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Permit Electrical 1995-12-12 (4)
~ ~.... . J~R;So.[CTION'S.p'A'/IV6"~/.o . "!;C' . Purchase. ..,. I O~GON MINOR ELECTRICAL L~EL /d/~f:I r , , ", ' Contractor's Namf' L. .~. 6R#/?hll-'m. Phone' 7tf.7. ~(,3J Supervising ElectriciaD~I'. M:/l-bhl1fllt I I {1 I., Inst. Date:'/'", (00 Job #: 'S7r:i?tJ- Job Address: /,10;<, A!f~r"5ry,;;p"'- . ~rk escriptio' TAr~f!?1{. (!/,P-f!///:f- ~~ p)( 77iiP11f"Y - ;! . Pr perry Owner, .If A-'.I1 . < A-. ~ Address:~1. ;-A-tRlltI=;1AJ .{jJL' Phone #, 0'11' ~t") . " t....;." 043526 " r ',' .~ .' '\ , ,---------.. .' ( 1'/j-~;t- ~ I~( . e /i-/I1 vj'O . /' / -' .l ,r.'l' \ /) "7'-'~7' :;7-- r, oJ<<; . , I~, 'f( . 8q;y.f" .' L ' . ,. ':) .:. '..' ..J " ..L#C- . ..:J.&J.F7C- L,cense No. CCB No. _11 p~ 'f!I License No. 1'1-73 5 ';;I_~ / ~ .L5',-/L , ". ,I;; /ql Ins!. Date: I VI l It' Job#, t;7,1.1/-. Job Address: ($64 . j;/~'S r ~rKe1iif'I . Wo.k j)<;scrip,ionj.L4'r('-hUA tJ !R/I././/;f- ~ .c:J( "1'7=&' /If)" (/jil;l-C/V"t-Od7&" " " , \ Property Owner: Jl-7J.:, c:.. .f'. A- Address:2f2aIII'. CI?-;;ei/I1-7A1 '>C\Nphone #, ..f.R.L-1. ~4~-O- . ' , ' ~.J 043527. " I, Ins!. Date: Ill} (l1b ' ., Job #: S;7~~ Job,Add~ess: /.C;'1~ ~JAI'?r 5iR~/ ' "low. ~riPtiont;;/.::; -J..&-.I{, /'/ il/llU/f- R?.Ie ~x.;n:::r~ /4'k... -tit 1="/ K ~.z:s- ' , Property. Owner,. _::a, (I ..,.~. . Addres~r{/ '~V/~-' i,)L Phone #: f,"X ,''1. rt-(JJ~ . , ~ ' 043528 i' .( ~ , . Insr.-pate, ... IJ..i q ~ . Job #: .5 7fJ. 'f' Job Address: 'ISI/ f-J/fS r ~/:1(lFe.I. _ . ork D scriptio :'IAr.:;{#-IL()./4?Jl/,U., RJ.If ~~ .' p- Pr perty Owner, ,II- (1, ,,') .~ . Address:~t:JJ, PNRIIIP':"UJ#/( Phone #,~'7, ~~ \~ 043529 Ins!. Date: 1/;:;11..0 Job #: ';:;77.4- Job Address: /C;1.-::S 'FI,q:5..r7~ { . .' W?r~)l.e!iCription' (J..//)f(1/L.//f- j-cJ,,( ~~ 1.d..€f.1'A- C"lk '-t.-Hp" . Propert)' Owner: ~.A-. , Addres' /"flIlteJ./1 '<l)~ Phone #: .J;;X7. 1.!..ot(.cJ 043530 . I - - . I J,U~ISQICTION~,t?.R/R6,a-_6. .-: " Purchase:re ~/J1/45 I- '- OTEGON MINOR ELECTRICAL LABEL ' Contractor's Name: .L/l /l;ltll6hlJ:1til 4/'-' 'License No. ,.;{tJ .Y7C- Phone, 74-7,~f/3f _' , ,/ 'CCBNo 0%6'1'9 Super~;sing Electriciat.MJIf t 13/",; him ~ L. Li:/L., License No. 1'1:73 5 ., " -'" ,- - I ., I ;'\ ,~ '-. , ' ",,:' '~.''b ~ '.,'. , "~ ".:.\. .\ .~' " , -'\., ~ ., ''Ii " L .~! 0,1-' -.J , Inst.Date: Itl~!'1/P' . Job#' s,,?,q.. , Job Address:"91~.c,~ . ~rk-Description' .. V ('1/~/ln~~ ~ .c-.)(,_,;h::-;l'/A'i::.. t '111,,1- ')::'/K .d T Pr~p;r~y O~n~r: :~. JJ. . f'. <'.It- " . Address>>!' 1.t1. r~t/( '/IPlJ.J ,ot'('Phone #: 4f7' ~/? ff1!,::' 043531 ./ ,~/q / Inst. Date: 'I {il t?.. Job #: . c;7,;1. f ' Job Address: /ft.tY1 ~/~srC7~...,--/ . . Work Oe,:i" riPtionJj' r:A./.,:; 'A-tz (I../Je;?.uA'~ rtJl'f EX ~ tD-.. !-IflU- P"/J( 'M? P" _, ' " Propertr,9wner- . ~ JI'. ..'i . A- - AddresS'VO C{) ;=:A-t/7jl {~";J ~Phone if: u.Y1 , ~O~L- N 043532 : I' " q.l r. I I ' , . Inst. Date: .' I I .'" V/ J ob#: .5 7.?J 9'- . Job Address: A/J '/ ~t!fJ}.r -')f?('=-, . , WorkD2cr~ionbA/O:::; t!./ff'I'UL,r ,R?,Ii( €"X.7'C!::X'/Lbr_ l.Jflf/r~V.r t(.~,' ' Property Owner: /f.. A ,(I ..e;-, ,A- Address~ 1A1.11J~J//P.7A1 .[)~ Phone #/.J( 1. t f(J?1;) , ,-.f! 043533 I , . I Inst. Date: llllf 1l1f.t,:> _ '.l\>b #: C, 7d.4- Job Address: r "::::>'./1'- . , , W,o,k Dp'I"iption' / I'U/t?JI-U?-r- HJ,K( 1::::.,( 'TEK'/tJ-'?- UClI1, P/,K "/ V. .f ProlertY.,9w"ne~' - 'I ~. /r . ,/ - /,\ "1 Addre"oJ,1 liJ /~r"rI"'!._ILL;'>U J~ Phone #: Jf21:J - ";H/!(../ ~4 043534 I I.. / Inst.Date: IfNI'Il?_ --- JO~: ~1~4- . . J6bAddress: ~I ("..,lJ '1 r/ I<t;>t <? '~ ~..;'i1fl'i'1J"'tr;;;/n/.~ h1K k.X ~/4(' Property owner:~ I , .. , , - . ~~ z7Z1 Address:~ //J. - ) J)Je Phone #. raJ7' ?-. <",7- ., '" ~ '::. 043535