HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-8-21 .. RESIIa-JTlAl" APPLICATWtPERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Location: 300:R\j n{lfjN n~. AsDesoors Map , S?Vl'y\(Jyr-'l'f' l cI ' Subdivision: Taz Lot # Il.mer: \-t, f:\ .r . s , ~ Ui,i"e... (()'\A.I~ Phone: Addr08S: City: UNmJ n Addition n Rcmodst n ,"obild Homo Zip: Deocribe fl'ol'k: C'xmneG+ 2. elec.J-nG 't"-Q.(.v+P'^"'f')I c~V'\CLQ..c(:' ...y- cI;'lr'--~, ..... ll90.1+-r--f 'Svlo pu---~ Value Rcce~pt ,/I (4t ;/lq ... ~ tY Siqr.ed: Data: 8nQ,~ Dato of Applicaticn Contractors . General i Plumbing I Hechanical IE~"ctrical I='c.\.Iwev'~~\ \'tf" ~\c"r.;\Y\C- '?,I!O Mfl}r:\rw laYte_ :f-,I-:geill.t'-, OZ1r..JD7,. I Suoervi'9inl!, Electr~cian /' -" _...." ::J.'1 (Cj1fS ':'5ljlf~5? "I-ll-l{1 1/i0(~{,,1 t.1 It is ths rssponoibility of tits ptl~t holder{ to 8B8 that aU inopections arB r.radtl at ths proper ~im'l that Qcoh :.ddrSBB is roadab!8 f'l'Om' tM st~..t. and that tho pormlt oar<! is locatod at the fJ"Ont of tho pJ"Opo~ty. " , .Buit.ding Dividor. approvsd plan s.hall remain on tha Buf.Zdin!1 sit:; at all tUnas. PROCEDURE FOn INSPECTION RS.QUEST.;CALL 726-3769 (recorder) stats your City designated job number, job address, typo of in3poc~icPl roquested ar.d wnen you !Jill. be ready for inspection, ContJ'"actors 01' Q.mers name and phone munbel'. Roquests l'Bceil)sd befcr6 7:00 c=:'1 r..oilL be madB the same day, requests made aftc:r 7:00 am IJill b3 made thB next :JOl'king day. " y;"~ City DBD1.gr.atad Job Nwnb.~ 10: ~ORD .<\ddress , -Lis,". II I Bldrs Board Re~. PI'on" Reauirp.d InsDl?cti(mlt O SITE INSPECTION: To be =do afte~ excavation, but prior to sot up of forms. O ' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL 8 MECHANICAL: To bs mads bstors any IJOrk is aoversd. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To bo =do aft or trol1Ohos are excavated and forme are srectad, but prior to pouring ccncrst.. o UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWE:R. w'1TER, DRAINAGE: To be 11rJde prior to fit- .Zi".g trencMs. 0, UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECRANICAL: . To be mads prior to inataHation of floor insuLation or decking. O POST AND BEAM: To bs nruIc prj..or to instal.lation of floor insulation 01' docki.... ...---:;-'__ _ _~ O /fOpGH PLUMBIffC. E(,ECTRICAV" MECH- ANICAL: No ~to"'DC coverea .until those inspections have beer. made and approved. ' FIREPLACE: Prior to pZacir.g facing material.s and before framing inspec- tion. o o FRAlaNC: Must be requeated after approvaL of rough plwrbing, alectri.- cal & mechanical. All roofing bracing 4 chimneys, eta. must bs ;' completed. No IJOrk is to be con-" , ,.' csalsd until thin irwpeoticn has . bG~~ made and apPl'Ovod. o FrtlAL PLUMBING o FINAL MEC/lANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL P o O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be I7W1de after all insul.::ti:ln cvtd " required vapor barriors aro in plaoe .' but before any lath, gypsum board or , wll. covering is applisd, and beforB - ~y inouZation is concealBd. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be nndo after aLL dryJJall is in place, , bu t prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steol location, bona beamtJ, grouting or verticals in accordancB with U.B.C. Section 24H. O WOODSTOVE: AftGr irwtallation is 'ccmpl.etcd. . O CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte:- forms are orooted but priol' to pouring .. conarete. "0' SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all ccn- crote paving within stroet right- , .of-IiXZY, to bo made after all e%ca- vating conptsto & fOml wrk & ::;ub- , base I7W1ter>ial in plaao. O !'ENCE: Who" compl&te -- P1'ovide gates 01' movablG soctions through P.U.E. ' o ,'- l~XD'ires DEMOLITION OR !,:OVED BUILDI/lGS =:J Sani Uzry seuer aapped at p~op;:rt~. tir.o =:J SBptio"l tank P'"q:rpc~ and fiU~~ lJith 3ra~d ""I pinal - When above items are ccmplstcd ---1,ar.d when demolitior. is complet' or> stru~- turB moved and prcm.sos c loaned up. Mobile Hernas :J Btocking and S.t-,p :J Plumbing con~ections -- SClJBr and watOl' ---, Electrical Conn,otion - Blocking, sot-up ~ and plumbing connections mr~st te approl),d . beforc requesting eloc:rical ins?ectio~ ~ Acaessol"J Building ---, FiruL - Aftor porches, skirting, docks, .