HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2000-3-29 v. .- " . . MEMORANDUM City of Springfield March 29, 2000 TO: Police Department Fire Department Springfield Utility Board ./ FROM: ~ , Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor \ Community Services Division SUBJECT: Structure Move Attached is an application and proposed route for a structure move scheduled for Sunday, April 2, 2000. The move is scheduled to begin at 6:30 a.m. and to be completed by 10:30 a.m. on that same date. This structure is an appro:\.;mate 3700 square foot warehouse that will be moved in three sections. All sections will be II 'feet in total dolly height, 24 feet wide and 52 feet in total length. The destination for this structure is III North Garfield, Eugene. All applicable county and state permits have been obtained and are onfile in the Development Services Department, Community Services Division address files. The City of Eugene will be issuing their moving permit once Marquardt Construction has paid the applicable City of Springfield Moving Permit fees. If you have any concerns, please phone me at 726-3790 as soon as possible so I can either get you the information that you need, or direct you to the appropriate person. Thank you!! cc: Sanipac US West TCI Cable 911 Dispatch US Postal Service NW Natural Gas all lh . I Job# 00-00483-01 I . Page 1 of 2 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 "t.~ COMMERCIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Community Services Division Building Safety Job Number: 00-00483-01 Office: 726-3759 Inspection Line: 726-3769 Location Of Proposed Site: 300 W Fairview Dr Spr Assessors Map#: 17032741 Lot: Block: Addition: Tax Lot #: 00101 Subdivision: Owner: Ken Marquardt Construction Inc Po Box 11764 Phone Number: 541-345-3605 City/State/Zip: Eugene, OR 97440-3964 Move Value: $0 Address: Scope Of Work: Warehouse Contractor Type 'Contractor . Registration # Expiration Date Phone General Contr Ken Marquardt Construction Inc 114990 07/03/2003 541-345-3605 Po Box 11764, Eugene, OR 97440-3964 Quad Area: # Of Units: Constr. Type: (VN) Wood Frame Water Heater: Office Use Land Use: Zoning Code: Bedrooms: .Range: # Of Buildings: 3 Occupancy Group: Heat Source: Sq. Footage: 3700 To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following working day. Required Inspections I Permits wlo Srchg I House Move Complete -After structure has been moved and all required conditions have been met. Construction Types(VN) Wood Frame Occupancy Groups: # Of Buildings: 3 # Of Bedrooms: Handicap Access? D rArea (Sq. Feet) I Main: 3700 Accessory: # Of Stories: 1 Current Units: Census Code: Does not apply Height (feet): 11 Proposed Units: Total:3700 -I - Job# 00-00483-01 I Page 2 of2 Dolly Height: 11 Moving Length: ' 52 # of Sections Moved: 3 Begin Move Datetime: 04/02/2000 06:30 AM End Move Datetime: 04/02/2000 10:00 AM Structure Moved To: 111 North Garfield, Eugene, Oregon Moved To Taxlot: 1704253000200 Moving Width: 24 Fee Paid On Receipt# I' Permits wlo Srchg 03/29/2000 1079 Value/Quantity I Moving Application Total Permits wlo Srchg Grand Total 1 Plan Check Type Move Structure - Initial Move Structure - Engr Move Structure - Plan Move Structure - Hist Move Structure. Struc Move Structure - Traffic Checked By Lisa Hopper Steve Templin Lauren Lezell Lauren Lezell Lisa Hopper Dean Bishop Date Completed 03/29/2000 03/29/2000 03/29/2000 03/29/2000 03/29/2000 03/29/2000 Notification of Move: The Community Services Division will route copies of this application to all appropriate Divisions, Departments, and Agencies. However, the applicant must contact property owners if trees are involved in the proposed move. In addition, the applicant must secure the approval of all appropriate municipal, county and/or state authorities should the move originate or terminate outside the City of Springfield, or along any street owned by the State or the County within the City of Springfields boundaries. Prior to receiving a permit to move a building in, or into, the City of Springfield, the applicant or their representative shall : Submit two (2) copies of site or plot plan for new site. Submit two (2) copies of the foundaiton plan for the relocated building. Pay all applicable permit and system development fees prior to move. Obtain any applicable permit and inspection for sanitary sewer cap or septic pump and fill. By my signature below. I certify that the above information is true and correct, that all required contacts have been made, authorizations obtained, and required submittals have been made. I also understand that the minimum time to process this permit, because of the number of agencies notified by the City of Springfield, is seven (7) working days. Signature Date Fee Amount $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 01 1}1" 0'\.- J!.'1(den Srl,*,! Rd J.1 .m.~VSt III fi ~ - , "If --~B LI Avt III $ _ - 5 = rSt Qullllll 51 I J.t. ,( P OlvmDlc SI' - - N;t '!il. ~ ~ , ...!!~..:-!.j. , LSl 'Ce, "nl '., S wi Sroad*ay ... /I III · ~1T.;'~-'-'1f,;~ln OAV~~"'~ ^ ... , c3 Po.t ... \.. C). obin" i. Office ..r / /- Plned.l. ;;\' . Park ~ ~_ sprliiiid, ,Av, 3 orl . ~~ i~'1 <! ~ ~ r 8:::d'\;;~ ~'o; i\::~Vl,~~M:;::/:i' ~ 'C'ICYI.1y iil V I ,!! ~ l[AI,'~t $r;:;; ~"dtlLn (; oj! 1.1,11 S C1over~" Lp ill ~ ~.I d,,;brlcsw $1 ~ ; S r ) H'Yd.nlBrl~(.' ~ I '~ I~~~i .~ Ct I H.rlow Rd ,...,- ~ 0; I 10 -:l<j , !~ ~i~~ ~~ ~ U~II,Dr III ~t--) !i .I"J I J ~ Parle tl ~ cir.~ ! Lochaven. '~ .. TSI '. I ,g I III I Scott. G~n 01 tl Stat""', S St T SI -1 I . /.r. .liShellvSI ,!i'l1 ~ III I III J RS~ ~ ~ - I. :;;.:.,~_ ------- -ti26~ ~ ,~ :~ ' '1 ~ '~,Y!-7-' \\\, I.~ '\:j .'__' ~X \'/ ~--~ \... ~ \1 ~ ,/' ~ Hamlin' , Middle . . .!!!. Sp ing leld III . High ~ Oi III i OSt t I!! iii . /'-'-C:'..:'c', CSI ltllllllll III I:: ~;ce "-\~I;;;dl sSt 1 't'i -a - _I \ .,\~rle ;1 ASI if __~_~'U' '. ''I i \. M ISelln1 - \ - Rivrl~ ' , ~: \ I I. -". ~lIS"Ulr ~~--i I~SSI \ 1 ~\ ;: Ch.am/l.fI~ City H.,II / Liblo1ry - '; COI1l71:, ~ C SI \, IS IS "; S ;Sl'ar.~ , 5 'S J, " ~ ~ q~ ~ HIIISt A ,( \ Dorl, St ( I ,'\. '-' I Dorrll R.St QSI f --.; Sprlngfie ~ Middle WilJamah . Swim ( JSt /(1_ ~ ~ cSt SSt ASI Mall J SA. I . ~ C/) HP ,OfficeJet Personal Printer/Fax/Copier Identification 97471045 J.J.O 2./1 . Result Pal!es IxI!!2 OK 05 Sent . Fax Log Report Mar-30-00 08:26 AM Dale Time Duration Di2umostic ~ar-30 08:23A 00:02:34 002580030022 HP OfficeJet Personal Printer/Fax/Copier Identification 97363650 I.J.O U . Re~u1t OK 05 Pal!es IxI!!l Sent . Fax Log R~(t \ Mar-30-00 08:06 AM Date Time Duration Di8~nostic Mar-30 08:04A 00:01 :57 002582030022 HP OfficeJet Personal Printer/Fax/Copier Identification 94848008 J.J.O 2.~ . Result No answer P32es Ix!!!< 00 Sent . Fax Log Report Mar-30-OQ 07:59 AM Date Time Duration DiaP'Dostic Mar-30 07:59A 00:00:00 0020800000oo " . . City of Springfield Development Services Department SPRINGFIELD .11..11. "," , facsimile cover page fax: (541) 726-3676 " ~, from: M tl€;( ~Ue( , US~S~ jrn1!rV \ fax: to: company: ,)\ SA message: . G ,-J~~JJ ~ number of pages including this page: '- Jr) if all pages indicated are' not received, or if you have trouble receiving this transmission, p1easc"call (541) 726-3676 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon '-. . HP OfficeJet Personal Printer/Fax/Copier Identification 96828395 I.J.O 2.6 . Result Pages In!!< OK 04 Sent . Fax Log Report Mar-30-00 07;57 AM Date Time Duration Diagnostic Mar-30 07:55A 00:01 :43 002582030022 HP OfficeJet Personal Printer/Fax/Copier Identification 3667 I.J.O 2.8 . Re.ult Pages Ix!!!< OK 04 Sent . Fax Log Report Mar-3o-00 07:54 AM Date Time Duration Dia~ostic Mar-30 07:52A 00:01 :42 002582030022 HP OfficeJet Personal Printer/Fax/Copier Identification 3640 1.J.O 1.8 . RC1lult Pa2es ~ OK 05 Sent . Fax Log Report Mar-30-00 07:51 AM Date Time Duration DiaP'Oostic Mar-30 07:49A 00:01 :55 002582030022 " \ '~'. .' . . ~ami t~ounty - Lane County Special Transportation Permit SPECIAL ISSUE Permit Number: 2000-00488-1 I Fee: ,I # Pennits: Total Fee: $8.00 3 $24.00 Pennlttee: MARQUARDT, KEN CaNST INC PO BOX 11764 EUGENE. OR 9740)-00<)0 Issue Date: 03l2912OOO TIme: B:1B AM Effective Date: 04I0212OOO Expiration Date: 04I0312OOO This pennlt Is Issued under authority of ORS 818.200 and Is subject to Rs tenns and condRlons. The pennlttee Is hereby authorized to move the vehicle, combination of vehicles, article(s) or property over specified County roads, and as described on this pennlt Special Provisions: MOVE WILL BE SUNDAY APRIL 2, 2000 BETWEEN 6:30 AM AND lOAM Commodity: SERVICE GARAGE IN 3 PARTS Width: 24' Height: 11' Overall Length: 72' Load Length: 52' Gross Weight: LEGAL Number of Axles: Single Axle: Tandem Axle: Tri-Axle: Year 1974 . Make KENWORTH VIN 138998 PUC YCRC126 License T365290 Icompany Trk#1 . 1 I Route Laden on Countv Roads Route Unladen on Countv Roads TRAFFIC CONTROL BY EPD CENTENNIAL BLVD III shan be the duty of the nagger/escort to warn an approaching or over-taklng tramc of the tramc hazards due to this movement Refer to I OrC!lon AdmlnlstraUve Rules, Chaoter 734, Division 82 for the aDO roved devices. nags or signs. By Bv Jeannie Lvon 3/29/2000 PennltteelCompany Representative Approved by Public Works DlrectortDeslgnee Lane County Department of Public Works 3040 N.Della Highway Eugene, OR 874118-1696 Phone (641i 682-6902 FAX (6411882-8600 .~~ - . . :1 THE ATTACHED PERMIT IS INTENDED ONLY TO AUTHORIZE MOVEMENT OF EXCESS DIMENSIONS AND/OR WEIGHT ON LANE COUNTY ROADS I. The attached permit does not authorize operation on State or City streets. 2. Movement is not permitted when road surfaces are hazardous due to ice, snow, frost and other hazards, or when visibility is less than 500 feet due to fog, smoke or other atmospheric conditions when the width is in excess of 8 feet 6 inches. 3. Convoy movement of two or more overwidth or overlength vehicles or combination of vehicles requiring flag or pilot vehicles is strictly prohibited. There shall be a distance of one half mile between units requiring flag or pilot vehicles. 4. Unless otherwise authorized, movements in excess of 8 feet 6 inches are prohibited from operating Saturday afternoons, Sundays and Holidays or dUring the hours of darkness. DRIVER DISCRETION Lane County does not warrant that eveI)' road on the attached map or list of roads has a width or geometric features suitable for the safe operation of eveI)' possible vehicle or vehicle ....ombination. By operating under this permit, the PEAAll J J r.E assumes the '''.J-'v...sibility to operate the vehicle covered by this permit in a reasonable and prudent manner, based on environmental conditions, traffic and roadway geometrics. This means some roads may be unsuitable for use by certain vehicles. It is the responsibility of the PERl\u J J r.E to make that determination and use an appropriate size vehicle. Repeated problems on a given road may lead to removal of that road from the list of roads. LOCAL DELIVERY OF COMMODITIES (Annual Extended Weight Permits only) In the caSe where the place of destination cannot be accessed by traveling solely on the permitted Extended weight routes, the truck operator may use such streets and highways as are necessary to reach and leave the place of delivery. (Maximum overall length 75') Operators shall use Extended weight routes to minimize travel on Non-extended weight routes. Savings in route length, time or avoidance of inconvenience is not justification for the use on Non-extended weight routes. If called upon, operators shall produce documents as evidence that local delivel)' is being made on Non- extended weight routes. Documentation shall include site address, owner's name, etc. and will be subject to verification. Lane County Special Transportation Permits are required for oversize and overweight vehicles operating on the Lane County road system. Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) prescribe size and weight limits for vehicles. A permit system is provided by which vehicles may exceed statute limits on some Lane County roads under specific conditions. Lane County allows some combinations over 50 feet in length to exceed statute length limits without a permit. A local road authority may issue such permits under ORS 818.200. The fee for issuance of a variance permit is $8.00 per power unit. h:\pcnnits'lruclt\cxtcndedl COY (1) R<v. 12199 . . I .- \, '. A LANE COUNTY SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION PERMIT IS REQUIRED WHEN: I. A single vehicle is over 40 feet in length. 2. Gross weight is over 80,000 pounds. 3. Height is over 14 feet. 4. Width is over 8 feet 6 inches. 5. Truck-tractorlsemitrailer combination. A. Combination is over 75 feet in length. B. Semitrailer is in excess of 45 feet. 6. Truck-tractorlsemitrailerltrailer combinations. Double trailers not to exceed 68 feet in length, 46 foot maximum on any trailer in this combination. 7. Any axle or combination of axles excero statutory weight limits. Basic Rules of Extended Weigbt Pennit system: I. Semitrailer of 45 feet or more, 75 feet overalllengtb. 2. Double trailers not to exceed 68 feet in length, no restrictions overall length. 3. Wheelbase of 47'0" or more may be permitted to load to combined weights "Extended" above the basic legal weight table to whicbever combination of the following is less: A. The overall wheelbase weiilht alIowance of the Extended weight table that is attached. B. TirelWbeel weight alIowance of ORS 818.010. C. Axle weight alIowances ofORS 818.010. D. Groups of axles (overall or inteinal) 46' or less sba11 be limited to the weight alIowance of ORS 818.010 weight table that is attached. Annual Heavy Haul: (Non-divisible loads) I. Gross weights up to 98,000 Ibs. 2. Single axle weight of2I,500 lbs. 3. Tandem axle weight of 43,000 lbs. , 4. Tri-axle weight up to 64,500 lbs. 5. Overall vehicle length of75 feet. 6. Maximum width of 12 feet. 7. , Maximum trailer length 48 feet. Overwidtb, Overlengtb and Mobile Homes 1. See attachments. h'._...~~--.:k\."L:_l_.(2)Rcv.l2199 . . ~ - Lane County Special Transportation Permit Attachment for Heavy Haul & Mobile Homes SINGLE TRIP/ANNUAL Special Requirement for Movement under PERMIT # Refer to Attached Ust for Approved Routes. FLAGMAN-ESCORT REQUIREMENTS WIDTH Il'o-to Il'U- 9'1" to 11'0" 11'''" to 14'0" Over 14' DIMENSIONS FLAGMAN LOAD. OVERALL ESCORT{S) LENGTH LENGTH REQUIRED' ~'U- I/)'U- U 4S'O" 7Srt' 1 Front 45'0" 7Srt' 1 Frontl1 Rear Routing determines the number of escort vehicles required. OVERSIZE LOAD SIGNS REQUIRED' ~ 2 2 , Tho only exception will be Lane County's Delta Highway whore the maximum escort requirements will be one (1) escort on widths of 111- to 14' and overall iengtbs of 75' or any combination thereof. All other escort requirements will be in effect. OVERSIZE LOAD SIGNS Signs must be 7 feotwide by 18 inches high and have 10 inch high black letters on a'highway yellow background. ' The signs are to display the words OVERSIZE LOAD and be mounted horizontaJly over the top of the cab and rear most part of the vehicle. The bottom edge must bil not loss than four (4) feet above the road surface. MARKING OF WIDE LOADS The outermost points of averwidth'loads muslbe mil/xed during daylight hours by red flags no less than 18 inches square, visible to the front and rear. FLAGMAN-ESCORT VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS Escort vehi~ may be required to insure safety during the movement of oversize loads. The escort vehicle shall, be Ii sole passenger car, picl<-up, truck or trucl< tractor.. Vehicles are to be placed 500 to 800 feet from the oversize load. Escorts must have warning signs that are 5 feet wide by 10 inches high, two (2) flashing amber warning lights or a revolving amber warning light, two-way radio communication with the oversize vehicle(s), two (2) 1 B inch square red flags on three (3) fOOl staffs and eight (B) safety flares or reflectors. The sign shall be mounted above the roofline during the course of the oversize movement and.shall be removed or ietracted at all other times: DUTIES OF FLAGMAN.ESCORT VEHICLES' Escorts are to warn' approaching and/or overtaking traffic of the unit's presence on the highway to provide the' , maximum protection and saf8ty for the traveling public. When encountering bridges, strUctureS, tunnels or other ;.._~~. oS where clearances may be lim~ed to the extent that normal,two-way traffic cannot be'maintained, the vehicle operator shall signal by hand or radio to the towing vehicle driver when the oversize unit can proceed without conflict to approaching traffIC. As the oversize un~ proceeds through such areas of impaired clearance, the vehicle operalor shall act as flagger to warn approaching traffic. Escort vehicle(s) are considered to be under the direct control and supervision of the towing vehicle c........;u........ HAUUNG HOURS & DA YS Overwidth movement is not allowed C1uringliny hours on holidayS; or from 4 p.m. Friday until' daYlight the 'following Tuesday'when a holiday is obselVed on a Saturday, Sunday or Monday. Overwidth movement is not allowed from noon the Wednesday belore Thanksgiving until daylight. the following Monday. Overwidth movement.is:ne! allowed during daylight hours on Saturday afternoons and Sundays after Memorial Day and before Labor Day or during the hours of daJl<ness. WEATHER RESTRICTIONS , Overwidth ,Ioads.and loads longer than 750" are not allowed to travel when roads are hazardous because 01 weather or when fog, smoke or other _.....".: ~ric conditions Iim~ visibility to loss than SOO feet CONVOY MOVEMENT Unless otherwise endorsed hereon, the convoy movement of two (2) or more overwidth and/or overtength vehicles and/or combination of vehicles is strictly prohibited. Adistance of one half '(112) mite 'shall be maintained between units.. LCWM 24$ Rev.0119B . . ," ~ - Lane County Special Transportation Permit Attachment for Overlength Loads '\ Special Requirements for Movement under Perm~ # Refer to Attached List for Approved Routes FLAGMAN-ESCORTisIGN REQUIREMENTS NUMBER OF NUMBER OF LONG FLAGMAN-ESCORT(S) LOAD SIGNS OVERALL LENGTH REOWRED" REOWRED* UP TO SO'O" 0 0 SO'1" to 105'0" with ~.~_. :..'.. trailer 0 2 SO'O" to 100'0" wlo steering trailer 1 Front 2 100' end 0_ 1 Ftont/l Rear 2 . The only "..",: .'. will be lJIne Counly's Della H;gt1way and 30th ^_ when! the maximum escort, IOqUiremenI will be one (1) rear escort on lengths """ 105". AlIIeng1hs 105" and underwiU IOCI- only one (1) LONG lOAD sign to the rear. LONG LOAD SIGNS Signs with a reflectorized yellow background are required for a log truck and pole trailer towing a self-supporting trailer. and a log truck towing a SD,,ger steered pole trailer. These combinations of vehides must have a warning sign with the legend LONG LOAD displayed on the back of the rearmost vehicle. This sign. 7 feet wide by 18 inches high, must be kept in good repair. tree from dirt, grease i!lld road film to be clearly readable to following drivers. Signs of mesh or other materials that do not provide a continuous background are not allowed. The sign must be attached to the rearmost position possible, either on the load or the last vehicle FLAGMAN-ESCORT VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS Escort vehicles may be required to insure safety during the movement of over1ength loads. The escort vehicle shall be a sole passen- ger car. pickup truck or truck tractor. Vehicles are to be placed SOD to 800 feet from the over1ength load. Escorts must have warning signs that are 5 feet wide by 10 incl1es high. two (2) flashing amber warning lights, or a revolving amber warning light, two-way radio communi- cation with the overtength vehicle(s), two (2) 18 inch square red flags on three (3) toot staffs and eight (8) safety flares or reflectors. The sign shall be mounted above the roofIine during the course of the overIength movement and shall be removed or retracted at all other times. DUTIES OF FLAGMAN-ESCORT VEHICLES Escorts are to warn approaching and/or overtaking trnffic of the units presence on the highway to provide a maximum protection and safety for the traveling public. When encountering bridges. structures, tunnels or other locations where clearances may be limited to the extent that normal two-way trnffic cannot be maintained, the vehicle operator Shall signal by hand or radio to the towing vehicle driver when the overtength unit can proceed without conflict to approaching trnffic. As the over1ength unit then proceeds through such areas of impaired clearance, the vehicle operator shall act as flagQer to warn approaching traffic. Escort vehicle(s) are conSidered to be under the direct control and supeTVision of the towing vehicle operator. HAULING HOURS & DAYS . Over1ength movements are prohibited from operation during the hours of dus1c to dawn. Saturday afternoon, Sundays, and on the following holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day. Independence Day, Labor day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and providing that when any of these holidays fall on a Sunday, then the following Monday shall be deemed the holiday. Movement is authoriZed during the hours of darkness, except on holidays, provided that intermediate side marker lights. as described in ORS Chapter 816, are placed on each side at intervals of not more than 20' between the taillights of the towing vehicle and the taillights of the trailer. WEATHER RESTRICTIONS, Overfength loads are not allowed to travel when roads are lmardous because of ,,~;.,. or when fog. smoke. or other atmospheric conditions limit visibility to less than 500 feet CONVOY MOVEMENT Unless otherwise endorsed hereon. the convoy movement of two (2) or more over1ength vehicles. and/or combination of vehicles is strictly prohibited. A distance of one half (112) mile shall be maintained between units. LC WM 244 Rev0119B . . LANE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED LANE COUNTY MAINTAINED ROADS FOR ANNUAL SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION PERMITS ROAD NAME APPLICABLE SECTION 6th Sl South 1-5 to London Rd. 30th Ave. College View Rd. to Spring Blvd. Airport Rd. MP 0.65 to Greenhill Rd Alvadore Rd. Hwy. 36 to Clearlake Rd. Applegate Trail Hwy. 36 to Territorial Hwy. Awbrey Ln. Prairie Rd. to Greenhill Rd. Bailey Hill Rd. City limits to Spencer Cr. Rd. Beacon Or. West River Rd. to Prairie Rd. Bear Cr. Rd. CIOYeldaIe Rei. to Rogers Rd. Bernhardt Cr. Rd. Sweet Cr. Rei. to End of Co. maint: Big Fall Cr. Rd. Jasper-towell Rd.