HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-4-25 r .' ~ ..... ".,' ., .-.,.....,. '..'. .........~.~........ .oo.~,;-..;..._~ ...;.-.,;......<,l.."""'"~~_..............:....,_.~...... _'~_ __...._ .. . Rcce~pt .~ j f- -'3X<:;. .. RESI~T1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 , Job Location: ,?() 1<'rlio <:t ASOBS80rS'Map # 17_()1_??_u.._1 Subdivision: CUner: f)llno1~rrl 1.. Rnyl P.I::; Address: 3405 Baldv view City: Snri[J\?field n n .' . Tao: wt # ~qOO Plume: 746-8444 zip: 97477 . '. II S\ II)-D .. /ylP \11 Describe rllork: Install a mobile home on a mobile home at 320.Edie St.in Springfield, Or. N~f,} Addition n....Remodel I XX I .~!obi le Barna L/-/J,j-~p) Dato of Application (,'ontl'actol'S General Plwnbing '. . site 0"f ~o C-~ 'i - )...s- ~K' k' Siqr.ed: Date: Va tUB Address Lise. If ExPires PhonQ Northwest ..Mobile home ser. 689~6590 14 ~-OR74 . Electrical l\h:at-ho.n Ph.;lipc: Flp.....t1"';(" Mechar.i.c;z 1. ConstJ"Uction Lendor 1796 Hig. 99N 51619 '()169 ToRT 011 1<'u,:pnp 70- t7qr 10/23/.88 101RR It is the l'Bsponoibility of the permit holder to see that all inspections are made "at ths propBJ" timE.:.. tr.at QGCh ~B88 is roadahZe fl"Otn ths stroet, and that the po:rmit cani is located at the front of the properey. -4Bui!ding Divicwn approved plan shaZl. remain on tha Building Sits at aZl. times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (:recorder) state your City designated job nur.:ber.. job ati6ocss.. typo of in3pac-;icn requested ar.d :....':cn you tJill be ready for ir.spcctiol1.. Contractors or G\.mel"B nGme and Fhone nwnhCJ'. Reques"ts recsivud bsfol's 7:00 C':1 la."il1. be ma.de th€ sams day.. requests made afta' 7:00 am will be ma.de the nczt :xJrking day. RP.~1i~~Ji T~Rry~~tir."~ D. SITE INSPECTION: To be TTade after excavation.. but prior to set up of . forms. O wOC~MBnmm~G. ~E~ll~L& . MECHANICAL: To be made before any . work is ~ovcred. o FOOTING J FOUNDATION: To be nrule after trenches are excavated and forms are erected.. but prior to pouring ccncret~. o UNDERGROUND PLUMBING; SEWER. W.1TE.t DRAINAGE: To be nrlde prior to fi L- .l.ir.g trenches. D. ,UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: , To be mad6" priar to inata"llati-on of . {tOOl' insu lation or decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation 01' . decking. D ROUGH PLW!BIllG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be cOl;ered ~ur.til thes8 inspections have beer. .made and. approved. .. D -FD?EPLACE:' Prior to placir.g fa'cing materials and before framing inspec- tion. D FRAJ!ING: Must be requeDted after approval of l'ough pZurrbing.. eZectri- .cal & mechanicaZ. AU roOfing bracing .lJ chimru:ys.. et~. trr..tst be :.corrrpletad. No lJOrk is to be CGn- ,...'"-.ceaZ6d until thiD inspection has ._~.bB~ trWie and approved. ,'..- o o o o FIliAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL ME~HANICAC o FINAC ELE~RICAC . ~ ", .. Your City Desigr.atad Job Nwnber Is: ~0317 D INSUCATIOHIVAPOH BARRIER INSPECTION,. To be made after aU insuu.ti:m ar.d .' .. . required vapOl' barriers are in place. but before any lath, gypswn board or LXll.Z covering is applied.. and before . any irwulation is conceaLed. DEl..'OLITION OR ;~:OVED BUILDIilGS ~ Sanitary 8C'..Jer :zapped at rr:.oP&rt'~. Zine ::=J Septio tank I"-""Ped and filled lJith ',p'a,sl :J Pinal.. !\?zen above items ar'e cc.'1TpZ6ted and when demolition is compZet6 or stru::- ture moved and premises cleaned up. D DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after alL dryTJaZZ is in place.. . but prior to any taping. . O MASONRY: Stee Z location.. bona. beama.. grouting or verticaLs in accordance wi th U. B. C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After instaUation is ~ ~ Blocking and Sat-up completed. l.' . . . . S; ~ P umb1.ng connect1.ons -- scwsr and tJater D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms,). )71 ELectricaL Connection - Blocking.. se~-up are erected but prior to pouring "') ~ and plumbing connections rrr...st ce approved oo~rete. . before requesting 6Zec~rica1. inspection Mobile Homes D SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For aU con- crete paving IJithin street right- ::=J Accessory Building . of-way.. to be made after all e:r:ca- . ". " vating c~let~ ~ form wrk & sub- / -:D1 Final _ After p:Jrcr.es.. skirting, decks, . base matenal <n pz,zoe. . ";f; ~ etc. are eomplstod. IV;?>>N. "jlc /);f:7 .' .. eJz:'. ~.c.PJ1>A1A1<~. . D .PENCE: When co..rrpl;;te -- Provide. gates or movable sections through P.U.E. . o D All Froject conditions.. such as the instaLlation of street trees, cO.'':Tplction of the required landsccpir.g.. etc. J must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be raquest3d. FINAL BUILDING: The FinaL Building Inspection must. be requ.eoted ,after ,the Final Plumbing Electrical.. and Mechar.icaZ Inspeatwnn hal!a been mGds and approvaa. -.:... . . ~':....... , . .:'..... ~ ~ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTHElIT'TO BE /.1(li5E~AT NO COST TO CITY I Pa~e 1 of 2 I I JOB NO.~?I'7 I Zone: LV;;:? wt Sq. Feg. S of lot Coverag< # of Stories Total Height Topography t'c.ge i:; ~ L-COG~ SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Occuoanc" G,A /'Ylal'!/t:.E~. Type/Cor.st: LOT TYPE I wt Faces - I Setbacks I P. L. House I Caraqe Access. INorth I~:~h I IWest I . Bedrooms: II Enal'o}1 Soupces I Heat II Water Hp.ate'1' I Range I I Fire." lace I I Wooda tove II Tut'e ITEM SQ.FTG Main IGa:foaae I Carport Accessol"U ~7/~C;.. , S.D.C. TOTA& VAWE evat.uc) 1.5 " Building Permit State Surcharge Total Cha."ges lITEM I NO. I FEE Residential (1 bath) I I Wct~ I I ~~~~Jr> Plwnbing Pem t Fixtures Sanitary SetJel' State Surcr.arge Total Charaes lITEM I R~8. Sa. fto. jNew/Extend Circuits I Terrrpol"trry Service IND. I ., -: ~r~/L~I Ele~trical Permit State Surchtrrqe Total Charc;es lITEM I Furnace ETU' S I E::haust Hood I Vent Fan 11I00dstove NO'1 I I I I Permit I38uanaa Mechanical Permi t State Surcharae Total Charaes -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SeC'.lritl/ Da1?Osit .1 St~r;ge . I Maint~a I Permit I I Curbcut _T.E~a Z. Chal"gcs Sid_lk Penae I Electrical Label I Mobile HomeU,i!!ce !antE I. r~ TOTAL AMO/1/lT DUE:' Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sac x Value 5"~~ /&.- -So /b_~ CHARGE y -- Faes I Building Value & Permit I I ,. This permi t ia granted on the express condi tion that the sdid construction shall, in all respects, confo~ to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfie'Ld, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the const:r>ucticn and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revoked at c:r:y time upon vie- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. -d- I. I Plan Check ~ee: Date Paid: IRecdpt N: I Signed: 6.5'C> ,- Plumbing Permit No person chall construct, instal!, alter or change any new or existing plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do I' plumbing work to property which is OlJYl8d, leased or operoated by the appU- cant. /'):- I /S-.-. I-?::.I I .751 I /:').7S-1. FEE CHARGE , . I. I I I I , . I I I I I I ?-;: -e>> _\ '\ I /-~ L. I i ~ t1 $>2"S I. gned FEE I I/s:-. -= /,'). - . .~'") .75 l /,'):751. I I I I I I I I I I CHARGE Electrical Permit Where State lx.ztJ requ-~f'eB tr.at the et.eatric..."Q]" work oe donu by an Et.e::rncat. Contractor" the electrical portion of this perrmit shaU not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. I I I I Mechanical Permit ~~r~ P~ E=ner /' 7'-2.~ 58. uar;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED ths completed application for permit" and do hereby certify that aU ir;fo:omation hereon is true and co:rrect" and I f.trther certify that any ar.d all work peI'fomed shall be done in accor- dance lJith the Or>dinances of the City of Springfield" and the UL;S of tho State of Oregon pertaining to the work described heI'ein" and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Building Di- vision. I furtheI' certify that only cont~ctors ar~ e~Loyee8 who are in compliance with OR~ 701.055 will be used on this project 4-/z.:,-(8 '0 ~te