HomeMy WebLinkAboutBusiness License Application 1989-10-30 , .'~ :\ ,. . . ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 PHONE: (503) 726-3759 HOKE OCCUPATioN APPLICATION LOCATION OF PROPERTY \ 4861 Elderberry Looo. Sorinafield. OR 97478 EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY Home (2 Family Dwellinal DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL To have a bookkeeoina service out of my home. I would oick uo books from client and return thEm;. ""-""""", -- ....--""'-"'.. .... . .. APPLICANT NAME Sharon M. Bateman dba SHAY'S BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ADDRESS 4861 Elderberry Looo OI/NER NAME ( S) sor..inafield. OR 97478 U ;,r~ONE: ;(il~~~~~n ~(i ~ .../ - 746-8420 4861 Elderberry Loop ADDRESS Sorinafield. DR 97478 PHONE: 746-8420 OVER :> N ." '- C/l 0 t':l 0 C/l Z t':l c:: t':l H ~ C/l Z "" C/l '" :> :> 0 H r- :c c z C/l 0 :x :> "" ~~ z 0 . ,.~. u:, ~ '0 ~ C)~ "- , ~ ~ \ ~ :x c c ~ t':l :> :> ..., ..., ..., :c t':l t':l 0 <:::> :> C/l (p, "" n c:: f; n '" I t':l :x 1 z "" H -- ..., ::l t':l "- C t':l \ c ..., :> >< r- o ..., z o C t':l r- H Z ~ ~ '- ..., ........ ... ~I (' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ....{) , '" :> z n :c o ~ :> :c n t':l n n t':l t':l "" H ..., <: t':l t':l C C '" '" ... ... I l<t z :c ........ t':l I!\ &l ~ ~ lA ~ v"\ ? . . L t' " ~ HOKE OCCUPATION AGREEMENT THE APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE OF THIS AGREEMENT CERTIFIES ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS OF OPERATION: 1. EXCEPT FOR THE ONE NON-ILLUMINATED 1 1/2 SQUARE FOOT WALL SIGN PERMITTED IN SECTION 16.080(1) OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE, THERE SHALL BE NO DISPLAY WHICH WOULD INDICATE FROM THE EXTERIOR THAT THE BUILDING IS USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING. 2. .THERE SHALL BE NO OUTSIDE STORAGE OF MATERIALS. 3. NO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PERMITTED EXCEPT THAT WHICH IS COMPATIBLE WITH RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES. 4. THERE SHALL BE NO OFFENSIVE NOISE, VIBRATION, SMOKE, DUST, ODORS, HEAT OR GLARE NOTICEABLE AT OR BEYOND THE PROPERTY LINE RESULTING FROM THE OPERATION. 5. A MAXIMUM OF 2 WORKERS MAY BE EMPLOYED AT ANY GIVEN TIME BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 7 A.M. AND 8 P.M. IN ADDITION TO FAMILY MEMBERS WHO RESIDE AT THE DWELLING. 6. THE OPERATION SHALL NOT CREATE HAZARDOUS TRAFFIC CONDITIONS OR UNDULY BURDEN ON-STREET PARKING AREAS. 7. IF THE PROPOSED USE REQUIRES A MODIFICATION TO THE DWELLING OR ACCESSORY STRUCTURE OF A NATURE THAT IS NOT TYPICALLY FOUND IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, THE PROPOSED USE SHALL BE CONSIDERED INAPPROPRIATE AND THEREFORE INELIGIBLE AS A HOME OCCUPATION. 8. COMMERCIAL AUTO BODY-FENDER WORK, PERMITTED. REPAIR, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO TUNE-UPS, ALIGNMENTS, PAiNTING AND DETAILING, AND UPHOLSTERING SHALL NOT BE 9. NO MERCHANDISE OTHER THAN WHAT IS PRODUCED ON-SITE SHALL BE SOLD TO THE PUBLIC FROM THE PREMISES. IT IS .UNDERSTOOD THAT IF NEIGHBQRHOOD COMfLAINTS.ARE RECEIVED, THE NATURE OF THIS HOHE OCCUPATION WILL BE-'RE~INVESTIGATED. IF THIS HOME OCCUPATION IS FOUND IN VIOLATION OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE, THE USE SHALL BE TERMINATED UPON NOTIFICATION IN WRITING BY THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD THAT APPROVAL OF THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT EXEMPT THE APPLICANT FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF ANY OTHER CITY CODES OR ORDINANCES. -};} .........Lt( q~/ '-/J1 APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE g Ca--J _^f/1"7 DA~II APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE (Owllet:,.) DATE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE ;:.. \ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PLANNING / BUILDING PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT November I, 1989 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-3753 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Applicant and All Affected Property Owners/Occupants Springfield Development Services Department HOME OCCUPATION APPLICATION The City of Springfield Development Services Department received an application for a Home Occupation