HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1981-10-20 .' . ..- RESIDENTJ...-\L -- CO~BINATION/APPLICATION PER}IIT .;rr? ,~: S?RL'IGFIZI.D 2:15 ;'::J.rrrH Srb." S':.~!ET SPRJ::CFIE!.D, .,)RECO.v ~74'i7 3uiZdi~4 Divisio~ 72o-U5J ... R,'CUPT ,j :, S' 7<!r(/) - SPRINGFIELD- ~ Subdi:Jision: .lob Looation: "7// .;;;i,);J'/j )~'A..; ~~/1Y/;;;/-LJ (0,'(' .4.6S::$sors nap II GlJnsr XJ-v".,,,, C ./7iYc Addrsas 7 II "c;;/JV/),~tl City ')r>~-&//[) __...c:;?e I.l n rXl T= Lot # Phone # 7!1& 3&1;'_ Zip 9;,V77 .'111'.' 7NsRi'// v/#C7JJ S/bclc D8ScM.bS Work Addi t-:':on ~ /;::~ ;qejloda 1. Cet,raL Ca:"!:mc~~s Nam, Address Plumbing ElectricaL Ucchar.icc.l. C01tBtrretion Lander Use'; '11U-C.ILLIAU..e-.J ' 1~ Ii / r;: t!-c "0 ~ JJre bO ,klJ Au'thari;lcd Cit'J Agent ezp..;r88 PhOn. e REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the responsi!:liUty of t~e i'ermit h.,lder t<:l seoe th;!t all i:1spections are made at the proper time, that each address is readable frcm tr.e street. and ~ha: the pe~t card is located at the front of the prope~. 6 All manholes and cleanou'ts are to be adj~s~~d a~ no ~os~ ~o the City o o o o o o o o o srr~ IUsprcrtcN: To be made after excava~ion, bu~ prior to S~~ U? ~f forr:".s. o UHDD'.SU\B PLUMBIN':i. CU:C':"~IC.a.L & D MECHAI:rCAL: To be made before any work is covered. FOOTING t rCCUDATION: To be mede after trenches a:-8 e::cavatad and forms ar!: erec't~d, bU't prier to pouring c:onc:oete. UNDERGROUND PLlJ1<BlllG. SEllER. WATER. 0 DRAI~:P.Gt: To be made prior to fil- ling ":renches. L~DtRrtOOR PtID1BING ~ MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of floor insu13tion or decking. POST & B[AM: inS1:allation or -::Iecking. o ~o be cade prior to of fleor insulation ROUGH PLUMB!NG. ELECT~IC^L & MECH- MICI.\L: 110 \Jork is to be covered ~these inspections have been made and approved. o F!REPLACE: Prior to placing facing [8j materials and before fra.'Ding in:speo:,' .1 don. fR.\HI!m: Must be requested after 0 approval of ro~gh plumbing. electri- cal. S. mechanical. All roofing, bracing 5. chim:1eys, etc. must be completed. No work 15 to be con- 0 cealed until this inspection has been made and approved. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made af-ter all insulation and required vapor barriers are in place bu~ before any lath t gypsum board or wall covering is applied, and bef~.~U any insula~ion is concealed. DRY\lALL INSPECTION: To be m:s.de after all drywall is in p~ce, but prior to any taping. . MASONRY: Steel 10c3tion, bond be3ms, grouting er verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 21lo1S. WOOtlSTOVES: After installation ~s completed. CURB & APPR~ACH AP~ON: ~er tO~1 are erected but pr~or to pouring eoncrete. SIDEWALK & DR~~AY: For all con- crete paving within street right- or-way, to be l:".ade after all exca- ?&ting collltJlete & form worle 5. sub- base materi~ in place. OTHER INSPECTIONS: may be required in accordance with Building Code, to be indicatK in rla:1S or by no- tice from Building Inspector. rINAL PLUMBING All project conditior.s, 3uch as the installation of street trees, completion of the required landscaping. etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. D nUAL BUILDING: The Final Building tnspectiQn must be requestod a:''ter the Fin.!l Plumbing Elcc~ical, 3nd Mechanical Inspections have ~een made a~d approved. F!NAL EL~C!RICAL No occupancy of the premises C3n be made until the final Building Inspection has been made and appro\'ed, anC. a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEE.."I ISSUED BY THE BUILOn:G DIVI- SION ~"ID POST~D ON THE PR~ISES. ~ nNAL MECMANICf,L ?oigO 1 "f 1 PROCEDURE FOR !NSPECTION REQUEST: Call 716-3769 (rec:rder)state your City designated job number, job addre~s, type or inspection requested and when you will bo re3dy for ins?ec- 'tion. Contrac'tors or Owners name and phone numbers. Req~es~s received before 7:00 a.m. will be ~dQ the sa.