HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-8-28 '" . POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB ADDRESS: 1138 Dondea Springfield, Oregon TRS, TL: 18-02-06.1.3 0 12100 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC-2347-79 Subdivision: 1st Add Meadow Green Estates, lot 16, block 1 This permit for the referenced property is hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, andlor other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS # Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: Sharon Owens, 36372 Jasper Road, Springfield, Oregon 97477 Glen Longworth Jr. Owens Pools 27308 Total Construction Value: / .onstruction approved by this permit:. Water Supply: 'Pun' of,.. PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION .t>etbacks _nterior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: 726-8469 / / Swim Pool Structures now on property: home # Bedrooms: #Plumbing Fixtures: # Employees: "" ~," "" Zoning: na Partitioning # na Parcel # na Parcel Size: Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: 46' . centerline of road side exterior: na ; interior property lines: ;rear property line: 10' PUE Special Instructions: na 44xl02x125x12l For information call 687-4394, Susan Kell..r Site Inspection # na Installation specifications: na gal. min. septic tank capacity; na lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: na Special Instructions: Do not drive over the existing sewage disposal system at any time. Keep 10' from the existing drainline. Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call 687-396lbetween 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Marsha Miller Type of Construction: na Group: M Fire Zone: 3 Instructions: Call for inspections as noted on the plans. Use Classification: Pool For plans information call 687-3763 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Merle Neilson For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Date Issued: 08=28-79 Main to 42nd to Jasper Rd, across from grade school. JSS/ly kine COUnty - C55-13 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING ' 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 8y: " -;).1 eOEPARHiENT OF ENVIRONi~ENTAL I1ANAGEMENT PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 e !Kk\'"'.l,.'l"""~"I''''~~''. ."",p '. c~t 00",0, /./' ';.~~1l1"'::." C; ~j9"edJNUmber~/ I!t~n$ '"p:harnl!H"lil:.*~iWa*','Q '., - 11.._ - - l r~~ij~lt~~~i~~!'7ff2"d"'hJ:~"W (11M''''' ?':;P-~ [{(if!;] /6, lIlb!i.k1 / Application for . v...t,,/~_~hQ /,noL Structures now on the property (;7 h a-,.... p_ 1p..... .....,.".',)...".':::'..w,"..""..... "",,~ii,."l I-I ffiW.'."'>1Y.."". "Etu! I-I i(iOlTiillf*,';;'~ Ll:~~:!:!.:!!!:!'~...~,~~:"'~~n,._"',',,""t!'J:I'~,;N:,... _ ~~~Jt.~W. _ ~~...I,~&~lJl Affidavit: I. - \:I~ (f?w~s: ,llil!l~$(ltPr:lo:H If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose" I have the following legal interest in the property: ow~r of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; L.......d1i1y authorized )J;act for the OW~r~O is knowledgeable of th1S?P ication. Signature/AddreSS~/2/./l.J' ,..7(.