HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1981-10-19 :~TIFIED ~ ~ t, READ THESE. PAPERS CAREFULLY! LANE COUNTY - /8 .-~' ;;2.. SUMMONS -2' 0.3. Cl~~nc~ C. Fnfrhnnk~ Vivian Fairbanks, 1450 Harbor Drive $1-'1 i"'Hf;~~~D 3~ Phone: Within 10 days after receiving this summons and complaint you MUST do ONE of the following things or a default order may be entered against you: --Answer by mailing in the answer form attached to this summons to the address shown on the answer; TO: OR --Appear in person at 0900 a.m. at General Services - Records Division or call 687-4346 on any business day at the Lane County Courthouse, Eugene, Oregon, to file your answer and request that a time be set for a hearing. COMPLAINT Cloronee C. Fl1f rbllnk<\/VfII h>n F~i ..hnnko:. is hereby alleged to have conmitted a County infraction as foilows: Continuing Violation(s) Code Section(s) LC 11.100-20(1) (cl and (el ~:nbne Home/Recrentio!'lBl ""llk1" Sltlna. LC 11.100-80 Enforc€m2nt. Pursuant to Lune Code 11.100-20(1) (c) and (e) 110bfle Homa Placemant Permft 995-81 was issued with conditfons. Ul ~ ::> V> :z o As of Octoberl.i, 1981. 3:00 p.M. these conditions have not been mat. Specfffcally, elevati~n5 of the ground and first floor certiffed by a ~gfstcred surveyor or engfnoer have not been received. l.wbile home tfedo\'ll1s have not been fnspected or approved by tile Buildfnr und Sanitatfon Divisfon. ! , at' /;)1 iJrr;,~ ~~;25 (address) day of Octohp!, (description <: .'~ 'J:.,r-" ., . ~ . (;" - of infraction) , Lane County, Oregon at 3:00 )) oJ I \.'J .... ...!L.m. on the ,(1,th ,19~ I hereby certify that I have reasonable grounds person committed the above County Infraction and and complaint above on Clarence C. Fafrbanks on the 19th day of October service. to and do belieye that the above-named that I haye seryed a copy of the Summons at 1450 Hllrbor Drive , 19 ~ by certified mail/by personal If a hearing is scheduled, the following person having personal knowledge of the facts alleged herein may be present as a witness: ;,li:lrk Armstrona. Floodo11lfn flani\I1t;J.l9nt (name and address) '-', ---\ ~ , . l 1J.....;, 'i "..( fl "(,,"1_' ,'i. I I I . '. ~,lu; f' ' I .' tl y',.., . , cc: R.A. i43to~t ldl0 H~rbor Drfve, Sprfngffeld, OR Si gnature . . EXCERPTS FROM SELECTED CODE SECTIONS . ; . ".' UNZONED AREAS 9.700 Purpose. Many major land use actiyities proposed for un zoned areas within Lane County may have (1) a potential critical impact upon natural resources, community facili- ties, orderly development, or livability within Lane County, or (2) significant nuisance potential for surrounding persons and properties. The Development Permit is intended to allow the County to review, and control when necessary, such major land use and potential nuisance activities proposed for un zoned lands and to allow landowners and residents of any particular area of the County an opportunity to participate in a permit hearing pro- cess for these actiyities. Nothing herein shall be construed to require the granting of a Development Permit. 