HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-1-2 . . /, ,4. / JOB ADDRESS:2472 Domas Drive POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # 4000-78 TRS, TL: 17-03-23-44-11 116 Subdivision: Northwood Estates, Lot 17, Block 4 This permit for the referenced property is hereby approved. Setbacks ani other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS # DavlO Barry / / 97477 Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: 726-0694 / / r. McGuire, 2472 Domas Drive, Springfield, Oregon Burtz, 2472 Dumas Drive, Springfield, Oregon 97477 Total Construction Value: $500.00 .nstruction approved by this permit: Water Supply: n.. PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION *tbacks terior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: Date Issued: / 1-2-79 C55-13 na Zoning: Partitioning # na Parcel # ,na Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: . side exterior: na ; interior property lines: na ;rear property line: na Special I nstructions: Interior only. / For information call 687-4394, R. ?ger Hollis Site Inspection # na Installation specifications: na lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: Special Instructions: na / / / / Septic Tank - 10' - 10' 5' 50' Wood stove Structures / Franklin-ICBO II 3185 now on property: house. # Bedrooms: # Plumbing Fixtures: # Employees: 11<1 na Parcel Size: ; centerli ne of road, na na na gal. min. septic tank capacity; Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call na between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.'11a Type of Construction: 5-N Group: R-3 Fire Zone: 3 Use Classification: SFD/STOVE Instructions: Permit for wood stove installation only. Wood stove installation shall be installed exactly in accordance with ICBO and the mfg's. installation instructions. READ the installation ins true .tions carefully BEFORE installing the stove. Call for inspectio~ after the unit has been installed For plans informatIOn call 68]-3767 between 8:00 a.m. ana 9:00 a.m., .Ii L b For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and b:elo p~. na DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE. EUGENE. OREGON 97401 By: Hans Ettlin/ly ~ne county ca \ (I~ 1~1 ) jl'eeeiPt , ~&JOb Address 2 tj 72 n v /YlI1S nil? CItY. Lit> nJTownshtp, Ran~e, Section Tax Lot -..2.3. '1'// J/' IJ' ~r.5ubdtvision L;. _ . ~ Lot . .17 Block 1 Application for "t!.)lJOD .!;rovt; 7'\1 Structures now on the property t'f'OllOsed use of property: f2( Residential CI CoIII11ercla1 CI Industrlll CI Publ1c Affidavit: I, .1)AIJlD R. t1C C. VI'U~ , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. (please prtnt) [f this application ts for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. 1 have the following legal interest in the property: owner of record~ contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase. I---'" duly aut~d to act/9orA~nJ.r._~ is knowledgeable of th;~plication. slgnature/Addres~~ fK.c.r/'~ .2. '172 'tI~ ~. (zip~7"';)7 Telephone 7).(,- ()(,~ 'f or )).{'-I3:J..o Date 1:J.-2(~/R When permlnis ready notify: I-I Applicant I8(CMner.n. CI Contrac;,or ~: ~ mail CI phone "CMner Q~ dI.-<A.A~ :2.'17?-- ~.,o 1tld1- (,io) '? 71iZJ Phone Contractor t1 <" ) .I.~_ (zip) Phone Contractor's OSRI - P1 umbi ng by i . DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL t1ANAGEMENT . PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 . L 4/V& (' U#7)' // ~>>~~~~ "$$igned ~" [f Commercial: I of stories Residential: , of bedroOMS SI test holes ready DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE I of employees , of units 50s: I~I Existing, BP , I~I Proposed. SI I -\ Fee ~ Descriotion Sq. Ft. or , of Sites ~it Cost Valuation 0&0 Fee sSi~. s s s ~~.J ;;r/~~ ~~ Z(!J!JO ~i?IR..s- Total Valuation: S S Plumbing fixtures at S each $ ~U ca~ S!Wer/water conn. at $ each $ U thock #. ...