// ~""'~ .;;3L,37,:;) r-<-1Zo/ (zil!.)97~77 Telephone ""7'.::J ~F</69 or Date When permit is ready notify: I~I Applicant I~I Owner ~ Contractor ~: I~I mail Owner (1J2.../P'4<- ~....uo~ ::Ii'" (zio) Contractor Itl.bJP/fV= /./~s -- (zip) Contractor's OSR# 27,"309' Plumbing by ~ " : o j~!l!!!!~ltJtl11 D l5ilif~ , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. >XPhone Phone Phone ~~ 1'", ~~69 = : iF"'" ".eel COde' oa~jtiffiJl DO NOT WRITE 6ELUW THIS LINE # of employees itjg!%!!ijl!!6 ~~~L1 ~stjng. BP # I~I Proposed. SI # fUWitl ,ttOl\l i$ij"\J\'t9J?a li'~f';sii~[l Valuation Fee ~:s~~:::~:~~liiJI~(~~! Sl test holes ready Subtotal $ $ $ $ $ each $ each $ $ $ $ $ $ /) ~/-VrYt ) r~ ~ I-I "CiSW'"'1 :::-J:"''''J.';J.'i1j!O I ~ ,~tiWj Received by A A~ Water Supply ~( . ~ A" j' ~ Proposed Existing Year Installed Total Valuation: $ ;~..llftil~.::lrlat $ i~,.r/1!'!,t!!.n~<;9J)!m at $ 4% State surcharge Plans check. fee Change of Occupancy TOTAL '-..,../ PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: Zone /l/ 14- Ii., front ;!,lit. ~ Part, # Parcel # Pa rce 17Sfz1< / 0;2 '/-I;;.s- X I.:l / int, ; rear /t>' PdE : = 11.. side Conments To be typed on permit CP&I T~ To be typed on permit . Group~. Fire Zone By .L/-:! _.~ Date. "-..::r 1-79 ~ P . .'1 / " , ~ Use Classification ~ . " .-';'Q /J.<:)~~~h'H~~~ By ~~ C; Date C - ~7-"'}.9 (.1/';;/~ Phone S'7t. ~ - 7 "7:n ~-<2.~w- .1><7 -~A' A.-'1J /.-<A1- _ "' ~ - ['JJ() rr- _--.~gtf ~ For plans information call (area inspector) o Directions to site -?'r1a.,u.JJ 7ft ij2n rI ClA....J; A....L~ P1as to: CP&I set(s) WPC set(s) Date Required Hold Slip to pcc Date Completed Oa te to pcc CI SIFO CI CP&I o WPC CI Planning CI Publ ic Works CI Elevation I~I nla el Address C/ Facility Permit /~/ Environmental Health g-/5 FOR INFOro,~TION about progress of your application call: C74-171 Permit Control Center 6a7-HELP (667-4357) ~ LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT ~ 234779 DATE 073179 APPLICANT OWENS POOL/LONGWORTH ADDR 36372 JASPER RD. SPFD. ORE 2!. TU' 1802061312100 SUBD I V MEADOW GREEN EST A TES 1 ST ADD LOT 16 BLK 1 NEW BLDG TYPE USE R NO BDRMS 00 NO UNITS 001 NO STORIES NO BLDGS 001 . A CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE DAYS BP ..!!.BP BP ~ BP .BP .!! BP t BP ..!!.PL MECH ~ SUR .PCK .. ~. . . . I. 6 ...!. 10 -. 12 .!.!.. 16 -. " J .' .!!.. " . 2! ..!!. ..!! . ..!! ..!!. LC 234779 POOL NO. FIXTURES: 5.00 EACH = NO. CONNECTORS: MECHANICAL FEE STATE SURCHARGE PLAN CHECK FEE 4/. 50/. ..!!. 12 . ;', . SIFO .TAKEN BY ..!! ELEV ADDR COMPLETED BY FP ENVH TOTAL FEE** WPC PLAN CPI SK " ' -.J 60 .!!.. .. -. 25.00 12.50 37.50 CK . . t. . . . . " . . . . . . . IS " . .. o o .: o > o ~ .~ . . " 12' a llei 10 :; , ~ ,e. , -r, . " . ,.~ o o . " . , . ~ .'~. .I' Job Address I/?Y Llo->>d'r'".4 City, <)"..,t./,/ Township, Rang'e: S~ction, Tax Lot If?-o ~ -oft- /-_-:? -/::2./'" (') Subdivision/-:f-).1,/r1 !)Jr.,."I,u, (7",,,,. /:</'"1,",,, Lot /6, Block ~ ."-, / .,0EPARTnENT OF ,EIIV i RONi~EIITAL ilANAGEI'lEilT ,.,' PSB, 125 EAST BTH AVENUE " ",' EUGENE, OREGON 97401 " . App1 ication # /..c. -~!31/1"'-:?r As 5; gned Numb'ers / Application for _ v"'............h~})~ Structures now on the property d Proposed use of property: /~/ Residential Affidavit: I" \.1 h-.6..,. ({/." ~ " (please print) If this application ;s for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; . '____duly auth~rizedvto.act for the owneJ/~ho is knowledgeable of this a~p'lication. Slgnature/Address' ~ U, ./ /r "' "-//r_~~P-~.J ...3/...."37 .:) G.-n~" J, 17.01' (ZiD) y?4/77 Telephone ':.-/:] h Y<;/'b Y; or / ' Date _, v When pennit is ready notify: CI Appl icant CI OI,ner !/.I Contractor ~: CI mail Owner . ! /,. /_ Lr., .d.J _ ,_ v:,I. ::t,r, (ziD) Contractor It 0 J.;J.rJ glJ.,L_"<4..._~ (ZiD' Contractor's OSR# ;' 7..Y" Plumbing by ...5-b-'1> .e..... /1(""10 L /- At:,....J.,o. P CI COlll11ercial CI Indus tri al CI Public . hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. W phone , Phone Phone 7:J /~ .f-S/h~ = Fee Code Description OU NUT WRITE BELUW THIS LINE # of employees # of units SOS: ~isting, CI Proposed, Sq, Ft" or Unit # of Sites Cos t r- ~';y" 1 ~d,>[a:;;!, BP # _'?/:iO - -::u /)1/ 'CM Il1. SI # Valuation 1 c4,4 $ $ $ $ If Commercial: # of stories Residential: # of bedrooms SI test holes ready ".., .:::u.A'~-Vl J r ~ J I-I Cash I i21'Check # "40 Received bv V" A~ Water SUPP1~.t ''''!J' /' '_ ~U-lf~ Proposed Ex i s t i;g _ Year Installed Total Valuation: $ $ Plumbing fixtures at $ each $ Sewer/water conn. at $ each $ J Subtota 1 $ - 4% State surcharge $ Plans check fee $ Change of Occupancy $ TOTAL $ PERMIT PROCESSING Zone IV t:+ t, front ~ /to / Pa rt. # Parcel # Pa rce 1 '1'::(,!- / 0';; '1-1,;;.s- 'K 1,,2 I int, ; rear /1)' ';u//E Minimum setbacks: t, side Comments To be typed on permit / By~ Da,te ?-..::f /-79 / WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Installation specifications: gal, tank; /J)1Ll . ft. of draj.wie1d: ma~e~th of trenches: , To be typed on pennit C/)o 4J6t - d~ ~~4 ~@/""'~ ~t? dtjn/V/lhf ~ rd ~7$/ o/'pm ~ /rrn d/ ~c:r 7N~~~ , ";J By~"4/r//1 /~ "7/J~7.iL ,( r/ / I Telephone "??",/, .J ,/ -" Date ~~~/9'~p l...1...... 'ft! _<..A2-. 4 J (,- Directions to site ijL.d ,~ ~ :_.~ 1"1.._.1t: ..., ,.. / L--.f..-L CI SIFO CI CP&I CI WPC /~/ Planning /~/ Public ~orks I~I Elevation I~I n/a CI Address C/ Fac i 1 i ty Perm; t /~/ Environmental Heal th Pl~S to: CPS I set( s) WPC ===== set(s) Date Requi red Hold Slip to PCC Ddte Camp 1 e ted Oa te to PCC ~J.K V" ~ , ". FOR INFOR~~TION about progress of your application call: Permit Control Center 6S7-HElP (687-43S7) ..: Job Location Permit (J Permit (J Permit (J (Address) //3 )( For For-:J For" I f:l.o.r.,d p a ^, Permit fJ Permit (J Permit (J ~-ikl For' \. " For " ' For TRS, TJ j'it /? :3 "Plat Plan Subdivision IslAJJ (Y\W~! rM-p~ ['~,.;fes Lot II,., Block / \ -= ~~- . r (I &- ~ "'<0/ "~ . [;fi:>t ~\JSe. (iJ- '7 \' \'rr Vicinity Map - N' 7'V'O/' _ t)JrlDZ:+i- C74-150