-End Co. mainl Bolton Hill Rd. Territorial Hwy. to Vaughn Rei. Brice Cr. Rd. Row River Rei. - Champion Cr. Rd Camas Swale Rd. Butte Rd. to Hamm Rd. Camp Creek Rd. Marcola Rd. to McKenzie Hwy. Canary Rd. South Canary Rd. - Lower Fiddle Cr. Rd. Canary Rd. Hwy. 101 to Canary Rd. South Centennial Blvd. l-5 to Aspen Sl Central Rd. Hwy. 126 to Territorial Hwy. Clearlake Rd. ' Hwy. 99 to Territorial Hwy. Cleartake Rd. Hwy. 101 to Canary Rd. Cloverdale Rd. Hwy. 58 to Hendricks Rd. Coburg Rd. County Farm Rd. to Unn Co. line Coburg Rd. North Coburg Rd. to Linn County Une Cottage Grove-lorane Rd. City limits to Territorial Hwy. Cottage Grove Res. Rd. London Rd. to London Rd. County Farm Rd. Coburg Rd. to Coburg Rd. Crow Rd. Greenhill Rd. to Territorial Hwy. Currin Conn. Row River Rei. to Mosby Cr. Rd. Delta Hwy. North Beltline Rd. W. to Green Acres Rd. Delta' Hwy. South Beltline Rd. W. to 1-105 Dexter Rd. Hwy. 58 to Hwy. 58 East Mapleton Rd. Hwy. 126 to End of County mainl Enid Rd. East Hwy. 99 to Prairie Rd. Ferguson Rd. Hwy. 99 to Turnbow Ln: Fiddle Creek Rd. Canary ReI.-SOOth ~ End Co. maint: . Fish Hatchery Rd. Hwy. 58 to 01st Sl (City limits) Gate Cr. Rd. North McKenzie Hwy. - End of Co. mainl GimpJ Hill Rd. Bailey Hill Rei. to Pine Grove Rd. Goldson Rd. Hwy. 36 to HaD Rd. Gonyea Rd. Gonyea NE Ramp #6-End Co. mtn. Greenhill Rd. Crow Rd. to Meadowview Rd. Hadsall Cr. Rd. Sweet Cr. Rd. to End of Co. maint. Heceta Beach Rd. Hwy. 101 to'Rhododendron Or. Hamm Rd. TerritorialtoCamas SWale Rd. High Pass Rd.. Hwy. 99 to Turnbow Ln. High Prairie Rd. East 1st.Sl to High'Prairie Lp. Holden Cr. Ln. Hwy. 126 to Hwy. 126 HolSe Cr. Rd. McKenzie Hwy. to End Co. maint: Horton Rd. Hwy. 36 to End of County maint: Indian Cr. Rd. Hwy. 36 to End of County maint: INing Rd. Northwest E..,..~.way - Hwy. 99 Jasper-Lowell Rd. Place Rd. to Hwy. 58 Jasper-lowell Rd. Parkway Rd. to Pengra Rd. King Rd. East King Rd. W. to Horse Cr. Rd. King Rd. West King Rd. E. to Cougar Dam Rd. Kitson Springs Rd. Hwy. 58 to End of County mainl Call 541/682-6902 for additional permit information. . . .. _ . __. NOTE: All routes subject to weight restrictions imposed on bridges or road sections. ROAD NAME Latham Rd. Lawrence Rd. Uttle Fall Cr. Rd. Locke Rd. London Rd. Lorane Hwy. Lost Cr. Rd. , Lower Deadwood Cr. Rd. Lower Fiddle Cr. Rd. Lynx Hollow Rd. Maple Drive Marcola Rd. Martin Cr. Rd. McFarland Rd. Meadowview Rd. East Meadowview Rd. West Mercer Lake Rd. Mosby Cr. Rd. North Fork Siuslaw Rd. Northwest Expressway Noli Loop Rd:' Old Mohawk Rd. Peart Sl. Peng'" Connector Pengra Rd. Place Rei. Poodle Cr. Rd. Powertine Rd. Prairie Rei. Raisor Rd. Rattlesriake Rd. River Rd. Row River Conn. #1 Row River Conn. ff2 Row River Rd. . ROW Ri'iefRd. . Sharps Cr. Rd. Shorevjew Or. Siuslaw Rd. Siuslaw Rd. Spencer Cr. Rd. Sweet Cr. Rd. Sweet Ln. . Ten Mile Rd. Thornton Rd. South' Upper No. Fork Rd. Vaughn,Rd: . Vogt Rd. Wendling Rd. -West IlOOndaiy Rd: Westlir-Oakridge Rd. Willamelte Sl South Winbeny Cr. Rd. Wolf Cr. Rd. APPLICABLE SECTION Hwy. 99 to London Rd. Temitorial Hwy. to Hwy. 36 Jasper-Lowell Rd. - End Co.mainl County Farm Rd. - End Co. mainl Latham Rd. to Cougar Bend Rd. Spencer Cr. Rd. to Territorial Hwy. Hwy. 58 to end of County mainl Hwy. 36 to Brooks Rd. Canary Rd. So. - Douglas Co. line Hwy. 99 to End of County maint: River Rd. to End of County maint' Hayden Bridge to Unn County line Hwy. 99 to End of County maint: Westlir-Oakridge-High Prairie Rd. Hwy. 99 to Prairie Rd. Hwy. 99 to Greenhill Rd. Hwy. 101 to MerceNiew Or. Currin Conn. to End County maint. Hwy. 126 to Hwy. 36 River Rd. to Prairie Rd Hwy. 126 to Hwy. 126 MP 0.00 to MP 1.10 Coburg Rd. to 1-5 Pengra Rd. to Jasper-Lowell Rd. Jasper-LoweIl - Jasper-Lowell Rd. Jasper-LoweIl- Jasper-Lowell Rd. Hwy. 126 to Hwy. 36 Coburg Rd. to Unn County line Maxwell Rd. to Hwy. 99 London Rd. to End of Co. mainl Hwy. 58 to Lost Cr. Rd. Hwy. 99 to Federal Ln. Row River Conn.ff2-Row River Rd. Mosby Cr. Rd. to Row River Rd. Shoreview Or. to Champion Cr. Rd. City limilS to ShoieView Or. .. . -- Row River Rd. - Champion Cr. Rd. Row River Rd. to Row River Rd. MP 25.33 to Territorial Hwy. Hwy. 126 to MP 6.20 Lorane Hwy. to Pine Grove Rd. Hwy. 126 to End of County maint. Hwy. 99 to Talemena Dr. Hwy. 101 to End of County mainl Row River-Rd: to End Co;- mainl N. Fork Siuslaw Rd.- to Big Cr. Rd. Noli Lp:Rd. to Territorial Hw)t. Hwy. 36 to MUliron Rd. West Marcola Rd. to end of Co. mainl Jasper-l.Owell Rd.-End Co: mainl Hwy. 58 to High Prairie Rd. City limits to Fox Hollow Rd. Big Fall Cr. Rd. - End Co. mainl Territorial Hwy. to Siuslaw Rd. 1/22199 .. . \' . ~':', . . ~anli ~=.ourrty - Lane County SpeCial Transportation Permit SPECIAL ISSUE Permit Number: 2000-00488-2 'I Fee: ,I # Pennits: Total Fee: $8.00 3 $24.00 Penmlttee: MARQUARDT, KEN CaNST INC po BOX 11764 EUGENE, OR 97401-0000 Issue Date: 0312912000 Time: 8:18AM . Effective Date: 04I0212OOO Expiration Date: 04I0312OOO This penmlt Is Issued under authority 01 ORS 818.200 and Is subject to Its terms and condftlons. The penmlttee Is hereby authorized to move the vehicle, combination 01 vehicles, artlcle(s) or property over speclfled County roads, and as described on this penmlt. Special Provisions: MOVE WILL BE SUNDAY APRIL 2, 2000 BETWEEN 6:30 AM AND 10 AM Commodity: SERVICE GARAGE IN 3 PARTS Width: 24' Height: 11' Overall Length: 72' Load Length: 52' Gross Weight: LEGAL Number of Axles: Single Axle: Tandem Axle: Tri-Axle: I I Year 1962 Make FORD' 2~~14--+ PUC YCPV642 License T219252 Icompa;y TrktI Route Laden on Countv Roads Route Unladen on Countv Roads, TRAFFIC CONTROL BY EPD CENTENNIAL BLVD I tt shan be the duty 01 the flagger/escort to warn an approaching or over4aklng tramc 01 the tramc hazards due to..thls movement ReIer to I Oregon Administrative Rules, ChBDter 734. Division 82 lor the aooroved devices, flaqs or s1qns. By Bv Jeannie Lvon 3/29/2000 Permittee/Company Representative Approved by Public Works D1rector/Deslgnee Lane County Department of Public Works 3040 N.Ceha Highway Eu'gene, OR 87408-1686 Phone(641)882~902 FAX (6411682-4500 " ~-\ ,\, . ~ane ~ ~ounty - . . THE ATTACHED PERMIT IS INTENDED ONLY TO AUTHORIZE MOVEMENT OF ExCESS DIMENSIONS AND/OR WEIGHT ON LANE COUNTY ROADS 1. The attached permit does not authorize operation on State or City streets. 2. Movement is not pennitted when road surfaces are hazardous due to ice, snow, frost and other hazards, or when visibility is less than 500 feet due to fog, smoke or other atmospheric conditions when the width is in excess of 8 feet 6 inches. 3. Convoy movement of two or more overwidth or overlength vehicles or combination of vehicles requiring flag or pilot vehicles is strictly prohibited. There shall be a ~ce of one half mile between units requiring flag or pilot vehicles. 4. . Unless otherwise authorized, movements in excess of 8 feet 6 inches are prohibited from operating Saturday afternoons, Sundays and Holidays or during the hours of darlmess. DRIVER DISCRETION Lane County does not warrant that every road on the attached map or list of roads has a width or geometric features suitable for the safe operation of every possible vehicle or vehicle C".ombination. By operating under this permit, the PERMITTEE assumes the responsibility to operate the vehicle covered by this permit in a reasonable and prudent manner, based on enviromnental conditions, trafl;ic and roadway geometrics. This means some roads may be unsuitable for use by certain vehicles. It is the .....,"u..sibility of the PERMITTEE to make that determination and use an appropriate size vehicle.' Repeated problems on a given road may lead to removal of that road from the list of roads. LOCAL DELIVERY OF COMMODITIES (Annual Extended Weight Permits only) In the case where the place of destination cannot be accessed by traveling solely on the permitted Extended weight routes, the truck operator may use such streets and highways as are necessary to reach and leave the place of delivery. (Maximum overa1llength 75') Operators sha11 use Extended weight routes to minimize travel on Non-exterided weight routes. Savings in route length, time or . avoidance of inconvenience is not justification for the use on Non-enended weight routes. If called upon, operators shall produce documents as evidence that local delivery is being made on Non- extended weight routes. DoCumentation shall include site address, owner's name, etc. and will be subject to verification. Lane County Special Transportation Permits are required for oversize and overweight vehicles operating on the Lane County road system. Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) prescribe size and weight limits for vehicles. A permit system is provided by which vehicles may exceed statute limits on some Lane County roads under specific conditions. Lane County allows some combinations over 50 feet in length to exceed statute length limits without a permit. A local road authority may issue such permits under ORS 818.200. The fee for issuance of a variance permit is $8.00 per power unit. ~'..___..:.........Jc:k\extc:ndcdl.cov(l) Rev. 12199 .. . . , -, , '. " A LANE COUNTY SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION PERMIT IS REQmRED WHEN: I. A single vehicle is over 40 feet in length. 2. Gross weight is over 80,000 pounds. 3. Height is over 14 feet. 4. Width is over 8 feet 6 inches. 5. Truck-tractorlsemitrailer combination. A. Combination is over 75 feet in length. B. ~ ......:_..i1er is in excess of 45 feet. 6. Truck-tractorlsemitrailerltrai1er combinations. Double trailers not to excCed 68 feet in length, 46 foot maximuni on any trailer in this combination. 7. Any axle or combination of axles exceed statutory weight limits. Basic Rules of Enended Weight Pennit system: 1. Semitrailer of 45 feet or more, 75 feet overall length. 2. Double trailers not to exceed 68 feet in length, no restrictions overalllengtb. 3. Wheelbase of 47'0" or more may be permitted to load to combined weights "Extended" above the basic legal weight table to whichever combination of the following is less: A. The overall wheelbase weight allowance of the Extended weight table that is attached. B. TirelWheel weight allowance of ORS 818.010. C. Axle weight allowances ofORS 818.010. D. Groups of axles (overall or internal) 46' or less shall be limited to the weight allowance of ' ORS 818.010 weight table that is attached. . Annual Heavy Haul: (Non-divisible loads) I. Gross weights up to 98,000 Ibs. 2. Single axle weight of21,500 Ibs. 3. Tandem axle weight of 43,000 lbs. 4. Tri-axle weight up to 64,500 lbs. 5. Overall vehicle length of 75 feet. , 6. Maximum width of 12 feet. 7. Maximum trailer length 48 feet. Overwidth, Overlength and Mobile Homes I. See attachments. h'\permitsllnlckl.x"-,..", .(2)Rev. 12199 ~ . '.. . . ~ - Lane County Special Dansportation Permit Attachment for Heavy Haul & Mobile Homes SINGLE TRIP/ANNUAL Special Requirement for Movement under PERMIT # Refer to Attached Ust for Approved Routes. FLAGMAN-ESCORT REQUIREMENTS WIDTH Ifo" to !fU' 9'1. to 11'0. 11'1~ to 14'0. Over 14' DIMENSIONS FlAGMAN LOAD OVERALL ESCORT(S) LENGTH' LENGTH REQUIRED. 4:>'U- Iti'O' U 45'0" 75'f1' 1 Front 45'0. 75'f1' 1 Frontl1 Rear Routing determines the,number of escort vehicles required. OVERSIZE LOAD SIGNS REQUIRED" ;,!, 2 2 . The only ..._~..