HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-4-11 .. RESIDIaITlAL" APPLICATI~PER/lIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building. Division 726-3753 Job Location: 320 C~~ _cr.') / If 6) ;) ;< cfl Tao: wt N OS9!J?J '/ g ~~ ~ Ij;J~ () I ABDe8Dor~ Map # Subdiui.st.on: O:.1ncr: Address: City: n n n n '!.~.l Additicl1 Remodel .'!obi.la Hom~ V-q-c;:~ Date of Application c.:ont"l'a::t"ol'S D' ./~ fA J,+l~IA1~ea" ."7 I'J /) c;- GenerQ l Pl.rm.binq Electrical MtJ~har.ic.::. ! Const"-lcnOJ'l LeM(!1> Phon( 1 t/6 t W/LI ZiP:\ '-- .-/ ci)i whM /lI/lrL n U. ~ Value t +< DOO _ Rccc~pt .. / / ::J {f. 'I f}ta.B/ qol r ( I, I I v(/rv ., Siar.ed: Date: C0 L-/ -If - 'i?t Lisc.~ l:.=;nrC$ rOOI'l:: C(-q~f f It ill ths resp07tlJibility of the permit holder to 1186 that all. inopections arc r.tade at the proper time, tr..at cc.ch =ddrOBS is raa.:!aO;. frcm the Btl"eet, and that the pcrmi t card is Located at the f1"01lt of the property. "Bui!..di~ Pi.ui::ior: apprOT.:ed plan siu:.l.Z. rer.zain on tnc. Eu:.Zding Sit:; at aU t:.imss. P.70C~'If'E POR I/lSPECTIOfl RECU!'ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state uoup Citu dcsiar...2ted jot n~bcr, Joe ac.::rcss, type of ir..:;pec~iC7l requestcd a~~ w~en you wiLL DC ready jor ir~pcction, Con~aetors 0; Owne~s'nc~e cr.d Fhone ~~cr. P.equcs~s reeoi~ed cefere 7:00 ~ :..-iZZ be made thG Bame day, requests mc:.ae after 7:00 a:n wiZZ bO! TTrlde the next ;.)Orkin.; de:,'. after up of ZJ U!.'D~RSLAB PLl/t.~nlG. ELE::TRIC,iL t. /.!ECH.:.::;-C:..i..: To be matie before any work is ~ovcred. '::l ~ Foc)1fING ~ FOUND.1TIC:J: To be r.rlce af~er ~rencnes are excavated ard forms are erected, but prior 'to pourir.g concret.;. ~ UND!RG.90i./::D PI.u,o.f3Il:C, S~;"'E.=!, ~I.~~:.R, D8Al/.';'C::: To Dc made prior :;;0 fii..- .lir.g trenCMC. ::J W1DE,f:!FLOOF? pr,lj,'~I.'.'c t. ;.:ECHA1:ICAL: To be maae prior to in~zaL~ation of /1001' inouLation or decking. POST Al,'D BEA,'..': To. be made prior to install~;icn of floor in.n.:la~iol: or deckin; . :J :J ROUG!! ?LlJ.':B1.'.'G, F:T.Er:':'F?!C/~:" I. l!F:C.I~'- ANICAL: l.'o :.Jork is to DC OOt.'OI'ca ur.til theso inspec~ior.s r~ve becr. 'made ar~ approv~~. FIRErLACE: fTior to placir~ facing' mc:tcz'iaLs and beforc fIYrJing inspec- tior.. ::J ':7l FRId.'r::r.: Mu~t be rcc;uc::stcd af~er .cJ approv.:::.l of rough pL~bin:7, aZcctp,i- c.:J.L & mccnanica.L. A L! roofir...-: ,- braeir.l7 t chimncus, etc. nr..lst- !u;: 'f'/ .. compLcted, IJo u;rk io to be C011- ....ceaLcd until thin in3pection has . b€en .maa',: and approvcd, Your City DeGigr.ated -!ob lhurlbu 13: o n:SULATIONlt'I1POR EARRIEFl I.',S?ECTIOU: To be li..::zde after aU insui.;:~i..?n w.d required vapor carriers are in place Cut cefore any lath, gypsum board or walL covering is applicd, ar~ before any irwula~ion is conceaZed. <6~l) .;)8'7 I DE!::X..ITIO;',' OR ,~:::H':::; E;JILVJ:.'GS ~ Sanitary SIl"..JCl' ::apped :z.t ~OP;;l'~:i Lir.o :=J Septi~ tank p:...:"?.;d <r.".d f:.Zl;J~ uith it7'a~6~ ::J Final - rl'hen cb:ve ite.~s are ccmpZotcd ar.ci uncn dc~oLitior. is c~Zato or stru:- ~ure moved ar~ pr~3cs :leancd up. I f.::JDi Zc iteme:; ::J Blocking and Set-~p ::J Plumbir~ connections scwer ar.d wa~er ::J Elcctricc.Z Ccnt:cction - BLocking, Bot-u; and pl~hin? conncctions nr~st ee ap?r~~c~ before reques~ing eLec~rical ins?ac:io~ ~ Ac.::es~or1i Building ~ Fi~l - t.f~~r p~rcr.es, ---1 etc. arc c~?lc:;;d. skirting, decks, o DRY~'ALL n,'SPf:C'!'TON: To be made after al.Z. CryJ.:all. is in place, but prior to any tapir.g. MASON.'?":f: Steel location, bona be~~, aroutina or verticals in accoraance wi~h V.B.C. Section 2415. o All pro.iect conditions, Duch as the l-nstaLLation of street trees:, co:-:rpletivn of the required Zandscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BVILDU'C FI.'.'AL can be l':u;uesead. :=J FIliAL PWI.!BJ/iG .=J FINAL l{E~HA,','ICAL .