9.710 Uses and Activities Subject to a Development Permit. Deyelopment Permits shall be required for the following uses and activities on any property not subject to zoning in accordance with the provisions of Chapters 10 and/or 12 of this Code, proyided such use or activity is new or is an expansion (a) at least equivalent to the quantitative standards proYided in this section, and (~) which would result in an accumulated area expansion of fifty percent or greater after August IS, 1973. ... 9.745 Compliance with Conditions of Approval. Compliance with conditions imposed in the Development Permit, and adherence to the plot plan submitted as approved is required. Any departure from these conditions of approval and approyal plans constitutes a vio- lation of this Chapter. 9.990 Violation. (1) Violations of sections .,. 9.710 and 9.745 constitute County Infractions and shall be handled in accordance with LC Chapter 5. ... (4) Each day in which a violation of sections ... 9.710 or 9.745 continues constitutes a separate infraction. ZONED AREAS 10.015 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to provide procedures for dividing the unincorporated portions of Lane County into districts and to provide requirements per- taining to such districts in accordance with a comprehensive plan, and is adopted to pro- tect and promote the public health, safety, and welfare, and to promote the implel~ntation of the Comprehensive Plan for Lane County. ... 10.990 Violations. Violation of any of the requirements of this Chapter constitutes a County Infraction. ... \"1 10.900-10 Official Action. All officials, Departments, and employees of Lane County vested with authority to issue permits, certificates, or licenses, shall adhere to and require conformance with the zoning requirements. 10.900-15 Inspection and Right of Entry. Wheneyer they shall have cause to suspect a violation of any provision of the zoning requirements, or when necessary to' investigation of an appl i cati on for or revocation of any zoni ng approva 1 under g!1y" of-, the..procedures prescribed in this Chapter, officials responsible for enforcement or administration of thi s Chapter, or thei r duly authori zed representati ves, may enter on any s i,t,e or into any structure for the purpose of investigation, provided they shall do so in a rdasonable manner. No secured building shall be entered without the consent of the owner or occu- pant unless under authority of a lawful warrant. 10.900-20 Abatement. Any use which is established, operated, erected, moved, altered,' enlarged, painted, or maintained. contrary to the zoning requirements shall be and is hereby declared to be unlawful and a public nuisance, and may be abated as such. 10.900-30 Legal Proceedings by District Attornex. In addition to the enforcement pro- visions of this Chapter, upon request of the Chief Building Inspector, the ~istrict Attor- ney or County Counsel may institute any additional proceedings, including, but