~_n will be Lane County's Delta Highway where the maximum escort requirements will be one (1) escort on widths of 1 1 ~ Oto 14' and overall iengths of 75' or any combination 1hereof. All other escort requirements will be in effect. OVERSIZE LOAD SIGNS Signs must be 7 fe91wide by 18 inches high and have 10 inch high black letters on a highway yellow background. The signs are to display the 'words OVERSIZE LOAD and be mounted horizontally over the top of the cab and rear most part of the vehicle. The bottom edge must be not less than four (4) feet above the road surface. MARKING OF WIDE LOADS The outermost points of Overwidth loads mUst'be marked during daylight hours by red flags no less than 18 inches square, visible to the front and rear. FLAGMAN-ESCORT VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS Escort vehi.;les may be required to insure safety during the movement of oversize loads. The escort vehicle shall be a sole passenger car, pick-up, truck or truck traclDr.. Vehicles are to be placed 500 to 800 feet from the oversize load. Escorts must have warning signs that are 5 feet wide by 10 inches high, two (2) flashing amber warning lights or a revolving amber warning light, ~ radio communicalion with the oversize vehicle(s), two (2) 18 inch square red flags on three (3) foot staffs and eight (8) safety flares or reflectors. The sign shall be mounted above the roofIine during the course of the oversize movement and,shall be .'....w, w~ or retracted at all other times: DUTIES OF FLAGMAN-ESCORT VEHICLES' Escorts are 10 warn .......~..ching and/or overtaking 1raffic of the unit's presence on the highway to provide the' , maximum protection and safGty for the traveling public:. When encountering bridges, strUctureS, tunnels or other locations where clearances may be lim~ed to the extent that normal two-way traffic cannot be..maintained, the vehicle ....w...;...r shall signal by hand or radio to the towing vehicle driver when the Oversize un~ can proceed without conflict 10 approaching traffIC. As the oversize un~ proceeds through such areas of impaired clearance. the vehicle .....~...:_[ shall act as flagger to warn approaching traffic. Escort vehicle(s) are considered 10 be under the direct control and supervision of the towing vehicle operator. HAUUNG HOURS & DA YS Overwidth movement is not allowed Cluringarry hours on holidays; or from 4 p.m. Friday until'claYlight the'following Tuesday when a holiday is obsefVed on a Saturday, Sunday or Monday. Overwidth movement is not allowed from noon the Wednesday before Thanksgiving until daylight the following Monday. Overwidth movementis:ootallowed during daylight hours on Saturday ~/;....__ns and Sundays after Memorial Day and before Labor Day or during the hours of darkness. WEA THER RESTRICTIONS Overwidthloads and loads longer than 700. are not allowed to travel when roads are hazardous because of weather or when fog, smoke or other atmospheric conditions Um~ visibility to less than SOO feet CONVOY MOVEMENT Unless otherwise endorsed hereon, the convoy movement of two (2) or more overwidth and/or overlength vehicles and/or combination of vehicles is strictly prohibited. A distance of one half (112) mile shall be maintained between units. LC WM 245 Rev. 01198 . .. . :1 ~ - Lane County Special Transportation Permit Attachment for Overlength Loads . Special Requi,,,,..,,..~ lor Movement under Permtt # Refer to Attached Ust for Approved Routes OVERALL LENGTH UP TO 80'0" 80'1" to 105'0" witlL.~~~ '.~ trailer 80'0" to 100'0" wlo steering trailer . 100' and over FLAGMAN-ESCORT/SIGN REQUIREMENTS NUII8ER OF FLAGMAN-ESCORT(S) REQUlREtr o o 1 Front 1 FrontI1 Rear NUMBER OF LONG LOAD SIGNS REQUIRED" o 2 2 2 . The only ,. ..",.., MIl be lJIne CounIys lleJra Highway and 30Ih Avenue where the maximum escort, requiremenl will be one (1) rear escort on Ienglhs """ lOS. AD Ienglhs lOS and undorwill require only one (1) LONG LOAD sign 10 the rear. LONG LOAD SIGNS Signs with a re1Iectorized yellow background are required lor a log truck and pOle trailer towing a sell-supporting trailer, and a log truck towing a snuger steered pole trailer. These combinations of vehicles must have a warning sign with the legend LONG LOAD displayed on the back 01 the rearmosl vehicle. This sign. 71eet wide by 18 inches high, must be kept in good repa;r,lreefrom dirt, grease and road film to be clearly readable to following drivers. Signs of mesh or other materials that do not provide a continuous background are not allowed. The sign must be attached.to the reannOSl position possible. either on the load or the last vehicle FLAGMAN-ESCORT VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS Escon vehicles may be reqUired to insure safety during the movement of overlength loads. The escon vehicle Shall be a sole passen- ger car. pickup truck or truck tJactor. Vehicles ,are to be placed 500 to 800 feet from the overlength load. Escorts must have warning signs that are 5 feet wide by 10 inches high, two (2) flashing amber warning lights. or a revolving amber warning light. two-way radio communi- cation with the overlength vehicle(s), two (2) 18 inch square red flags on three (3) foot stiffs and eight (8) safety flares or reflectors. The sign Shall be mounted above the roofline during the course of the overleng!h movement and st2J1 be removed or retracted at all other times. DunES OF FLAGMAN-ESCORT VEHICLES Escorts are to warn ",y' ""';ling and/or overlaking traffic of the units presence on the highway to provide a maximum protection and safety for the traveling public. When encountering bridges, structures, tunnels or other locations where clearances may be limited to the extent that normal two-way traffic cannot be maintained. the vehicle operator Shall signal by hand or radio to the towing vehicle driver when the overlength unit can proceed without conflict to apProaching traffic. As the overlength unit then proceeds through such areas of impaired clearance, the vehicle operator Shall act as flagger to wam approaching traffic. Escon vehicle(s) are considered to be under the direct COntrol and supervision of the towing vehicle operator. HAULING HOURS & DAYS . Overlength movements are prohibited from operation during the hours of dusk to dawn, Saturday afternoon. Sundays, and on the lollowing holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day. Independence Oay,Labor day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and providing that when any of these holidays fall on a Sunday, then the following Monday Shall be deemed the holiday. Movement is authorized during the hours of darf<ness. except on holidays, provided that intermediate side ITI3/t(er lights. as desclibed in ORS Chapter 816, are placed on each side at intelV3ls of not more than 20' between the taillights of the towing vehicle and the taillights of the trailer. WEATHER RESTRICTIONS' OverIength loads are not allowed to travel when roads are hazardous because ot weather or when fog, smoke. or other atmospheric conditions limtt visibility to less than 500 feet CONVOY MOVEMENT Unless otherwise endorsed hereon. the convoy movement of two (2) or more over1ength vehicles, and/or combination of vehicles is strictly prohibited. A distance of one half (112) mile Shall be maintained between units. LCWM244 RevOtm& ,\ .. . . LANE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED LANE COUNTY MAINTAINED ROADS FOR ANNUAL SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION PERMITS ROAD NAME APPLICABLE SECTION 6th st South 1-5 to london Rd. 30th Ave. College View Rd. 10 Spring Blvd. AiljlOrt Rd. MP 0.65 to Greenhill Rd Alvadore Rd. Hwy. 36 10 Clearlake Rd. Applegate Trail Hwy. 36 to Territorial Hwy. Awbrey Ln. Prairie Rd. to GreenhUl Rd. Bailey Hill Rd. City limits to Spencer Cr. Rd. Beacon Dr. West River Rd. to Prairie Rd. Bear Cr. Rd. Cloverdale Rd. to Rogers Rd. Bernhardt Cr. Rd. Sweet Cr. Rei. to End of Co. mainl Big Fall Cr. Rd. Jasper-l..oweU Rd:-End Co. mainl Bolton Hill Rd. Territorial Hwy. to Vaughn Rd. Brice Cr. Rd. Row River Rei. - Champion Cr. Rd Camas Swale Rd. Butte Rd. to Hamm Rd. Camp Creek Rd. Marcola Rd. to McKenzie Hwy. Canary Rd. South ' Canary Rd. - Lower Fiddle Cr. Rd. Canary Rd. Hwy. 101 to Canary Rd. South Centennial Blvd. 1-5 to Aspen st Central Rd. Hwy. 126 to Territorial Hwy. ClearlakeRd. Hwy. 99toL.;;..:~IHwy. Clearlake Rd. Hwy. 101 to Canary Rd. Cloverdale Rd. Hwy. 58 to Hendricks Rd. Coburg Rd. County Farm Rd. to Unn Co. line Coburg Rd. North Coburg Rd. to Unn County Une Cotlage Grove-Lorane Rd. City limits to Territorial Hwy. Cotlage Grove Res. Rd. London Rd. to london Rd. County Farm Rd. Coburg Rd. to Coburg Rd. Crow Rd. Greenhill Rd. to Territorial Hwy. Currin Conn. Row River Rd. to Mosby Cr. Rd. Delta Hwy. North Seltline Rd. W. to Green Aaes Rd. Delta Hwy. South BeItline Rd. W. to 1-105 Dexter Rd. Hwy. 58 to Hwy. 58 East Maplelon Rd. Hwy. 126 to End of County mainl Enid Rd. East Hwy. 99 to Prairie Rd. Ferguson Rd. Hwy. 99 to Turnbow Ln. Fiddle Creek Rd. Canary Rd:SOiIth ~ End Co. mainl' Fish Hatchery Rd. Hwy. 58 to 01st Sl (City limits) Gate Cr. Rd. North McKenzie Hwy. - End of Co. mainl Gimpl Hill Rd. Bailey Hill Rei. to Pine Grove Rd. Goldson Rd. Hwy. 36 to Hall Rd. Gonyea Rd. Gonyea NE Ramp #6-End Co. mtn. Greenhill Rd. CrowRd.toM~,;. .;ew Rd. Hadsall Cr. Rd. Sweet Cr. Rd. to End of Co. mainl Heceta Seach Rd. Hwy. 101 to' Rhododendron Dr. Hamm Rd. Territorial,toCamas SWale Rd. High Pass Rd.. Hwy. 99 to Turnbow Ln. High Prairie Rd. East 1 st. st to High Prairie Lp. Holden Cr. Ln. Hwy. 126 to Hwy. 126 Horse Cr. Rd. McKenzie Hwy. to End Co. mainl Horton Rd. Hwy. 36 to End of County mainl Indian Cr. Rd. Hwy. 36 to End of County mainl Irving Rd. Northwest E..,.........vay - Hwy. 99 Jasper-Lowell Rd. Place Rd. to Hwy. 58 Jasper-Lowell Rd. Parkway Rd. to Pengra Rd. King Rd. East King Rd. W. to Horse Cr. Rd. KIng Rd. Wesl King Rd. E. to Cougar Dam Rd. Kitson Springs Rd. Hwy. 58 to End of County mainl Call 541/682-6902 for additional permit information. NOTE: All routes subject to weight restrictions imposed on bridges or road sections. ROAD NAME Latham Rd. L "'...,, Rd. Little Fall Cr. Rd. Locke Rd. London Rd. Lorane Hwy. Lost Cr. Rd. Lower [;..: .. j Cr. Rd. Lower Fiddle Cr. Rd. LynxHol1ow Rd. Maple Drive Marcola Rd. Martin Cr. Rd. McFarland Rd. MeadOWYiew Rd. East MeadOWYiew Rd. West Mercer Lake Rd. Mosby Cr. Rd. North Fork Siuslaw Rd. NOrthwest~'~.h~Y Noli Loop Rd:' Old Mohawk Rd. Pearl st Pengra Connector Pengra Rd. Place Rd. Poodle Cr. Rd. Powerline Rd. Prairie Rd. Raisor Rd. RatlIesIiake Rd. River Rd. Row River Conn. #1 Row River Conn. #2 Row River Rd. - ROW River~d. - Sharps Cr. Rd. Shoreview Dr. Siuslaw Rd. Siuslaw Rd. Spencer Cr. Rd. Sweet Cr. Rd. Sweet Ln. , Ten Mile Rd. Thornton Rd. South' Upper No. Fork Rd. Vaughn.Rd:. . VogI Rd. Wendling Rd. 'West IlOlinclaiy Rd. Westfir-Oakridge Rd. Willamette Sl South Winberry Cr. Rd. Wolf Cr. Rd. APPLICABLE SECTION Hwy. 99 to London Rd. Terrritorial Hwy. to Hwy. 36 Jasper-LoweIl Rd. - End Co.mainl County Farm Rd. - End Co. mainl Latham Rd. to Cougar Bend Rd. . Spencer Cr. Rd. 10 Territorial Hwy. Hwy. 58 to end of County mainl Hwy. 36 to Brooks Rd. Canary Rd. So. - Douglas Co. line Hwy. 99 to End of County mainl River Rd. to End of County maint' Hayden Bridge to Unn County line Hwy. 99 to End of County mainl Westfir-Oakridge-High Prairie Rd. Hwy. 99 to Prairie Rd. Hwy. 99 to Greenhill Rd. Hwy. 10110 Mercerview Dr. Currin Conn. to End County mainl Hwy. 126 to Hwy. 36 River Rd. to Prairie Rd Hwy. 126 to Hwy. 126 MPO.OOtoMP1.10 Coburg Rd. to 1-5 Pengra Rd. to Jasper-Lowell Rd. Jasper-LoweIl - Jasper-Lowell Rd. Jasper-Lowell- Jasper-Lowell Rd. Hwy. 126 to Hwy. 36 Coburg Rd. to Unn County line Maxwell Rd. to Hwy. 99 London Rd. to End of Co. mainl Hwy. 58 to Lost Cr. Rd. Hwy. 99 to Federal Ln. Row River Conn.t12-Row River Rd. Mosby Cr. Rd. 10 Row River Rd. Shoreview Dr. 10 Champion Cr. Rd. . .. City limitS toShoteVieW Dr. " . .. Row River Rd. - Champion Cr. Rd. Row River Rd. to Row River Rd. MP 25.33 to Territorial Hwy. Hwy. 126 to MP6.20 Lorane Hwy. to Pine Grove Rd. Hwy. 126 to End of County main!. , Hwy. 99 to Talemena Dr. Hwy. 101 to End of County mainl Row River-Rd: to End Co:-mainl N. Fork Siuslaw Rd.