HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-1-28 .. RESltlNTlAL': APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spri~~fieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job [.oc~tion; t, G1 f;:..... VI e w (t- ABt...O"O Xap ,I \ I) r\ ~~ 4J 4(~ SuhdiiJisicn.: o;o_""e..- /" h'n"\l,.\ (' L...JJ1I , Add.....ess: / (, ~ r .r {- 10 ~ I-!iwl/lp~ Cit:j: t:" V'J__, ,t:; " , La l,J ~ n n Ivl n '/"., SPRINGFIELD T= [.ot # ()!l({)() Phone; 7 <j 7> J I~ /, Zi;?: Describe r,'Ol'l<.: ~.~~;T +0<<1. d.""af"- fo P""l .- Addi ticn Remodlll .'!obi!2 !lama Cate of .4pplicaticn .\ v-... J. tf' _ jl} f] :"on::rac:ors GeneraL lh,^~ Co"S'~'U"+'O" r.- Plumbinq ~!ectl'ica! U 'n I J.. y \ F /,,- NQchar.ic=l CO"8t~~ctio" L~nder Value ] Db 0 AddJ"'es3 .+'r.rt'\.rY" TI 1::v9 . Rcce:.;,.; ,>I. l~o3d.q ?. ([1 I...~n >.~[I' b"J (j/ Siqr.ed: Date: (l J.nrk l-dR-^'~ Lise. 11 17/\ E::oil'CS Phone /, J-f- ~-...)of J"e tf- .1'7 f.../!..,- - 0 f>'v ft. is the respcmoibiZi:y of' ens pel"'Tfit holder to see that all irwpectior..s are .~adB at :he propel' time, that ~ch ::.dCres3 is rea.:::a.;:ii1 f~ tha street, and that the permit card is Located at the front of the property. ~3ui!di~.g v-:vi:::io!': cpProL'ed Fl.an sr.::::U re-J".ain on tho Eu.-::Zdin.g ~it~ at aU times. P.70CEDU,~~ F'OR INSPECTIOtl .:?!"OllE'ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City .:ie8igr~ted job nur.:ber~ JOO acc.rcss, tY~6 of ir..::rpec:icn raquesr;ed a:--.d lJhen you lJiZZ, bo :-eady lor inspcction~ Contractors or Ol....ne:-8 r.c:.me er.d ~r.one number. Requests recllit:ad csfcr. 7 :00 c:":': :.'iZl. 001 made the same dc.y, requests mc:de afta' 7:00 a"n wizz. ba mad.e the next :.JOrking day. ~'tr!"~:"~'! i-'l.~,,"f:~:r.n~ O C:i'l"t' "'JSP-{""''O''''/ T' - ...1__.!.. ~w__'..I1.: 006 maae e.::cavation. ,:,U': prier t~ set forms. o after up of UNDFRSL~B PLV.'..'3!.VG. EDEC7'.9IC.IL1 ,~!ECii..l.."'ICA[.: To be maaiJ be:o~e work is ~ovcred. o FCOTI;'JC ~ FOU/.'DAT:CN.' To be r.r:ui.e aftar ~renches are ~c~Jated ar~ forms are arectad., but prior to pourir~ ccncret~. o U.VDZRG.'::!GU.'.'D p:'u.'.f7!n;G, SE':.tF:R. iJ.1TE'.~~ o.rUIllAG2: To 001 ma::e p1""~OI' :-0 fi. l- z.ir.g trer.chss. 0' UNDERFLOOR r>!:.U....'SI:JG -1 N::CHANICAL: To be maCs prier :0 :,n3tat.L.;:Zt-:.on of [Zoor insulation or decking. P'JST .4UD 3EAU: To be r..adc pr"ior ~ instal.l.aticn of fl,oor i7'.3l.6la:-ior. or deck>.". o o POUGH ?!..,rr.~E I.'.fe, ~'!..2C':'.~:!CAL ,~ .'.f€CR- ~: .';0 '.ior~ -::.3 :;0 be cOt:area ur.til ::r.esa ~r~~e~~ior.s ~-V~ =€er. ~~e er.d ~p~?ve~. Fn:xLACE: Pr--:.or ~ pl.ccir.g f'~cina mc:tariaz.s ar.d before frar.nr.g inspec- tion. o o PFlA.'~I."G: ,\fust:;e roeq-.le.::r::ed. c:f'tozr appI'ov...L of rough pZur..bing, aZectr.:.