=J FINAL !::,EC':SIC/,L ~ 1'1 o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Buildi7U1 Inspection must be reaucDte:i cft-er the Final PlWTlbi"3 ELectrical, and Mechar.ical InspectionD have been "~de and'appl'ovJd. o D WODDSTO:'E: Aftcr instal.lation is ccrrrpLeud. .:.:'L MA!:H::.rS A,','D CLEA....()U7S HUS1' BE ACCESEIE:"E~ ADJi.'S7.'!2.'.''!' '1'0 EE 1.~-L~t 1.7' 1.'0 C:'ST TO CI':r I Pa,ge ! of : o CURB r. Al'PRD,lCH AP.f:!ON: Aftc:-o forms a:re crc::ted but prior to pouring C011:l'ctc. SIDF:"WAr..}{ ,,, DRI!'E'!.'/,Y: For all con- crete pavil~ within s~eet right- oj-way, to be made after all exca- vating complete & form work & ~ub- .base 1'tlC.tcnaZ ,in pla:!c. o o !'E/.'CE: It'her: co:npl..;te __ Provide gate6 01' movable sections througr. P.U.E. o I JOB NO. otf)62-8'1S0LAR ACCESS REQ.- lz""... L7J7< Occu;a=> C.: /Y7-/ wt Sq. Fo;. LCT TYPE I wt FacBs - I s ~f lot C""Bragc Interior I P.L. .f of Stones Comer flortn Total Height Panhandle East Sa.th Topo;ra?hy CUl-de-sac !':'E.~! ! S;:.F'!'C I I I 1~3~11 I I I I ~()dO. .... x Value ""in Gooa=t> Carncrt Acc~ssoru 'J'OT,1L VAc,U~ Is.D.c. IVC,"U':) 1.S z Building Permit '7'~ 5"'0 "2.2:15 7'6.73 Sta te Surcna:rae Tota 1. CJ:a.....gea lITEM ,',';}, FEE C;:..A~:;Z 1 Fi-~cs IResidentia! (1 bath) I Sanitary SewCJ" I Wcte." I Plumbing Perci t St4to Surcr...art;Je Teta! cr.:::roes I r'J'~~' I Res. Sa. f't~. INEUIE:tond Cir=uits '::.....1 ....:n.-._.;;. , j Temp~:,.rary Sc:-uice Ele~tJ"iccl Permit St::te Sur:::ha:rae Total Cha.rces : T7'~'.1 , . ! .Pl:LM1.:2ce !TV'S I ~hau8t Hoo= I"" r I I F". C!1;.ii;Z : Vent Fan I ^,oods to:JC Permit"I3su:mc:: Me::h:1.r.ic.::1 Pc-mi.t State Surciu:rac T,.,~~Z ~'7rt1,.." -- ENCROACH.'-!'!::::T Se~~ritu D=~o~it Storoo(! .~.2iJl'l tena"'~r: Permi t Tote! Lrta7"nc!: CUr.?CU: s~n .~('~c Electrical Label .~obi to H:ptt! :"OTAC.~T.:,'.'T DUE:- '16.7~ . T~,pelcor.st.. . ""W' I ' Ener:7:J SO'.lrcp.s Heat Access. I '" ' I II i I L-COC~ Be;roor:s: 'i1Jr-, Sctbczdc~ House CaraGe Watp!, Hr!1~r!" xa~c FircPLaci? Wc;oa:;tot:e West -- Fees Building Value & Permit This p€nrr..t io granted on the express condition that the B.:1id, con.!tructicm I shall, in all reBpcct~, conform to the ~inar~e ado~teJ by the City of Springfield, incZucEng the Zoning C'rd:rumce, re!1Ulating the ccnstr'.l..:ticn and U08 of buildings, and m~y be suapended or revokee at cr.y t~me upon vie.: Zation of any' pr,:,visior.s of said Ordir.ances. I I i I. -). , . I Plan Check FB'" ;;Z t'. ~ 13 Datc Paid: .{j -I.{ - f r I Receipt. N: if ?- <f?, ISi~ed: ~ Permit I - . i No pereon shall construct, instal!, a!t:er or change any r.etJ cr e--isting I plumbing or drainage system in whole or in par:, unless such person is the I legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son may do pl~bing uork to property uhich is ounee, leased or operated by the appli- i cant:. '. I r , , .J ,,1 :i Plumbing Electrical Perm it Where State La1J reauires tr.at the electrical 101Ori< be done b:J an Ele~tri.cal Cont:ract:c~, the elec:~~al Fortion of :his permit shall r~t~be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Elecmcal {;ontra::tor. I I, Mechanical Permit I I. I j I I I, I I I I I j I I. ~-~~~ h<tf~';'er ~ ~ %;!/-89,. I HAVE CARSFULLY EXA.'.fINED the completed ap.olication for permit, and do hereby certify that all i~fO;or.".ation hereon is true ar.d correct, an.:1 1 f~rthcr certify that: any ar~ all uork pcrfo~cd 8r~Zl bB do~c in aceor- dance ~th the Ordin~nces of tne City of Sprinrfic~d, and th: ~s of tha State of Orep.:m p.=rt.Jininp to 'the IX1ri< described hcre~n. C1".d :r..:1t NO CCC:J- PI.NCY will be made of an~ Dtructur2 uitho~t p~rmi83io~ of the 5uildin~ Di- viston_ I further ccrtif~ t~t o~ly contra:tors ar-d enpL,:,yecB ~r.o are in ~pliance uith ORS 701.0St uill be used on this project I =-/l}r ~~ ,,~. .4. ~d/J / Sign:Jj / ~/ III?R LUte /. f