- to Big Cr. Rd. Noli Lp:Rd. to TeiTitorial Hw)>. Hwy. 36 to MUliron Rd. West Marcola Rd. to end of Co. mainl Jlisper-lOwell Rd.-End Co: maint Hwy. 58 10 High Prairie Rd. City limits to Fox Hollow Rd. Big Fall Cr. Rd. - End Co. mainl Territorial Hwy. 10 Siuslaw Rd. 1f22199 '. . . . ~ilmi t~ourrlY - Lane County Special Transportation Permit SPECIAL ISSUE Permit Number: 2000-00488-3 I I Fee: , # Pennits: Total Fee: $8.00 3 $24.00 Permittee: MARQUARDT, KEN CaNST INC PO BOX 11764 EUGENE, OR 97401-0000 Issue Date: 03l2912OOO Time: 8:18 AM Effective Date: 04I0212OOO Expiration Date: 04'03l200O Thl. permit Is I..ued under authority of ORS 818.200 .nd I. subject to It. terms.nd condition.. The permittee I. hereby .uthorlzed to move the vehicle, combln.tlon of vehicle.. .rtlcle(.) or property over .peclfied County road....nd .. described on this permit. Special Provisions: MOVE WILL BE SUNDAY APRIL 2. 2000 BETWEEN 6:30 AM AND 10 AM Commodity: SERVICE GARAGE IN 3 PARTS Width: 24' Height: 11' Overall Length: 72' Load Length: 52' Gross Weight: LEGAL Number of Axles: Single Axle: Tandem Axle: Tri-Axle: Year Make , 1976 INTERNATIONAL VIN CE1006 PUC I License \company Trk#1 YCCE024 TRIP PERMIT 4 1 Route Unladen on County Roads Route Laden on Countv Roads TRAFFIC CONTROL BY EPD CENTENNIAL BLVD lit sh.n be the duty of the nagger/escort to warn .n approaching or over.taklng traffic of the traffic hazards due to this movement ReIer to I Oreqon Administrative Rules, Chaoter 734. Division 82 for the 8DDroved devices. fla~s or slQns. By Bv Jeannie Lvon 3/29/2000 PermttteelCompany Representative Approved by Public Works DlrectortDeslgnee lane County Department of Public Works 3040 N.DeIta Highway Eugene, OR 87408-1696 Phon. (1541) 692.e902 FAX (1541) 682-8600 ~anE . ~ountll - . . . THE ATTACHED PERMIT IS INTENDED ONLY TO AUTHORIZE MOVEMENT OF EXCESS DIMENSIONS AND/OR WEIGHT ON LANE COUNTY ROADS 1. The attached pennit does not authorize operation on State or City streets. 2. Movement is not permitted when road surfaces are hazardous due to ice, snow, frost and other hazards, or when visibility is less than 500 feet due to fog, smoke or other atmospheric conditions when the width is in excess of 8 feet 6 inches. 3. Convoy movement of two or more overwidth or overlength vehicles or combination of vehicles requiring flag or pilot vehicles is strictly prohibited. There shall be a distance of one half mile between units requiring flag or pilot vehicles. 4. Unless otherwise authorized, movements in excess of 8 feet 6 inches are prohibited from Ul'w'~ Saturday afternoons, Sundays and Holidays or during the hours of darkness. DRIVER DISCRETION Lane County does not warrant that every road on the attached map or list of roads has a width or geometric features suitable for the safe ul'w.~on of every possible vehicle or vehicle r.ombination. By operating under this pennit, the PERMITTEE assumes the responsibility to operate the vehicle covered by this permit in a reasonable and prudent manner, based on environmental conditions, traffic and roadway geometries. This means some roads may be unsuitable for use by certain vehicles. It is the . "'"'I'_..sibility of the PERl\<Ul ll!.E to make that determination and use an appropriate size vehicle. Repeated problems on a given road may lead to removal of that road from the list of roads. LOCAL DELIVERY OF COMMODITIES (Annual Extended Weight Pennits only) In the case where the place of destination cannot be accessed by traveling solely on the pennitted Extended weight routes, the truck operator may use such .u"",-> and highways as are necessary to reach and leave the place of delivery.' (Maximum overaIllength 75') Operators shall use Extended weight routes to minimize travel on Non-<:xtended weight routes. Savings in route length, time or avoidance of inconvenience is not justification for the use on Non~ended weight routes. If called upon, operators shall produce documents as evidence that local delivery is being made on Non- extended weight routes. Documentation shall include site address, owner's name, etc. and wiU be subject to verification. Lane Colinty Special Transportation Pennits are required for oversize and ovelWeight vehicles operating on the Lane County road system. Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) prescribe size and weight limits for vehicles. A pennit system is pro'(ided by which vehicles may exceed statute limits on some Lane County roads under specific conditions. Lane County allows some combinations over 50 feet in length to exceed statute length limits without a pennit. A local road authority may issue such pennits under ORS 818.200. The fee for issuance of a variance permit is $8.00 per power unit. h:\pennilsIlnu:l:~cov(l)Rcv.I2199 . . A LANE COUNTY SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION PERMIT IS REQUIRED WHEN: I. A single vehicle is over 40 feet in length. 2. Gross weight is over 80,000 pounds. 3. Height is over 14 feet. 4. Width is over 8 feet 6 inches. 5. Truck-tractorlsemitrailer combination. A. Combination is over 75 feet in length. B. Semitrailer is in excess of 45 feet. 6. Truck-tractor;'~;...';;"..ilerltrailer combinations. Double trailers not to exceed 68 feet in length, 40 foot maximum on any trailer in this combination. 7. Any axle or combination of axles exceed statutory weight limits. Basic Rules of Extended Weight: , '".~: system: 1. Semitrailer of 45 feet or more, 75 feet overall length. 2. Double trailers not to exceed 68 feet in length, no restrictions overa1llength. 3. Wheelbase of 47'0" or more may be pennitted to load to combined weights "Extended" above the basic legal weight table to whichever combination of the following is less: A. The overall wheelbase weight allowance of the Extended weight table that is attached. B. TirelWheel weight allowance of ORS 818.010. C. Axle weight allowances ofORS 818.010. D. Groups of axles (overall or internal) 46' or less shall be limited to the weight allowance of ORS 818.010 weight table that is attached. . Annual Heavy Haul: (Non-divisible loads) I. Gross weights up to 98,000 Ibs. 2. Single axle weight of21,500 Ibs. 3. Tandem axle weight of 43,000 Ibs. 4. Tri-axle weight up to 64,500 Ibs. 5. Overall vehicle length of75 feet. 6. Maximum width of 12 feet. 7. Maximum trailer length 48 feet. Overwidth, Overlength and Mobile Homes 1. See attachments. h:\pcrmi_' ..__;._ .. .(2)Rcv. 12199 r ., , . . . . . . . '. ~' - Lane County Special '&ansportation Permit Attachment for Heavy Haul & Mobile Homes SINGLE TRIP/ANNUAL Special Requirement for Movement under PERMIT # Refer to Attached USt for Approved Routes. FLAGMAN-ESCORT REQUIREMENTS WIDTH lffj" to !fU' 9'1" to 11'0" 11'''" to 14'0" Over 14' DIMENSIONS FlAGMAN LOAD. OVERALL ESCORT(S) LENGTH LENGTH REQUIRED' 4:>'U- 11:.0- U 45'0" 75'0" 1 Front 45'0" 75'0" 1 Frontl1 Rear , Routing determines the number of escort vehicles required. OVERSIZE LOAD SIGNS REQUmEl)>' l 2 2 " The only ~.~."'::~n will be Lane County's Delta Highway where the maximum escort requirements will be one (1) escort on widths of 11 ~- to 14' and overall lengths of 75' Dr any combination thereof. ALl other escort requirements will be in effect. OVERSIZE LOAD SIGNS Signs must be 7 feet wide by t8 inches high and have 10 inch high black letters on a'highway yellow background. . The signs are to display the words OVERSIZE LOAD and be mounted horizontally over the top of the cab and rear most part . of the vehicle. The bottom edge must be not less than four (4) feet above the road surface. MARKING OF WIDE LOADS The outermost points of everwidth'loads must be marked during daylight hours by red flags no less than 18 inches square, visible to the front and rear. ' FLAGMAN-ESCORT VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS Escort vehbles may be required to insure safety during the movement of oversize loads. The escort vehicle shall, be a sole passenger car, pick-up, truck Dr truck tractor.. Vehicles are to be placed 500 to 800 feel from the oversize load. Escorts must have warning signs thai are 5 feet wide by 10 inches high, two (2) flashing amber warning lights Dr a revolving amber ~ing light, two-way radio communication with the oversize vehicle(s), two (2) 18 inch square red flags on three (3) foot staffs and 'eight (8) safely flares Dr reflectors. The sign shall be mounted above the roofline during the course of the o)/ersize movement and,shaJl be removed Dr retracted at all other times: DUTIES OF FLAGMAN-ESCORT VEHICLES. Escorts are to warn' approaching and/or overtaking traffic of the unit's presence on the highway to provide the' , maximum protection and saf8ty for the traveling public. When encountering bridges. structureS, tunnels or other locations where clearances may be lim~ed to the extent thai normal,two-way traffic cannot be.-maintained, the vehicle operator shall signal by hand Dr radio to the towing vehicle driver when the oversize unit can proceed without conflict to approaching traffIC. As the oversize un~ proceeds through such areas of impaired clearance, the vehicle operator shall act as flagger to warn approaching traffic. Escort vehicle(s) are considered to be under Ihe direct control and supervision of the lowing vehicle operator. HAUUNG HOURS & DA YS Overwidth movement is not allowed lluringliny hours on holidays; or from 4 p.m. Friday untjJ'dliYlight the'following Tuesday when a holiday is observed on a Saturday, Sunday Dr Monday. Overwidth movement is not allowed from noon the Wednesday before Thanksgiving until daylight the following Monday. Overwidth movementis;nol a1lowlld during daylight hours on Saturday afternoons and Sundays after Memorial Day and before Labor Day or during the hours of darkness. WEA THER RESTRICTIONS Overwidth ,loads ,and loads longer than 750' are not allowed to travel when roads are hazardous because of weather or when fog, smoke Dr other _..y."..heric conditions fim~ visibility to less than SOO feel. CONVOY MOVEMENT Unless otherwise endorsed hereon, the convoy movement of two (2) or more overwidth and/or overtength vehicles and/or combination of vehicles is stridly prohibited. A distance of one half '(112) mile shall be maintained between units. LC Wt.I 245 Rev.01sa . . ~ - Lane County Special Transportation Permit Attachment for Overlength Loads Special Requirements for Movement under Perm~ # Refer to Attached Ust for Approved Routes FLAGMAN-ESCORT/SIGN REQUIREMENTS NUMBER OF NUMBER OF LONG FLAGMAN-ESCORT(S) LOAD SIGNS OVERALl LENGTH REQUIRED" REQUIRED. UP TO 80'0. 