HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-2-19 r/ " .. len.~\ -. Ree.opt " - SPRI~GFIELD- .. RESIIAITlAL" COMBINATIONiJff!J:CATIONIPERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfie1.d, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ,lob Locatian: .;).;J. / I 'baa1Joc"- Ir)O~A'la0 . ASQQSOOr3 Hap f Sl.lbdivi.sion: ',""url": ~ffJ J... ti&.;.J rJ Do IltJo c-iA.. >>n... AddN.., ~ , I City:_)~ Ebm. n nRtIIFIOdill n HobilfJ Rana . . :;-.~, PtJl6 ','S~c' ..> <, ~"':' Oat. of Application :.:ontractors ~.vA7~ CQn.JOal Plumbing Electrical .~/.char.ic.::.l Suoervisina'Electriclan ~ ~ Tar Lot I (y L~d:-- ' " J .~. " '14 .' ~ -/:2.c."S Phon",?~b CJ9/.J\\, Zi~: <?7Y"77 DS8Crib. .'ork: Valu.lt?: ,., I AddrU3 ~~: ~ .. .. " 1-"', ~ '" -- \ , si<mod: DatQ: g8 ;)-J'7-9/ LiBe. , E:r::>irOB Phone It is ~h. r.sponoibil.i.ty of ths penrnt hald.u- to 8S. that aU inspections 01'0 mad. at t116 pro~ tir.r~1 t".at f:CDh :ddrflDD is J"G'a:!a!l!, from tho .tr..t, a1ld that ,tho parmit caN i. L>catod at tho front of the prop.rty, . 'Sui!.di.'1f1 ~I)icion approved plan shall. .remain on tho Building Sit~ at aU eWe. . PROcrDU,~E FOR INSPEc:rrOH REOUES'J': Call726"31~9 I.reeordor) .tat. your city a..igndod job .......b.r, job oMrc", typo of ';n"~.etien NquQaC"d ar.d w!:.n you uiH b. ready lor inspootion.. Contraotor8 ()r Oom4Jr8 name and pMM number. .~e<l'"8t8 reoei","" bolcrll 7:00 a":t ,",-ill. 1M md. the same dcy.. reqwJ8tB mc:.cLJ afta 1:00 an win b. nud. the nut :.JQrkin; day. rOw-City D..ignatod Job Nwnb... I.: 9/ c:t:9 ~~ o D UllDE.~FUJOR rl.U}.!lUNG & /.fEC!lANICAc.: . To b. 1IWi, pri.or to inotaLZation of fLoor i""utation or doaking. O POST AND BEAH: To b. nude prior to: 0 CURB & APPROACII APRON: Afttr.' forma i.nBtaLl.:ticn of floor insa.:Lation or . aN\! Grflotfld but prior to pouring decking. ~'"r6~..' O liOl'OR PLtr.!8I!J,G. ~~.ECTR!~A!. .. NEeR- 0- SID!lIALX of DRIVEJlAY: For aU. con- ARrCAr.: No :Jar/( 1.B to DC COI..'flred . \ Cl"tltBpaui.ng. t.n:thin 8trflot right- , ur.ti.l. .~1zo8B.insp.ctions ~. b.~..{,. r. '. of-~.. to.bo miz#s after. all '%ca- made_.and Cl(JpJ'Ova:!. . vating'carrplBtB of tom-work of ::ub- O FI..F:Pf.ACE: ,Prior 'to placir.g facing , ba.. matorial in ~Uu:.. mat61!riaL. _ ~ be/orB framing Ut.pec- tior.. - - '. - - . . (Xl ,""RAHINC: . Nu3t bs rttqW1:Jtsd aftsr . approva:l of rough plwr.bing.. dfICt:M.- cal & o1fechani.:al. Alt J'Oofi"'J bracing.~ chimneys, 61!t.:. must bs . comp lsted. No wrk is to b. con-. cec:led .'until thio inspBctian has . ,bun mad6 and appro..d. ~"";''''.1. r"';,~'1.,;ti-..'71,~ , 0: S IT~ INSPEC': ION: To b" n:uU aft.,. lIZCa11anQn, but prior tc s.t up of , forma. '0 ' UNDERSf.AB PWHBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHAnICAL: To b. madit bittors any wr/( is "overed.. rQf FOOTING 4 FOUNDA'fICN: . To be nade . ~ after trenchDG are arcauated and forms are .r.ated, but prior to pouring CC71Cro,t.. U.YD~GROU"!D PWNSING. S!JIeR. l/:t'fE.'l,' D.'lAIHAGE: To b. nu.:l. prior to fil.- Ur.g trencMe. O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER 1!JSPECTION: To b. mad. aftfl" aU inBuL.:zti.:m a."1d rcqu-:.Nd vapor bazoroi4re CD"4 in p lac. but b.fore any lath, gypsum board or w:tt colJ.ri71fl is appliad.. and bilfors any. inoulation i8 concealed. O DRYWALL I/ISPEC'l':!ON: To bs toods aft.r aU. dryw:lZ. is in placs, but prior to an!! taping. O NASONRY: St..l location, bo1ul - bfltDJ13, grou~ing Of' lJ.tlzotioala ~ a...,_,... ;.....c. with U.B.C. S.otion 2415. O It'OODSTOve:. After installation is ,ccmplBted., ' O ,['ENCE:' Jihtn: ca:rpl.d. -- Provid.' gatii or movable s.ctions through P,U.E. o DE~KJL.ITIO:J OR .\'017.7 3i}I;'..~:;'GS j :J S(D1i~ e~c!" cc:;pec. .::.t p=:.opc:ot:; tir.d =:J S.pti.::J tank p:Jmfu:d cr."~ ,.;ti..w. :.tieh .;ra'JiJl ::J Filial - .llhll11 above it:.":fs a:zoll c:;r.rpllltcd . ar.d ",h.n demcUtior. ia cor.J?lflta or .truc~ CUr. molJ8d ar~ prcmi3.. ct"anl= up. l Hobi z." Hem.s ::J Blocking a1ld S.t-~p ::J Plumbing conn'cti~ns .. s~.l" end ~~.r ::J Eleotrical Conn.ction - Block~,..J, sst-up and plumbing com:tloticns m-":3t :. CI??l"Ollfld befozoc Nq1UIsting el.,,:ricaL ir.sp.a:ion :=J AO~lIsGor&' Bui:di",: j ] F~l. - I1ft.r .?:JraJ-:.s, scrt'i"!1. .dsl?ks, ,tc. CU'S acmp:.st.d. o All projBot conditions, such as .ths installa~on of s~..t tr."s, cc::rpl.Jtwn of :iuI requil'fld ~~cc:pir.g, ato. J must bs satisfiod bDfo,.. tJ-.. Bl'IWI.';C FI:!AL "an :11 "3qu.B~3d. D FIliAL PWHBING' D' FINAL IlE':HANICAL o FINAL'EI.Ecr.UCAL D ~ lINAL BUILDINC: The Final. Building Inspllotion must bG nq1lSDts:l aft;.r :ite .~inal ?tumbi"3 El.4otM.cal.. and H6chtmical InspBctiotUJ havo bll'" mad. and approvsd. . 'ALL I"'NHOLES AND CI.EANC/lTS /rUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS'J'IIEHT 1'0 BE HADE 'AT NO COSi' 1'0 CITY I p"" 01 :: i I I.lcb Nwnbcl': Zona: OccuoanCI/ C. LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandl. Cul-de-sac Lot Sq, Ftg. ~ of lot Coverage " of Sto",.. ,Total H.ight i Topography I 11TOM I Main I Garaae Icarool't AccessorII Is.o.c. lITEM I Fixtures SQ.FTG x I I I I I . I I~J MI I I I- I I I ,- Value B'lt"P /2./0 /0 9~( , (NO \S",~) TOTAL VAWE lOOt.UD} 1.5z Building permit State SurchlU'ge Total Cha.-g.. I NO, FEE R..idential (1 bath) Sanitary SeWG1' I Water I 11TOM I Res. Sa. Plwnbing Pem:i t State Surcfo.arge Total Chal'QOS NO, FEE fto, N~/EXtend Circuits Tamporary Ser>Viae I lITEM I Ful'n.:2ca ETU' S I EJ;haus t Hood I Vont Fan I Wmstovo " Ele~tl'ical Permit State Surcharae Total Charges NO, Permit Iosuanca M(J~hanic:1l Permi t Stato Surchal'Oe Total Cm.raeo -- i.'NCROACHHE.YT -- Sec-."ritu Daoo3it Storag9 I lfainte'lanae I Pcrmi t eurbcut; I SidRLA,lk l.'en::Q Total Cha1't108 El6ctrical Lab9l "Mobilll Home I I I TOTAL AMOUNT OUE:- / U (;"0 .; $;1 90.1JS CHARrF. . CHARGE' ] \ ~.. FS8 CI/ARCE '?,O.f!33 Rafcl'm:(!o fhunL'ol's: L-COG H: 'i Type/Cor..t: . Bedrooms: I Enel'q!' SOurce8 Heat I I I I I I Lot Face. - I I P,L, North TII")8 Setbacks House CaI'O.ge Access. Water HIUltnr Range Fil'eDlace Woods tove East South Iw..t Fees Building Value & Permit This permit io granted on thB express condition that the said conotruction. shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Spl'ingfield, includi.ng the Zoning Crd:.nance, l'egulating the construction and uoe of buildings, and may be euopended or l'elJOked at any time upon vio- lation of any provisions of oaid Ordinances. .. ... , " Plan Check Fee: tt::;t&;1 ~ ~Ir~/ !J~ Permit Date Paw: RBcdpt II: , Signed: , "':Plumbing No person ohall construct, install, alter or change any n~ 01' existing plwnbing.ol' ~inage syste:n in'whole or in part, unless Buch pBrson is thG legalposs6ss01' of a valid plumbe.l"s license, e:z:cept that a pBrson may do plwnbing work to property which is owned, leased or opezoated by the appZi- 'oant. ~ , ' ./~... - Electrical Permit Whel'e State LaM l'equires that thB electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electl'ical pOl'tic" of this permit shall not be valid.untit the label has belm oigned by the Electrical. Contractor. ,- Mechanical Permit - //a:~AFU- pur:h'i{zantt.ner ( 2!-/ /:1../9/ IJQJ;9/ / I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do h8rehy c61'tify that all information hereon is tl'UB and correct, and I. further certify that any ar.d aU wol'k pel'/ormed shall. be don.s in accor- dance with the Ol'dinances of the City of Springfic1.d~ and tho:: La:.Js of tha .. StatG of Ol'eg.:m pel'taining to th9 L>Ol"k describod hOl"einl and that NO OCCU~ PANCY will be lI'rlde of any structura without parmieaion of the Building Di- vision. I further cel'tify that o~ly contractol'S and e:npl.:1yeee who are in compliance with ORB 701.055 witl be used on this pl'oject , ;(~ ~~' , ~ign8d CJ-./ /'1/rr Dot.