HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-2-14 .. RESIDWTlAL" . APPLICATI_ERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 5KY r'ci ffi\m j- \1 D 3 ::A- \ ~T;; wt # nn~u) Job Location: ASD6eOOl'$ Map /I Subdivision: ()Jnep:nQO~m ~ti<~~ Address: 2;\ 0 \0 ~ Q . 4O'+V\ CXJ2 .Phone: City: T 1 'riP f\Q (Ur) \':I QNI'1" n Addition n Remodel n :.fobile Homa ~O~+ ~-{ Date of Appl.iaation Contractors General i Plumbing I Hechanical I q"ctrical Suoerv,"'Sinp; Electr~cian kl ~() 1(~G(4~~) Y'~ Zip: Describe r~ork: ..~ Address Value Lise. II BIdrs Board Rec. Phonp Rcce:pt ,Il ~f nULq I ~~ signed: Date: rlMY0 - V ,.4~[4-<--Tf) Exoires . ,,} C~ ..6~~'\ b~Jf~_~~ It is the responoibility of ths permit holder to see that all inopectione al'e made at the proper tim€~ that each .:ddresB is l'ea:iabZe from ths stpeet. and that the ptJ1'n7it care is lccated at the front cf ths property. 4Buit.ding Divi:::ior:. approtJ8d plan eha.U remain on tha BuiLding Sits at all times. PROCEDURE FOn II/SPECTION RE:,OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City Jesig1U1.ted job rzwr.ber" job ad6-css" type of in3pee:icn raquosted ar.d when you LJiZl be ready for inspection" Contractors or O/Jners name and phone nwnbcr. Requests received before 7: 00 C':1 I.-ill be rmde the same day" l"equosts made a~ta' 7~OO am will be made the 11C$t :.}Orking day.. ' ~ flC) , YouP City Decigr.ated Job Numb.p Io: Rq\... )-\ l Reaui,..ed T7IsDl?ctiens . __. D. SITE INSPECTION: To De nrzae ajr;er excavation" but prior to sot up of forms. O UNDERS~AB PLUMBING. E~ECTRICA~ & : MECHANICAL: To bs made before any lo1Ol'k is covered. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after tr6nche3 aro excavated and forms aro erected" but prior to pouring concreto;. o UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. W.1TER, DRAINAGE: To be ma:Ie prior to fi~- Ung trenches. o UNDERFWOR PLU~mING & MECHANICA~: To bo made prior to inotaUation of floor insulation 01' decking. D POST AND BEAM: To be made pl'ioP to instaLlation of floor insulation or decki,,". ,..-=::;) m., ROUCH PLUUBING. EtECTRIC,y. & MECH- L..::r ANICAL: No work i~e covered .ur.til theBe inspections have beer. made and approved. D FIREPLACE: PM.or to placir.g faoing mate'l'ial.s and before frarrring inspec- tion. D FRA'1ING: Must be requsDted after approval of rough plwr.bing" alectri- cal & mechanical. All roofing braaing ~ ohimneys" eta. must be ':comptBtcd. No work is to be con- "' cealed until thio inspection has ~ b6~n made and approved. 0, INSU~ATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION, To be made after all insulati.:m a....,d .. required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath, gypswn board or wLZ covering is applied~ and before any inauZation ~8 concealed. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all d.ry7.Jall is in place" but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location" bonJ beanw" grouting or verticals in accordance LJith U.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE.: After installation is ccmpleted. O CURB & APPROACH APRON: After foI'ms ars cfrected but prior to poor>ing . concrete. D SIDE:WALK & DRIt'EWAY: For all con- crete paving within street r>ight- of-wc:y" to be made after a'll exca- vating c071pletB & form LX::Irk & sub~ base material in place. O PENCE: When compl~te -- Provide gates or movable sections thl"oogh P.U.E. . o I DErtOLITION OR ;'.:OVED BUILDIilGS ~ Sani ~ary se'.Jer capped ~t p~opcrty Ur.e ~ Septia tank P;';'7cd and fitl;J~ t.Jith gra~eL I Pinal - rrhen abcve items are eompleted ~ ar~ when demolitior. is complete or stl'U~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. I Mobile Hemes :=J Blocking and Sat-up :=J Plumbing connections -- scwer and wa:er --, Electrical Connection - SLocking" set-up ---1 and plumbing connecti07ls 17r04st te approved before requesting elec:rical inspec:ion .