HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-7-1 .. 1{t:~IUt:N IIAL" . APPLICATIOWERMIT 225 North 5th Street ... SpringfieLd, OreGon 97477 BuiLding Division 726-3753 Job Location: ;;)~ 3.;(, f)u 17 D3 ~?:> # ASDOSGOrS Map fI Subdivision: QJnCl': -Ph r / rV <) .~ ;) /)IJ V1ILI.~ ~VJ Jt 4//'eld I . YMtL~ ~/U{; Tar Lot # 0012.0 /17aJ!ox Vtt~. Address: City: CLm, r'>(] Addi ticn . n Remodel n Hobile Homa Data of Application Contractors ~-o2D-8'~ C)t.tJn..,..~ General. PLwnbing Electrical Mechar.ic.:z l Constl"Uetion Lender Phone: 1z(,., - 6(QC 97<1-7~ Zip: Describe fl'ork: ;}dd rh bH 0;: 13 a #rOO/tf /1'X3"O I , I . I- '({j"J.~.O ~ ., Uq13 ~. o Value . .00 0(.,,00- .)01 ! I )\11; [ i t Address /)/1 Siqr.ed: Date: cA. G? j~~ '7 -I -~ u-.- Lise. II Expires Piume ( . :--/ It is tho responoibility of the permit hoLder to see that all inapections are made at the proper tim~~ that each ~BB3 is readable fzocm ths street. and that the permi t card is located at ths ft"Ont of the property. "BuiZding Divi::ior. ap;n'oved plan shezz. remain on tha Building Sit~ at aU times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recor'de:tt) state yOUI' City designated job nur.:ber', raquested a:"".d wl:en you !JiZZ be ready for inspection, Contractor's Or' Owners ncme c.nd Fhone number. ;.'ill be rmde the same dc.y, requests made after 7:()O am Lrill be TTrlde the next :.JOr'king day. .r?~apJ:"'.f'n. T-'l112t><':!l':inn,Q D. SITE INSPECTION: To be rrr:u1.e after excavation, but prior to Set up of - . fOrm8. .--:"l : UNDERSLAB PLUMBII/G. ELECTRICAL & --.l . MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is ~overed. -vi "~OTf*c & FOUN:i>rION: T~ be rmde ~ after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccnc.ret3. :J' UNDSRGROUND PLUM:3ING. SEWER. W.1TER~ DRAINAGE: To be rrrJ.de prior to fil- lir.g trenches. , . -;?- I )(l: UIIDERFLOOR PLUI..'BING & MECHANICAL: ~ To be made prior to instaLlation of i1. floor insulation or deoking. ~ POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instalLation of f100r ins~lation 01' . deckiTl{;. ~~. 1, I. l-I). ROUGH PU1HBIlIG, E:['EbRICA.~ 1& MECH- ANICAL: No :JOrk is to be covered .until these inspections have beer. made and approved. . FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior.. :J tp )7l FRAflING: Must be reque3ted after ~ approv.:zl of rough plwr.bing, 2lectri- .cal & mechanical. AU roOfing bracing t1 chimneys, etc!. M'-lst be , ;" completed. No work is to be con- ~,.....cealed until this inspection has ..~ b6~': made and approved. ZJ =:J ~ :=J 'd-.'l. FIliAL PLUMIWIG All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, c~~letion of the required landsccpir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. "-- FINAL ME(;HAllICAL L.j"'l FINAL EI.ECTRICAL I~ ~ FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection. must be requested after the Final Plumbina Electrical, and Mechar.ical Inspections have been made and approv2d. Your Ci~Desigr.ated iotNumbao Is: r7l INSULATION!VAPOH BARRIER INSPECTION, ~ To be made after alL insuZ-:.:ti"n G:".d . " - required vapor barriers are in place ,;" "but before any lath, gypswn board or wl.l covering is applied, and before \ any i~uz.atio~ i~ concealed. \ rJl DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made lLU aftel' all drywall is in place, " but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel Zocation, bolul beams, grouting or verticals in accor'dance with U.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmplet€cl. o CURB &' APPROACH APRON: 'Afte:> forms are ereC!ted but prior to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For az.z. COn- crete paving within street right- pf-I.iJCY, to be made after aZl. exca- vating complete &' fo~ work & cub- . base material in p~e. o O PENCE: When compl~te -- Provide' gates or movable sections through P.U.E. . D job address, type of ir~pec~icn. Requ€sts received before 7:00 ~ I .1 <g '6 {J 53 Z-.., DEMOLITION OR !.:OVED BlJILDIi.'GS --, Sanitary 8e:Jer C!apped :::t propcrt':i lir:e .---.J _ I. =:J Septi:: tank p-.Jr.:Pcd and fille~ ~th ~~el i ""I Final - rl'hen above ite7ls are ccmpleted ~ and when demolitior. is completelor struC!- ture moved and premises C!leaned up. ( ."-/ Nobile Hemes ::J Blocking and Set-up ::J Plwnl>ing connections sauer 7 water ::J Electrical Connection - Slockir.g, set-up and plumbing connections nr~st ce approved before requesting elec:rical inspection ::J AcC!essor';j Building ---, Pinal - After p:Jrer.es, sk-i.rting, decks, ~ etc. are camplet~d. o . . ~ . ". 4ALL MANHOLES ANDCr..EANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!rElIT TO BE J.t.1DE AT 110 COST TO CITY I P3.ge ! of 2 ..1._. " I JOB NQ, S>&051L~ULAt< A~~t."" IZOl'le: I J\~ ILot Sq. Ft... : of lot C:merag:: N of Stories Total Height Topo~ra;>hy 1-. lITEM j;kzin I Cc:rtaae I Caroort I Acces80ru ~/7/e$h GC> TOTAL VAWE_ Is.D.c. (vct-UC) 1.5 :J: Building Permit State Surcharge Total Cha."'ges lITEM I Fixtw"es Residantial (1 bath) -Sanitary SetJe'1' 'Water Pl:unbin~ Perr.:i t . state Surcr,apge Total Charaes lITEM I Rea. Sa. Fta. I Ni?:LJIErtend Circuits Temporary Service Ele~trical Permit Stizte Surcharae Total Cha:rces lITEM I I furn::ice !!TU '09 r E::haust Hood' I-~ent Fan I . I WoodstOOJll I Permit Issuance Medzanical PtU7fri t State Surcharae Toto! Charaes SQ, FTG Occurxmcu G~: . LOT T~ Interior x I NO. I FEE I I~ b~S2> I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j I I ~I I I I I I I I NO. FEE 1110., I I I I I I I I FSE -- ENCROACHMENT -- I Sec-.lM,tli D2lJ03it I . Storage Mainten.an.:p,o Parmi t Total CharGes CUJ"bcu~ Sideualk CHARGE I 2"2,,')0 I i I I I L-s- I I . Corner Panhandle cut-de-sac Value ~a:? .-. ~b.Sc> 2-1$ ;5 5"933 "72-SC> /. /3 2?C,3 CHARGE '"Z2...o<:::> 72 -Dc> /./3 2;J.~~ CHARCE Fenall Electrical Label#=- /t.../-'(D B I Nobile Home I I I TOTAt AMOUNT DUE:' cfIl t::>6. t<t.y.- L -CO C. Type/Cor.st: " Setbacks Hause Caraae Access. t I I I Bedroor.:s: I Enarau Scr..u-ces Heat I Water Yr.atp,. Range Fil'c]'olace Wood:; tOL'S I Lot Faces - I I P.L. North East South West T:JD8 -- Fees Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the sdid construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Qrdinance, regulating the construction cmd uae of buildings, and m::zy be 8uDpended 01' revoked at a:y time upon vic- Zation of any provisions of said Ordinances. . -"). I Plan Check Fee: I Cate Paid: I Rec<<pt #: ISi~"ed: (- ~ ?'c~ fL, - ZV t~t_,- Permit . Plumbing No person chall construct, instal!, alter or change cny new 01' e--isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal. possessor of a vaUd plumber's license, except that a pe:oson may do pl.lC:".bing tJOrk to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appU- cant. / Electrical. Permi t Where State Laz.J requires tr.at the eleotrical work be done by" an El.ectrical Contraotor, the electrical portion of this permit shall r.ot be valid until the label has been signed by tM El.ectrical aontractor. -y- . Mechanical Permit I I. I. I I I I l. ~~~~~ ~~r . , - ~-:;;-o<sg. vate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed applioation for permit, and do hereby certify that all. information hereon is true and correct, and I f'olrther certify that any ar.d all. work perfoMled shall. be do':1e in accol"- dance :.nth the Ordinances of tM City of Springfield, and th:: La;.;s of tho State of Oregon pzrtaining to the work described hel"ein, end that NO OCCU- PI:NCY will. be TTrlde of any structure witho:.4.t pernrisaion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that cr.1ly contractors ar.d e:rrpl.:Jyees who are in compLiance with ORS 701.055 wiLl. be used on this project .;<0 j 1y I . I *~.~ lTla./:iJn 7'? I. 'Si~n.d . . ". l-D I-~~ Dat. . ..d..'.' _.,~___,,,__~..4C'"....~t_1-..',,