HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-1-31 . .. RESIDENTIAL.. SPRINGFlE1.C ") AF?LICA'l'ION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spl'"~r~fieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-J75J Jab !.Dc~:i,": 2~ 'DtI~S {;IV. ~sma0r3 :q, , \~ D~ ~c... \\ flMrv= [,ot , SWJdi:r:..sicn: , ' 1:'_....: ~YfJ{.)Z7Y sreve7../S ~Cd..""3: 2~2-<; V{.)~S Ci<y: ~PJ2./lIPfP-7eLO .t::JA2-, I n.,,,,,., n Acc':;:ic" [Xl R:r.:o':ltt n ,'!OD-:'Za ,~~3 !//" Dcrt:s of ~?plico.tic"_ _./- t9to - 3'l Phone: Zi?: "'17</77 Describe !{ork: ;2uu~~~ Varus .J 2. ('f)o, :;On:r~.=:or8 . .~cce:'t :: 1<1" z. 7j 'f C{ I I 1 rJ () tJY t~ ~ 1/1 {J Sigr.ed: Date: j.v 1_7;I-~'f Add....es3 Lise.!t E::oiros 51 z.o -:tJAn-f UuIL L/nLi n on Po - :25 -P5<1 c.msra! '!s/::a:M o..JJ...Y\eL (/ Frfl. s.i Plumbing !'14ct:~cc l ,'.fa::Mr.ic.:l COl'14e1"".u~!'i"." t.J:nder ..~- Fhon~ "/' I: U ~h. rup:mDibiZ.f.ty of eJul pernri: holdoJr to see that at: irwpections are r:-.adg at: :hQ proper 'f;im~, t.L.at t:::.Ch ~1l88 is l'ect'.a:z,.. from eM ",Crue, end Chet the permit card is l..:Jc~ted at the frcn.t of the wopel'ty. .Et.li!.di~.g :r.;tJi=io~ C?rl'ovsd Flan sr..cz.z. rma.~1t on t~ 8u";Zdi.n~ ~it$ at aLl' times. P.'?OC:;!)(/~~ Fon ;:/Sp-t;C'7'I~m R!'Cll!'ST:CALL 726-3769 (rceorderJ state your City desigr.:lted ,fcb nur.:ber# job ad:f.:oess# type of in:;pea~icn 1"3qUencd a:-.d :J.~en ,yO&.l :Jill be ready fo'f' ir..$pccti07t# Ccn'tractcrs 01" O/...'ne:"s rtt:."7/6 .:.nd phone nu~cr. Re~s;s received be;crs 1:00 C':: :,,'iLZ. be rrr:cil1 the Bams dc:h reCj&.l6s:s .~de cft;;r ?:()O em will. be made tr.e n=t :.JOrkin; ~.. ~L\()C)(.Il~ -2.r.~Ji..",f'I_ r..,,:-~~,.~~r.-rl~ O S--o I"~~-""'''-''''' ... b ' ,,~_ ,'~. ":'w. ~J": ~o e trCc.e e::cav.:t:.,m# .:71.lt pl'1.cr :: 86: i:J1'ms. o after up of tr.lD~RS:'A3 ?~l','-'9I:1C_ E['2C':'PIC.g ,'-!ECH).U:;.n: ~O 06 made ae;ort1 c:n.y wric ::s ~ovc!"ed. o FCo':!:;C 4 !'OU:!D.1TIC.'/: To!lQ ..reee aj':<lr :rencnas are e:cc:uat2d ar.d f~s are erect.d# b&.lt privr :c pourir.g CCncrB:.. ;--1. !r.:C~G:::~U:,'D ?:'[;M3;::~. SU::P. ;;,I,':"!"~' ~ DPA..:.-:,,:,t;Z: fo CB r.a.:.'e pr:.or :0 fi.i..- Zi.r.g :rer.cr.as. ;-:;;r'.;mCE.f?