HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1981-5-26 ~. , VICINITY MAP \ I C(j < '11 i -I- ::S ~Jl / HMb.1-l. DA".K') )~, ~>\t- 1',0' _ MUST BE IN BLACK INK Permit No. it:. 99~ - ffJ Twnshp, ,.y Range f)S Section a-z.:z. Standard System IB'Alternative System 0 (Specify Jypel hip. ' .- JobLocationlStreetAddressl I;/,7 ./)",.,..!'. Sf. Sl)r,,,!/~'~W 0,.,. S .~.~'.' '. /Partition # /L~C.- lrl Parcel '::L. Lot form c55-11 Tax Lot .:l<.OI oj- 4' OJ Bloc~ - DETAIL SYSTEM PLOT PLAN AS CONSTRUCTED ____ Scale - .. =- --------- -- qp.Ofo.,....er ,,: \ (Y'ltl 't'\ort'-9 'l.i -~ , ~ ~ 'I:!. N ~ ~ \):: .~ InstallerJ2e))DA +Mli- (loN,>f C" !Title as shown on DEQ licensel Telephone 7 <../ to - 'if 0 35'" .nse No. ""( '7/~ </ i? Bonding Company U.v,h,p P/lc.it,.t ~ f1...,1:....~_ Datp S-:J{'-~ (Signature ollicenseel If Installed By Owner- Datp- IStgnatureof Ownerl Applicant's Name & Address C, c:. F.4-- (S.4-.....C<S /'-1"'-0 ,)LJr&'L___ D- o (p...[.,J O~c:..~e>- CJ7'1?? ~~:~~ s ~ 1/f4;- ';. ('1 ~\ - , ,<?.o '--. ,:'. -.~U;t '. U In '# ! _ t , 1>, "'6', ' " " ~:; ~~ ~~ . ,"/1(', ....;}~.~" ~ ~.. A c" - " o ci ~ , " '0' ~ L- l..l;>I'p - - ~>_ lfol, ,b' \:- -tfl" ~, ,0' 10' I ~ o ~ ~ ~ " ~' So' '" "'- "e.' <.:. omtn~.v r~,' H..4e DA ~ve "0"-'1 USE BLACK INK ONLY FOR INSTALLER'S USE: Trench Depth "'Z...'-I I ( ~ravel Depth Below Tilp (;, t< Tank Capacity 11)00 Manufacturp. (J) (II a..,.. e/rr> &-~4" ::.P"'~ Measured Distance from Well to Tank From Drainfielrl Total Length of Lines,.,) 'Zr) COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING IF A PUMP WAS USED ON THIS INSTALLATION: I !installer's name', certify that a (MfgJ and Mercury Float Switch (Mfg. and No.! (Model No.! . Pump have been installed with this sewage installation. Signaturr : Jatp FOR SAI\IITARIAN'S USE ONLY: COMMENTS: _P,..:..., .~ ..\:, i9 System Approved 0 System Disapproved !">.)"H..... cr.te...;... (It......~....rJ.'f'~.,J. .. o Needs Correction System Capacity ...--fI S'illem oal. / day Signatur~ ~ >r----rz::::sJ Date Date~- . fS'L Corrected INSTALLATION RECORD & CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION When signed by the County Sanitarian, this certificate is evidence as per OAS 454.665 of satisfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above location. Return tnls form to: tlu'ldlng and :;anttalion U,v., Uept. 01 tnvlronmental Management, locateo In tne casement of the Public Service Building, 125 E. 8th Avenue, Eugene 97401. . I~ !~.~ '" ) c:S ~ 'tl ~ '1i -.- - "t. '. . .. , .' I I , , .5'"",,,, ~, I i 1._ 1 - - - , i -'T' i I , i i i \ I i ! , i 1 i i i "_I .-1 \r;; 't'1 -! - ~-~" . '5'?'d(C:"".b.;>_",-? ' . -,-. "-.......... -............... . , \, ~._-,.,,_.-.~-.- ;~_........-:::::.- 89,7/ ' . - l (~"~{~ .1 '\ G a.p ,"50 -_.~_.... J ,- '0 h . '--, 1,'/ /.101M'. /vl,.- , . " J-Jf x 1.0 ' S.f,()l,....':7~ C".P",,t . - F -f""'~I-'. (,~ I~ , 3<>' /I/" I, 8(, CO*'.......Q1 ~l (/-. \ 'ooOf'~ - - Se _ 1, i"v" __..... ""-'- -- ""IS\... 'r 0<" 00 "v \-eV / I LJ' i ! I- I" ,0 I' j!}. .