=J AcaessoJ""d Building ---, Final - After> p:>l'cr.eB~ skirting~ decks~ ~ etc. are completed. o All project conditions" such as the instaLlation of str>ect trees, co~lotion of the requir>ed Zandsccpir:g" etc." must be satisfied before tJo.e BUILDING FINAL ean be requested. o FI/lA~ PLUMBING o FINA~ MECHANICA~ ~NA~ ELECTRICA~ o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must ba requeated alter the Final Plumbin; Electrical" and Mechar.ical InspectionD have been made and approlJed. o 'A~~ MANHO~ES AND CLEANOUTS !lUST BE ACCESSIBLF:, ADJUST!lEIIT TO BE ~MOE AT /10 COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 I JOB NO. ""!1" & SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- L-COG~ Zone: Occuooncy G. LOT TYPE Lot Sq. Ftg. S of lot C""erag. !I of StOM.BS Total Height Topography I lITEM lM1in I Geraae I Caroort S~.FTG AcoeBSOl'U I Is.D.c. TOTAL VAWE (vaLue) 1.5 :r Building Permit State Surcharge Total Chargee lITEM I F1..:rtures I Reeidential (1 bath) I sani ta-ry SetJ8l' I Water I NO. FEE Plwnbing Penr.i t State Surc1-.arge Total Charqe8 lITEM NO. FEE Res. So. fto. NBlJ/E:rtend Circui te 1T.81f!PO"ary~ I I h( '1 ) ~le3trical \:nr.i~ fJ) , State 5w'~harQe Total Cha1'Gee lITEM Pwtnace 1!TU' S t E:z:haust Hood I Vent Fan III00dstove I NO. t FEE I Psrmit Issuance M8~hanica.l Permit State Surcharoe Total Charaeo - ENCROACHMENT -- I SSeur1. t1! Daoosi t I Storags I M2int~8 Pennit Total ChaNoe i I I , i \ I i , Curbcu: Sidwalk Fen::e Etectrica Z Labs l I Hobi Ie Home I ! I II I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' x Interior Cozoner Panhandle Cut-de-saa Value CHARGE I I ' ill~) CHARGE 2f) .8.) O:C).Co ~. 'SCI Y4SOI, CIIARGE I I 1 1 1 1 1 I c{L\.:O I T"lJpe/Cor:st: . Bedrooms: . I 1 Energu Sourcee Setbacke I I Heat Houss Carage I Access. I , Water '1p.otP.Y" III Range Fireplace I I Wood:' tove II 2'\ipe I Lot Faces - I I P.L. (North lEast ISouth ~We8t -- Faes Building Value & Permit This permit io gl"Ct1lted on the ezpress condition that tits sciid construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the ccnstr-ucticn and UD6 of buildings, and may be sUDpended or revoked at cr.y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. J' 1 I I, IPlan Check Fee: 'I Date Paid: IRecdpt H: ISigned: Plumbing Permit No person Dhall construct, install, alter or change any new or existing plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do plwnbing oork to property which is or.med, leased or operoted by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State Law requires that the elect:rical work be done by an Elect:rical Contractor, the electmal portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label. has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit , Plan E:x;anri.nel' vate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED ths completed application for pernrit, and do hereby c61'tify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar:d all work performed shall be done in accor- dance :.nth the Ordinancee of the City of Springfield. and th. La:Je of the .. State of Oregon pertaining to the work described h81"S";n, and that NO OCCU- PANCY wi II be mde of any structura without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contJ'"actOl'S and e:rrpl.oyees who are in ~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project' Signsd Date \~-\co .. RESIQENTlAL" . APPLICA.N/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ' ,t<.n~ t"OJ)Qf,{\O(\j:~) ~ l H \1[")~M\3J Tc:t:LctH ~ tn~ Rit'Rx\\'t~(\f"\ Job Location: AOOeOOOl'3 Map Subdit1ision: H.rJt-1 , _.~: 'd\~.()fuf\ .~~ Addr.DS: (~L 0 \ 0 ,0 . L\ f)~ Cit.J: r 1 ~~2l'\O \ ~ ) ~ ~NM" n Addition n RemodsL n .'lobi In Homo Pr.one: w~lo . C\"'\ 0 \ Zip: Q14CD j:+. ~~ Dats of Application Contractors.. General l\)l.> ,\\0 P") i Plumbing (1!L 0 yt- I Hechallica~b Vv7J: yh~(in I J nJ1. ./ IEJ,~ctrica{~ 6 Suoer-v,,'Sing Eiectr~cian - q,{6~, VaL.. A5.rR~?O H":(.!(,,;p~ ,iI I ~,?