HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1983-2-2 .. RESI.NTlAL': APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Sprir~fieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ---U6 '::}L..C-:L. ~lo-c.U-t -1> 0$ u.i ]/!"IP1?' ~r.one' q I.{;} - 'is I Cs, S ,Q,..fi 6" , ~,___~ jPjI#,iP: 'CL,'...)C{97S'77 Job !.oc~ti.on.. loCo?, 1~ ..l.saeSGor= ,\!ap ,~ sw,di.uisic'1: c-..."rlel': Add....es3: City: M n n n '1"',J Additicn. e~ Remodel .'!OO-:.l2 .=lama r'a:e of Appli::a:icn ~'on:rcc:o!'s Genera l numbing Electrical. NllChar:ic::.l. R;Hl-" ?\lLL Const~~c~ian L~ndel' SPRtNGFlELC ," T= [,at .. Describe fl'ol'k: C?~ ~~'--' Value Addres3 , :'U.' '7(;) <;;032-1 or"' '~-: :t ~AiU' . Rcce,"o" f{ 60 '3 (g / ~ (j)~ 170 J-~ IS". 00 ,{,o 'Ul /S''6 cJ Sigr:ed: Date: oiL- ';:;-.;J.-R ~ Giac.# ~il'CS ~?O('J fj.R~/S'.": ctJ.t::t ~ .J::k~ Phon.e It. is :he 1"6SpOTlOibiZi:y of ens pen:Ti.: holder to see that at! inDpectionB are .-::ade at :he propel' tim6:~ that ~h :.d.drSS3 is l'sa.::a..;Za from eha street, and that the po.rr.rit cxrd i.s l..xated at the f1"07tt of the property. "3ui!di~.g v:.ui::io:". rzp;:l'tn:ed pLan s;..::z.z. remain on tho Eu:::Zding ;it:; at ~Zl times. P.70CSDURE .:"OR INSP!CTION .::'SQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) stata yOUI' City desigr.a.ted job nur,:be1'"~ J'ob cu::crcss~ type of ir.3pec-:icn ra~~e8tcd a~d w~en you wilL be ~eady for ir~pcction~ Contractors 01'" ~~e~s r~e ar~ ~hor.e ~cr. Requests recei~ed Gefere 7:00 ~ :..'iZl O(l mads th€ scme dc.y~ requests mc:.de afta' 7:()O a:n IJ'iZl be made the nut :JOrking day. O~,"liroA. ~~~~o~{ir.r? O c:......CO "'IS"~r"'"''''''' T - - ...1.":_ ..:. r:'J~_'",j.: 0 tJ6 mac.e excavati~n. but prier t~ set forms. o after up of WJD::RSr.;3 P!.l':'v3I.VG. Ff...2C':'.::'ICAL ~ .~.'ECF.:...:r[c;.[.: To be ",.ado befoI'd any work ::s ~ovcred. D FCOT:?iG ~ FOU,'lDAT:C,V: To be ::w:.e after :renches are e:cxJated Gr4 ferms are 2rected~ but prier to pouring c~ncre:... [] U.'!DZRG.o/JfJ:.'D ?:";;.'.CD'G. SE;.!2R. :t.1TE'R. DP.A1."'AG2: 70 be rrr;:;e prior' :0 fi.~- Ur.g :rer.cr.s.s. o UND'ERP[.aOR P!JJ.'..'E[;lG ~ :.r::r:HA.VICAL: To :;6 maCe prier to -::n,nclL.:J:t~on of ficoI' insuZa:ion or decking. P()ST AND 3cAU: TO:'6 rr:ad.c pI""";or to inStall..;;~icn ot {Zaar ir.st.;la::{'cr. 01'" decki"!;_ D r:;r-'"R~f~CH. :~r-\:9!.':G, ,E';E~,'?I~:!: {:'-fEC,V- ~ ~, .,a :.,ar;: ~a ~O 0", car;el'ea w::iZ .;r.csa :1".3::::eO':ior.s h...-v€ ~eer. made ~.d -=??r~:;e.:, O FI.::::?L~CE: Prior;o pZadr.g f"c.c-:.ng mc:t<JMals ar.d b.lo1"s frar.rir.g inspec- tior., o FR.4..'~I.'lr;: .'~st ~e -:oec;ue:s::ed c:./,:al' approu~i of ro~gh pLur.