HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1968-8-19 ..' 'f..~ e ~/ cIy , klIY o. SPRI~.lflO APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR TRUNK LINE SEWER HOOKUP App I i cat i on 'i shereby made by the unde~s i gned property owner for permi ss i on to connect the following described property;to a trunk I ine sewer owned and,main- tained by 'the City of Springfield, and I ag~ee to pay such a hookup charge as per Springfield ,Code of 1965, Chapter 2, Section 2-10-3, Subsection 3 and 5 of $300.00 per diameter inch for any connections made. Prop,rty Description: Address: 950 Folrvhllf 811Ulevard Beglnnlng ., a point 709 foet south end 1755 feot we,. of the rltlrth:est corne!' of the Robert E. CIIl!pbeII end wife DonatlCll'l Lend Clalll No. 59. TCllPJr\shlp 17 Soutfl. llMgo J .st of the', ""lantt. Rorldleri:l:,hGnce \fest pe"8l1el to the louth line of said Danatlon Lend C181R1 a dlstence of 450 foet fo . point on the Horth line of FelrvlGII Drive: ther.ce North 350 feot: thence \lost 75 feet. thol1ce North 360.6 feeti thence East ClOD feet to e pointi thGn;e South to e point whiCh Is 75 feet East and 235 feet North of thlt point of bGglnnlngi thence west 7S 'flet to 8 point: thence South 235 feet more or less to the truo poInt of beginning. In Lane County. t "Q"'.' :ubJ4ICt to II utilIty i!!!semnt describe:! end re1:ordod In BIGIiO Inatr I/o. 51887 Lane Cq. Deed Records. SKein the Interest of the Sute of Oregon by and throu!)h tho Stote Hlghlev CClIlIlIlsslon es the same appear. of record and v.cGpt tile Interost (If Pcclflc Power & Llgh' Co. as tho S8!IIe appears I)' record, end allO tho Solin CWlSe'VGt!(!ft Fa. '~"" V Chm"lo' Right-Of-Way. Sewer hookup charges: ($300.00 per diameter inch) $ 6/' X Joo . $1800 -A4oQ credit by, Council Action Total: $1400.00 This agreement does not include the sewer user charges, plumbing permits or other such costs to be assumed by the property owner. :RKIKlIW.~.........2lXl\~ :n_~..~""",~~~"T~~~~~~lfJOU....",_lftQ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON: qlo///M W :/lkt/iy 4!Jj Date: a~ /f /~/ STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss County of Lane ) BE I T REMEMBERED, That on th i s 19ti\:tay of Ausust , 19 68, before me, t_., the undersigned, a Notary P~~it.inpi~~~ksii~~~~a:1a:t1ffe~ersonally appeared the within named PROPERTY OWNERS: ~(P ~.:~-L/, Known to me to be the identical individual U de6iiibed in and who executed the within instr~ment and acknowledged to me that t Yexecuted the same freely and voluntari ly. . - _. J' .' WITNESS my"fiahEl and . ~. ~. ." . ." seal this day and year last above written. " .' - ~ - - ..., .'"0'o.J : ,.>' ~ ~o-</ ';( {(J~' N'otary Pub lie 5-30-69 My Commission Expires