0 0 SO'1.t0105'O.with~".. ..,..trailer 0 2 SO'O. to 100'0" wlo ~~'"~... trailer 1 Front 2 100' and 0_ 1 Fronlfl Rear 2 . The only ,...,... wiD be lJlne Courdy's Delta Highway and 3OlI\ Averwe where 1lle maximum esccrt, requiremetU.,;a be one(l) rear escort on lenglhsover 1 OS. AD IengIhs lOS and unclorwill require Only one (1) LONG LOAD sign to 1lle rear. LONG LOAD SIGNS Signs with a reflectoriZed yellow background are required for a log truck and pole trailer towing a self-supporting trailer. and a log truck towing a sn,,ger steered pole trailer. These combinations of vehicles must have a warning sign with the legend LONG LOAD displayed on the back of the rearmost vehicle. This sign. 7 feet wide by 18 inches high, must be kept in good repair. free from dirt, grease 1jlld road film to be clearly readable to following drivers. Signs of mesh or other materials that do not provide a continuous background are not allowed. The sign must be attached to the rearmost position possible, either on the load or the last vehicle FLAGMAN-ESCORT VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS Escort vehicles may be required to insure safety during the movement of overtength loads. The escort vehicle shall be a sole passen- ger car. pickup truck or truck tractor. Vehicles are to be placed 500 to 800 feet from the overtength load. Escorts must have warning signs that are 5 feet wide by 10 inches high. two (2) flashing amber warning rtghfs. or a revoMng amber warning light, two-way radio communi- cation with the overtength vehicle(s), two (2) 18 inch square red flags on three (3) foot staffs and eight (8) safety flares or reflectors. The sign shall be mounted above the roofIine during the course of the over1ength movement and shall be removed or retracted at all other times. DUTIES OF FLAGMAN-ESCORT VEHICLES Escorts are to warn approaching and/or overtaking traffic of the units presence on the highway to provide a nmimum protection and safety for the traveling public. When encountering bridges, structures, tunnels or other locations where clearances may be limned to the extent thai normal two-way traffic cannot be maintained, the vehicle operator shall signal by hand or radio to the towing vehicle driver when the overfength unn can proceed without conflict to apProaching traffic. As the overfength unit then proceeds through such areas of impaired clearance. the vehicle operator shall act as flagger to warn approaching trnffic. Escort vehicle(s) are conSidered to be under the direct control and supervision of the towing vehicle U".,~",. . HAULING HOURS & DAYS . Overtength movements are prohibited from operation during the hours of dusk to dawn. Saturday afternoon, Sundays, and on the following holidays: New Year's Oay, Memorial Day. Independence Day,Labor day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day. and providing that when any of these holidays fall on a Sunday, then the following Monday shall be deemed the holiday. Movement is authorized during the hours of dar101ess, except on holidays, provided thai intermediate side mar1rer lights, as described in ORS Chapter 816, are placed on each side at intervals of not more than 20' between the fall1ights of the towing vehicle and the taillights of the trailer. WEA THER RESTRICTIONS, Over1ength loads are not allowed to travel when roads are hazardous because of weather or when fog. smoke. or other atmospheric conditions limn visibility to less than 500 feet CONVOY MOVEMENT ' Unless othelWise endorsed hereon. the convoy movement of two (2) or more overtength vehicles. and/or combination of vehicles is strictly prohiMed. A distance of one half (1/2) mile shall be maintained between units. . LC WM 244 Rev0119B ,~., r . , . . . . . . LANE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED LANE COUNTY MAINTAINED ROADS FOR ANNUAL SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION PERMITS ROAD NAME APPLICABLE SECTION 6th Sl South 1-5 to London Rd. 30th Ave. College View Rd. to Spring Blvd. Airport Rd. MP 0.65 to Greenhm Rd Alvadore Rd. Hwy. 36 to Clearlake Rd. Applegate Trail Hwy. 36 to Territorial Hwy. Awbrey Ln. Prairie Rd. to Greenhill Rd. Bailey Hill Rd. City limits to Spencer Cr. Rd. Beacon Or. West River Rei. to Prairie Rd. Bear Cr. Rd. Clovenlale Rd. to Rogers Rd. Bernhardt Cr. Rd. Sweet Cr. Rei. to End of Co. mainl Big Fall Cr. Rd. Jasper-lowell Rd.-End Co. mainl Bolton Hill Rd. Territorial Hwy. to Vaughn Rd. Brice Cr. Rd. Row River ReI. - Champion Cr. Rd Camas Swale Rd. Butte Rd. to Hamm Rd. Camp Creek Rd. Marcola Rd. to McKenzie Hwy. Canary Rd. South Canary Rd. - Lower Fiddle Cr. Rd. Canary Rd. Hwy. 101 to Canary Rd. South Centennial Blvd. 1-5 to Aspen st. Central Rd. Hwy. 126 to Territorial Hwy. Clearlake Rd. ' Hwy. 99 to Territorial Hwy. Clearlake Rd. Hwy. 101 to Canary Rd. Cloverdale Rd. Hwy. 58 to Hendricks Rd. Coburg Rd. County Farm Rd. to Unn Co. line Coburg Rd. North Coburg Rd. to Uno County Une Cottage Grove-Lorane Rd. City limits to Territorial Hwy. Cottage Grove Res. Rd. London Rd. to London Rd. County Farm Rd. Coburg Rd. to Coburg Rd. Crow Rd. Greenhill Rei. to Territorial Hwy. Currin Conn. Row River Rei. to Mosby Cr. Rd. 0eIta Hwy. North Beltline Rd. W. to Green Acres Rd. Delta Hwy. South Beltline Rd. W. to 1-105 Dexter Rd. Hwy. 58 to Hwy. 58 East Mapleton Rd. Hwy. 126 to End of County mainl Enid Rd. East Hwy. 99 to Prairie Rd. Ferguson Rd. Hwy. 99 to Turnbow Ln. Fiddle Creek Rd. Canary Rd:Soilth C End Co. main!:' Fish Hatchery Rd. Hwy~ 58 to 01stst (City limits) Gate Cr. Rd. North McKenzie Hwy. - End of Co. mainl Gimpl Hill Rd. Bailey Hill Rei. to Pine Grove Rd. Goldson Rd. Hwy. 36 to Hall Rd. Gonyea Rd. Gonyea NE Ramp tl6-End Co. mtn. Greenhill Rd. Crow Rd. to Meadowview Rd. Hadsall Cr. Rd. Sweet Cr. Rd. to End of Co. maint. Heceta Beach Rd. Hwy. 101 to'RhOdodendron Or. Hamm Rd. TerritorialtoCamas SWale Rd. High Pass Rd.. Hwy. 99 to Turnbow Ln. High Prairie Rd. East 1st.Sl to High Prairie Lp. Holden Cr. Ln. Hwy. 126 to Hwy. 126 Horse Cr. Rd. McKenzie Hwy. to End Co. maint Horton Rd. Hwy. 36 to End of County maint Indian Cr. Rd. Hwy. 36 to End of County maint lIVing Rd. Northwest c..,..~..ay - Hwy. 99 Jasper-Lowell Rd. Place Rd. to Hwy. 58 Jasper-Lowell Rd. Par1<way Rd. to Pengra Rd. King Rd. East King Rd. W. to Horse Cr. Rd. King Rd. West King Rd. E. to Cougar Dam Rd. Kitson Springs Rd. Hwy. 58 to End of County mainl Call 5411682-6902 for additional permit information. . ...__.. . NOTE: All routes subject to weight restrictions Imposed on bridges or road sections. ROAD NAME Latham Rd. Lawrence Rd. UWe Fall Cr. Rd. Locke Rd. London Rd. Lorane Hwy. Lost Cr. Rei. Lower Deadwood Cr. Rd. Lower Fiddle Cr. Rd. Lynx Hollow Rd. ' Maple DriIIe Marcola Rd. Martin Cr. Rd. McFarland Rd. Meadowview Rd. East Meadowview Rd. West Mercer Lake Rd. Mosby Cr. Rd. North Fork Siuslaw Rd. No~ Expressway Noli Loop Rd:' Old Mohawk Rd. Pearl Sl Pengra Connector Pengra Rd. Place Rd. Poodle Cr. Rd. Powerline Rd. Prairie Rei. Raisor Rd. Rattlesnake Rd. River Rd. Row River Conn. #1 Row River Conn. #2 Row River Rd. -RowRiver~d. - Sharps Cr. Rd. Shoreview Or. Siuslaw Rei. Siuslaw Rd. Spencer Cr. Rd. Sweet Cr. Rd. Sweet Ln. , Ten Mile Rd. Thornton Rd. South" Upper No. Fork Rd. Vaughn ,Rd: . Vogt Rd. Wendling Rd. West BOIindaiy Rd.' Westfir-Oakridge Rd. Willamette st South Winberry Cr. Rd. Wolf Cr. Rei. APPLICABLE SECTION Hwy. 99 to London Rd. TelTTitorial Hwy. to Hwy. 36 Jasper-Lowell Rd. - End Co.maint County Farm Rd. - End Co. mainl Latham Rd. to Cougar Bend Rd. Spencer Cr. Rd. to Territorial Hwy. Hwy. 58 to end of County maint Hwy. 36 to Brooks Rd., , , Canary Rd. So. - Douglas Co. line Hwy. 99 to End of County maint River Rd. to End of County maint' Hayden Bridge to Unn County line Hwy. 99 to End of County mainl Westfir-Oakridge-High Prairie Rd. Hwy. 99 to Prairie Rd. Hwy. 99 to Greenhill Rd. Hwy. 101 to Mercerview Or. Currin Conn. to End County maint Hwy. 126 to Hwy. 36 River Rd. to Prairie Rd Hwy. 126 to Hwy. 126 MP 0.00 to MP 1.10 Coburg Rd. to 1-5 Pengra Rd. to Jasper-Lowell Rd. Jasper-Lowell - Jasper-Lowell Rd. Jasper-Lowell- Jasper-Lowell Rd. Hwy. 126 to Hwy. 36 Coburg Rd. to Unn County line Maxwell Rd. to Hwy. 99 London Rd. to End of Co. mainl Hwy. 58 to Lost Cr. Rd. Hwy. 99 to Federal Ln. Row River Conn.#2-Row River Rd. Mosby Cr. Rd. to Row River Rd. Shoreview Or. to Champion Cr. Rd. City limitS toShoreVieW Dr. . " Row River Rd. - Champion Cr. Rd. Row River Rd. to Row River Rd. MP 25.33 to Territorial Hwy. Hwy. 126 to MP 6.20 Lorane Hwy. to Pine Grove Rd. Hwy. 126 to End of County maint. Hwy. 99 to Talemena Dr. Hwy. 101 to End of'County maint Row RiverRd: to End Co:-maint N. Fork Siuslaw Rd.- to Big Cr. Rd. Noli Lp:Rd. to Territorial HwY. Hwy. 36 to Milliron Rd. West Marcola Rd. to end of Co. mainl Jasper-LOwell Rd.-End Co: maint Hwy. 58 to High Prairie Rd. City limits to Fox Hollow Rd. Big Fall Cr. Rd. - End Co. mainl Territorial Hwy. to Siustaw Rd. . .. . 1/22/99 ....~~_d'r .ECIAL TRANSPORTATION "RMIT FOR HOUSE MOVES - , I PERMITTEE NAME I TELEPHONE KEN MARQUARDT CONST. INC (541 )688-4611 I ADDRESS POBOX 11764 I CITY, STATE AND ZIP EUGENE, OR 97440-3964 I BUILDER REGISTRA liON NUMBER 114990 I PERMIT INSPECTION DEPOSIT COMMODITY SIGNATURE FRAME I CHECK NUMBER \\rm1'6 I 11 12 3 LENGTH. PERMIT FEE $8.00 NO. OF SECTIONS PilOT VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS 2 LANE, 0 NONE ~ FRONT ~ REAR 4 LANE 0 NONE 0 FRONT 0 REAR I YEAR AND MAKE OF EQUIPMENT 1962 FORD FB BEGINNING ADDRESS I PERMIT NO. 029333 1 OWNER NAME SAME I TELEPHONE (541 )688-4611 AODRESS SAME CITY. STATE AND ZIP SAME DATE CHECK NUMBER 3/14/00 WIDTW HEIGHT- OVERALL LENGTH 1 24 1 11 1 80 2 2 2 3 3 3 DES TINA liON ADDRESS 300 FAIRVIEW ID NO. I PUC NO. T85RV290114 YCPV642 2130 CROSS ST. LICENSE NO. I COMPo NO. T219252 STREET 1 HIGHWAY HIGHWAY 99 WEST FROM 6TH & HIGH 123.99 6TH & CHAMBER 122.48 , 1 HIGHWAY TYPE OF PAVEMENT I HAULING HOURS RESTRICTED TO 6:00 AM - 10:00 AM I HAULING DA VS RESTRICT ~D TO 4/2/00 ROUTE MP MP AGENCY TO WIDTH OF PAVEMENT USABLE ROADWAY LOWEST OVERHEAD STRUCTURE EXPIRA liON DArE 4/2/00 . SEE PAGE 2 FOR SPECIAL PROVISIONS' THE PERMITTEE SHALL NOTIFY THE DISTRICT MANAGER, OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVE, OF THE MOVE AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE MOVE. I TELEPHONE, I NOTIFY, ' ' ",':,'",->"..' 541-726-2552 TERRV,.HAMES, AsinDIST. 'MAI'-lAGER 734.2006(4.94) I DI~1"RICT MANAGER DON EHRICH ,. . "0 . ", GENERAL PROVISIONS I. ROAD & WEATHER Movement is not permitted when road surfaces are hazardous due to ice, snow or frost or when visibility is restricted to less than 500 feel by fo~, smoke, or other atmospheric conditions if the width IS in excess of8 feet or if the overalllenglh is in excess or80 feet. 2, POSTED LOAD LIMITS The posting of any highway or structure to reduce limits of weights or dimensions shall be to that extent a modification of the weights or dimensions allowed under this permit. 3. CONVOY MOVEMENT Unless otherwise endorsed hereon the convoy movement of two or more overwidth and/or overlength vehicles and lor combinations ofvehic!es operating under authority of this permit is strictly prohibited, , , 4. HOLIDAYS No movement shall be allowed on the following holidays: Christmas day, New Year day, Memorial day, Independence day,labor day, and Thanksgiving day. Whenever any of the said holidays fall on a Sunday then the following Monday shall be deemed the holiday, 5. PILOT VEHICLES Unless otherwise specified herein a pilot vehicle may be an automobile, pickup, or solo truck oflegal size and weight. Combination of vehicles not authorized. 