not limited to, seeking injunctive relief to enforce the provisions of this Chapter. BUILDINGS, MOBILE HOMES AND RECREATION PARKS 11.900 Violations and Infractions. (I) If the Director discovers any person doing or causing to be done any work without the permit required by this Chapter, Director shall notify the violator to cease the act or acts, and such violator shall cease such acts until a permit is secured, and shall pay for such permit twice the amount of the fee otherwise required. (2) No person shall violate any of the provisions of this Chapter. Violation is a County Infraction. ... ',. , ~~~'~:-:t;',~ ~~~:::.; -;'.<'~"' ~ -~~. ,.::~- ..:!....:~' ~":I<..,' ~-~~:~~:-~,:~, '.-- ," " '~f; ;;.;:~J<;~;';;,'.J.50mplaint Against'...f!l$l.E~ ~,'Fllr.rfHIt. - . .:~-i!"it.!,N THE LANE ,C. ~UNfy'. OREGON: COUNTYiNFRA.;Il~Nts~~~~o~.:..:. 3~f~ ..> :..:~.'f~'~:.. ......-. . .;;:-1n.:,...(LaneCodef:hapur.S) -"1.'-..' ..,~....-: .~. :-~.'~j..li+ . '?i~;r: /.c, .t4i.?~/~~~INA~ OROER :.'i:;z; -:' . '::"':};c;}j:~;"."'.. ~ ~. ~;THlS .MAnER having ';'egul~rlY ~e.sR heard bef~re ~me' ~t - ~T . ,.,..;!-~..j':m~ .~~_.!~.~,~ ~::" on the 1,-- day of ~GS:IIff~ 19..81-, and haVlngCtinsidere~ ..1} , ' t~': (oe. ~ :~~...a".~'~; ~~: r~~:~~e~, hJ.ft~~~~n\Js,S~~yr ~it~~.~.~e_s~~, ~::;..h ~;~y. !.1 ~~_"as .fO 11 o~~:, "fi" ::~~~'-..-~ ~"i\ . .,..., ...... .'" ,^",4 ,.. .r Dl,/lrJ:"".JJ.",... '. ~ ern. "..; E'<{t;;' ,;j '.S ~?'~"'if./t,r;~,~?,0,~:'::;>f: IM"'~),'., "[-(C-. ;~if!;',.:.')jJl'l/~,,~~.iAl~.!Z,J~~'P'l" .. ". ._.~ "'lJl'.LIr(,~ fl '~~,. {1tT1F..J/f!fP'f{tJ~J~lI!.P', '.~ . 1.,' ~. 'r31 . . ';i/:' > 1_~.J". ''''.~E!N(IJJ/~l;Jl'.;' . ..ijfiVii~.-~~:;'. ~.~' 'n"~}F~~ ," "t".,." .j"'.~, ";i'/'c~, <~'~..I'l'~-:";-'<2~"f:,,~<I! ~ l'd~.,,~(l! .' ~., " :.~:/Jit~"'J::"At.{~R{,:..ffi.1f~~~fit~&1J: ~..Ei.~,~(t... - ;}. . "v.''''', Based on the findings here ill. IT IS HE~BY DECLAREO AND OROEREO that ...' . . .,f.1"41..1f:1?P'..~ C j:;:lHalf1lll rfeit $.LIT8'~ to Lane. .:": :.~ .'f' ~'!I~~:' founty. Uregon. Any securlty posten s than toe amount nerein "ft. ~ ~~ forfeited is ordered to be applied to the forfeiture and any security ~ ~~~ . in excess of t~e }orfeiture ~s, ordered ~eturned. -.~ ~!"':r-:;-,. - ,-~ ";;;:- . ,./,' ;' ,",y /) ~:! - '1 "t:.' " ~., - ./.' ~'r"'.',," /..(A"~; . '(fJ;I"lti%l J . ~ ~/.1lI ~}; ; _\':~,_.' ~~. .:." ~\, .:,~earlng ~~t1cer ..' :~.~~.4" ~ :~~~:?t: ..r.'0'Y. ~'1!Based o,,'the"findings herein, IT IS HEREBY DECLAREO AND OROERED that '~~'. ~ ,,_ ': the infraction has not been established by a Qreponderance of the ': ':f: '.~~~~;;~t~.;;~;~~~~~~t~1ty .P'os~;din..~~ >~". 'f~~~~~~;.,it~::t.:"~~" .' ,,~!tearing Uff1~er ;_"47, . '., . Da~e ,~ .. ,,~i . ..1 . ;p . .F'INANCEA~D-:UOITIN~:. ;:~~~:~~L~~:;(-. . " '. '.:;~~~ :9: Per request of ",',"" ....+.,'.. \,4:""',, '~if any j~;d'~U~ t~>'r .~-; .. ..r.,... . ....... ~,,--.L', ~J'I: ',., __ owc' .jl. ""~ ., . :.r ..,' ..' ,.f.:':",""-'. \ "4J.h -, .~., ~::II' ""jf~,'? ':;~':i.~t ..~-.~~..",:,..,.,.. .... .'