HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-9-21 ~ .. RESI-NTlAL." APPLIC';lVN/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 II /0 y-V tZ-/1Cle6'1 H\HC)CCC1O\~ Job LocJ.ti~m: AOGCDcor..:; Map Subdiv{,sion: (;.mer, /il/,n /n ....f"JJnSiI'1 AddreD3'/f) {/{/ LJd"g/?/Q 5: I City: "917-<'"",<. C.L rJ , 1 IXfNP!.1 .M;t' .{ Hcae!'pt il \~~~~ 'YRP1J /J.~~ 9) W./ r A "0 T~ Lot /I '6 \Q() '\)0 .sl Phone, ? Y7 -~ '.3/ zip: 9? V'JK'" ,1ddi ticn NeW ~I-b/ atM Describe II'ork.: n II n Rcmo..!e 1. .'fobi La l10ma 9-/13-5D Date of Applicaticn Contractors .SI!/ r General' Ol.ul'1P.R ; P l.umbing i ['lechanical I E~~c t ru;a l I SUI>Cti'Vt!.t1;;".lg_ Elec t r.i c i.1 n HOLl rd I{e:~. Add rPHS () 1/ ft:-6. Va lUB If V'I/ t::> =:-- '. Li~c. II Bldrs " ~' ~~ C'\:- ~L.- \ rD Siqr.cd: Dater: gla>i (,(~H PI-nlll' It is the 1'8SponDi.bility of tJw permit holder to see that dzu inDp,~ctiomJ are r.tada at the proper timE:~ that c:::.ch .::.ddrOlJ8 iu Y'tJadabZI from the street, and that tho permit card is Located at the front of the property. A!Jlli!di.'1{l Dividor: apprOl.:ed plan shall. I'emain on tlla Buildbl(l Sa;; at all. times. pnOCEDURE FfJ!lJN,~PEcrION R!PUE5T:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) statc your City desian.."lted job number, job address. typo of im;pl?:~.iclI l'cqucsted ar-d Whe1l you :.Jill be ready [01' inspection, ContractoY'1J or llJners "r..mc and phone number. Requests received befcl'a '/..00 (;":'I ;.,'ill be made tht: sarne day, requests mG.de after 7..00 am !Jill b.-: made the next '..xJrkin.] day. Rcmlil'cd In:;nf'cticn.q O SITI:: INSPEC':'JON: To be made after excavation, but prior ta Bet up of [Ol'fTls. O UNDERSDAB Pu...WBINC. ELECTRICM. t. Nl-:CHANICIlL: To be made befor'll any work io ~ovcred. ~ FOOTING ~ FOUND,iTION: To be made after tl'ctlche:J Cll'C excavated and [OI'nf:.J are erected, but prior to pouring ccncret~. UNDZRCROflND Pf.UM!JINC. SgWF:R. W.1TE~ DRAINAGE.. To be nrlde priol' to fil- Zir.g trenches. o o mJDE.rWWOR l'I.l1/.flUNC & m:C!lANICAL: To bo mcule prior to in:Jtallation of floor itloulation or decking, POST AND BEAM: To be made priOl' to il1stalliltio'l of floor instolation 01' dacki"{j, ROUCII pr,lJ.lml!1c. Er.F.'CTR!CA!. ,e '.IECl1- 0 ANICAL: No work is to be covered . until these inupe-ctions have bear. made and appl'oved, ." I FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.(J [acing mater'ials and before framing in spec- tior:, o o D ,~ FRAf~INC: Muat be l'equeDted a[t;el' approval of rough plwr.bing, alectl'i- cal & mechaniaal. Al! roofing bracir'l{] t Chimneys, et.:::, l1T'.lst be . completed. tlo wrk is to be con- : coaled until this inspection has . be~n made and approIJed. foul' City Vccigr.atcd Job Number 10.' D INSULATION/VAPOR HARRIER INSPSCTTON.. To be made after all insulation a~~ l'cquil'ed vapor barriers are in plaee . . but before any la tll, gypsum boaI'd or LXlt.1. cover'iny is applied, and before any inDulation i3 concealed. D DRYWAl,L INSPECT [ON: Tc be made after all drywaLL i.1I in place. but prior to mlY taping. o lo....ation. bond 01' vCI,tiealo in V.B.C. Section C)OJ/7D DENOLITIO!! OR ;~:OV!:!) BUILDnlCS ::J Smli~Q1'y oC'..}er :!apped a.,t pl'op:;rty Ur:o '. 1~"I,...lh\l~l':t"'j,,\'..:;t :,l.i'~l.,~ ~ Septi.::: tank p~?.:d and [i-ll.:d with ii"a~;:j --, Final - rnten abcve ite:.,s 01'0 ecmpl.Jtt~d .--J ar-d when .:1cr.rolitior. l:D complatc OJ' tlt:'l.':- ture molJea arui pl'cmi3t1S clfla1Ud up. Nobile Hemet; :J Blocking and Sct-~p :=J Plumbing connections OQJOl' a1u! IJet-or ----, Etcctricat Connection - Bloeki'I(J. 8et-I'? .-J and ptumbing connections m",J.st /;0 approl:q{l bBfore raqueBti,lg elcc~rical. inspac;io.": :=J Accos:;oriJ' Bui lding --, FinaL - After p:JrC'1:es, ~ etc. are camplotcd. skirti.ng. d.!ckD. o MASONRY: Steel beamD, grouting accordaJ1CB IJith 2415. WOODSTOVE: After i1l8tallation io ccmpleted. D All.project conditions. :;uc.": ao the 1".nstaLLation of stl'eat trOles. "eo.~plati..m of thti: roquil'od landocapir:a, ctc., must be oatiofied befora tho BUILDrrle FI."IAL can bo r:zquQlIt.:1d, o FINAL PLUMBING o FINAL ME~IIA.'ICAl, D FINAL f.'LfXTRICI.L ,P ~ FINAL BUILDINe.. Tho fi,tal Building Inspcc:tiOtt muot be requeated alter till! Filial PlwnbiflJ Electrical, and Mechar:.icdl Inspectiol1S ltal)O beon_ made and approlJ.:zd" . , . D CURB A APPROACll APRON.. Afte:- form3 are aro~ted but prior to pouring ~on~rete. SIDf:r{ALK of DRIt'f.'I/,H: F01' all COtI- crete paving within street rigllt- of-fJC.Y.. to be made after all exca- vatingeomplete & form fJOrk & cub- ba:;e material in place. .. IAf.1. f.MNllOT,ES AND CU-:ANOU'l'S /l1I.'iT nF.' M:t:F.S:Jrm.F.'. AD.mST.'t,t.','/T TO HE /.:'1P.E I:.T /:0 r~ST TO cr'!'Y ~.l!:'" of:! D !'ENCE: When compl:;te -- Provide. gates or movable sections through P.U.E. D " I JOB NO. I Zone: SOLAR A_S Occu'JO:nCl( Gl"OU:": WT TYPE Lot Sq. Ft;;. % ~f lot C~uerag~ .f of ::tOM.eo Total Height Topogro;;hy Interior" Cor'nel' Panhandle Cut-de-sac I I [TEll IMain I Cr.:rac(! I Carp01't 1'100C830rll SQ.FTG x Value 6/tr. I I Is.D.c. TOTA~ VALUE Q16S 6(1 . N/A . 9/0. 50 I 4.03 M.~' 1.5 :r: fUCLUCJ Building Permi t Sta te Surcharge Total [:}Ill:"ge3 1 I1'F:" I f'i.rtw'(!!; 'I NO. I . n,'E Cl1ARr,'E Hesidcntial. (] batlll Sani t:zry SelJer I Water I Plumbing rami t State SurcJ-.arge Total Charac~8 /1'1'1-;,., I flen. So. ftn. I NQL1/f.'xtend Cil'cui ta I Temporary Service I , . NO. FEE CHARGE I I . .1, " F.le~trical Permit State Surdlllrt76 Total Charqen I in'!>' F'urn."lce .rrru' s I f:=ht1U[J t 1Iood NC. I I I I I I FSE Cl1ARCE Vent Fan W:)OdHf.O;J(] I'm'nrit [anU:111ce Me.::hanic:ll Permi t State Sw'charnc To to 1.. Cmrae:J -- ENCROACHMENT -- I Scc;,wity DCD03it I StolYlat? I MaiTI t.cnan':f! I Parmi t Total C1,arqcs Curbcu ~ Sidl!U7Zk ."'CPI:.!C I f:lect".icaZ {,abd I /tIobi le /lome I I S"? 33' I ~ CK. Pf!Z 1'/',)'1',1/. ,lNtJl1.\''f' {Jill:: . / SiP, 'if, ~ . . . -,,~ \- 1 \ 1 .J 1 1 , R EQ.- L-COC~ , Bedrooms: Enel'~I' SOUl'cea !Ieat TllPe T:;?e/Cor!ot: I Lot Faces - I I P.I" NOt'tll f:aat South II{est Setbacks /louse Carage Access. Watel' !It!oter Range I Fireplace , Wood::; toz;e _:.. Faes I I ] 1 Building Value & Permit This permit io granted on tho express condition that the said aonotl~ction shall, in all respects, conform to tile Ordinance adopted Hy the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Cf'dinance, regulating the cCl1otruoticn and use of buildings, and may be Buopended 01' 1'evoked at c.P:y time upon vic- lation of any provisior.o of oaid Ordinances. .. ~.. I Plan Check I Date Paid: 1 .,1Beei:ipt H: IS0"€d: ~7-3':J Fcc: Plumbing Permit No pel'con flllall construct, install, aUer OT' change any nelJ CZ' e:istillU plwnbina or d1'llinage oyote:71 in ..,hole or...in part, ur.lcGS sucll person io the legal possessor of a valid plumber's 'license; except that a person may do plW7lbing wol'k to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. I I. Electrical Perm it Where State LaJJ requires tr.at the electrical IJOrk be done by an Ele~tl'icaZ Contractor, the electrical portion of,this permit shall r.ot be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical ~oPltractoT'. I I. Mechanical Permit I I I I I. I I I p~~9i?~ C\~\-oo vate I H,1VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all ir:for-mation hereon is tr>uo and corrcct, and I jUrthe1' certify that any ar.d alt IJOrk porforo/ed shalt be done in accor- dance with tha Ordinances of tho city of Sprinaficld, and th& ~~8 of ~ha ... State oj' Oreg~n pertaining to the tJOl'k described hCl'oin, end that NO OCCU- PANCY fJill be ""de of any struoture without permis"ion of tile BuiZdin~ Di- vision. I further certify tklt only contractors ar.d e:npl"yees wl:o are ill co~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this pl'oject ,/ Q~~ ( , \ q -dJ) -9D-- f). II, (: (VYI'Y\