HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1990-9-11 " .. .. RESIDEWIAL" SPRINCFlELD APPLICA'l'IO.'flMD' ~ 2,~5 NO'f'th 5th St'f'eet :;pr.ingfield, Ol'egon 97477 Building Division 7.~G-3753 .. ,'ob 1.0""tiOrl: ?- 3:1-'7 m;.J sleet'T .1"""'''0": ,I!,'p N j 7 fJ," 2. 7 2. l SUbditJ~sion: Ctme,': /l1// R II?;J eRas 5' Mtb'c"o: /_.5.;J....'1 ,7'!rJ;.J Sl- City: </P;~(,h';'[/ ~'p. I 1:--\ :Ir'!,) Tax 1..ot /I /) 2 t>zn> Phone: 7'11-;z.9 / :3 Zip: 9'7/77 DeDCti.bc II'Ol'k: Rcca:pt .If 11",_~1.,. ,,' . .. IlqJ;/tcc; pl(41tl71eE tV I t/zMT /tI/I?~ J /3~t: ~ ~ CO! t]tIA,{/, 9'-/1-5Jt7 Valuej;!...CC.7'. uu rJ\f< , .. ~ l=I_,1rldit.t:cn l~l-'i~:~~()"!~!:-. Ll ,'.'Q}l-:. J.~ Hom:: Date: of IIpplicaticlI :\llltf:letors ~:t!IH~r;11 /~/nJA7~ {fJ/l'i' ~ Siqr:cd: Data: EXI>:!. ((~S PI,(\n,' Add rpss Lise. II IlId rs Boa rei 1("1'. YOUl" City IJcnigr./lted Job Number 10: \~_ 'I.., __ _.._ O IN:JUI.A'I'ION/VAI'{),I1 If/lIlHff:U l."1~PF.(;'/'IUN: To be made alter aLL insulati:m aro.d l'cquil'ed vapm' bm'ricrs are in place but cefore any lath. Oypswn board 01' t.X1lt covel'ing 1:3 applied, an:i bejol'o any inauZation i3 concealed. o DRYWA!.C, INSPE:CTWN: Tc be made aft.cz, all dl'YlJall -is in place~ but prior to any taping, MASONRY: Steel location. bo~d beama, grouting oz' ver'ticals in aCCOl'dllllCe with U. B. C. Section 2415. PLumbing fiecl:alli,,,,1 J../-<;S'tJ(";A7;;"/ #4-77;';([' k~ .6"O>X<V/ 2-t'Ub~~P. 'l.?1WJ ~thz.9 /{}- J-90' E,l,,:cLr i..!;':ll Stllh"I;'''-l~~t.:;;_r.lg 1':.1.ec t r .ie i':ln (/:;['5-2...5917 It ia tile relJponBf.bility of tho permit holder to aee that aU .in3pections are r.1ada at tile prOpel' timE:# that each .:ddresB is rca:!ab:~ fpom the Dtl'Cct. and that the permit caN is lxated at the fz>ont of the propel'ty. ~!flll..!di..u.J Divi:;ior: ap?r'oL"cd plan 3hc:lt l~emaill on t/la Bu-:.ldl~~I(l ::;U;: at all times. L'::OC.~'Dur?E FOR JNSPEC'rfON R~QUE!JT:CALL 726-3769 (z'ccordt!rJ ntate YOUT' City de:Ji!Jnated job number. l'r:qul.'8tcd a:";d whim you /,Jill be ready for inspcction, Contractors 01' Owne:'B nr..me and phone. numbcr. :..'ill be made tIll: same dcy. 1"cquests made aft;:r 7:1)0 am 1Jill. b;: made the next :..JOT'kin.] day. '- '," -~","",'~.' I -- 1&.millL'.C~tJl'.~(.t-7:ml:I''', ~ \. I ,..... -I .'ll1'1-: IN:J/'f:C'."!O!!: '/'0 be rrri'cle alter' ---1 c.reavation, ~mt proioz' tc 3et up of fm,",:!. I !!!!Pf.'HDI"lfl l'u.','./RLI!5. ELECTRTC.1l. ,~ --1 :./f:CII..l:n r.'M.: 'fo va made belol'~ ..my t.JOl'k iIJ :Jovcr'ed. ~ F'GOTIN(; _~ FOUND.1TTDN: To be m:::u!e (lj'ttJr tl,tJw:he3 ape excavated and for'm:; aI'c crcctad, but prioT' to pOIH'i1lO cCnt!Z'ct.::. ~ u!mSnC!rOIlND PJ.llM.'UNC. S.r..:WER, W.1TF..r? lJ.'(AfNAGf.': 1'0 be rruJc pr'iol' to fil- lir:y tl'cru:hec. ~ urJDERPl,Oon P[,llf..'BTNG & MEC!lANTCAl.: 7'0 ba maJa pr'iol' to in:JtaLlat-Loll of fluOl' i,wulation or decking. po:;r ANfJ 8EAM: To be made prior to illstallation of floor insulation or' dtJl:.l.:irlG. Hn""/ .nf.fI.'