6, PILOT VEHICLE OPERATOR DUTIES It shall be the duty of the pilot vehicle operator to warn approaching or overtaking troffic as the case may be of the hazard occasioned by the movement by the use of approved signaling devices or flags and signs. Pilot vehicles shall, on rural highways, maintain a distance ahead and behind the movement of not less than 300 feet nor more than 500 feet. In cities or in congested areas where traffic is controlled by signals this distance shall be reduced as may be required to protect the traveling public. 7, WARNING SIGNS Pilot vehicles shall display appropriately to the front or rear standard signs bearing the \....ords 'OVERSIZE LOAD~. The signs shall be 5 feet wide by 10 inches high with black letters 8 inches high with I inch brush stroke in accordance with Federal Highway Administration series B on highway yellow background, Oversize loads and towing or hauling vehicles shall display to the front and rear standard signs bearing the words 'OVERSIZE LOAD'. Signs shall be 7 feet wide by 18 inches high with black letters 10 inches high with 1-5/8 inch brush stroke in accordance with Federal Highway Administration series C on highway yellow background. All such signs shall be displayed only during the course of the movement of the oversize load and shall be removed or retracted nt all other times. 8. IMPAIRED CLEARANCE Full responsibility for the determination of adequate clearance both vertical and horizontal, is hereby imposed upon the permittee and the driver of equipment having a width and/or height in excess of the legal limit. When the vertical or horizontal clearance of any bridge or structure is impaired to the extent that full two-way traffic cannot be maintained the permittee shall provide a pilot vehicle whose duty shall be to prevent approaching vehicles from entering the bridge or structure while it is impaired by the movement covered by this permit. The cutting or trimming of trees or shrubs on Highway right-of-way is strictly prohibited. 9. HIGHWAY DAMAGE - BOND The permittee shall be held responsible and liable for any and all damage to, or destruction of any highway or an)' highway structure occasioned by the movement over said highways, and heavy agrees to reimburse the State Highway Division for cost or expense of repairing or restoring any highway structure damaged or destroyed, such reimbursement to be made by the permittee within 10 days after being billed for the'same by the State Highway Division. When . requested to do so, permittee shall furnish the State either a certified check or a surety bond, in any amount to be specified by the Division to guarantee the payment of claim for damages which may result from the movement. 10. INSURANCE A Certificate and Endorsement ofInsurance (Form 734. 1852) shall be on'file in the District Office issuing this permit. This permit shall automatically terminate, and be of no force and effect in the event that any insurance filed under this provision is canceled or is allowed to lapse. II. COUNTY ROADS & CITY STREETS This permit does not authorize operation over county roads or city streets. To operate over a county road a permit must be obtained from the county court having jurisdiction over the road; likewise, to operate over a city street other than a state highway route, a permit must be obtained from the proper city authority. 12. CANCELLATION This permit may be canceled at any time by the granting authority upon proof satisfactory to it that the permittee has violated any of the terms of the permit, or that the permit was obtained through misrepresentation in the application therefor, or when in the judgment of the granting authority the public interest requires cancellation. 13, INTENT This permit is intended only to permit movement of the commodity and/or vehicle(s) described herein andmust hc carried at all times in the cab of the powe'r unit and shall be available for inspection by any police officer, any representative of the State Highway Division or the Public Utility Commissioner. This permit is subject to the terms and conditions attached hereto and made a part hereof pursuant to the provisions ofORS CHAPTER ~18 14. ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS The receipt of this permit by the permittee and initiation of any movement authorized thereby shall be deemed acceptance by him of all descriptions, terms, and conditions herein. 15. REAR VIEW MIRRORS Vehicles or combinations of vehicles towing or transporting overwidth vehicles, machines or loads under authority of this permit must be equipped with rear view mirrors capable of affording the operator a view to the rear of the vehicle andlor combination of vehicles. Such mirrors may exceed width authorized herein by 5 inches on either side, but must be retracted to legal width when vehicle or combination of vehicles andlor load is oflegal width. 16, IIIGflW A Y BLOCKAGE Normally, movements must be ofa size which will allow highway traffic to proceed whithout delay; however, short movements ofa Width which will block the highway to two way traffic may be permitted providing turn-outs or widened areas are available for use in allowing traffic to clear. In no case shall the complete blocking of traffic be permitted for a period longer than 10 minutes and this will only be allowed in unusual circumstances as may be deemed appropriate by the state highway representative and with consideration given to the volume of highway traffic. 17. FIRE DEPARTMENTS The pennittee shall give timely notice of the movement to the local Fire Department having jurisdiction in the area(s) of the move. 18. GRANT OF MOVEMENT No building or structure shall be moved onto the highway right-of-way until all conditions specified herein have been satisfied and authority to proceed has been granted by the local representative of the State Highway Engineer. .. ~'.~'-dr t>ECIAL TRANSPORTATION IRMIT FOR HOUSE MOVES I PERMITTEE NAME I TELEPHONE KEN MARQUARDT CONST. INC (541 )688-4611 I ADDRESS POBOX 11764 I CITY, STATE AND ZIP EUGENE, OR 97440-3964 I BUILDER REGISTRA liON NUMBER 114990 I PERMIT INSPECTION OEPOSIT COMMODITY OWNER NAME SAME ADDRESS SAME CITY, STATE AND ZIP SAME 'SIGNA~~/L-- PERMIT FEE - CHECK NUMBER $8.00 FRAME I CHn;~~ I 11 12 3 lENGTW NO. OF SECTIONS WIDTH- HEIGHT- 1 24 1 11 12 2 13 3 I PERMIT NO. 029333 I TELEPHONE (541 )688-4611 I DATE 3/14/00 OVERALL: lENGTH 1 80 2 13 PilOT VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS BEGINNING ADDRESS OESTINA liON ADDRESS 2 LANE: o NONE IRI FRONT 129 REAR 4 LANE o NONE 0 FRONT OREAR 300 FAIRVIEW 2130 CROSS ST. 111H !t~dif6EBllr,)l\l'PMENT 10 NO. I PUC NO. LICENSE NO. I COMPo NO. F66DJCE1006 T512293 ROUTE STREET 1 HIGHWAY FROM MP TO MP AGENCY HIGHWAY 99 WEST 6TH & HIGH 123.99 6TH & CHAMBER 122.48 HIGHWAY TYPE OF PAVEMENT I HAULiNG HOURS RESTRICTED ,TO 6:00 AM - 10:00 AM I HAULING DAYS RESTRICTED TO 4/2/00 WIDTH OF PAVEMENT USABLE ROADWAY LOWEST OVERHEAD STRUCTURE EXPIRATION DATE 4/2/00 * SEE PAGE 2 FOR SPECIAL PROVISIONS * THE PERMITTEE SHALL NOTIFY THE DISTRICT MANAGER, OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVE, OF THE MOVE AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE MOVE. I ~~~_H;;~_2552 I ~~W~Y;THAMES; AS~~TDIST:'M~t:JI\~"ER ,<-/,iI'b~~IC~~~~C~ER '. 734-2006(4.94) 'll .. ... . 'GENERAL PROVISIONS I. ROAD & WEATHER Movement is not permitted when road surfaces are hazardous due to ice, snow or frost or when visibility is restricted to less than 500 feet by fog, smoke. or other atmospheric conditions if the width is in excess of 8 feet or if the overall length is in excess or80 feet. 2. POSTED LOAD LIMITS The posting of any highway or structure to reduce limits of weights or dimensions shall be to that extent a modification orlhe weights or dimensions allowed under this permit. 3. CONVOY MOVEMENT Unless otherwise endorsed hereon the convoy movement of two or more overwidlh nndlor overlength vehicles and lor combinations of vehicles operating under authority ofth.is permit is strictly prohibited, 4. HOLIDAYS No movement shall be allowed on the following holidays: Christmas day, New Year day, Memorial day,lndependence day, Labor day, and Thanksgiving day. Whenever any of the said holidays fall on a Sunday then the following Monday shall be deemed the holida)', 5, I'ILOT VEHICLES Unless otherwise specified herein a pilot vehicle may be an automobile, pickup, or solo truck oflegal size and weight. Combination of vehicles not authorized. 6. PILOT VEHICLE OPERATOR DUTIES It shall be the duty of the pilot vehicle operator to warn approaching or overtaking traffic as thc case may be of the hazard occasioned by the movement by the use of approved signaling devices or flags and signs. Pilot vehicles shall, on rural highways, maintain a distance ahead and behind the movement of not less than 300 feet nor more than 500 feet. In cities or in congested areas where traffic is controlled by signals this distance shall be reduced as may be required to protect the traveling public. 7. WARNING SIGNS Pilot vehicles shall display appropriately to the front or rear standard signs bearing the words 'OVERSIZE LOAD", The signs shall be 5 feet wide by 10 inches high with black letters 8 inches high with I inch brush stroke in accordancc with Federal Highway Administration series B on highway yellow background. Oversize loads and towing or hauling vehicles shall display to the front and rear standard signs bearing the words 'OVERSIZE LOAD'. Signs shall be 7 feet wide by 18 inches high with black letters 10 inches high with 1-5/8 inch brush stroke in accordance with Federal Highway Administration series C on highway yellow background. All such signs shall be displayed only during the course of the movement of the oversize load and shall be removed or retracted at all other times, 8. IMPAIRED CLEARANCE Full responsibility for the determination of adequate clearance both vertical and horizontal, is hereby imposed upon the permittee and the driver of equipment having a . width and/or height in excess of the legal limit. When the vertical or horizontal clearance of any bridge or structure is impaired to the extent that full two-way traffic cannot be maintained the permittee shall provide a pilot vehicle whose duty shall be to prevent approaching vehicles from entering the bridge or structure while it is impaired by the movement covered by this permit. The cutting or trimming of trees or shrubs on Highway right-of-way is strictly prohibited, 9, I-IIGIJW A Y DAMAGE - BOND The permittee shDII be held responsible and IiDble for any and all damage to, or destruction of any highway or any highway structure occasioned by the movement over said highways, and heavy agrees to reimburse the State Highway Division for cost or expense of repairing or restoring any highway structure damaged or destroyed, such reimbursement to be made by the permittee within 10 days after being billed for the same by the State Highway Division. When . requested to do so, permittee shall furnish the State either a certified check or a surety bond, in any amount to be specified by the Division to guarantee the payment of claim for damages which may result from the movement. 10. INSURANCE A CertificDte and Endorsement ofInsurance (Form 734- 1852) shall be on file in the District Office issuing this permit. This permit shall automatically terminate, and be of no force and effect in the event that any insurance filed under this provision is canceled or is allowed to lapse. 