{) .;~ ~ ~' Signed. L[) Date: ~ / fa . Fff Bidrs Board Ree. 00(l rl-. '1 ()1:l~~ 4' .~ 4..Q~sn .Your City Decigr.atcd Job NwnbGZ' Ia: I vi INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: /'- To be made after all in8uLa.tion a~.d . roquired vapor bmTiers are in place but beforB any lath~ gypswn board or wtt covering is appUed, p.nd befor6 !Z'ly inDulation io concealed. f7I DRYWALL INSPfiCTION: To b. made ~ aftsZ' all. drywal'L is in place" but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location" bona. beamo" grouting 01' verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpLeted. r7l CURB & APPROACH APRON: Arte:- forms ~ are created but prior to pouring , co~rete. rICl SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all. con- L--J orete paving within strect right- of-way" to bc made after all ezoa- vating oc;mplete & form Wl'k & cub- . base material in i?Uwe. D PENCE: When cO:llplr;te -- Provide " gatea or movable sections through P.U.E. ' ~~m~ ,'- gxoires \\I~Y \ ~J:j () f'...'lo.n \dlo..O l~"nJ\P CI)~Lo-,-(4~ I . <~7),~c.., l.i~'><ri'>( ( 09.{ 0 - If dl ?J It is the l'esponoibil~ty of ths permit hold61' to see that all. inopections arB madB at the propel' time" that 1J(~ch .::dc'.ress is readabZ, jrom the streetJ and that the permit card is Located at the front of the property. -Bui'Lding (}<o;vi::ior: approved plan shaU remain on thB Building Sit;; at aU t'Unes. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION R~"UEST;CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desig7Ulted JOG nur.:berJ job adirc88J type of in3pec~ic'l l'oqucstcd ar.d When you !JiLl. be ready for inspcctionJ Contractors or Owners ncJTfe and Fhone nwnbcr. Requests receivec.. befere 7:00 ar.t ~iZL be made the samB dc.YJ requests made afta' 7:00 am wi'Ll be made the nat :.JOrking day. RC\rP, flu Address LiRe: II Rnouirp.d InDnr~t(r.~~ ~ SITE INSPECTION: To be nruiB after l2.J e.:cavationJ but prior ,to/set_.up of fof'l1l..~".,,,,r p_-c7--p /7"- I "'I UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. fiLfiCTRICAL & /'- ,MECHANICAL: To b. mad. b.fo~. any LIOrk is aoversd. Bl FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To b. mad. after trenches are e:z:cavatsd and forms are 6r6ctedJ but prior to pouring concret... Qy UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING; SEWER. W.1TfiH. ~ DRAINAGE: To b. ma4s pri.o~ to fil- .hr.g trencMs. LrJ' UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MfiCHANICAL: /l' 'To be mad6 prior to inotaz.l.ation of floor insulation or decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instaLlation of floor insulation 01' dooki,," . fXl ROUClI PLUMBING. E~ECTRICAL & MECH- ~ ANrCAL: No work is to be covered .untiL thcse inspBctions have beer. made and appl'OVBd. 1)( I FIRfiPLACfi: Pri.o~ to pl.aci~.g faoing matBriaLs and bsfot'e framing inspec- tior.. ty1 FRA"~INr.: Nust be t'equeoted after ~ approva.L of rough pLwr.bingJ electri- caL & mechanical. All roOfing bracing 6 chinrncysJ Bta. must be ; completed. No wrk is to be COJ1- . , ctlalsd until this inspection has 'b..n made and approu.d. DEMOLITION OR ;'.:OVED BUILDIiICS ~ Sani:ary Be.Jcr ~apped at ?:..opo;rty lir:.e =.J Septi.::: tank p;.u.rpbd and fi !'L2~ LJith gra~e2 --, Final - I{hen above ite.'7f8 are ccmpleted --.J ar.d when der.lOu'tion is complet6 01' atro.::- ture moved and pr::mi3es .::: Zeaned up. Mobile Homea :=J Blocking"and. Set-~p :=J Plumbing connections s:.wer and Water ---, Electrical Connection - BlockingJ set-up ---l and plumbing connections ;rr.lst 1;e approved . before requesting elec:rical insi?ectio~ ~ Ac"e8~ory Building ] Final - After p:Jrc1:esJ sk::rtingJ deoksJ etc. are completbd. o All. project conditionBJ :Juch as tM installation of street trees, co.-:-rpleti.:m of the required landscapi~gJ etc." must be satisfiad before the BUILDING FINAL can be r8quest3d. QiJ FI/IAL PWMBIIIG [Xl FINAL MECHANICAL [E FINAL ELfiCTRICAL D. (8 FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeated alter tlle Final Plumbina EleotricalJ and Mechar.ical Inspectiona lU1,vO been made and approved. 