HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-1-20 .. RESID~T1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 9?4?? BuiZding Division ?26-3?53 . i ,l . . Job Location.: (", s g ~~~ ...9,.:1. \"1 n3~14~ (X) zo i GJtu.dl,~L ~~.yJ f.c <;'6 -:;11.;'~.vJ.1+ Phone: ),~U/J. Zip: ~-dl ..J~ ~ , ~.1f-,~ (jJ~ 1- 2-0 - <6 ~ Value ,4 ~ (J-CJ ASG68aOra ,\lap # SubdiV"~8ion: CuneI': AddreS3: City: , i ~:itiCn ~emo.i'l n .~!obi.La Bt:r.l3 Date- of AppLication {,:ontractors Irlmsra I nwnbing I Electrica L I ,~",har.ica I I. Constructi011 lender - rJ......,.-~ J-lA "..... Tc;; Lot Ii 7'-17-/381 97i{77 Describe ~'ork: Addres3 . Rcae~Dt " 13 UJo30'l ~ yio - 1$,00 ,r; 0 -.,111<) GO - Sigr.ed: Date: r;ir!.- /- 2..0.9,:5 Lise. tI Phon~ Er:1irC8 It is tJuJ rssponllibiZiey of ehll permit holdc to 8S8 that alt. inapections cu>e r.:ade at :hs proper timc~ tr.at ~h -=ddrSS8 is readab~B fl'OM ths street, and that the permit aard is 1..xated a.t the front of the property. "8ui!.dir.g Viuiaior: approt:sd plan shatt r6rlain.on tho Bui.t.di1tf1 Sit:; at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION 8B:OUEST~CALL 726-3769 JrccordeP) state YOUI' City designated job ~berJ job a&cssJ typa of ir:3pac:icn rsquestcd a~d when you ~iLL be ~eady for inspection, Contracto~8 or ~~B~8 nc~a and ~hor.e number. R~quSSt8 rsceived oafero 7:00 ~ :.'iZl. be mads th.: same day, requssts made a~ter 7~OO am flliZl. be made the next :JOrkin.; day. f) . Your City. Desigr'JJtcd Job Nwnber 10: <6 S () ~CS .q,.mn:":J'd'-. T'1.ft'2"'p':-ir.J't'l O SITE INSPECTION: To be rrwie after . ucavation, hut prier to set up of forms. D . UNDERSLAB PLl.},~fBING, ELECTRICAL & J'.fECHANICAL: To be made bsfore any work is covered. D: FOOTING ~ POUNDATION: To be r.ruis after trenches ar9 ucavated and forms are erectad, but prior to pouring ccncret~. UND~GROU!!D 'p~UMBrNG, SEWe:~. W.1TER, D.rMIflAGE: To 06 made prior 'to fil- L i7".g trsrIChes. D'. o UNDERFl.OOR FLlp.SfllG & JfEC!1ANICAL: To ba l1ItUi.8 prior to instaLl.ation of ficcr insu z.a cion or dscking. POST AND BEAM: To be ",mil: prior to instaUaticn of {toor insulation or clseki"!; . ROUCH PU1MBI!lC. Er..ECTF?ICAL & UEC8- ANICAL: No :Jork is to be cOL'ered until thcse inspections r~v€ beer. made and app!':Jued. FIREPLACE.. Prior to ?Zc.c-;.,..g fc:aing materials and before framing inspec- tior.. D FRAJ.~ING: Must bB r9queoted af:er . . approvaL of rough plwr.bing, el.scm- ool of mechanical. AlZ. roofir..g bracing & chimneys, et.::. r.t'-,st be ; oomPZ9tcd. No IJOrk is :0 be con- -'" cea.Z~ until this insoection has "b6~ roo.tk and approt,'ed. O. D, o D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER I.'lSPECTIOI/: To bB rmde after alL insul..::tion a:".d .'. required uapor ba::rriers a:t'e in p l.aae . . but ee1''o1'e any lath, gypsum board or 1oXtl.l. covering is apptied, and b6fol'e any ir'.3uZation is concealed. DRY'''/ALL INSPECTION: To be made after all. d:rywll. ia in pZacs, but prior to any taping. O MASOIVRY: Stesl ZacationJ bomJ beam3, grou :ing or v6l'tica La in a.........." i.....ce lJith U. B. C. Section ~15. WOODSTOVE: After installation is CCmplBt~d. o o CURB & APPROACH AP,9.0N " Afte:, foms are erected bu t priOl' to pouring .::oncrete. SIDE:WALK & DRIVEWAY: Fol' all. aon- crete paving within strect right- of-waYJ to be made after aU exca. vating compLete & fo~ work & ~ub- base ma:terial. in place. DE!.fOLITION OR :.,'OVED 3l/ILDIiiGS :J Sani:cry Sfl"..JBr ~appsd ::t ~opcrt":i Zir.s :==J Ssptic tank r~~ud ar4 fiZ.Z.~~ with gr~~el ---, Pinel - f\?um c:.Xue ite::-:s arB co:~r:1l.et6d ~ ar.d when d~~itior. is compz.ete or s~~=- tu.....e moued and pr~mi3es cZ.e.::ned u.p. I MobiLB Hcmes ~ Bl.ockinq a:nd Sat-:"p ~ Pl.ur.".hi~ connec::ions .- s.QJGr and watsr ---, electrical Ccnr.ection - Blocking, sst-up ---1 and plumbing conr.SCtiOI1S r.r..:st te appr:Jl.:.d before !'8quest~ng stsc:rical inspsc:io~ :=J AC~eS30l";i Building I Fir.:::.'i - After ,?:Jrcr.eB, sk~rt~r:g, decks, --J etc. are cc.mpZe:.d. D All project conditionsJ GUC.l.: as the install.a.tion of street trees, c,:j,":?Zoti.:m of tite rsquirsd landsccpi.,..g, etc. J must be satisfied bcfore tr.e Bf..IIUJING FINt?<L can be raquBstad. 0' FIliAL PW/.I/JIIIG o FINAL MECHANICAL 0: FINAL ELECTRICAL o o FINAL BUILDING: Tho Final Building Inspection r.1U8t be roqusoted aftar tho PinaZ Ptwnbi"3 ELectricaL, and Neahar.iccl InspoctiontJ naVel been made and approued. D o D ~t"f:NCE: Whar. comp L.ete -- Proovide. gates or .~able secticna through P,U.E. "ALL MANHOLeS AND CLEANOUTS MUST Be AcceSSIBLE, ADJUS7:!EI,/T TO 9E WIDe ,!T NO C~ST TO CI'!'Y I P~gi1 oj' 2 .- ,'- Paga 2 I JOB NO, S~O~g~ SOLAR .ESS REQ,- I Zone: Occu:oancl! Cl'OU.'O: Lot Sq. Ft;. ,; oj! Zot C.:;verag& #- of Stories Total Height Topography I lITEM lM:::in: , Gerace 1 C~crt l"':ccesso~1 I I Is.D.c, SQ.FTG TOTA[, VALUE IVCt..~C) 1.5:: Building Permit State Surciu;aoge Tota Z Cha....ges !ITEM Fi.:rtta>68 Residential [1 bath) I Sani ta.ry Sewer Water Plumbing Perrr:i t State Surcha_""ge TotaL Cha:rass lITEM I RRs. Sa. fta. I N6IJIExtend Circuits I Temporary Service Ele~tM.cal Pt11."'mit State Surcharqe Total, C'haIoces lITEM ! furnace PTU' S I E::::haust Hood I Vent Fan Waodstove Permit Issuance M6Chanic:zl Permi t State Surchc:t-ae Tn'tnl r.har!:JR!J - cNCROACBME.""T -- I Ssc-mt'l! De'Oosit I Storage I Maintenance Pa:rr.rit Total Charaes I Curb"". I si.dewlk IFe~e I EZectri.ca Z I Mobile Home we I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: * LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-de-aaa NO. I ,YO. ' fEE I NO.' FES I I I I I x FIT Value I I I I I I I I I I I I ,. I , I I '51) () I I I I I , . CHARCE . (;, 0 I '): (0 U -7l/(. (1)0 . L-COG~ T.:roe/Cor.st .. Bedrooms: I Lot Faces - I I P.L INorth lEast ISOl'th IWest I Access. I I I I EneralJ Sources Heat Water' Hea~~,!, Range FireDl.ace I I Wood:; tot:e II TUrJe Setbacks House I Cmoaqe I I Fees I I I I Building Value & Permit This pel'm"~t i::; groanted on the express condition that the sdid. construction ShaUl in all r>espccts, conlol'm to the Ordinance .::doFted by the City of Springfield, incLuding the Zoning Ql'd~nance, r>egulctir.g the const~!ctien and u::;e of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upon vie. Lation of any pr~vi3ion8 of saip Ordir~ces. IPlan Check Fee: ICata PaU!.: I Recdpt #: I Sigo:ed: Plumbing Permit No person ::;hall construct, instalZ, a~ter 01' change any r~w or e:isting plumbing or drainage syst6n in ~hole or in part, unless such porson is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a person may do plumbing work to property which is awned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State [JG1JJ requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Slectl'ical Contractor, ths elec~al portion of this pel't1lit shall. r.ot be vaZid until the label has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit ;/ P?an E.:::am.ner I..'ate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA!1INED the completed application for pe1"mi~, and do hereby certify that all info~.ation hereon is true and correct, and I f.a>ther certify that any ar.d all work pertor:ned shaZl be done in ac!:ol'- dance :.lith the Ordinances of the City of Sprin.gfici.d., and th~ La'..:s of tha .. State of Oregon pZl't.:zining to the work described herein, end. that NO OCCU- PANCY will be m:zde of any structure withou.t parmissio:1 of the 3uilding Di- vision. I further ce:t'tif~' that o':1ly cont1'actors a:r.d 84Jl.:;yees who are ir: ~pZiance with QRS 701.055 wiZZ be used on this project I I. ~~ /-2.(') ~X' '< Date / Signsd