HomeMy WebLinkAboutBusiness License Correspondence 1990-3-19 ~ ........,-- ~ .. . .. March 19, 1990 TO: Applicant and All Affected Property Owners/Occupants FROM: Springfield Development Services Department SUBJECT: HOME OCCUPATION APPLICATION The City of Springfield Development Services Department received an application for a Home Occupation Permit. City action on this request constitutes a land use decision therefore all properties located within 100 feet of this property must receive notice of this decision. As part of the decision making process the City reviews the application based on the standards and provisions of Article 16 of the Springfield Development Code. The City may condition an approval in order to ensure the requested use complies with the intent and purpose of Home Occupations as foreseen by the Springfield Ci ty Counci 1. If the applicant and/or adjacent property owner (affected party) is aggrieved by this decision and feels the Director erred in reviewing this request (based on adopted standards) an appeal may be filed. The appeal must be filed in accordance with Article 15 of the Springfield Development Code. A copy of Article 15 is available at the Development Services Department. An appeal must be filed within 10 calendar days of this decision. That date is March 19, 1990. The Decision of the Director shall become final eleven days after the date of this decision if no appeal is filed. INFORMATION REGARDING THE APPLICATION APPLICANT: Terry and Christy Tipton LOCATION OF REQUEST: \ 4374 Elderberry, Springfield, Oregon JOURNAL NUMBER: 90-03-35 PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Home Occupation Permit to allow the them to operate a cleaning service. The applicant states that the "only difference in the residence will be phone and storage of supplies and equipment" associated with the business. ~\ .' . . DECISION OF THE DIRECTOR The application has been approved based on conformance with Section 16.100(6) of the Springfield Development Code as follows: (a) Except for the one sign permitted in accordance with Subsection 16.080(1) of this Article, there shall be no display which would indicate from the exterior that the building is being used for any purpose other than a residential dwelling. The applicant has not proposed any display or exterior alterations that would indicate a business is being conducted from this address. (b) There shall be no outside storage of materials. All equipment being shall be stored in a building. (c) No mechanical equipment shall be permitted except that which is compatible with residential purposes. The applicant has not proposed the use of any mechanical equipment uncommon to private residential use. (d) There shall be no offensive noise vibration, smoke, dust, odors, heat or glare noticeable at or beyond the property line resulting from the operation. No activities shall take place at this location. The applicants will be performing cleaning at other properties. (e) A maximum of 2 workers may be employed at any given time between the hours of 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. in addition to family members who reside at the dwelling. The applicants have not requested approval for additional employees. The hiring of non-resident employees for this business shall require a modification of this permit. (f) The operation shall not create hazardous traffic conditions or unduly burden on-street parking areas. Customers shall not visit this site. Other than businesses engaged United Parcel Service) and the shall be made to this location. exclusi vely in the deli very of goods (i'. e. , U.S. Postal Service, no commercial deliveries (g) If the proposed use requires a modification to the dwelling or accessory structure of a nature that is not typically found in residential districts, the proposed use shall be considered inappropriate and therefore ineligible as a home occupation. The Building Safety Division and Fire and Life Safety Department shall receive a copy of this decision. Any inspections determined to be necessary by the Building Safety Division or Fire and Life Safety Department shall be ~\ " . . conducted. If corrections are required by the Building Safety Division or Fire and Life Safety Department those corrections shall also be a condition of this approval. If it is determined by the Building Safety Division or Fire and Life Safety Division that modifications are required to the dwelling or accessory structure of a commercial/industrial nature the application approval shall be overturned and the use deemed inappropriate. (h) Commercial body-fender permitted. auto repair, including but not limited to tune-ups, alignments, work, painting and detailing, and upholstering shall not be There are no auto repair activities associated with this proposal. (i) No merchandise other than what is produced on site shall be sold to the public from this location. There shall be no merchandise sold at this location. (j) The applicant shall sign an agreement with the City acknowledging the standards of this Subsection. The applicant has signed the application acknowledging Section 16.100 (a)-(j) of the Springfield Development Code. The applicant understands that if the Development Services Department receives a complaint and an investigation reveals a violation of these conditions the approval will be revoked. Additional conditions: (k) Only one (1) business vehicle will be permitted from this location. (1) There shall no no onsite cleaning of equipment from this location. If you wish to discuss this matter please contact the Springfield Development Services Department at 726-3759. Cordially, Cindie Mott Planning Technician Code Enforcement II CITY OF SPRINGFIELD . City Hln . .' Sprlngftold, Orlllan . Development Services . OFFICIAL RECEIPT . 