~ir~~ ~Zectr::- caL j :::ec;..an~al. ,H~ roal::r.g bracing ~ chi,T.n~Ys~ Bt~. ,~~St be .comola:cd. ~a ~rk is ta ~~ con- o cec.i..d ur.:il :hia i~svec:icn r.l1S . b.~n ,rode end appr~n:ed. Your Cit;o~. Desigro.atcd .lob Numbor Io: D INSULATION/VAPOR EARRI'EFl [HSF~C':'IC!l: To be rrade a.fter all. inS"~Z,:;twn w.d rClf~ired vapor barriers are in place but before any lath~ gypsum bcazod or wlZ covering is c=ppl.ied, c.r.d oefore any insulation i3 concealed, g..:- 7"-/ Q3oL/IoY D DRyr../ALL nlSP::CTION: Tc be r.:ae9 af~el" alL dr-:JWalZ is in pl.ace~ bu t prior to c:ny taping. DFUOLITION OR ;~:OV!:; SUILDli.~CS :J Sani;ard Se".JBr =apped :::t ~op.rt-:i lir:a ~ Septi~ tank p~~ed ar.d f~llad with gr~~_Z ::J p::nal - r/hen a.bcve ite,~s a:re cC:i:r:iZatlZc ar.d ~hen .:~l~:ior. is c~?iate or st~~~- ture moved ar~ ?~~;3SS ~le~nBd up. NobiZa Ec:::es =:J Blockir4 and Sat-~p =:J Pl~~ing connec:ions .- sc<usr ar~ water ~ 'Elect~;cal Ccnr.ection . BLockin;~ set-~? ---1 and pZumbing c.7n~ectians r.r...st be C?P~~~.d be;ore request~ng a!Bc:~;cal inS?6c:io~ =:J Ac~esse~'~' 3uiZ.;.~r.g ::J Fin.::.l - Aft;;r ;~rcr.esJ stc. are c:::::pl.:o=d. sk-:':'t":'ng~ dec;'..3J o ,~SO!h?Y: Steel locatian~ bond bear.r3~ grou:ing or ver::icc.ls in accorcanc6 ~~th U.B.C. Section 2415, ;';OODSTOVE:: Aftar i.nstaLlation is ac::rpl,c.ted. D ALL project cor.d~t~;o~3~ 3UC~ as er~ ~ns:allatian of street =raes, :~~Zo~i.~n of :~ required LandscC?ir.g~ etc. ~ must be satisr':,.cd betore tr.e BUIUJI:lG F[.".'AL ~an be r3Cj"~3s:.:ld. D, FItlA! PLU;".f8!.,..d f~. FI:tAL .'.!E~H:":lIC:"L O. PI.'lAL !!.EC':'RIC/.:' ,0 o FIRAL BUILDING: rr.e Fincl BuiLding !~s?ec::ion ,'-USt be reque3ted ~f:ar ehe :":'r~~ Pl~bing Electl'icaZ.~ C1'li Necr.a.."'".icc:.l Ir.speCCu,n3 have been :r:ade ar.d =?prctl~:i. o D CURB & AJ'PRCACH _4P.r:QN: Afte:o forr.ls as 81'6Ctad but p~;or to pco..tr';ng oon.::l"et6. SIDEWALl( & DRn'EWA1: For azz. cen- crete paving wiJ;h~n street right- oi-I.JX:.Y~ to be mad6 a;'ter alZ ezcc.- tlatina comvZe::e & fo~ ~rk & ~ub- base ,~teM:aZ in pZa.~e. .ALi:, NA:','HCf.ZS AND CISANOUTS ,'!U$T B'E ..l.C::ESSIELE, AEJUS7'.'!E:,'T TO 3E :.::liiE i!T t,'O -::S;: T'J CIT! I ~""a of: D o :!NCE: ~er. ~~l~t~ -- Provide gates or ,':?ovab te 3ec"ticns through P.ll.E. o 'i>,>o 4(D~ I JOB NO, US jm~ SOLAR eESS ! :C1'!a: Lot Sq. Ft;;. ~ :)f lot Caverag& # of St01"";es :'ota!' Height " I Topog",,?hy I lITE.'! 1."1::':" I SQ.FTG l~~C2 I 1Wr::~l'e i, r ..tCCeS3or:, 'i'OTAL ;'ALliS Is. D.C. 1.5::: (I"U:::'Uo;j Building ?errr::. t State SW'ch:1!"ge To::aZ Cr.a.......ge3 I ITEM I.'ID'I Fi...-tw'es Residential (1 bath) I Scr.itary Sewer< I "'c~e.." I Plumlr;ng Perr::i t State SUl'cr.arge Total C1tcraes , ITEM l.ties. Sa. fta. I N~/E%tand Cil'CU'i ts I Temporary Servioe 1"0. I I - 'I Electrical Pe~t State Sta'~harao Total. C'n.a:t'ces I I7.'~.'.f I ?:.a-r.ace ETU'S I E.=~8t Roo.:. I Vent Pan ilaodstO:;6 ','IC'I I Pe.."'m'it ISBUanCa Mf/:::;..arric::Z ?8mt State. SuroJu::rai: T"tr..l C1tcr"]ttD G.'/CRCACHNE:!'!' IS' . I e~~~~tu Da=03~t I Stol'~ae I Ma~ntmta1"_:e I Pcrr:tt:'t I Total Cha1"7CS I Cur.?C'..lt I Sidewa'l.J<. I !'.""e I EZ"oo"ioal "",,,Z J 5 q I C- , j,Vacilo H.x:6 I !OTA!; ANOU:!T DUE:' CCC'.J.::anc:J GrO".t::;: LOT ,!"f?! Interior" Comer Pc:nhandle C"wl-de-sac X Value FEF: CHARGE :;-::'::0 I I I C"ARGE I 1/,"),001 I I I I I I , . . (00 1/<,.c,cJ F2E ,I CHARCE .2.() 15,~D P::qe 2 REQ,- . L-COG~ T;'f)e/Cor.3t: 3edr.,oms: &at Faces . I I ~nerau Sour"es I I Heat Access. f I 'ilater' _::t?a~~l' I I Ran.qe I 1 ::'ireoiace I I woodoto:;e II !:J~e P.:". Setbacks I House Caraoe I I I lIor'':.h. East South [;;"'est Fass I I I I I I I I Building Value & Permit This permit ic granted on the e=presB condition that the sdid. constl"'..a:!:ion shalt, in all respecta. conform to the Ordinance adopted by the Cit: vf Spl"ir.af':.eZd. ~:ncl:..dina the Zonina C'rd-:.r.c.ncB, rea'..I.tc:ti/:a tite COr:st:>:I':::'Cr: ar~ ~;e of buildingsJ~and m~y ce~ aucper~ed or r~uoked ~t cr.y t~Ne ~;~r: vie. Latier! of ~y pr~visior.s of said Ordir~ces. ,., I Ptan _ r;h;lJck Date Paid: IReo<ipt #: IS::g.,ed: Fee: Plumbing Permit No perean chalZ construct, ins~l!. atter or change any r~w Cl' e=~st~n~ plumbing ~r drainage sYBte~ in ~hole or in part, unless suah person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e=cept tr~t a person ma~ do pl~bing ~ork to proper~J which is owr~d, laased or operated by the appli- cant. ../ I , . Electrical Permit Where State La1J requires tr.at the electr"';caL work be done by an ELBatroical Contractor, the electrical _por~ion of thia permit shall roOt bd vaH.:: until the ZabeL nas been signed by the ELectrical ~ontI'actor. I I I I I I I I I I Mechanical Permit " ?~an Z.::::....--m..nel' L.'Q:::.a , . I I I I I HAVE CAREE'UU.Y EXANIN~D the con:pZated ::.;;pZication j'or permit. end do hereby certify that all injo~.a:ion hereon is trua ar~ correct, ar~ I f..a'~her cezotif':J that any ar.d aLl. t.,'or.'<. ;er!'o'f";:'led aJ..aLZ be do:-:e i:-: :=.C="1"- dance :.lith the Ordin::mces of the City of Springfidd, and =n~ :;'<4";3 of' tr.3 State of Oreg.:m pzrt.::ining 't'o t.he wor.i.: desc1"';bcd herein, end :na= :VO OCC!J- ?t.!/CY :Jill be rrc:ie of any 3truct:4l'e wi:r.out pemis3ion. of the ;uiZdir:q D:.- vision. I further ~ertif"d tr.::zt o~z.y contractors ar.d e:::1playees t..';..o G,....g in c~pliance with CRS 70Z.0SE wiZZ be used an this P1"oj$ct I ~tf)FJrf2~ I_ ::>t.gnaa: . zhu/P ~ Da""tiJ ,