Permit. State law requires that when an application is recieved all properties located within 100. feet of the subject property be notified. As part of the application review all parties who receive notice are given 14 days in which to request a hearing on this application. The hearing would allow the neighbors a chance to comment on the application and be part of the decision process. If you want to request a hearing you must do so no later than November 15, 1989. If no request for a hearing is received the Decision of the Director shall be final on November 16, 1989 unless appealed by the applicant. If the applicant feels aggrieved by the decision the applicant may appeal the decision to the Springfield Planning Commission in accordance with Article 15 of the Springfield Development Code. INFORMATION REGARDING THE APPLICATION APPLICANT: Sharon M. Bateman PROPERTY OWNER: Sherry L. Smith LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4681 Elderberry Looo. Sorinafield. Oreaon PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Home Occupation service to operate from the residence. The applicant's from clients and return them after the work is complete. The applicant is not proposing to employ any workers as part of this request. Permit to allow a bookkeeping proposal is to pick up books A copy of the application is available at the Development Services Department for your review. VICINITY MAP :-i , . ~ ~ ~L.:.~ L:.L::J L:J.:.L..:..l - , ". d t ~ L~ - ::::.:-- ~ " . . . . DECISIDN DF THE DIRECTDR The application has been approved based on the applicant's compliance with the Section 16.100(6) of the Springfield Development Code as follows: (a) 'Except for the one sign permitted in accordance. with Subsection 16.080(1) of this Article, there shall be no display which would indicate from the exterior that the building is being used for any purpose other than a residential dwelling. (b) There shall be no outside storage of materials. (c) No mechanical equipment shall be permitted except that which is compatible with residential purposes. (d) There shall be no offensive noise vibration, smoke, dust, odors, heat or glare noticeable at or beyond the property line resulting from the operation. (e) A maximum of 2 workers may be employed at any given time between the hours of 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. in addition to family members who reside at .the dwelling. (f) The operation shall not create hazardous traffic. conditions or unduly burden on~street parking areas. (g) If the proposed use requires a modification to the dwelling or accessory structure of a nature that is not typically found in residential districts, the proposed use shall be considered inappropriate and therefore ineligible as a home occupation. (h) Commercial auto repair, including but not limited to tune~ups, alignments, body~fender work, painting and detailing, and upholstering shall not be permitted. (i) No merchandise other than what is produced on site shall be sold to the public. (j) The applicant shall sign an agreement with the City acknowledging the standards of this Subsection. The applicant understands that if the Development Services Department receives a complaint and an investigation reveals a violation of these conditions the.approval will be revoked. If you wish to discuss this matter please contact the Springfield Development Services Department at 726~3759. ..-.;I \~.." ., ' . Sharon Bateman 4861 Elderberry Lp Springfield, OR 97478 Resident 4859 Elderberry Lp Springfield, OR 97478 Sherry L. Smith 112 N. 49th Street Springfield, OR 97478 Stanley Smith 112 N. 49th Street Springfield, OR 97478 Resident 4865 Elderberry Springfield, OR 97478 Resident 4867 Elderberry Springfield, OR 97478 Resident 4862 Elderberry Springfield, OR 97478 Resident 4864 Elderberry Springfield, OR 97478 Resident 4871 Elderberry Springfield, OR 97478 Resident 4875 Elderberry Springfield, OR 97478 . ~J ~pO fa.ft V\1 tU) . Resident 4854 Elderberry Springfield, OR 97477 Resident 4856 Elderberry Springfield, OR 97477 I I, I I Weyerhaeuser Co. 3/4 & Georgia Pacific Corp. 1/4 133 Peachtree St. N.W. Atlanta, GA 30303 Centennial Bank P.O. Box W Springfield, OR 97477 . ) Resident 4848 Elderberry Springfield, OR 97477 .... 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