~ " ! \ I 1 ;p' S' eC~Mclo>~'1 F,-.,n Av~ ~ I 1 , 10 -V . I Pr'v.l_,T"C- Drf '\JP\.()~ Y "~.' .t -'(,03 /(-0.3-07, "'<l,S' PGt<el,rt2. M /Sb-s-O LC. 7'1- C.S{, I Sc"le / "; W I f~"~~ . 'Y '\ 'Ii ~S\\" - ."'~'\ ." 1I "\ >- "H . 1 ~~')Oh1 ~O "0\ \I~ . , . :1""~Je ar men~ of ronmehta 1 t7e HUI /1./5.B/ FLOODPLAIN ~1AtlAGEMEJ~ OOtyNS N;~ R60U/~ Management/125 East~-Ave~tugene, uregon- 687-4357' . By NLb. .' '.~ , 'j -. , . .,' " ( , '5- IZ -81 ~ Permit Processing . 0 Planning ~ bt\~h " Pub1 ic Works ~],iC [1'\1 Name ;J2,A. HA' "-' II NO\] 12. Addr~s 'site -+\AaeOR. De.. \A~S;:):: '!2) . SFD AG W ADD. COMM. . ;Approximate flood hazard study area, extra precautions may be appropriate to ~ ~~ssure that the building site will be reasonably safe from flooding. ~ Detail flood hazard study area. ~ Mobile home tie downs required'if -+he '3rcu,0 -+\..J r>>c.b,'/e .\10"'~ \-;.; plc\{@cI o Substantial improvement. is belG01 ..\ I", base .(1co...,{ e1., vcr~\<, n. o Site in regulatory f100dway channel, building prohibited unless it is demonstratl that the cumu1ati,ye effect of proposEd de~elopment will not increase the base flood at any poirit: . . (3 . BASE FLOOD ELEVATION + l' = .444. d ,thise1j!vation requfred as check.ed below. . . .. . . . I' . . . ~ OTHER. -p".... ......"..u'-l~~t:> -'-r\.\A....- rl t-:l, 1="(,C>O~ -r-:>~ ~t..afI..-n=lJ~" 44'l' .. ,.' ..' ~ ~~ . ,qtt::> 'P2eUMI/o..1oI>.,~"" ~D'J', . '" .. ~*****************************.*****************************************************************, Date To: Permit No. Partiti on No. Subdivision No. . '1'1S--8 ( ~ , U1SL). Certification at'or aboye w o [g! [2J o o CERTIFICATION OF ELEVATION I ,Ge,.,a IrI k" 4-'.iLy . , a Registered Professional LOTJc! ."') '..LI::Z..,re>',QI" in the State of Oregon, do hereby certify to Lane counfy;. that the fo 11 owing e 1 eva ti on represent~} sur.,vey / made by me or under my supervlslon. "- The foundation elevation (including basement slab) = I . The ground elevation that structure will be placed on" -1-1-7.7/ The first floor elevation = ~,~CJ.1t/ '(MSL). The elevation of the top of floodproofing = Other Refer~nce Bench Mark No, .&;.}r'ft'J(Jr/ Soi...kp "'<L?:.~/ . Location ~:.<;f Pry€' Dr:' A. r. n": l/al"'6t:'>1'" Di""/Yp /./.R7 #a,..,.~",.,. 0,-,. Sig~ature $.-;Lf~/ Date /(/j/.f/ "" "7' <l 'C 1-' ,) , (r1SL). C (~lSL). '< , (MSL). I \ r l' !/rYI., ;L Original to be certified and returned to F1,00dp1ain Management,', . , ';'. , I!~., I' ,". I . 1st copy with application/inspection " """'I,j! '~"',;;,j:'. :...." 2nd cop.y to app I kant ~'il>(.. " ," : ~ ";;,, :.',', ' ,,;3rd copy. to Floodplllfn Management . - ":'." ..,j'....lt: .' '. '. ',:I~ "," . .,;, ... . .-11 '...; ," tJ : ( " II ;'1) "I:' ., iowil ""r,~'. 'I; \f11~~tl:r~rli.~'J"~ii':~"~r.lG;~"<i~t '\. ".j' Illil~'h'fl"Il'l;f ':l~t:'.. ',i .' \1'" ".', ~. !.,\,,,:,~,,:":." ~,' . <',,",I ~!,.~i, -,' ~~~..lt'P. ,; ',1:,'/.':~':',;!l.:i'W"I:J' .., '\'.! ' S~'. P.EGISTERED PROFE5SI0i'-lAL LAND 5U:1V~YCiR Lane County ~ OREGON SEPTEMBER 23, 1~~7 GERALD 1<. ATTI 1121 , r r , ( ( f D ~ C v