1 L COUNTY ROADS & CITY STREETS This permit does not authorize operation over county roads or city streets, To operate over a county road a permit must be obtained from the county court having jurisdiction over the road; likewise, to operate over a city street other than a state highway route, a permit must be obtained from the proper city authority. 12, CANCELLATION This permit may be canceled at any time by the granling authority upon proof satisfactory to it that the permittee has violaled any of the terms of the permit, or that the permit was obtained through misrepresentation in the application therefor, or when in the judgment of the granting authority the public interest requires cancellation. 13. INTENT This permit is intended only to permit movement of the commodity andlor vehicle(s) described herein and must hc carried at all times in the cab of the power unit and shall be available for inspection by any police officer, nny rep~sentative of the State Highway Division or the Public Utility Commissioner. This permit is subject to the terms and conditions attached hereto and made a part hereof pursuant to the provisions ofORS CHAPTER 818 14. ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS The receipt of this permit by the pennittee and initialion of any movement authorized thereby shall be deemed acceptance by him of all descriptions, terms, and conditions herein. 15. REAR VIEW MIRRORS Vehicles or combinations of vehicles towing or transporting overwidth vehicles, machines or loads under authority of this permit must be equipped with rear view mirrors capable of affording the operator a view to the rear of the vehicle and/or combination of vehicles. Such mirrors may exceed width authorized herein by 5 inches on either side, but must be retracted to legal width when vehicle or combination of vehicles and/or load is of legal width. 16, HIGHWAY BLOCKAGE Normally, movements must be ofa size which will allow highway traffic to proceed whithout delay; however, short movements of a width which will block the highway to two way traffic may be permitted providing tum-outs or widened areas are available for use in allowing traffic to clear. In no case shall the complete blocking of traffic be permitted for a period longer than 10 minutes and this will only be allowed in unusual circumstances as may be deemed appropriate by the state highway representative and with consideration given to the volume of highway traffic. 17. FIRE DEPARTMENTS The permittee shall give timely notice of the movement to the local Fire Department having jurisdiction in the area(s) of the move. 18. GRANT OF MOVEMENT No building or structure shall be moved onto the highway right-of-'....ay until all conditions specified herein have been satisfied and authority to proceed has been granted by the local representative of the State Highway Engineer. I' .-- .....~ """-. ~-~I_d,r ~ECIAL TRANSPORTATION tRMIT FOR HOUSE MOVES I PERMIT NO. 002933 I PERMITTEE NAME I TELEPHONE KEN MARQUARDT CONST. INC (541 )688-4611 I ADDRESS POBOX 11764 I CITY, STATE AND ZIP EUGENE, OR 97440-3964 I BUILDER REGISTRA nON NUMBER 114990 .j PERMIT INSPECTION DEPOSIT COMMODITY OWNER NAME SAME I TELEPHONE (541 )688-4611 ADDRESS SAME CITY. STATE AND ZIP SAME SIGNATURE . DATE FRAME I CHECK NUMBER 1(oD'1~ [ PERMIT FEE $8.00 CHECK NUMBER 3/14/00 lENGTH- WIDTH- HEIGHP OVERALL LENGTH NO. OF SECTIONS 1 2 3 1 24 2 3 1 11 2 3 1 80 2 3 PilOT VEHICLE REaUIREMENTS 2 LANE, 0 NONE ~ FRONT [XJ REAR 4 LANE 0 NONE 0 FRONT 0 REAR I YEAR AND MAKE OF EaUIPMENT 1974 KENWORTH BEGINNING ADDRESS DESTINATION ADDRESS 300 FAIRVIEW 10 NO. I PUC NO. 138998 YCRC126 2130 CROSS ST. LICENSE NO. I COMPo NO. T365290 STREET 1 HIGHWAY HIGHWAY 99 WEST FROM ROUTE MP TO MP AGENCY 6TH & HIGH 123.99 6TH & CHAMBER 122.48 HIGHWAY TYPE OF PAVEMENT WIDTH OF PAVEMENT USABLE ROADWAY LOWEST OVERHEAD STRUCTURE I HAULING HOURS RESTRICTED TO 6:00 AM - 10:00 AM I HAULING DAYS RESTRICTED TO 4/2/00 EXPIRA nON DATE 4/2/00 . SEE PAGE 2 FOR SPECIAL PROVISIONS * THE PERMITTEE SHALL NOTIFY THE DISTRICT MANAGER, OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVE, OF THE MOVE AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE MOVE. !TELEPHONE,", ,,::~')\!;NOTIFX'" ',',-:::" '''',:;y ,', "",,';;";.i,;,;.;:,':J:.:':,: 541-726-2552 <, TERRY THAMES: ASST DIST .MAN,A.GEH I',[)I~UW::T MANAGER DO.N:EHRICH' 734.2006(4.94) ..... .''\. . . GENERAL PROVISIONS I. ROAD & WEATHER Movement is not penniued when road surfaces nre hazardous due to ice, snow or frost or when visibility is restricted to less than 500 feet by fog, smoke, or other atmospheric conditions if the width is in excess of 8 feel or if the overall length is in excess or80 feel. 2. POSTED LOAD LIMITS The posting of any highway or structure to reduce limits of weights or dimensions shall be to thai extent a modification of the weights or dimensions allowed under this permit. 3. CONVOY MOVEMENT Unless otherwise endorsed hereon the convoy movement of two or more overwidth andlor overlength vehicles and lor combinations of vehicles operating under authority of this permit is strictly prohibited, 4. HOLIDAYS No movement shall be allowed on the following holidays: Christmas day, New Year day, Memorial day, Independence day, Labor day, and Thanksgiving day. Whenever any of the said holidays fall on a Sunday then the following Monday shall be deemed the holiday, 5. PILOT VEHICLES Unless otherwise specified herein a pilot vehicle may be an automobile, pickup, or solo truck oflegal size and weight. Combination of vehicles not authorized. 6. PILOT VEHICLE OPERATOR DUTIES It shall be the duty of the pilot vehicle operator to warn approaching or overtaking traffic as the case may be ofthe hazard occasioned by the movement by the use of approved signaling devices or flags and signs. Pilot vehicles shall, on rural highways, maintain a distance ahead and behind the movement of not less than 300 feet nor more than 500 feet. In cities or in congested areas where traffic is controlled by signals this distance shall be reduced as may be required to protect the traveling public. 7. IV ARNING SIGNS Pilot vehicles shall display appropriately to the front or rear standard signs bearing the words 'OVERSIZE LOAD". The signs shall be 5 feet wide by 10 inches high with black letters 8 inches high with I inch brush stroke in accordance with Federal Highway Administration series B on highway yellow background. Oversize loads and towing or hauling vehicles shall display to the front and rear standard signs bearing the words 'OVERSIZE LOAD'. Signs shall be 7 feet wide by 18 inches high with black letters 10 inches high with 1-5/8 inch brush stroke in accordance with Federal Highway Administration series C on highway yellow background. All sllch signs shall be displayed only during the course of the movement of the oversize load and shall be removed or retracted at all other times. S, IMPAIRED CLEARANCE Full responsibility for the determination ofndequnte clearance both vertical and horizontal, is hereby imposed upon the permittee and the driver of equipment having a width and/or height in excess of the legal limit. When the vertical or horizontal clearance of any bridge or structure is impaired to the extent that full two-way traffic cannot be maintained the permittee shall provide a pilot vehicle whose duty shall be to prevent approaching vehicles from entering the bridge or structure while it is impaired by the movement covered by this permit. The cutting or trimming of trees or shrubs on Highway right-of-way is strictly prohibited. 9. HIGHWAY DAMAGE - BOND The permittee shall be held responsible and liable for any and all damage to, or destruction of any highway or any highway structure occasioned by the movement over said highways, and heavy agrees to reimburse the State Highway Division for cost or expense of repairing or restoring any highway structure damaged or destroyed, such reimbursement to be made by the permittee within 10 days after being billed for the same by the State Highwny Division. When . requested to do so, permittee shall furnish the State either a certified check or a surety bond, in nny amount to be specified by the Division to guarantee the payment of claim for damages which may result from the movement. 10. INSURANCE A Certificate and Endorsement oflnsurance (Fonn 734- 1852) shall be on file in the District Office issuing this pennit. This permit shall automatically terminate, and be of no force and effect in the event that any insurance filed under this provision is canceled or is allowed to lapse. I I. COUNTY ROADS & CITY STREETS This permit does not authorize operation over county roads or city streets. To operate over a county road a pennit must be obtained from the county court having jurisdiction over the road; likewise, to operate over a city street other than a state highway route, a permit must be obtained from the proper city authority. 12. CANCELLATION This permit may be canceled at any time by the granting authority upon proofsatisfactory to it that the permittee has violated any of the terms of the permit, or that the pennit was. obtained through misrepresentation in the application therefor, or when in the judgment of the granting authority the public interest requires cancellation. 13. INTENT This permit is intended only to permit movement of the commodity and/or vehicle(s) described herein and must he carried at all times in the cab of the power unit and shall be available for inspection by any police officer, any representative of the Stale Highway Division or the Public Utility Commissioner. This permit is subject to the terms and conditions attached hereto and made a part hereof pursuant to the provisions ofORS CHAPTER 818 14. ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS The receipt of this permit by the permittee and initiation of any movement authorized thereby shall be deemed acceptance by him of all descriptions, terms, nod cO'1ditions herem. IS. REAR VIEW MIRRORS Vehicles or combinations of vehicles towing or transporting overwidth vehicles, machines or loads under authority of this permit must be equipped with rear view mirrors capable of affording the operator a view to the rear ofthe vehicle andlor combination of vehicles. Such mirrors may exceed width authorized herein by 5 inches on either side, but must be retracted to legal width when vehicle or combination of vehicles andlor load is oflegal width. 16. HIGHWAY BLOCKAGE Nomlally, movements must be of a size which will allow highway traffic to proceed whithout delay; however, short movements of a width which will block the highway to two way traffic may be permitted providing turn-outs or widened areas arc available for use in allowing traffic to clear. In no case shall the complete blocking of traffic be permitted for a period longer than 10 minutes and this will only be allowed in unusual circumstances as may be deemed appropriate by the state highway representativ.e and with consideration given to the volume of highway traffic. 17, FIRE DEPARTMENTS The permittee shall give timely notice ofthe movement to the local Fire Department having jurisdiction in the area(s) of the move. IS. GRANT OF MOVEMENT No building or structure shall be moved onto the highway right-of-way until all conditions specified herein have been satisfied and authority to proceed has been granted by the local representative of the State Highway Engineer.