.'RT!.'C. F.O:crR!CAL ~ ,1 rCA~. No :JOz'k .iIJ to be c~ -'--;-- lCS.1 inIJpectior.s have beer. mnde alia approve::!. FrHf.'Pl,ACE: Prior to placi,..{J facing ~'k;t:f1I'iaLtl and before fT'aming inspec- tl~(Ir:. fRt1!~If1(:: Mtwt lJC r'eqlleDted after ai)!JI'oU':ll oj' l'OUah plwr.bing. zlectl'i- caL t rnt!ch.1r1ical. AI! roofing "I'act'lV) ~ chimneys. et.:!. l1J'.lst be cornpl~t(!d. !lo /,J:)l'k is to bc 0011- c.u:lcd IIntil OliD inspection has . beerl {."/ICul.:: mitt arpl'Ot.'cd. ~ tj ~ :J . :=J Blocking and Sat-up . ,_, ---, Plumbing comlections ::-' BClJel' and w:or -=J, CURB .( APPROACH AP.~N: Afte:- ,forms" . ~ Electrical C""nection - Blocking, Bet-uF al'e cr'f!:!ted but pl'tor' to pourt.ng, ~ and pZwnbing c01Ir.e.ctions rTr.lst to approl~ed .:1on~l'cta. .... \ before requesting elec:l'ical ins?ec~io":': D o After installation is job addrcoB, typo of in:;pa(:~icll RequcBto recei~ed befera 7:00 ~ 9CJI/B() I Df:/./OLI'fION OR ;~:OVE!) BUILDI;JCS ---, Sani:m'y oC'.Jer aapped ~t prop~rt~. lir:o --.J '. ""I.I..'.i',\\lI;~:"\l,,,\.,,.,:,1 :.',.~.l.,~ =:J Sopti.:: tank p:.L":'1p.:d and fillcd L1ith ul"a:JCI :J Final - h~en abcve ite~s are ccmpleted . and when der.rolitior. is completo 01' Dtrl;~- , " ture moved and pl'::~3es cleaned up. . /oJobi le lIeme:: .', :=J Accescory Build-:.ng ---, Final - Aftal' p3rches# .--J etc. a1"e complet;:d. skirting, decks, WOODSTO'/f.': ecmpIe tcj. D o SIv.r.:lJALK .~ ORITI-.'//'.H: FOI' all con;" CI'cte paving within stl'ect right-'" of-lX:y~ to be made after all excll- vating complete & fo~ work & ~ub- haee material in place. D rJ"/l,l/. f'1,W!/J!lN; All Pl'ojcc:t conditions. ~:uc.l: aO tile l.',nstaLLation of S~l'eet trees, "c:o,-,pletion of tile r'e(/uirl!d land:u:r.pir.O. ctf!" m1wt be satiD/ied before tha BUILDINC FINAL can be raquestsd. o ~ -'-I o !'ENCE: f,.'her. compl.;;te -- Proovide gate!; 01' movable :lCctionn through P.U.E. 1'/'.'11/, f.1f:~"li1"'ICil!, ,@ F[NAr. BUIT.OINC: The Fillal Building Inspection must be l'cqueDtod after till: Pillal Plwnbing Elec:tr'ical, and Mechadcnl InspectiOtID 1Jave been made and appl'ov~d. fINAl. f:U.'r."!'Hl('i~{, - , 'III.!. f.1rlNf{(.'U::: ..1Nl1 r;U:,lN(.lII'/':: till:.'!, fII-: ..If.'(.'!.::;::m{.E. AI),IfI:-;T!I.~.''''1'!' 'ra rn: !.Mm; Ff 1.'0 r!...ls'r TO r.T'!"Y D -- ~ 1/"":,, or:! I JOB NO, I ;~onc: SOLAR ACCESS OaCU'JaI'tCII cA Lot Sq. Ft;;, % :Jf lot C"vol"aa:; .f of StorieD Total Height Topogl'at'hy I!TEM !"'ain 1r:-0.",(u:;1! SQ.FTG Carrnn't AccessorII I I TOTAT, VAWE: S.D.C. {tx:.t.UCJ 1.5 x BuiLdin.!1 Pormit 8ta ta Surch,Trga Total. Chnrge3 lITEM ' IFi.rt~cs I Residentia! (J bath! I Sanita.ry Sewer I Water NO. Plumbing Perr.:i t Stat9 Surcha1'!Je Total CharneB I ;Tm I NO. 'RmJ. So. ftn. I NdW/Ertend Circuito I Temporary S~rvico , I \ f \\ ' :'l' .... ..J I Ele~triaal Permit StGtn Surdlarqe Total Charrier. IITSM F'urn::zao .rrfU' S I E:::hauo t 1/ood I Vent F<.m I Jloodnto:Jt2 I Ne. I FEE ~ ~t?JO 1_, Pormit 138uance Me:::hanLCa.l. Permit State surchalV'C Tota 1. CharaeD -- E:NCROAC/fME:NT -- ISC~dritll DaD03it I Storage I Maintenance I Parmi t Total Charnc8 I Cur!Jc..>u~ I SidelJa!k l,r;ocp/':::o Electrical Label Mobile lIome I '1'1l".A ,. AMnllN'l' nllF..,-4 LOT TYPE: Interior CO,.'ler Panhandle Cut-de-Gac x Vatue FEE: CHARCE: FE:E C/fARC/.' CIIARCE: /:.,t?:!.. _h qg. jlJ~ ) f) r/O j2S' 2.0,2-S I . I r REQ,- L - co c:" I Lot Facet; - I I P.l.. INOt'ell IEllGt SOf~th !Wf'!ot Type/COI:nt: . 1 I f.lItZr'(1.lf :-;o;lJ'{~(?:'l 11 flnat A(.'(~c:H1, 1 I 1-' i II ,/,;/1'" Rf'!d)'oomn: sr.tbn.ck:l /loU::r) r,(l/'ag(! '''atf'!l' !lr.at('l' Umlr;f'! Fircnlf)Cf? Wood;; tOl;e Far?(J I I I I I 1 I, I. I I I B'uilding Value &' Perniit Tlli.., permit i:; grontcd on tile e;q;renn condition tllllt the Ihlid ".'Oll::I,J'lIl:/":'.J11 shall, in all respectn, conform to the Ordinar;ce adol;teJ },y tJh~ f:it.!! df Sprinafield, inc!u.dina the Zenina Crdinal1ce, reguLc.till!1 Ule CCIl:;tJ'lh)ti';ll and uno of buitdingo, and m3.lj be au.apO/wed or revokec at C.I:y time "I'OI: Ul:';~ Zation of any prQuiaior.s of Daid Ordinances. I Nan Cll~ck Cate ra;,.d: I/(eadl't II:, .. ISigrted: , , Fer).' :.>. .' <i \ '- " ..... ,.' . - . ," \ '\ \. ~ Plumbing' Permit No percol1 r:halL COllutruct, imJtaL!, aLter or chal1go. allY tleW Cl' c:::i.:Jt.I:Il~l plumbing 01' drainage syota:n ill :.Jhole or in part, w:'less sueh pC}'[Jon i:; th,: legal possessor of a valid plumber's licentJe, except that a parnoll ma:J do plumbing WOl'k to pl'operty which io olJrled, l.eaaed or operated by t.hn appLi- cant. 1 I. 1 Electrical Permi t W1lere State rAW requirco tr.at the electrical r.IOJ'k be done by UlI SleatJ'L,:,1!. Contractor, the eLectrical portion of tllis permit shaLL root be' vaLid until the label ;laG bClm nigned by the Electrieal COlltJ'actor. TCJ ~C ~71fr/l/q; sP~tr Mechanical Permit -- I Pl.all Exr..n1Lller Vate I H,1VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED t,lzg completed application for permit, mzd do hereby certify that all i~fo;-mation hel'con io tru.e alld correct, anJ I further certify that any ar.d aU IJOrk p9rfo'r.7led shall bfl do:-ta i:1 aacor- 1 dance :vit11 the Ordinancoo of tlla city of SprinafieLd, and t}l. [,a:.;s of tl:e .4 State of Oregan pertaining to the work described hero:.n, c'ld tJlO.t NO OCC:"'- I PANCY lJill be mde of any otruatura withoiJt parmi:13io!1 of the !Juildil1{1 N- tlioion, I fu.rther certify that o:1ly contractors and c.'lIp1."YOC8 wl:o are in I compliance with ORS 701,05~ will be uRcd on this projQct I I 1 " )1 ..-: , "- ~ ,(i()PAAiL-- " 7?- /1- 90 [1.,'./: I'