=-:CC,q ?!.U...~ r.:C ~ .'€CEA.'lIC~!.: L::::J To be 1r.ac0ll pri.;r :;0 'Ln3t'.::i.~t:.O" ot [1.cor ir.suW:tiC1t or dsckir.g. O MST !~,'JO 3[:;....,: To b6 r.nCe pr-:..al" t:c ; tn.s:::aL':-=:::icl1 ot tZOOl" i7".3toZa:ion 01" .ucki",. ~_~..".t;;: ?:.!.~~r:!G_ ?!:~~~!'C'.:.~ " ,'.(2C.'1- ~ ~~I~)~: JO ~~~ i.a :0 be ~ove~ea w::~ l.. :i:CSol -;r.3~ec:ior.s ;...:t1p. ~eer. mafie =r.d =??1"7'J~:i. O Fr.~::?!.~,;!: .~or ~ ?'Lc::-:,"'; .~c.::ir.q m.::4i'rWicf ar.d bejorB !r=:ri,..q inspec- tior.. ~:"PA~I,'Ir.: NU3:';Q req-.J..l3::ed att~r LLJ C?"rc:J':!. of rouqh. pZt;r...;ir..g. .o!l..:c::r:._ cat & r.:ec;..m:i.:.::l.. AZ!. :'Oo:'::r.:j bra';:';r.; ~ citimlll:Y3. Bt.:. .~~sc ';4i' comoLJ:cd. ::0 ""'r:C ::s =:0 0'1 CC'I1- . cec!.Jd Wlc::L =:1:i:; insrec:-O::cn r.ae . be~ mad. and G:T'P1"'3ved. " --;y"PI"4f' P""mJ'''C :...a ""''' _I,J.',~.., lour City, lJesigr.ated ';ob NwnbGr' I3: r-::::r-niSUL...lTIO,VIVAPOR BARRIER D!SP=CTION: ~ To be r.nie after all ir.,sul.:tW71 <r".a . rcqu~red VcpOl" b~er8 are in pZaco cu:t cefore cr.y t..ath~ gyptrJr./ beard or wlZ. covering ::s c:ppLied# and before any ir$.J.t..aticn ~o conceaLed. rI._ DR':"ALi. INSP=~!I),Y: Tc OB made k:::::f aftel' all. dr-:f..Ja.Ll. is in pZace~ but priol" to c:ny tapir.g. O '':fASONRY: S.:-:eL ~eam3~ grou...t.r.g accordance wi;h 241z. O '.IOODSTO'/!.: After instaLlation is cc;rrpLe-:~d. ..., z.ocation~ boMd or vertica Lo in a.B.C. Section o CUR3 & APPRCACH APRON: After" forms are ere:::r;ed out pM.01" t:o p~r.g .:oncreta. SIDE:.IALK d 'RI'.-'F:WA:!: For all CC1t- crete paving r.r":thin stroSi:t right- ol-wc.y~ tc be made after an uca- vatir.g ccmpleta & to~ ~rk .I ZtW- base :r.ateriaL in plaae. I j)2.~.'O['I'l'IO.'! OR ,~:aV!'~ 3!.JILDI;iCS =:J Sanitar;/ se.;e.... ~a;;ped. =t p:'OPcrt-i l.ir:a ~ Septia tank. p-...:~~d ar.d f~lZ~ uith ;-rj;-~JZ I F{.nc.L - :/1um c:.bcve ite:r:s are c::rplatt:d j --J ar.d !Jhsn ::fer.lCL~ti.?r: is ComplstB or s~.:- 'ture mov~ anC prc:ri3Bs :::Leane:: up. I Nobi. la i{c.7:eS o o :nICE: wr,ar. co:rrpL.te -_ ?rovU:J gates or movabLe S6cti.cn.S tr.rcugr. P.U.E. ~ 3Locki.ng and SJt-:J.P ~ PLwnbi~ conn6ctiar.s S::W6r and wa::Jr ---, ELectricaL Ccnr.ect:'Um - Blocking# set-u? --1 and pLumbing ccn.r.ections nr..:st :e <I?prc;L'.d before reques:::'r.g 6t.ectricaL i."'