- ::,~;,;.','.;',-;;_":~'. ".._t', .!:/f.... -yo ""l, .. ~':>' ":7 t";-1 l' ... 'or~~~~;~;t~'::~i;e~::~o: ,:.:~; .::~1~{~~~.,~.,';:,: '"..- ::~,{.:,: ::! . , .... . ~ --it ~ .;. 1st day o~ De...~.A......r ,19 81 "';"'.~'~~~~(... . .">.:".-, .a ",': . /11J.,fJ.1d /J",.,')///J;;;i'Tl"'V];pIJ/;;' . L Signature II - . ..--' I .r ~ ~... NOTE: There is no direct appeal from this order. You may, however, consult , ~ an attorney about the possibility of obtaining a Writ of Review or othe, a ~ appropriate rel ief. .. t--' .. 8/-- (~G J .' _.. _. "'.'';' ,~.. '. ~~.apt"~~~"'~""'-'IIIlQi'~'-J' .....,..... '''. ..,~ , /' LANE COUl\JIY OREGON EUGENE, OREGON Date\fu f'\..-.!:I \~91 , Received from U; I~.n~) jJJ.~I~ -{;O'L rl~..L c.~ jnu' ~.Mk.-, {'f(J h .lL f .1 .RR i "rOO ~ ~ o ~{wn O.l!UL (\ffiirlM Dollars '$. / n(j. uO For .hI I ~~ Y'Q~ON\-t.,:~) ,.-~: ,\, J,~" .,,',~. ~ll1l'(v~r\!~ ';>; #- ""'I - -,,; Ij '- "'.,.. 0" (..;11' I'rr '.,\ . 4 , , PAID By, . CASH ,D"'~Y'~.N; Jnt. r:.~~~\X\ av ( ill iAo.) ,\ u:J.fl..,~ CJ '.: - "', .,;!,:,,;. ~: " Slgnature CHE,'" OTHF" ..-- , I, , .. , X Order mailed to: , ':J>:~ ". '~ . .'-"'.. ~ . '., " '. Clarence' C. Fairbanks ~ 1 t.s.n F;lor~n't f).,.-iylCllo . SOr1nqr~e~d~ oreqon - ~ 14-11 C87-129-25 N~ 130565 on the -- . Recei pt No. C1leck No, ORIGIN"-L to .~~rson complaint is against~ YElLOW to finance and Auditing; I" , \ ;< r:,., /() -:O.?/ - () i. 7: DOWNER'S NAME WN'n~ACTORTS NA-ME ~~:~Y~SPECTlO:1 ':::. (;f) i III (C1il I (yJ( r..;(', .!).~ - of 5'- - 0 r\ Ii \ - I., /; / PHONE NU~BER / .., " '; " ' ":.,... . ~ET BACK REQUIREMENTS L, FRONT 4',>-CL, SIDE WORK AUTHORIZED BY PERMIT INTERIOR -:; rv'\ H PHONE NUMBER #PLUMBING FIXTURES REAR ,'. DIRECTIONS TO SITE Y./C': (, '---- 1~7 SITE ADDRESS :'T." b2 /' '-....f...'koor 1\ -d , II V OUNDATION INSPECTIO OR MOBILE HOME SET'UP INSPECTION . Disapproved Date /-/C' Inspector 4 . . /11 0 0 dk, t:' /-A... J-. Z ~ y .... ~.... ~ 7'75' - 23 / PERMIT NUMBER 'FOOTI NG / Approved ---=- ....., ~ CONCRETE SLAB / UNDER-FLOOR INSPECTION Approved Correction Disapproved Date Inspector UNDER SLAB / PLUMBING GROUNDWORK INSPECTION Approved Correcti on Di sapproved Date Inspector ROUGH PLUMBING INSPECTION Approved Correction Disapproved Date Inspector FRAMI NG INSPECTION Approved Correction Disapproved Date Inspector INSULATION / VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION Approved Correction Disapproved Date Inspector LATH / GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION Approved Correction Disapproved Date Inspector FINAL PLUMBING INSPECTION Approved ~ Correction Disapproved Date 7-J~J<'J Inspector !/PI!- FINAL WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION Approved Correction Disapproved Date Inspector --, '"'- FINAL INSPECTION BUILDING (MOBiLE ~ ~I Approved ~ Correction_ . Di'5oW1'~d Date ?/-9-?:>; Inspector .IIf.., ~d- .y~,.-y)...7Jj_n F..L."N7-~1 ~,..,..,.Il . _' 7'C:'~(}..P/ A'1{-_ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Approved Correction Disapproved Date Inspector Form C74-197 / '1 <-