HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1999-10-21 RESIDENTIAL .' PERMIT APPLICATI ... c: ~ Ja~BER '1U '-IS' ~~'~LD Inspections: 726-3769 s!E "'Q, 225 Fifth Stroet 01Ile.:,728-3759 ' ,~.J1 Sp"'OIl"d, a"oo' 97<77 LDOOlaNaFPRapasrl"tJ?&i;_~fn llU'lV . . ASSESSORS MAP, til_ _ TAX LD~ c:; :( (') n - . - LOr. , BLOr". OWNE"" "0liQj(,J ~*p.\,pno, ADD':;;" .)i3;;l0\. J:)U,hPJ''l IPonp: CITY: ~Or\'rO\-!\ P Jti ' : STATE: Or . SUBDIVISION' PHaNE: ,;)1 n -lo?lq( L- ZIP: G'7'-lT7 OESCR,aEWOR" .s)0..<,4,Q OQ ~ -\-en fwD..-\- r~ I f) ~\D fuA bo.m(QA NEW _ REMODEL L. ADDITION_ DE.MOLlSH _ OTHER_ , , CQNST. ADDRESS , CONTRACTOR_~ _. EXPIRES .. L\lo'i'iJ (Y'o.:,nStTe.t:~ 005%c"'~ CONTRACroR'S NAME GENERA" \-\ IlA 'l1' -'-'\-\] :s 0" AT CPUj'MBtN'G: ~ -~~r .= j~.1 _ ~- .'. -~ ;" ,I fOliC 6;",,'r.' ~ -~- -..J 'l'V'1'~'~~-''''-r~' I,J'." ;".' .. r'MECHANIC,f.lo ,-',It . .:. ..,j.",. ~ NO'I"'I ," :', : - ~'''.- 1 .~I r .,... ''''; '''<;)- 'Jt:'- .,!"" 1~::"'~ f" ,\. . l.. ,c ~L~CTRICAL: ',' "_': ".: '.'" I In OA ~. '- )... " ... ,. . ...,.........- '.i' .......1- .~"~ 00"0 Y011~'-\'c ,'-:~ ,.:;,'~,?~l~;. ',. "J. '/~', .,- OFFICE USE_ ."1' , I.CI., _.r i. ...\.-".1,..... '..II' . , ; ~~ '-'J cal . 'QUAD AREA:,'" -, . - _ . LAND USE: . ........ ~. . \. ....' ~ .'" ;.... r...... nun- O~Pf...~~..~':-:--:::::- ~,. .:'7:.'~oli:jC(L95}!NITS:' O~.~~Oti~.: . "'., :..~ - ~:~ ~J. fONSTA. TYPE: II OF SlORJFo, WATER HEATER' , 0)-01' PHONE ,'-110-11<; 7'7 NOTICE:' THI~ Pl"RMIT9I-lAI L EXPIR~ Il:TLJ~:\ IORK flU I HUHILt:U UNUt:R THIS PERMIT I; NOT COMMENa~{)jW{iSAai)"'.:'C"~E.Q.F( I=l :W~180 DA'I'\llEFOOt;, . OF BDRMS: HEAT SOURCE. . RANGE: SECONDARY HEAT:_ SqUARE FOOTAG E: To reqUH' an In.poetlon. )'OU'mu$lcaJl 726-3769. Thla la a 24 hour recording. All InspecUons reQuested belore 7:00 a.m. wlll be made Ihe aemo working d8Y. Inspections rOQuested after 7:00 a,m. will be mB(le tho lollowlng work day. 'REQUIRED INSPECTIONS o Temporal"/.E1oclrlc - rn Rough Mochanlcal - Prior to L..;.J cover. _ ". -- , o SlhllnsP,e!lUon :::-_,!o,~,JP.tdq_._.r::p Rough.Eloctrlcal'_ Prior to . , allot excavation. but prior ~.. =1 . cover. Httlng 100M. ! . .. I o UndenJab ~1.umblng/Elecl!l~~1/ .rfl Electrlcal Service _ Must be Mechanlcal - PrtOl to OOV!"'. L..:J .PPrOved to Oblalnpermanent ..h.... .."", I .,.. ,. ,1 olectrlcaf'pgwer. ~ ~I, o FooUng '- Alter trenchQ .,. ~1;lM.1., ,,', I ,... .... , ~ 1',_ o Masonry - Steel rocatlon. bond be~ grouting. : j ~ , 0 ' .. " -. " 'l.. . Framing _ Prior to cover. o Foundat&on - After forma are ' i .1." '- OIect04 but IN:l~r tp concrete:. 0 WalllCelllng.lnaulaUon _ Prior to ~~~b 1'1... t~: ....; CRQ ~! , ,cover.''ll )1' 'I'll o Underground Plumbing - Prior 0 Drywall _ Prior to taping 10 mllng trench. ' ..J...a~.J~;" .. ...JP;1J.V' . (. 1": I O UnderflOOl Plumblng/M,cbanlcal... ,.,\ " ' ,- .r.1r~~~J~_u!a~~0~,~r~~~~~,1.A::+l :VO,O?, f~er~ - Aflor Inlltallnllon. . ,j 'i . r' I ~, o Po.1 and Beam - Prior to floor InsulaUon'Dr'decklng, .1"~ > o Floor ~pon - Prior ..tc!_~ decking. o Sanitary Sewer - Prior to IlIl1ng trench. o Stann'SeWer - Prior 10 IIl11ng "onch. o = ~~..._.PrI_or to fllII,:!g.._ o RouQh-P~lnlil'- Prlor'i;:'- c~.