---1 stc. O1"e ccmplBt~d. o All. pr>oject conditions, such as t'lS 1',nstaLlation of street trBes~ co.~lotiol1 of tn. requiJ"(!d landscc:pir.g, etc., must bo satisfiad bcforB the BUILDING FINAL COI1 bB raquoot:1d. FINAL BUILDING: Tho Fil1al Building Inspection muot bo roquBotsd after tho Final Plwnbina Electrical, and Mechar:ical Inspectiono hauo bSlm madG and approv.?d. 'ALi MANIICLES AND CLF.ANOUTIJ IIUST OF. ACCESS roLF., Af),/USTIfENT TO DE IIADE AT NO COST TO CITY I Pa~a of 2 I JOB NO. Ilona: Lot Sq. Ft{;. S of lot C""erag< .f of StoneD Total 1foight Topography I I TTEM IMabl I Gernce I Carno!' t I Accc800riJ SQ.FTG TOTAr, VAWE Is.D.c. fUC'UCJ 1.5 % Buil.ding Permit Stata Surchargo Total Charges SOLAR AcAs OcCUOOI1CIJ eJ. WT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-dB-aGe x Value CHARGE lITEM Futures i Residential () bath! Sanit..'1~ Sewer WatRr Plumbing Perr.:it State SurC1-.al'!J6 Total Chnrqos lITEM I Rett. So. fta. New/Extend Circuits Temporary Servico I Ele::trical Pennit Stats SUJ"charoe Total Charges lITEM I Furnace !!TU' S I /:J:hous t Hood Vent fan Jloodntove Perrrn.t I:::suanca Mechanical Pel"mit State Surcha7'C~ Total Charaeo -- ENCROACHMENT -- Ise~~rity D2003it I Storage I Maintena~e I Panni t Total Cha:rQCB Cu1'bcu:; ISideukIlk I P,m:.:e I Elec trica 1. Labsl Mobile Homs l.r....r..1 r. AMf1JJNT nnF::. NO., FEE NO. FEE CHARGE d' ) '~9- I. ~.. ~ ~c.r .f) K1 . Ci/ARGE I I I I I I I I I I. 1 I NO. FEE REQ,- Type/Car.st: ~ II II Access. I I I I I ',] L-COC'" " Bedrooms: [.,ot Faces - E:'lRre" SoarceR !leat Water !!"atN' Rang~ Firentace Wooda tove Tupp. P.r,. Nortll Enst South :Want f'2eo Setbacks 11014116 Caraqa Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted on the exproos condition that the said con3t)~ction shaLt, in alt respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZudi.ng tlls Zoning Crdinanca, ).eguLatil1g the ccnstructicn and UGa of buUdings, and m:.z.y be suopanded or revokac! at G:l:y t;,me upon vic~ lation of any pr~vioior.D of n~id Ordina'lC611. Iplan Check Date Pai.d: IRec~ipt N: ISi!l"sd: Fee: Plumbing Permit No parson DI~ll cOnstruct, install, alter or change any nnw cr ezisting plumbing or drainage systam in whole or in part, ur.les8 Buch person ia the legal pOGsoonor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do pLumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by tho appli- cant. . Electrical Perm it Where State r.a:w requires that the electricaL work be dons by an Electrical Contractor,' the electrical portion of this permit shaLL roOt be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit PLan Ua71l1..ner vat;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby cBrtify that all i.,>,;formation herson is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d al.l. IJOrk psrfo'r.'Tled shatz. bs doMe in accor- dance IJith the OrdinanaBB of tits city of sprinofield, and th.: La-.JO of tho .4 State of Ol'eg.:m psrtaining to the lJOrk cescribod herein, cnd. that NO OCCU- PANCY will be mds of any struatura r.Jithout pBrmis3ion of the Building Di- vision. I furthar certify that o:1ly contl'actol'S and e'1Tpz..,Y8~S w}:o are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this projsot Siansd Oate