- caz, ~ mecr.ani.:aI... At! r'Ooj:.l"'.g braair~ ~ chimncys~ Bt~. ~~St be . cOI'TrOZs:cd. .'/0 ~l'k is to be C011- .. cea:Led ur.ti L this insvec:icn r.as . been mad2 end approL'ed. Your City. Dssigr.atcd Job Nwnber Is: o INSULAT!ONIVAPO.9. BARRIER I.'1SF1f:CTIGU: To be made after all insuZ,ati.::ln w..a reouired vat'oI' ba::rriel's are in vl.a.ce but before ~y lath, gypsum beCre or !.X%l.Z. covering is cpplied, :r.a. betore cr.,?! insulation is concealed. <6~DYv~ DEUOLITIOtl OR ;~:~:lV~; 3UILDIi.'CS :J Sani tary 8e'..Jer ~ap?ed ::t p~op.!'ty Zir.a ~ Septi~ tank p~~cd ~~ f-::Z,Zad with ;r~~e~ :J PinG.l - rrn.en G.bcve .;te.~s are Cc!~:"Zeia:c and when ie~l:.tior. is c~?late or st~A~- t~~e moved ar~ prc.mises ~Le~nad up. ;\tobila Hcmes =:J BLoaking and Sat-up =:J Plumbing cor.nect~on8 s~sr ar~ wa:~r ~ EZcc~;cal Ccnr.ect:.on - Blockir.;, set-up --.J a.nd pZumbing com:ections ~.:.st t., c:p;r!,~:,,',d before request-::ng aZsc,:ricaZ insp6c=ia~ .=J ACCeS3(hJ; 3ui.l.:::.r.g ::J Fin:::.l - ..lft;;'l' ;:;rcr.1i3. etc. are Cc.mpL8=~d. aK~:'':-:'r.g, dec;".s, cny O DRY'''ALL INS.P~CT!ON: Tc be ma.ce after all. drywall. is in place~ bur; prio!' r;o any taping. o z.ocatior.~ card or verticals in U.E.C. Sect-:..an HASO;'Ji?Y.' Steel bac:3~ srcuting a:::cordance 1J"~th 241S. '".iOODSTO'IE: After instaLlation is CC::TpZ,2~(;d, o ALL projec,: cor.ditions, ~~ch es ~he ~ns:aZLar;ian of s~reet :ree8J :~~!a;~:;~ of :;he requiI'ed Zandsccpir.g, etc., .'i:Ust ,:,S satisfied 00:;01'(1 tr.e 3UIL[)I,~'G i'D.'A!. ~an ::e rsqus!Jt.zd. D. FnIA!. P!.U:.!3I:JG 0, FI:IAL :.fEoEA:IICAL o FI.'1AL EE,Ec:'RICA:' ,=:J ~ PINAL BUILDI.VG: The Final au:i.lding !r.s?6ction ,-us: 04 requested =/=61' ~~e .:'-:'1""::1. ?l:.t..~bing Elacerica!~ end Necr~~icaL Inspections hava been made ar~ appI'CU8C. o o CURB & APP,r:WACH _4.?o/JN: Aftar' fOt"i./s ae erected but Pl"'';'or to PO"dring .:!On::rete. SID~WALA d DRI:1ITiAY: Fol' all ccn- crer;e paving lJithin stre~t right- Of-r.::=Fb to ~c made ",after a~!. exc:;- vat-:..na ccr.rol..e::e & ;o~ !..1Ol'}( & .;uo- base ,~tsM:al in pl.a.::e. ~A['[' NA,'/HCLES AND CLEANOUTS .'fUST BE .J.C~ESSI3['E. ADJUS";,'!Z::T ':0 32 ,',~'lDZ :!T NO ~:S'I' T? CI':''! I P-=.'=il of 2 o o :?NCE: ~er. compl~t~ -- Proviae gar;as or moVable' 3Qc:icns through P.U.E. o ~~ ?::ge 2 I JOB NO, 8'3ot.Jto4 ' SOLAR .ESS REQ- I i :C1':e: GCC"..loanc:J GI'OU::i: l!.at Sq. Ftg. ~ Jf r~: Caueraq: ,~ of StOl"";SS Totar Height I I Topoqro:;hy I II'!'!:.J I"kl~n I~.':ca I I C..:r:'~r: I, r ..tc:::eS3~r".J I I SQ....'!'G 'Z'OTAL i'ALUE Is. D.C. I I :;a~z.l{;) 1.5 ;: Zuil.ding ?~~t State Sut'ch::U"ge To:al ~r.a..-ge3 , I~,,~ IFi...