16242. Date .3-/.;2 19 90.. . Rec'd FromJ~ ,4. "t fImv . Addre.. l.f37<1- E1~ If . ~ 6L- 17rti . Received For: . . . I _ ~ . r(lf'.l~ Cifi;prfU!hm kL U -:IP 1tJ -6~- 3~ . . . . . . . . Amount Received tl61C;:tZJ ./ . ~, ((IdJ- · AUTHO"ZED ~GNATURE e- . , _ lIUSINESSFOAMS.I"IC. 1SG31,.2I1U 80061 . .~ 1'" ~-::"~ . . " CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 . PHONE: (503) 726-3759 . > ~ Cl '" Cl Cl t:1 ~ '" H ~ ~ co co co '" '" ~ >< -.:: \))i~~ v.. '" ~ ~ C\ BOKE OCCUPATION APPLICATION LOCATION OF PROPERTY EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OF PROPOS;'C '" > :<(/...."...( . : o A,o~PZNr-,: . 2L- ~'p--ro b;;sp- u~ , A. c.12':<'N~AJS .5 2:rv."'rr alJd t1.r 01J~t/ ,()tJ tf,z f'Z.:5fdfl.JC.? uJPII hr 01<1 I1.r -#-u/('~('nrd)'1J OM; r;;dvrT rrfJo{Jpher .1K\t:I. -1"'..011'" n~ {) , -~ -('f1Jl f1PJ. - ~L bJ..uu ;}(J NJ I ... APPLICANT NAME /~j>fJ{/ .I (J},/"/oT)L/ ///J-1,AJ / ..:;....- I I L/17 ~I /' il4?.bZPRIj c:;.!-. ~/'d!,J;:ct.j diJ 9'7C/7P' ~)},~, av~ L7~/' ;1 1/ r- o ...; PHONE: 7n-~-Y1 U z " 0 ADDRESS \ Ol/NER NAME(S) ADDRESS PHONE: If OVER -7 mcWt.Ov (., ~m~ > N Vl 0 Vl Z '" H Vl Z Vl Cl o ~ Vl ...; > x " '- '" c '" 5 "C Z > > ...., ~ co z c ~ ~~ ,~ ~ co > ...; '" > Cl Cl '" ~ '" co co "': ;5 Vl c: '" '" H ...; ...; '" co I~ ~ ~ ~ '" > z Cl ~ o .." ...; ~\ ~ ... ''''5t ~' ..., z ~ z I~~? . .... 1>';' . " BOHE OCCUPATION AGREEMENT THE APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE OF THIS AGREEMENT CERTIFIES ACKNOYLEDGMENT OF THE FOLLOYING CONDITIONS OF OPERATION: . . 1. EXCEPT' FOR THE' ONE NON-ILLUMINATED 1 1/2 SQUARE FOOT YALL SIGN PERMITTED IN SECTION 16.080(1) OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE, THERE SHALL BE NO DISPLAY YHICH YOULD INDICATE FROM THE EXTERIOR THAT THE BUILDING IS USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN A RESIQENTIAL DYELLING. 2. " ....;..- THERE SHALL BE NO ,OUTSIDE STORAGE OF MATERIALS. . "'" . . ~ . . .'. . .'. ;" ~.. ::. - NO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PERMITTED EXCEPT THAT YHICH IS COMPATIBLE YITH RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES. 3. 4. THERE SHALL BE NO OFFENSIVE' NOISE i '..vIBRATION, ' SMOKE, DUST, ODORS, HEAT OR GLARE NOTICEABLE AT OR BEYOND THE PROPERTY LINE RESULTING FROM THE OPERATION. , \. -, \' .. . 5. -,' - ," A MAi{!MUM' OF '2 A.M. AND 8 P.M. . . YORKERS MAY BE EMPLOYED AT ANY GIVEN TIME BETYEEN THE HOURS OF 7 IN . ~DDITION TO- FAMILY MEMBERS YHO RESIDE AT THE :OY'ELLING'. . 6. \ THE. OPERATION SHALL NOT CREATE HAZARDOUS TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 'OR'UNDULY BURDEN ON~STREET PARKING AREAS. IF THE PROPOSED USE REQUIRES A MODIFICATION TO THE DYELLING OR ACCESSORY STRUCTURE OF A NATURE THAT IS NOT TYPICALLY FOUND IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, THE PROPOSED USE SHALL BE CONSIDERED INAPPROPRIATE AND THEREFORE INELIGIBLE AS A HOME OCCUPATION. . . - ....... 7. 8. .' .' . ."\ . -, . . \ .. ~ ',' REPAIR, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED.TO TUNE-UPS,. ALIGNMENTS, ' PAINTING AND DETAILING, AND UPHOLSTERING SHALL NOT BE '- COMMERCIAL AUTO BODY-FENDER YORK, PERMITTED. 9. NO MERCHANDISE OTHER THAN YHAT IS PRODUCED ON-SITE SHALL BE SOLD TO THE PUBLIC FROM THE PREMISES. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT. IF.NEIGHBORHOOD"eOMPLAINTS ARE,RECEIVED, THE NATURE OF THIS HOME OCCUPATION YILL BE RE-INVESTIGATED. '. IF: THIS :HOME"OCCUPATION IS FOUND IN VIOLATION OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE, THE USE SHALL BE TERMINATED UPON NOTIFICATION IN YRITING BY THE PLANNiNG~AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. ; IT IS FURTHER .UNDERSTOOD THAT APPR9~A~. OF JHIS AP~LICATION.DO~S NOT EXEMPT THE -=~=' ia""~"E~~Y 0'"" C:::' C~~" " "or,,,,,,,,,, _;,_ _ 9" UfANTiS~GNATURE V'O' DATE .APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT' DATE ..' .. , I ; \ ),. ' 1:\ \ .'.... . . . . Kenne.th" Wa 1 ker 658 S. 42nd Street Springfield, OR 97478 Resident 4399 Elderberry Springfield, OR 97478 Leslie Crone 602 S. 44th Street Springfield, OR 97478 Chester & 8arbara Harris 4375 Elderberry Springfield, OR 97478 Tom Wirfs Enterprises, Inc. 815 N. 28th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Timothy Farnsworth 4350 Elderberry Springfield, OR 97478 Charles & Dawna Peterson 4362 Elderberry Springfield, OR 97478 . Jack Radi ch Rae lynn Shaw' 4343 Daisy Street Springfield, OR 97478 ,. .~:::: ;J".I:." 1 .......'. .\: .f: _ .~. ~'"\, Resident 4361 Daisy Street Springfield, OR 97478 Hugh Harris 4389 Daisy Street Springfield, OR 97478 I I. I I I I , , Terry and Christy Upton 4374 Elderberry Springfield OR 97478 Applicant . "1?J15 €Id.tt1zny . . ..' . . . _f-/3?LlJ31d-erb(71),u _u,., __ _". 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