'ALL MANHOLfiS AND CLEANOUTS IIU5.T BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/fEIIT TO Bfi. MADfi AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 I JOB NO.&'7"~70 I Zone: L. L?7< Lot Sq. Ftg. %?3c=:> S of lot Coverage 13Pp N of Storie. -;;<'r-~ TotaL Height '3~ _ Topogl'Ophy /, r- I SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- L-COC" Oc""""nc" G" 7f-3 Type/Cor.et: ~ Bedroome: ?/ . LOT TYPE I Lot Faces - \.4-/=/ I I Ens1'<]!I StmT'Ces. TJi,e ./ Interic" I Setbaeks I I Heat mA'-f F..-P. .....t::::...- I P. {~. I Houss. CaMqe I Access. I I Water .'I~(]tn-" ~ INO"th ~ ' I I Range ~~_ lEast I I / Fi"eploce ISou th I I Wood" tove IWest /:8 r I I I lITEM l,.lain I Geraae I Caroo:rt I Acoessoru Cornel'" PanhandLe Cut-do-sac I SQ.FTG X Value ?//"? ?;%~ Ee,.g$6,1C rS"/'.?E /Y-/?> CJt?t;;.7C; I I Is.a.c. TOTAL VAWE (l1C/"UC) 1.5% Sui'Lding Parmi t State 5w'eharge Total Cha:ogea lITEM 1110. FEE ~ I II 1 ?7PR.I'77~h'/~E Fiztures Residentia! ('1' bath! I Sani taroy Sewer' I Watop Plumbing pern:i t State Surc".arge Tota l Charoaos II7'EM Res. Sa. fta. I Naw/E:r:tend Circuits I Temporary SeMJico I NO'1 I /1 I Ele~trical Permit State Surcharqe Total Cha:rc:os lITEM I Furnace ETU' S I E:r:haust Hood I Vent Fan j Woodstove Mechanica l Perrrri t State SurCMl'OC Tota l cha:rann -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secr.J.M.tll Dzoosit Stor-age I Main tenanee I Permit I IGurb""t; I Sid_!k I FenCB I Etect"iaa t Lobe t # Total Cha1'QOS ~ /6"b -- Faes -- Building Vqlue & Pe r m i t This pel'mit io granted on the ~re8s condition that the Sa'1'.d construction shall, in all respects, conform to the ~inance adopted by the city of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstM.lcticn and UDe of buildings, and may.be suopended or revoked at cr.y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said ~inances. I h~17Y ?JcY/::>~'1" ~(./~/~ft~4S~..D 19'~:27':?~ #PP'77~~ ?~~ IfEY/~~ rc--d: of I/7S7'.~? j, 7.75 5#9~/Y;?~ 41&:'~."'~ 1 2<:>.3?1 7-"z,:;;. :x? I - CIlARGE FEE ~::?-~= -;;:t? ,-= / $.""'" 1 ::CO. ~ 1/37-5-~ I 6.~ I/ry.~' I ' I o'HARGE I 1 I' /~-.:> 1 I/~~ I ,7) I /&"'-'7$"1- I N;./ FSE I ( I Lj.-5"V 15'1? -I ~57""~ I I 1 6.#5 7'~~ 1 1 I 2.~ , Pernrit I.suanc"'~/.e~i 6".aq:> I 1 '33' .S-O 1 I /681 I ~5"./~ I- I I I I I ( - I? <f't!? I 75':<7~1 I .2<01 I MobUe H"",e I I i~~~,)~.t:?~~~?Wl~7'.7~' \] f)~~ tf.~ 17wru. /IAlr/l1N'[' ""r." "2.t>=<;5: ~r . f'lsignz CI/ARCE h.- I Nan Check Fee: "2 ~'-I ./5" Date Paid: ?7"~8'7 Receipt N: It;/~a Signed: ./ P-/9 . Plumbing Permit . No person shall construct, install, alter or change any new or eristing plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, ur.less sucr. person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, ercept that a person may do plumbing lJOrk to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State Lat.1 requires tfo.at the electrical. work be done by an Electl"ical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by ths Electrical Contractor. et - \:O~ f\l ~ ~ 00Thtf . ~'{~ 8.~ itiJ~~ 9 Mechanical Permit a ~ 7' -'::?:;;>-g<7 - ~~ ~:Y~ f,f'EV./&-Q-88 'L4'f~"'nel'. bate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINr:O the completed application fol' pennit, and do hel'eby certify that all i~forma.tion hereon is true and cOl'rc~t, and r furthe1' certify that any arxl all IJOrk pSl'foro:ned shall be done in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th;; Lcr..;s of tho State of Oreg~n pertaining to the r.1Ork described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY II1ill be rmde of any struotura L1ithout pamrission of the Building Di- vision. I furthor certify that o:1ly contractol'S ar.d e:nplvyces w1:o a:re in compliance L1ith ORS 701.055 will be used on this project *~-