ELEC MECH-MARSHALLS DESGN- 2- 1 3 1 SEQ-REQUIRED PERMITS------FEE---SURCHARGE-DATE-RECEIPT---PERMIT~------VALUE--- OOl-OOl-PLAN CHECK FEE 002-002-BUILDING PERMIT D03-022-SYS DEV CHARGE 004-005-PLUMBING 005-004-ELECTRICAL 006-006-MECHANICAL 007-012-CURBCUT 008-013-S IDEWALf( 009-034-ELECTRICAL LABEL 154.71 238.00 600.00 107.50 90.00 31.50 13.60 19.75 0.20 0.00 880708 11.90 880726 0.00 880726 5.38 880726 4.50'880726 1.58 880726 0.00 880725 0.00 880726 0.00 880726 11879 11971 11971 11971 11971 11971 11971 11971 11971 1508B o 40,000 o o o o o o o SEQ-MINIMUM INSPECTIONS + REQUIREMENTS--------------------EXP DATE---ACT DATE- 001-'002-FOOT ING 002-003-FOUNDATION 003-020-UNDERGROUND PLUM 004-026-SANITARY SEWER 005-021-UNDERFLOOR PLUMB 006-005-POST & BEAM 007-023-ROUGH PLUMBING 008-031-ROUGH MECHANICAL 009-042-ROUGH ELECTRIC 010-006-FRAMING 011-009-INSULATION 012-018-VAPOR BARRIER 013-011-DRYWALL 014-032-WOOD STOVE 015-090-DRIVEWAY/CURBCUT 016-091-SIDEWALK 017-029-FINAL PLUMBING 018-039-FINAL MECHANICAL 019-049-FINAL ELECTRICAL 020-019-FINA~ BUILDING 880725 B81012 880803 880B03 880916 BBOB03 880922 880929 880816 881017 881108 881108 B90124 890124 890126 890125 SEQ--INSPECTIONS-------COMMENTS--------------------------DATE----RESULT--INSP--- 001-040-TEMPORARY ELECn 8B0727 OK 35 002-003-FOUNDATION B80726 OK ")t" ,. ,.l 003-005-POST & BEAM 880803 OK 25 004-031-ROUGH MECHANICAL B80803 Of( 28 005-021-UNDERFLOOR PLUMB 880803 OK 28 006-009-INSULATION 880816 Of( "C" u;:) ----,-- '-'... -... -~ , ..".-. ....,. 008-042-ROUGH ELECn IC PREfERf:ED ELECI. U414C 880922 Of: 35 009-044-ELECTR IC SERVICE 880923 Of: 35 010-006--FRAM ING SUBJ.IO MECH APPVL. 880929 OK ~I::. ~... ~J 0J.l-031-ROUGH MECHANICAL 880930 Of: 28 012-009-INSULAIION 880930 IRC 25 o 13'-027-SIORM SEWER 880930 POf: 28 014-009-INSULAIION WALLS OK 881004 POf( ~I::- ",-, 01S-011-DRYWALL ECCPI.GARAGE 881010 POf( 25 o 16-026-SAN IIARY SEWER 881012 Of: 28 01 '7-011-- DRYWALL 88101'7 Of( 25 018-027-SIORM SEWER 881018 Of: 28 019-091-SIDEWALf: 881108 Of: ")r.M ",,J 020-090-DRIVEWAY/CURBCUI 881108 Of( 25 021-024-WAIER LINE UN 881216 NOIOK 28 022-024-WATER LINE 881229 Of( 2B 023-029-FINAL PLUMBING 890124 Of: 28 024-039-FINAL MECHANICAL 890124 Ot: 28 025-049-PINAL ELECTR leAL ClN 890124 NOIOK 35 026-019-FINAL BUILDING SLJBJ.IO FINAL ELECI APPVL. 890125 Ot: ")1::- .....J 027-049-PINAL ELECTRICAL 890126 Of: 35