..apec:io~ ~ Accesso~' 3uiz.:~ng I Fil"..:1L - l..ft;;r ;:;rcr.es. --J etc. are c~Ze;~d. 8k';rt'-;,..g~ dec;'.s~ o o ~z.z. p1"ajec: cor.di:ions. JUC~ C$ ~he ~ns:a!lct~cn of s~reeC =rees. :~~Za:::~n o{ the req-",ired tan.d.3ccpir...;~ .:;t;c. ~ :m..s: be sac::sfiad bo:f'ol'e :i:e 31.'IL=r::c Fl:J).[, -:an. be r3Cj..lesccd. =:J pr,7~L --:Y;''''L ~....'" .'.!E':.V..'IIC.U. er .':'!,'IAL 3UI:':JI.'IC: The FinaL Suilding Insgection .':':USe be !'equeoted -=!":~r the fi.na.l ?!~bi.n; zZecr;ricaL~ and Necr.a.r:.ic:::l Ir.spec:i:Jn3 ::avo been maca and approved. r:'E:-:RI:~(. .=:] .A':i: :.!;'''If!C:'~E I..ND CLSANCU'!'S .'IUS':' 3c ,4.CCESSI3l.S. ADji':S'i'.'~::': :0 3S ...~1CE' l': .':0 :-:ST ::'? CI':'! I ?='i2 ! o[ 2 I JOB NOYSL\Nl'A:l SOLAR'CESS~ REQ,~:\.)\ ~ ! =:0:" ~V \ tc:-"=c,","" or:'"" 'e. - ?'-- I ~t Sq. F~. LeT :':?= I !.ot :';Ce3 - . f' ~ 'f4- I 3€':::-::.cks I.. ~ ...:;t v~'lrc.g: - \_ !r::al'icr I ~\; ? L l.::ar.;,s~ · of Sto,.;.. f !\s.\ \ CO"".,. lilO":" I I. ,.,., "(\ I I I..a:a:" ::.r~r.:" P:mr.c.....al.tl Ec.Si: I ~~ I I Topogrc;ir~ Cz4Z-de-sac IWe.' I '~~~~ I ::!.'.f , 3'. r:,c x 'laLu~ I I.:::at=;~'\f 2.rrrYl I ,:.::r:'~r":' l...Icec~s~:'".J I I 1$.D,c. I ~!.~!; ~:.i:CJ 1.S = EJAildir.g Pe1':':':it St.:tB Sur=iurqe Total C'Jo.a.:"gs3 I r:'!.\f I FL~es I ?e8idzntial (J I Sanit.:z'roj Se-.Jel' I..i::te..... be.h) PI:.unbing Pam t Stat,. Surcr.a.-;e Total c;lI:::~"e8 I I!E.'.J ".t?es. $tJ. f'~a. I NJJJ/E-'""'tend Circ-..l'its I T .....~.... -..:1 Service I El.!::trical Pemt St::t6 Surc;..a;rce Tot.2l cr.t:rces I IT=.~f I f't.lr""'..::ce ?!'l'S I E::hc:.t.st Hood : Vent F::n iliJodsto:Je Perr.rit I::S1J.t::J1Ca !.fll::r.an-:.c::l Pe~e Sta~e Sur~hf::r;;tc VA!.UE I 1\\\\\ ,- ?D.-I .~I ?_o. ceo I- I~';~~i I I I I I I I I I I 1 ~() I eo I CZO.B:> I. /,,0'1 .-- I I\~CD I \~ CO I I 1\ I I I ,1Q. , "'O-=::~~~"11 .... r;ICR~C.:J:.!E..'!': -- I I I I I I I 1& bL.u..a.n.Utt? @ {.W.peL I I 5Q.2D1 IS6C"..tr"":e-J I Stor~B !)~-=03it .~l'tter...::r..:~ Pc-~~ Tc-=r.t w..L:'1"'1CS C-..a"':-C'.l~ SU:e.1al:.c :~"'::e !1ec:r-~~! ~~~t .\foCi 101 H~8 b'?T.tt ;"~.'CU.'f!' CUE:" I ?{) CO I I I I C,~:'4..=?:;E :.:.u.:_=-cc. I \~.OD I r..D1 I \~.(;:O I. ;Or;":" C.r!.J..J:~CE I r 2.06 . L-COG~ :~.=eIC"r..", \' - \..) 1 I E."'.2rTJ Sv.lr~es I I 3::ecz; :::::.rCC1e I Ac:cess. j I :/C";21"IJ",,:'";;?r' I I I Ranqa II II II 34i....~or.:3: . T"J':'i :-:'r'eD~cce ilooa:; ;01,:9 Building Value & Perm i t This perm:.t i3 !Jl'C1lted on the erprtJ8S aondition that ths a.aid, :ol'tstruct~on shazt. ~n aZZ ~eS?Ccts3 aonJcrm to the Ordinar~e =dopeed by the C~:~ of Sp~:ngfieZd3 ~nc!ud~na :he Zoning Crdinar.c8, reaul~=-:.r.a ~he ccr.se~A~:icn ar.d use of ~ui~dings3War4 m=y be su~pended or r~vok3d at cr.y ti~e ~;or. vie- lation of' any p't"~vi3ions of said. Ordi....ances. I Plan Chec.< I "a-- Oa4'~' L-_..c.. ........ !Rec,";p. H: IS::g,:ed: pe"~/rin:;t rK. J _ r - L../ (d>-,f r I ;.-,rlLV Plumbing Permit No person ahall construct3 ins::.:l.!, a!ter 01' chango c:ny T'.QlJ cr L~8tir.g plwnbing or drainage sYSUz::1 in ;.;hoZe or in part, unLess such ?srson is tr.s t41gal possessor of a vaLid pLW1Jber's ticenso, e:r:cept tr.ct a ps:'S01'l ma:J do pLumbing work to propert;-~ which is owrisd, LflaJJed or operattid !'Jy the a;;pU- cant. . / . / .1 I Electrical Permit Where Stat. LaLJ l'equires tr.at the elecmcal Y'Ork bs done by an SleemcaL Contractor, tJuz electM.caL portion of thiJ pe~t shaLL r.ot bs vaLid until ths Zabel has b~en signed by the Etecrncal ::ontractor. I I , I I I I I I I Mechanical Permit .. ~ V~\'Q~ ~~F\..~ f' '-an ~.::.:::m.ner . \~~~~ vao;~ I. I I HAVE CAREFULLY ELt"U:JED t.'w comp!i!ted apptication for pBr'mi:, tmd de It2reby certify that aLL i:-:fo:or:"4tion hereon ia tru41 and calTcct, an:! I f".a'the.r aer:if"ii that any ar.d. aLL w:ork Ferfo~ed shaU bo dona i1"l ac:or- dance :Ji~h the Ordin:mces of' er,s City of Springfidd, and eh:; k..;s of ei:cJ Sf:.3.te of Orag.:m psr-:.::ining t.:l the wcri( desCl";bcd hsrr;n., O".d :;..at SO CCC;)- P/~'ICl :.riU be .7U.:!.e of any Jt:-UC"t".Ll"3 tJitr.o:.it: p3rmis.Jio:1 ~f t1:6 3uiZding !J"";- Il'ision. I f"ur"';har ::ertify t;'~:: o:1Ly cont;ra~:ors ar.d ~l..:;Y8eJ 1.;1-.0 C"'8 in ~Liance ~:h CRS 101.05$ will be used on this ;rojzct ~;kJ(~ / - 3/ -S1 Ca=s