~es 18esid.ential (l Isc:r.f.t.:J.l"':f SeLJer I iJc~e.." I I ,','0. I both) Plumbing Perrm. t State Surcr.a:rge Tatal cr.c:!"ces III'E,'.f ,va. 1 I.'?es. Sa. fta. I N3lJIErtend Circui ts I Temporary Service Ele~trical Pe~~t St::te SU1'~ha:ra8 Total Citarces 1""'1 :~c~ I E=haust I Vent Pan ?fU'S Hood I.-ie., I I iloods :o:Je Perr.ri.t 13stu:nc8 Mecr.anic.::.l Perr:r;t StattJ Su:rcharaE: '1'" ~r 7, rw:-"1tr!J ~:lCR;;ACHX!:,'7' lSe~..lritu DZ~03it I Storaqe I Na~nt~~e I Permi t Total. C"ttar'1cs Cur';C'".l~ S'ideL.Ul,< I t Yen.::e , El.ac:r:.cal. , ! ,\foci le Hame !c1;e l 1 TOTA!. ANOU.'IT DUE:" LOT T':!?E Ir.-c2!"ier Corner Panhandle C'..ll-de-sac x Value I I I I I I I I, , ;";JL/r)D1 ,9(01 2-4,%/1' CHARGE C,i'AilGE ..~:' CHARGE ,:;l;;,.lj . q { () . , L-cociO} T.:{oeICor.st:: 3ec.z.oOn':s: La t:: Faces - I I Enerau Sour~es I I .'ieat i I II II II II -;'.re-e Setba:!,~s I Corace ! Access. P.[., House l!loreh lEan So:,;.:n I...s' ilate!' :.tp.a-:~l" Range F'irev~ace WGoa~to:Js Fees Building'Value & Permit This pe~t io granted on the e=press ~ondi.tion. that the sa'id, C'onst!'Ucti.on shall. in all respects, ~onform to the Ordinance adopted oy the Ci.t~ of Springf":eld, :na!:.<ding the Zoning Crdi.r.ance. l"eg'.A.lc.ting thlil ccnsc!':tC'ticr. and use oj buildings. and m~y b~ Juopended or revoke~ at cr.y ti.~e u;on vie- lation of any pr~visior:s oj said Ordir.ances. IPlan Check I Vote Pa~d: IR.a.~pt #: ISigo:ed: Plumbing Permit Fee: No perfi!on ::;ha.tt construct, instal!. a!ter or change any rr.ew 01' e=is:ing plumbir4 ~1' drainage system in ~hole or in part. unless such ~ersen is tr~ legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e=cept tr~t a person may do plumbing ~ork to properr~ which is owned. leased or operated by the appli- cant. ./ I I, I I I I I I I, I I I I I Electrical Perm it Where State U:w requires tr~t the electr'"~cal work be done by an. Electrical Contractor, tM electrical portion of this permit shatt roOt bs valid until. the label has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit I I I I I 1 I, I I J pt.an ~t.ner L.'at"a I HAVE: CAREFULLY EXA.II.fINtD :h.e compLatad C?p1.ica~ion for permic, end do hereby certify that aLL in;o~t~on hereon ~s trua ard correct. ar~ I t.a':herr ceI't~f"'d that any ar.d all work ;erfor:ned shatz. oe done in ac~or- dance ~th tha Ol'din.::zn.ces of the City of Springfield. and ;h~ Ur..;s oj Ch3 State of Drea"n oaot..:inina to the lJOrk desc"!"'~bcd here~n. c:r.d :ha:: NO OCC:J- 2/'.1/C1 wilZ od nr:.d.e of czny~ seruC:::.u"8 without permis3ior: oj" tho =uiZdir.g 0--;- vision. I further ~eI'tif~ tr~t only ~ontra~tQra ar.d ~l"Y6es Wr~ arg in c~pliance with CRS ?Ol.0S~ wiZl be used en this proj~ct ~ ~ ~A.J- ~';"- ~ {1I;J I, / '5ign2d