HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2001-10-24 The!;' . Ing project es submitted hes the following . 225 rlFrH STREET Zdfi,. d does not require specific land uss ELE ICAL PERMIT APPUCATION SPRINGFIELD. ORE~ 477 r-oIJ INSPECTION REQUEST: 72',(!11l1q'" 1/\""'1 """ '~b Numbel OrrICE: 726-.1759 Dal" _ 10 ,c')L-1. ,0 I I' I. LOCATIO.!::!. OF Ir-fs'I"xt~~f1@ll&ture ~MPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOIV L ,,"-.2- DI1lY\A- <;. ^ New Residential-Single or Multi-Family per d,,'cIling unit. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Sm' ice Included: 17 . 03 . 7.:3 . UU' OOI'LO lIems Cosl Sum .1013 DESCRIPTION I ytC{)ktco , ~. Permits arc non-transferable :md c.\:pirc irwork is not started within ISn days of isslliJllce or if work is suspended for ISn days, Innn sq,n. or less Each addilional 5nn sq, n or portion thereor Eaeh ManuI'd Home or Modnlar Dwelling Service or Fceder $ln6,nn $ 19,nn $ 5n.nn 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY B. Services or Feeders InSlallation. Alterations or Relocalion: Electrical Conlmclor0l~b f::U.:{;;:rC:> iG Address 2..151 VD () Cit)~rl oczf' o'JrY Phone')41-14b-4bS f" Supervisor Lieense Number ..q'E) 1'S S sf . 2nn amps or less 2n I amps 10 4nn amps 4n I amps 10 6nn amps 6111 mnps 10 IOnn amps Over IOnn amps/mlts Rccouncct Only _$ 6.l.nn A- $ 75.lIn $125.nn $16.1,nn $.175.nO $ 5n,nn bpimlion Date 10- \ - a '+ Constr ConlL Number :<{.5/2Pb bpiralion Dale 4 - 2.. 0.\-. O"L .. SHALL EXPIRE IF T~6n~2~sKor less I, . .' I\ UNDER THIS PERfv:iiW?lI~;p,;1jo 4nn "'nps Signlllure or Supervising E[eclrician 'J OR IS ABAND()NE~'m1"lto 6nn amps L;l , ~ -' Over 6nn amps or lOon \'olls see p;.:'/ ,;:' o\Y Pf'RIOD. "13" abo\'e ~~~ - 'l'\ I), Branch Circuils Owners Name Vh t m A 11'0)( C. Temporal)' Services or reeders Inslallalion, Alleration or Relocaliun $511,1111 $69.lIn $IOII,nll Address2...'S-;:l.,? ()()rYV\~ CilyS(JI"I,,,r. Crn:iphone 12.Jo -0140 OWr-'lER ;;st~LLATION New. Allcralioll or Extension Per Panel One Circuit $4.1.1111 Ench Additional Circuit or with Service or Feeder Permit $ .1,nll The installation is being made on propcr1y I own which is not intended ror sale. lease or rent E. Miseellancous (Sen'ice/reeder not included) -Each inslall"lion Pul11por irrigation Sign/Outline Lighling_ Limited Energy/Res , Limiled Energy/Conlin $511,1111 $511,110 $25,1111 $45,1111 Owners Signature: '. 3\:0: iJ3IHS\78 : 39N\7H8 S9'3L $ 3:083iJ 1W\7 100G 30 .l80: 31 \70 9889000-10:#SN\7iJ1 10-.....1. .. 5, SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 71X. Stale Surcharge WX. AClil1i'ni;lrativc Fcc .. .). TOfI\L Io~ - <lAl <; ,0'-1 c 72....45"