HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-6-29 INSPECTION LINE 716-3769 fI Job Addrl!U ,2.4.3 '-5 i)6Rr/DC}\ h':Jol Demiotion ~ -'2..::; ....,.., f' :-~ OW"," k'onA J,~ ('"'fe.lF/rlcL .2 LI~r-:; D,-..2/l()(}., Addreu ConHructio" lende, Add,e" Of SIGN TEAM (nomei Primory SCt:...F StrucTurol Electricol .v..echo"icol (nome) CONTR-'.CTORS G,"".' \ IA."-"< - ;:;:';:;)14-6<1'; 5<iFCF CITY OF SPRINGFielD . COM81NA nCN APPlICA flON I PERMlf~ INFORMATION LINE 7'26-37SJ iSq'~~It~ ~. :;001:' Heater B~~r: I ~:: Ftg: Oth., . - '" Ronqe _ , _New ~Add .)C:Alt.r _Ritp, (). I Volu. of Work: 7'1S'2. ~ _._fence_Demo_Chang.iU,. ~ J _45A -,~ _O,h" N Pho", "-::211/ A(}>7 Buildtng Perm;llnfo: OeiCrib. Work ii.o., Build Single I ....n. T'f -L.' ") Fomi!.. Re,idl!"c~ With Attl1ched Goro.!!:el "U' IJop ~~ J\~M. ,"&TN-R~ .yI I b(~tE ~..t# dE71V~ '~4"l .,~~ ~~G I ENERGY SOURCES; ?~O =< . Phon. j j j , i j 1 I . (addr.,,) (liCI, nO,) (expir.,) (phon. no,) . .. . _ .c:- --=- ~ €MJPiL.>V€er:" 0yC. ~/:.":>IE'-t.. c:::.".,.,sr. I ~ (oddrllss) flics, no.) (..?ir.l) (phOM no,) Plvmbinq EleclticClI L: - ...:.. ~ .~-'- r Mecnonical -?cl?':'F . PLUMalNG .' ~". ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL Relider"e of F:;: CHARGE NO. I FEE !CHARGE furnoce(burner !o .j BTU', I IJ.- Applianc. vent --' - '.;l--' I.porole Stationary evap. ~oier I V.nt fan wilh ~.-. ,ingl. duct Vent IYlt.m apart from heatinq ot A,e. M.chonical exhaust hood ond duct Wood stove/heater Heat Pumo Air handler to 10000 CFM Air handl.r o".r 1 0,000 CF M i ! ISSUANCE OFl'PfRMIT lIP. Cl:> - IS-:- TOTAL CHARQES /3 - Eocn ,;"qlll filltur. R.locor.d building (""W fill, odditio"oll S.F, ~Illid.nc. (1 bOlh) FEE t CHARGE I NO. I !~-~- I ..r5 I , ~~: ft, New circuih. alterOlionl or Il)l\tenlions NO, 1 ~I I I i DueJu (1 bOlhl I'och Addilio"ol bOTh Wot.r ,.,,,ic. I I I I I I r- Sewer Sh:lrm Se_.r SERVICES Temporary Conltruction AmOI. FHCERS Amel, TOT AL CHARGES ItfP. -I TOTAL CHARGES WHERE STATE LAW REOUIRES that Ih. EI.ctrical work b. clen. by th. Elert,icol Contractor, th. electrical portiofl of this pe,mit thall not b. yalid until a 1ab.1 hat been li9ned by on Electrical Controcto, ond attached to ,h. el.ctricol pan.l, I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.....INED the complet.d opplicCltion fCl, permit.. ond do hereby certify that all inFormotion h.reon i, trvtl and correct, and I fur the, certiFy that any and 011 ","ark performed ,hall be don. in acc.ordance with Ihe OrdinonclU of th. City of Springfi.ld and Ih. law I of the .Stat. of Oregon pertaining to th. wo,1r: de seriOI'd herin.. ond that NO OCCUPANCY will b. mode of any Itructur. without th. permiuion of th. Building Di.,ilion. I further certify that my regilrTetlion witn the 8uilder'1 ~Qrd is in full farat and eff.ct 01 required by ORS 701.033, lhat if u.empl'th. balil for ...mption it noted.' h.ron.. and Ihet! only iubcantracton Gnd emplay..s who ClrI' in complionw with ORS 701,055 will b. used on 1his p,oj.ct. BOlis for Build.r's Boord e)l\l'mption: NAME (plea,e print) ~~V\ ~ H r C~ \ \<\-," iI<..~1 Type/ Conll._ "1Z:- AI Bedroom I 'itorie- Zon. fire Zone Flood Plain I .' '1'1. ..rr> ~------- 1.7~ /0.- .. 'fO /<): dO .~e. .___6~:O fj7. BUilDING PERMIT Chargo, Clnd Surchargel PLUMBING PERMIT Charg'" and Surcharge I elECTRICAL Pf~MIT Charge, o"d Surcharglll MECHANICAL PERMIT Char9.1 ond Surcnorgel ,.-l '1GNATUR' ~~(~ \0...~~ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 'q.Ftg.Mo;"~ .-;Z"'l~./~€~ C:q; ff9'~- et..