~e ~y, requests made ai't~r 7:00 a.m. will be made the next working day" RIO 7,. .:7/ YOUR CITY O!:SIGNA'!'~D JOB NUM'3!:? rs: ~--.l - . .._......,....~... .... I JOB IIL'}!EER I ZONE ~ /0 73 / . OCCUPANCY CoRO'!P Lot Square :tg. :~ of Lot Covered ii of S~M.sa . ':'otal. H6iah~ :O?ograp~ :~_ t"tn. '.''l't'1'! Sq. Ftg. Qan.J6 IS'1' Ftg. Carc"'" ISq. Ft3. A=ce~so~ Iso. Fto. " " r Vabs . .!'g!"l"~t ~e8 ,t:jt."l"t~ Surt'!hfTtOftlt TOTAL CHARCES S!/StBm DflVflZorment Char::re '!.S=V'ab~ (VO. I I I I I P'-i:tul'es rJatB'l" Service S!1JT'i, ~I SrJtlr SUBTOT.4L State Surcharge TOTAL CHARCoS I I NO. :00 I So. ,r:'ootaae I !1t1fJ or E:'!t:llnsio"/Ctl'e'...ti1. I Ta.':'n'O:!'"!:U"J Cqo:~t:"uc:ion I I SUETOTAL Stt1t:'l Surchar!1e TOTAL ':IIARr.o5 I I:m. FeE ~J~~lt _ E'J"U'S I o"lrauBt Hood I V.mt Fan I &lood Steve/Heater" I I ~ SlIBTOTAL State SwoCMl'QC TOTAL CHA!lGES I . .. P.J.ge '2 . I ~~ REFF.RENCE Nl'!-!BERS TYPE!Cn~ST~UCTIOII L-cnr; ;; BEDROO~!S Setbaoks Lot Ty? In.te'rior [,0': Comer I P.r.. Pa7".handl.al :'lo"!'--;;z Othgr EaS t Sauck West ........ Faee8 : jf.Ol.l.ae i i I FEES I EI:el"flY I ~'P11: . j .:~'~ter HBCl.tBl' I :~ar..g6 I ?co, I I T-:':'f:'~~Zil I :io=.:. 5;:)')0 _ I ~"--'" I So:.:'c:es ,. ~ . ::: t .=/) - j" "'- j I . I rEE ':HARCo '~E- .o{cc,:s,; CHARGo cn,4lICE: i SHJ I i /D.oiJ I I,e;. tHJ I .M) I I.t;: h/) B!J1TJ)IOt; VALUE/PER!HT TJri.s PCl'm";t is grant~ on the ez;Jl'lidtJ c::mdi:.;on t:hc.~ ths said constrUction DhallJ in al~ res=lIctsJ canfo~ :0 the Ozodi.'1a1'!:::flS adopted by ths C'i.;"d 0"; Spl..:.ngff,sl.dJ incl.:uiing the Zoning OrdinancsJ reF"~l.at-::71g ;;'.9 con- stro.u:t:ion IZ1Ui. US4ll of u.lil.dingsJ a:n.C ."'ra!{..;e T~s~'ir.d:td or ~JokBd ~'any time upon uiolati~n of an~ prc,i- IJi<ms of .tr'.d :Jrdinano... P!mt Check FilII Dat. Paid Rccnpt fj. PL1/IIBINC PE:RHIT No person shall constructJ inst2LLJ ~L~Qr O~ changs any ~ or e:;s'ting pLumbing or ~nagB sys-;8m in wheLs' or irr pa:rtJ !muss.sucn per8o~ is :hll :sg::L poSS9SS0r of a valid pl:.tmber's li~sr..uJ IZCi,;t that a pQ'rson may d:J pLumbing r..'Ork to prc,?'r~ tJ.,:-:.ch is or.mad. l4assd 0.. oporatod by tJ:. ~l!c=t. ELE:CTl/ICAL PE:P.MIT 1/1unt8 Stats Laz..' r,quir,s that ths '~sct:oica: /Jork be dons by an; EZactrical. C':mtractorJ tha 1Ii."C~caZ ror- ticn of thiiJ permit .halt not os va!:.:J untf.'Z thll Za- bot has betm 3igned by ths Eloctric.:Z Contl-....::oz-. Th& Et.cctricaL Safllty LazJ doe. not :-equ:f.rs ~ pB:"Son to obtain a license as an "3lsctri.a:..:n err.:!.!or el.ec- 1;r'o;ca! CO"l:~tor to ma.ks en .~ctr..cat ins,;.:l.t.:tion on propf1'l't"::I which is ~d by himsll:~~ or a ~&".bIl:O of 1rls ~"......i'~_tB famiLy whi.ch is not i.~-:fl7t:Z.Bd. :':r saZ.e~ tBaSB or Nnt. MECBANICJ.L P!RMIT I o!/CROACH1.fE!rr Is.,.,.;ey a.posit I Sto""fl. 11'.tail1cna:ncB , Parmit 7'OT:1L AP.OU!lT DUE C"..I!"D-:-ut SidmJa LTc F'q"c"Z rlsct~aal GabeL 1,.CTAL ANOU!/T DUo I I I j I I I I : -li~~ 2tJ~7 ~/?I I ~ !Jutz'a."fJ ~Vis:'" ~1'C'J.d ?z.a.. shall .._in o. tJ:. Buildi"fJ 5t,".'''o.t all 5 timBS. Pl.an Ezami."'IW OatB I HAY>' C.1RoF1JLLY oXAHIlIE:D tho comp1.stod application fo.. p.rnri.t. and do hsroby certify that aLL in~^:...~.......~"'..n hsrBon is tru6 and corrBctJ ~ I j'ul'tlrel' c...tify that any ow.! all ""..k pc..formod shall b. do.. in ceco..... da=. wtih tho OMi=.. of tho City of Spri"fJfi.!d. :md tho LaLJ. of tho State of Oregon pe:ota1.ning to thg lJO':"k dsscribad hsrttinJ and that NO OC- _ CUPANCY wit.t. DS rro.d8 of any Str'.lCtw"B LJithout pe:'m'i..ssion of ths Building .iDi..,ision. r "ether ct1l'tify that o~Ly aontractors and er.:pLoYBBS who arB ~ in compLiance with ORS 701.05S r.n:ZZ bll used Ol'l ~i3 project. ,. ~ ~ . i ! ..;' .,. .-.....-. '. -" "'..~...-: ~-..,.~.......---......~.