-> ./ Subtota 1 $ W ATER Rec~v~d;~'" /JV. 4% State surcharge $ ,~ Plans check fee $ PRn'-"~C'rD EXISTI NG Change of Occupancy $ -, '-i I-'V<r...I C. $ .s; 8r!J YEt-.R li\lS'U\LLED: TOTAL - .= PERMIT PROCESSING Zone /V.9- Part. , Parcel I Parcel Size Minimum setbacks: li., front 'I.. side into rear Conrnents To be typed on permit CP& I Type f!iJJ To be typed on permi t 5fff!CT Group fL. 3 ~/l(/-r l:;P/L , By ~ Date J~ -.;2';; -7,.r- Fire Zone.~ Use Classification ~~J''$.721~ .!1!f'~n 5mvtS JJJ~b-AnAv .'M/i-Y SEE Wt'/iZ1<:- For plans information call (area inspector) Directions to site~ 1 ..:::: /J By ~ ~ate '- \\"'/\ l....-Ir.M"D Phone IZ-?f}-7[> (431-:31(n~ ~O !Ji! CP&I o WPC C/ Planning CI Public Works C/ Elevatton I~I n/a e/ ~ddress C/ Fact1ity Permit I~/ Environmental Health Plans to: CP&I set(s) WPC ===== set(s) Date Required ~/f/7~ Hold Slip to PCC Date Comp 1 eted Da te to PCC n-Z~ C74-171 sf! 'p1 Name . ~ql~i~. \ Application /1.!fOOO -,1.8 . '.. l~h.,'PIi,o . ~ V 1PZJtl6 for '. WORK SHEET Construction Permits & Inspection ~ Type of Construction IIY~ Group . ~ Fire Zone ~11?;r~~V~use Classification , . ~- ~~ tJ - ~~~ - . .A./~ J...p~ ~ ~ r.C.8.0 tL-.d/ ~ - CH~ # ~.A&1 'A~~ - ~. lh'te~. &.d ~ ~ ~ha ~~, r Date IZ~Z9 74-164 T\\\N\ L 11.IAdn I~o~~ ! Signature . JOB ADDRESS: TRS, TL: POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # Subdivision: This permit for the referenced property is hereby Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly 0.. . t. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions ot"Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: Applicant/Address: Owner/ Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS # "~WJJ~ct\c;>n apRfoved by t~i; permit: ~~l~r ~VJ)Jlly: PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION A'tbacks ~terior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS/I NSPECTlON DIVISION Directions to Site: Date Issued: C55-13 Total Construction Value: # B~prpp.ms: # Plum~il7/J Fi?\~}lr~;j; # EmPloyees: Zoning: Partitioning # Parcel # Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side ; interior property lines: ;rear property line: Sp~pial Instruction~ Parcel Size: .. line of road, , _. For . . '.1 9~1I 6e7-4~~4, Site Inspection # Installation specifications: lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: _ ~~~ip! Instructions: gal. min. septic tank capacity; Septic Tank ---,0'--- 10' 5' 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For iflf9rrTWfion call bet~~~n 8:00 - 9:00 ~.\m"! Type of Construction: 11]~J:ructiol]~; Use Classif .. Group: Fire Zone: I' For plans information call between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., For inspections (s~~ back of thi~ permit) call 9B7-4Pfi~ between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. kme county ~ DEPA9IMENT OF , " '.' ~MENTAL MANAGEMENT COI _ ISE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EA 'r 8TH AVENUE. EUGENE. OREGON 97401 By: . . SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED Cl DISAPPROVED Cl DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FOUNDATION I NSPECT ION APPROVED.c:::; DISAPPROVED.c:::; DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVE:O / / D,SAPPROVEO Cl DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS LATH OH SHEETROCK INSPECTION ApPROVI:O ~ OISAPPROVEO L--/ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FINAL INSPECTION ApPROV:O DISAPPROVED .CJ RE'J:.K;!:!:!.;'~ 1$rl" -: I ., !- n?J --1:teJ:2.J,";---- -'-,..-~ t;;I~:;E~F ~~~ .. J1, ~. READY TO ISSUE / / NOT READY TO ISSUE I / DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS