HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1996-3-6 ------~ , 1.....- __ ,\ . ""'111~"e;~C#ii:.b\~' .~t' , ~ Branch Engineering 36 -, ~ March 6, 1996 310 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (503J 746-0637 FAX (503J 746-0389 o Qt\qLao '\ Hayden Enterprises 899 S. 32nd Street Springfield, OR 97478 RE: Foundation design modifications for lot 58, Hayden Gardens This is in response to your request for design assistance for the foundation at the above site. The areas in question overlie a 24" deep stony fill (see attached report by Braun Intertec) which was tested by and found to exhibit some deflections (reported to be "slight to moderate" by Braun, 1/4" by George Arthur). With the fill in place, it is not possible to determine the exact nature of the underlying soils. It is safe to assume, however, that the deflections are the result of excessive moisture in the underlying soils. This is probably due to the excessive rains experienced this winter. It is also likely that some minor shrinkage of the underlying soils will occur when the water content in the soils is reduced (by building coverage and by seasonal variations) . We therefore have provided a design which would tie the garage floor slab to the footing and stemwall, to keep all elements together in the event of slight movements. We do not anticipate any noticeable structural problems as a result of the soils problems. If you have any questions, please feel free to call our office, tlrelY: ~ating. . \ TRANSPORTATION CIVIL SURVEYING / ~B}~96 ~,". II ~ II , , . . . PO~DFRONTOFF FAX NO. 7.3 P.02 4) - I I t A Braun Interlee Northwe.' 2285 Nuggo,VVay Eogene. Oregon 97403 541.746,9649 Fox: 746-7163 BRAUN'. I NTE RTEC (C~ P)'~ flloin~efS tll1J ScienlislJ Servine Ih. Buill and NaJurol fllti(lI"ml.Ult~ Febmary 20, 1996 Project EBXX-96-OO58 Report E-56419 Me. George ArUl\lr Hayden Enterprises me. 899 S. 32nd Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 De",r Mr. ArIllllr: II e: Hayden Gardens 3678 Douglas Drive-l-ot 58 Springfield, Oregon BP No. Pending q ~'t1I()i- Project InCornllltioll ;~I--"1iifJ.~~~':" "~1~~~i~:::-i February 20, 1996 ;~ ;~', .~~~l'l"Il!r.@,.,"q" ';'~~~~l'::~~t'::::nQ;iJJ"! J:~~~;:l). t' .U """'M.....""':(~,.,~ .._...0;;,.'\-..... .....~\.i;.c "" Sitework ~-c;, .. :. I_~. 'f;';' ~_fl'~H"~t.'l"'""'+o.""_ "~.I~;S:-::.. _ _'l~_ l\ j!1M!l~I;;t:tif~a~~~~1r~.wi;;:li~;';'i&.,~{ ~ ~~4tL,,~,,':~!iJh~~~"'lxr}'7J~.i:~~~m ~, .........'-;;---.>"--.m~.;iI'.".~........."..."".t""..._.."",.,...,.....,. ml:.~-~'l1.""".'~~'- -, ~~'~..........-;r"'", :wi, " ,".... ,," .r+~~$'o;"'1l:-~:1:.~~~~:t:H~~J:': ;1,' I lr,. ..,"" ' ".,' , ' ~'#"'#7.i!'l-_"J ,.... ........!!.~. 1~t~~7:t.~~:.~~x,..I'~ ,*",-~......;.f,;'.~~:l:;)~~~~~:::~ 1,;;M~~'iit~~!m[~~t~rI!~~rl;:~~a;~r,:~ffi~~ij Partly Cloudy - 46 .:-=-_~:~!~~:~:~;;':;;;:,""",iCt'"w.~...~..::r_u:....~~~-i..''''_'':~.' R. Allperti Delta Sand & Gravel Report ~';:,w~n"'_"T" ." Met on-site with Mr. Arthur (Hayden Enterprises) and Delta Sand & Gravel representative to witness proof-roll on building pad #58. Was Informed by Mr. Arthur thot two (2) feet in depth of native material was removed from the building pad limits and the material replaced WiUl one (1) foot of 5"-0 and capped wIth aile (1) foot of I 1/2"-0 mixed with some 3/4""(). The proof-roll was performed at finished grade of base rock, approximate elevation 480.5', using a partially loaded double axle dump truck weighing approximately 41,000 pounds. Slight to moderate deflection was visible under the wheel loads along the east half garage footing, The area included the garage footing from Ule south end to approximately 23 feet north. No deflection was visible under the wheciloads for the remainder of the building pad area, indicating a stable base Is presently available. Mr. Arthur was asked to notify I our office when additional services are needed. . . . - ~ - -, ~ .... .-.......-.- Sineerel y. I'll yf )lUtjtt. ~i) Mkhael L. Meyer. Manager ElIg~l.Ie Brandl (:! .wnS I \rcDo( u\ooil.!l\JUlvS6419.M.V ,I r- ~ ,.. ,I " I' I' ,1 ',: "'\... , If ; i . - '~'-, L,-<;; \ I I : . I i , \ i . . rov~0'l110.J romt-lv \ ttre/1LJI\'\.(... r,P~llfllA11o..x, t DIt1~ "IO~ l'l:f.. 1,-,*0' CODE t11~''111'"1 \ ~ k "1tJl..t, ~ p " "0,"11 /" L.o '''''' r" ../ r::z Js::L / ~;&P.~@ / ,."" ~~. r- ')\.::J _. ,I -r--- '; ...J,..,.J= .. ,;';,",= I . _...__..~. . ,)3RAf':JCH.Ef\lGINEERING. '. :rIO N 5TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 (503) 746.0637 p I~+~v..e -~ \ 0" ' III 0, L. ~'" ",11-1 .-.-........- I :=-.::,~,::::.. . ...,. ~ I ':::::::: r --~..,~ ' .--'- 1 - ..-' --._, .-=::- -:-' ,/..~CD;V_U l~) ~ k ,,~ ,~)~?"f'"O ~,j"l104~N'" Q) C-:) . . r r \ t?e~"n (1 ..J 1\ I . _..........,~ ,: ~ \ ,. , ( ... ..t__._ -----. ~ "--'-'- ,,---- - :II- 4- Dowas -~ €J Ir' 0 ,t... \ fQ~ ,,~' w"".. e," "'" ~ A'f 1I00P. f..1:~t~ \rJttw- --~._..,.-- _..__......_...:::.~-:;-- ~ -' (' r \ -t u .-,'_ =I=-=~_,_= t- ~ '-'k---."--'~4- ~,,~& \6 O.l, ~~ """4 VLA~ ~\ ew - --- .--' r. - ..' ,,' ",'. ~--""- -- .....' I !:'lLLL:. ,1=:)= '---' I \. . ,~_~-"-it~~..:. '''=~--.'j '-- _ _ _--1 .:..;:- -\ ..~"o.-II'\)