__ _ ___h--:.... ---t- D Fireplace':'" Prior to facing material, and framing Insp. i'r:-jllnaar1 -,Aller flreplacct approval L-:J and Inatalletlon of unit. '00' O Curbcut & Approach - Alter lorma ate oracled but prlot 10 . placomont 01 concreto. O Sidewalk. Drlvewlty - Aller . excavation III comptoto. lorms . and !',~b-b!Ue mal~rlal In place. . .,..lld_ nO.Fenc~.;;-:", ~hon completod. , 1.,r..,(' D. Straat ne.. - Whttn all required ,1IrOOIl'ant'planled. . ,\ al Plumbing - When all plu bing w9rk Is complet,o. rJI! ~1!"Ial Mechanical - When all mechanical work Is complete. , o Final Building - When all reQuired Inapecllons have been approved and building Is completed. Oath.r MOBILE HOIII!E INSPECTIONS' :t ,,' o Blocking end Set.Up - When all blocking Is complete. D PlumbIng Connections - When homo hall been conneCled to water and aowtlr. o Elaclrlcal Connection - When blocking, set-up. and plumbing Inspoetlons have been approved and the home la connecled to th~ service panel. o Final - After all reQuired Inspections are approvGO and Porcho.:ilkJrtlng. decks, and ve~""g ~ve been InstalleC!, . .- '. ~ . ", Lot laces '~'IO' Sl!llback!l Lot sq. Itg. I P.L. HSE GAR Ace I Lot coverage Corner IN i Topography Panhandle ; Is I Total height Cul-de.sac f.-- J BufLDING PERMIT ~'I " ITEM. Sa. FT. . X $/Sa. FT... VAUJE M~'} Garage Carpolt Tolat Value Building ~rmit Fee Stale Surcharge TotaJ Foa (AI SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (sDC) (61 PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fixtures Residential Bath(s) Sanitary ~wer Water N' F1: FT. Storm Sewer F1: Mobile Home Plumbing Permit Stale Surcharge Tolal Charge ~ MECHANICAL' PERMIT.' . Furnace Exhaust. HOod ~,. Vent Fan N' , ", .0 tal Wood Stove/lnsert/Flreplace:Unlt . ..('t;t',;" ....."JiIlt.\~ o"")J,:J fJw.../)'" , Mechanlcel Perml t Issuance State Surcharge Total Permltf":_; . ....t(O\. } MISCELLANEOUS ~ERMiTS Mobil. Homo. Statel...u~' State Surchatge Sidewalk _ It .' 't'tl! ~ ~:'l d 'j't'.~'~ .... I , ~.; Curbcut DemollUon II r:' '.1 ,";. u l.~ ~ I.' ..,.' Slate Surcharge Tolal MI~~e~. Permlt"'::'.{.: eE) , .....-. .:~.1t.-:.-: TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (exclUdIng olectrlcal) '^' e.c,. Q...xI.E c;omblnocl)~- FEE /eou Iv O~ I. \/) ,(,(;. 'J'? IS THE pA ED WORK IN THE. '-HISTOfUZTAICT, OR ON THE HISlORICAL REGISTER?--D.U.... It yes, this appJlcallon musl be signed and approved by the Historical Coordinator prior to permit Inuance. APPRoven. BUILDING vllu1E, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This permit Is granle<J on the oxpress condition lhat the said construction shall, In all respecls, conlorm to Ihe Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield. Including tho Dovelopment Code. regulating the construcllon and use of tluJrdlngs, and may be suspended or reVOked 01 any time l:Ipon violation 01 any provIsions of saId ordinances. Plan Check Fee: Date Paid; Receipt Numbor' Received By: Plans Reviewed By Date Systems Development Charge Is due on all undeveloped properties within the City limit. which are being Improved. AD~ITION~L COMMENTS / / I a s:.....J'i: i:l.f;<.-Tl'':'';Y a.r.., h-. ,"^,- .Y ' , , By signature, I stato and.agree,. that I have carelully examined the compleled appllcaUon and do hereby c~rlllY lhat ell Information hereon Is true and conocl, and I further certify that any and all work perlormed ahall be done In accordance with tho Ordlnancus 01 the Clly of SprlnglJold, and the Laws of the Stato of Orcgon"pertal~lng 10 tho work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY wlll be made of any structure wIthout permlulon 01 the BulJdlng Salely Dlvlslon. I furthor corllly that only contraclors and employees who are In compllanco with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I furlher agree to ensure that all required lnspecllons 81e rec;ueoted althe proper time, that each address Is readable from Iho street, that the permit card Is located at tho front 01 the property, and tho approved set 01 plans will remain on the alte at all times during construction. S'gnat". ~ h. L0wd 101 ;;2llqq Date J' () '3 S'.7'J b DATE PAID 'u /'ll (1'1'- AMOUNT RECEIVED ~ ~ /{I S<J RECEIVED BY. - ,~ VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUMBER