HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-12-16 ,"^' , ,--, , , ( I INSPECTION LINE 726-3769 I Job Addreu I Legol DeJ'ription I I I I <;n...i 'lgf.ie.l d ,_Oregon_--97_417 I Conltruc,inn 1,.",.1.. I Addr." CITY OF SPRINGFiElD COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT . iNFORMATION LINE 726-3753 " ENERGY SOURCES: I Sq, ".,,Main -,64-- Sq. Fig. Aceen. _ ____I SQ. fIg. Other I X New.... .Add _Alter_Rep. Fence _Demo_Change/Use 2048 Donne 11 y Lochaven Mobile Home Subdivision H.af WO"', H.al., ___ & Bernard Hiatt Blvd Other co a ..... ..... .... a L at 32~_BloCk 1 Own" Robert Cochran, Gene Add".. 663 West Centennial ..!.~.!'9!-~7:_~. -:--------- Vol... of wo,ll: Phone 741-1120_ 2508.00 Suilding P..m;1 I...fo: o.~~'j~ Wo;~ (i.l!.:B;;iid-~~i;" !om'!r...!l.,idenc. With AlIa,h.d G~'~9!L- _ __~ingle_gara9~_and__1119b!1e and El ectri ca 1 servi ce home olumbino ........ OESIGN TEAM Primary Ga rret ("om.) {,-,rttf,.,.,i ------.. {'iCl. "0.1 (expir.,) (phone no.) Maupin, P.O. Box 846. Springfield. Oreoon 97477 746-8514 Structural Electrical Mechanical CONTRACTORS General Hi att (no"..\ ,.,dd...,\ (lies. no.l (expires) (phone no,) BrQth~r~ Construction 663 W~~t C~ntpnn;,l R1vrl_ Sorinaf~lrl_ Orp _741-1420 Plumbing Electrical Mechanical ,I I ;1 1 _I, .W,HhEU ~~~TE .lAWdRbEQUIRES, that the Electrical wadrk be dhando by h'he ~~ed~ica,l Con,'rador, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until a I, au. o.....n ~9ne y an E ectrical Contradar an attoc e to I e e..drlCD pane. PlUMBING elECTRICAL NO. I fEE ! CHARGE NO. I lIesidence of Each linDle li"'1I,e .':t.ft. Relocated building New circuits, alterations (new fiA, additioftOll or extensions S.F, Reliden(.e I II bath) SERVICES Duolu (1 bolh) each I Temporary Construction I Addilional bath I A.mpl. I Wat.r ..,.,ice I I Sewer I I Storm S.wer I FEEDERS I 1 Mobile Home I A.mDs, I Service 15,00 1 IMobi 1 e Home I IServi ce I I I I I I I, TOT AL CHARGES 15.00 TOTAL CHARGES MECHJ~NICAL FEE I CHARGE NO. I I fEE" I CHARGE I I I I I I 1 110.00 I I I furnace/burner to I\TU's Appliance yent separate Stationary eYap. cooler Vent fan with sinAle dud Vent system aport j:rom heating or A.C. Mechanical exhault hood and duct I Wood stove/heater I Heat Puma I Air handler to 10.000 CFM I Air handler oYer , 10.000 CFM ISSUANCE OF PERMIT 10. 00 I TOTAL CHARGES "HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the campleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true an::l correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed sholl be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the lawl of the State of Oregon pertoining 10 the work described herin, and that NO OCCUPANCY will b. made of any srructure without the permiuian of the B~lilding DiYision, I further certify that my regiltration with the Builder's Boord is in full force and effect 0 s required by ORS 701.035, that if exempt the basis for exemption is noted heron, and that only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. Bo,;, fa. 8,;ld,,', Boa,d ..ompt;a.' AY ,j) J NAME (please print>_V-= 4"l_ Lv I" \ [( L t.7 C./ft- SIGNATURE ~ tlI A ft~ _ DATr! z.. jf.-fC I I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Zon- MHS Type/ Const. Bedrooms C,tarie" V-N Units ntcy load ,." 'cy Group cO'l Value Value Value TOTAL VALUA'rION . ".ou c~UIl.UU Fire Zone Flood Plain M-l Sq. Ftg. M.::tin C:q. Ftg. Acces" Sq. Ftg; Other . ?SOR 00 .:;10 Plan Ck. Comm/lnd 6S%/Bld!1 Per Fee Plan Ck. Res 30%/ Bld~ Per Fee Systems Deyelopment Chame fl.S,,"l IPaid with Mobill IHome Setup perm t~ I BUILDING PERMIT Charges and Surcharges 24.00 7.20 PLUMBING PERMIT Charges and Surcharges 15.00 ..JJ Fence Demo Total Cnmb Pnrmit 74.96 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Charges and Surcharge; 10.00 68' 6.80 I I TOTAl. I I jl 74.96 MECHANICAL PERMIT Charge. and Surcharges Sidewalk I Air p__,"" I Cur~ ;~~--~ ---------1 1 10.00 .'tu " , .... I, Applicant ta furnish A. Jab Address B, Legal Description, .. 1. example-tax lot 1 00, lon~- Co~~ty Mop Refer;nce i 7 03 . .. 2,_ example-Lot LBlock 3,,2nd,Addition to Springfield Eslalf ..r C. Name, etc. of owner and'c~nstruction ie~der'. . .... D. Energy Sources 1. example-heat/electrical ceiling/or forced air gas 2. example.water heater/electrical/or solar E. Square footage or valuo"tion, etc. - 1. example-1250 sq, foot house, 500 sq, foot garage ~. example-if new project, check ,ne.w-if addition, check. ( . "add, etc. '. 1,,- ...... ...~. . F. Building permit information: .. 1. example-construct single family house 'with' an a,ttoch, . (. garage 2. example-remodel existing 9C1rage into familfroom 3. example-convert single family residence into restaurant (change of use) G, Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of the Structural Specialty Code H, DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS' To avoid design or construction delays, 'Builaing Divisil Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons rege design information or job site corrections, etc. ",' ""l ~, .:' .. PERMIT VALIDATION .:". -,'-- .~~ ~~. .. -4. t.: -~"~~''::, t~'" -~ COMBINA TION APPLICATION/PERMIT ,(CAP) - <, ~'~f:;'" -~.~., : ,.~ ',. ~ . . '-' , " '. Dote' CITY' , OF SPRING':"" City Hall E l 0 o Springfield 0 epartment af'p r~gOn OFF I C , A l RUb/Ie Work. ECE/PT No. B 5538'~ 'l' ( -, ( II. 'Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical & Electrical Schedule, A, Except where blank spaces occur in the description pI I h Irt of the Me.chanical and Electrical Schedu es, t e appli ~ need fill-in only the No, Boxes adjacent to the appro item{s) to be installed B, Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit form the sched, have been abbreviated 2, If the item(s) to be installed are not covered 0;' ated schedules you should consult the full schec C, BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WilL FILL OUT ALL FEE' CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES ," '. CI (.1 / ( ( III, Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible, the initial application will be us' I" worksheet only. Where possibl.e, Building DivisiC?n S' \.~ 8'1" prepare a typewritten copy and return it to the app ,-::-r'.' the time the actual permit is issued'for his signatun ..;. \..."" IV, Fees and Charges ! Plan check fees are due and payable at the time 01- and no plans will be processed until these fees are paid, All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. (~I = ( Amount ( ( <: '''I~'~''''UIl''~Ul~::,~''':Z:lt"O S'G"''''T'tJ,,~ 'I"S. IUGI.... all 1'.0' 1'111.. , C -, \'< ,.. V, FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permit Clerk ~ '\..\ )- PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: 5 foot wide setback sidewalk to be installed with Cit '.. '. , ,:--.-i , -, ,:ro,_. ........... ~ ...;', " \~Ii.i;'i.~ ,.?.!,,;,...; " ..~ ~ .;.. .Y~";:~ ..- "~- .J'". ,-. ~.: 1 Additional Project Information: '. ..-,............;, PLANS REVIEWED ,BY, ,.~ :/~.-~ 1""~ -Lorne Pleger nome . " signature date 12-11-80 .., ... .".~.' ~ ~ .. .-......