~ x II:>. Sq. Ftg. Olh.r .II: i . DATE (,.,';;'1-55 \ I I ~1/2...,si 3':;pCfO.. _0 ! i 7~';> .S::> ~ { ~alu. Value VCllue Unih I""Iccyload Oecy Group _:K!' - :s , TOTAL VALUATION Plan Ck, Comm(lnd 6s~:./Bldo: Per Fell Plan Ck. 1t.1 30~:.1 atdq Per Fee 1"2 ::;>~ 1"-"'~"'7t> /. ~:P.. ~ SYllems De.,.lopment Choroe /1..5%1 /Y-. Fence ~s: :zS Demo TOlol Comb, P...rmit Sidewolk ..1\ tin..;".. """T' -~ <G>" '-,.iLJ ...-,--'",c.."= ,,' _ -"""U' ~~ TOTAL'1i:.n .,:.,..... .c:; ...~... ~~l '7~Y- ... . "/a-;;;,i;;./",- Curb Cut ,.'.;.,-,..........' . ,. ,v~, _'!'.. ~...,.,., ,.~~;:,,""". <:':~:;~~'i'"..." ~~!c-..::~.:,' '1::......"':~::... .'....~b;~t.~...!\~- . COMBINATION APPlICATlON,'PERMIT .P) I. Applicaru. ta furnish A. Jab Address B. legal Description 1. examDle.tax lot 100. lane County Map Reference. 2. exam ole-lot I. Block 3, 2nd Additian to Springfiel C. Na.me, ele. of owner and construction lender D. Energy Sources 1. examole.heat/electrical ceilinQ/or forced air (Iris 2. cxamole.warer hearer; electrical/or solor E. Square footage or valuarion, etc. 1. examale.1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot garage 2. examDle-if new project, check ri'eW-if addition, chf odd. etc. F. Building permit information: 1. exomolp..construct single family house with on ott. garage 2. examole.remodel existing gorogl!:- into faniily roar 3. exo:nple.convert single family residence into rCSlauront (change of use) C. Value or work as defined in Section 303 (a) of Ihe Structural Specialty Cede H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To ovoid design or construc!ion deleys, Building Divi$. Stoff musr be able fa contect oppropriate persons reg . design informcrion or job site c.orrections, etc. II. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mp.cnanical & Electrical Schedule! A. Except where blcnk spaces occur in the description pc of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules. the opplic need fill.in only the No, Boxes adiocent to the cpprol= . item(s) to be installed. ___ ., -S.' Full Plumoinq. Mechanical.. end f:i:!,;tr(cal Schedules ' 'are available at the Buildinq Div;'ii',JIi 1.. To conserve space on the peru'.it form the schedule hove been abbreviated 2. If the item(s) to be installed ore not covered on the ored scheaules you should consult the fuil schedule C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WilL FilL OUT ALL FEES At CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES III. Applicant to sign ana dole Whenever possible. the initiol application will be used as worksheet only, Where possible.. Building Division Staff v. prepare a typewritten copy and return it to the applicant the lime the actual permit is issued for his signaturE. Fees and Charges ~. Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the 01 )cl' .. ~ and no pions will be processed until these fees are paid. ,l- ather fees and chorges are due and payable when the permit is issued. IV. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY .-- PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY, name LoR~ ({~~ signature -...... e. ~MIT VALIDATION 17 03 43 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ( City Hall . Springfield. Oregon Department 01 Public Works OFF I C I A l R E C E I PT ( ( No. B 5 6 8 2 9 '/-1- 19ft Rec'd From f2.0noJ.ct te~land Address d. LI.3 '5 (J,0 Y' Nyj",-, (" Dale ( .-' ~( , \ Receiv~d For: ( I- Y)-'rJ L/L/ 00 Lje, J. 7& ( Ie) , ",.. I)~' 10. Or) ft~ LjC . i./ i) '70 I fJ/J -. -- -- . - -c----/S.....' {)O ____1._ ( L/C;~I .to 0 ( fYl.A'7 I ~. CO (: I. ~;;;. ( '. r' - ~ ?;::) . ,=i, B c2hJJ.cJC (l ~dU-- Amount Received (" '. ~I ..~".. AUTIoIOA1Zl:D SIG~...rUlU: ...CLTO...TU......,LL ~",..T""., ru'n"c. 010 .'_0' ".. ( . ).1 :. Permit CierI-- ' ,.-,...., '_"A;-___.._.......~._~_._,. ~ , I I. I I -lotI'" C-;3'o-B /