HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-10-29 .. RESI~T1AL.: APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spri~~fieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 . r0/~~' '~\~~.~/ . , \f/15rJI ?rJ~ T=W.d)l(OOl SPRINGFlEI.C , Job Location: AS38SGON ,I!ap Subdivisicn: ~'~ (Q, ~ ..t-O >---.J Add.-es3y.Q R4 ~ ~ ~ f\0'l0 k..;phon" City: ~~~{f-o\) J (ot /' . - I I 1\ f 1n -to P')::\ I QVJ4 '71 c-,.:ner:, Zip: n n n n .'J"".) Describe fl'ol'k: Addi ticn ~~ .Lrwvh RemodeZ ,~!ob-:' t2 .10mc f?4{) Q:) Da~s of Applicatic~ ~,;ontl'aC:;0r'6 Value Addres3 General Plumbing i !lectM.eal I I i~ j) () P -i-. ~ Jtr-n "lfJ}) Co"stl"'~atio" l:;;;de~ .f). Ne:::har.i.c::.l . Rcce";'';'t ,~ '- p)qc; / ~ ~ . S-iqr.ed: Date: ~- J /n- ~}/-"n' ? _ Lisc.H E::::;il'CS Pl:0rl& It. is ~htl respartDibiZi.:y of thll permit holder to see that; aL! iMpections woe .'7:Cd6 at the proper ti.m~, t,T-.at ~ch .:zdd.rQBS is rea.::ab:a from tho street, and that the pcrrm.t ca:zod is l..xated at th(l front of the property. "3ui!di:--.g tr.::.Ji,cio!'". ap;rot:ed plan Sh.e"'U r ',c __. i.s Bu:::Zding Sit~ at a.LL times. P,70CSDu,r~E pon INsP~CTION RSOl/EST:C. l 726-~6~ccordel') state yOu:!' City desigr..:zted job nur.;ber'~ job adi..rcss~ typB of ir.3?Bo:icn r'aque8tcd a;o-.d when you 1.li7..l be read '-. ' t''\....:...:.on, Contractor's or 0I..."n6:-S r.c:me c.r.d ~hor:.8 n:.or.Wcr, Requests r>eceit:ad befcr. 7:00 :; :..'i.ll OB made the same dcy~ requests mc.de afta' 7:00 a'n /JiZZ be lOO.de the 11&%t :JOrking day. 812.P) ?_A~~ ~~~Jir~~ ~~~r~~~ir.~q O ('r'T'~ ...,S!)-r-"...."I'. T' . ..1__ ,:, .::......_'J.. 0:;8 r.nas exccwati"n~ .;.ut prier> t~ SS: forms, o Your City, DeGigr~tcd Job NU~er Ioo' after "2 of D -"S'''AoTONI'''PO" "4-R"'"'/ I"s::r"''''IC''' .J.U U/J .. _ HI.,.... .'1 ~~, ". ~~. I, ,. To be ,mde after' a 1. l inS"", kzti:Jn cr-.d .'. required vapor b02"2"'iers are in place but'1;8fo1'6 any lath~ gypswn boaI'd or wU covering is r=?ptied, and oefor6 any inaulation is concealed. UNDERSU.8 ?!..U:,t3!.VG. ElZC7RIC,t!. ::!i:cH;.aIC,.i[,: To oe "..a.de befors work is ~ovcred, . ; any o o mOTTIG ~ ?OUNDAT:C.'I: To be ,~e after :rgncnes ars exca-~ated ar~ forms are arec:ec~ but prior to pourir4 ccnc:"et~. UND7;RG.o/.JU,',m .,./i...,'!'INC. s!:':;r.'/. W1TO,/ 0 ,'ofAsO.'1RY: steeZ ... - I'; , -'. b~s~ grou:ina O,':AINAGZ: :0 be rrnie ?1"':.Qr !;O It 1.- accordance with l<r~ or.r.chas. ~415' U.'/'O~HF:/JO,q [JE.U.'SI:IG ~ .V::(;,:~.VIC:'L: 4 iIOODS':'O'IE: Aftar installation. -:'8 To ae mc.ae ;;ru;r :0 ':.n3~aL'-<:2t':.011 or cc.":'!pl..e:;d. f"Loor insuLat:ion 0:- decki.ng. MSf At/D 3EAU: To.?e r.:ccc ;0:-.:01' to 0 CURB ...: 4J'P.~C~CH .4?~N: Aj"te:o ,toms tnstal..l..J:t...cn of floor ir.st.:z..2ticr. or are er6~taa out pz,",or to pC".lZ'1..rtg decki,11fi, .:::oncl'ete. o DR'fYAU, INSPECT!ON: Tc be r:-.ade af:er aU Gry?;al.l is in place, but prior> to c:m.y taping. o Zocation, bond or 1J61'ticcZs in U. a. C. Section o o Ror!GH ?!JP.!B!:!G. ~!.EC'7'P!C-,E. 1 .',E:CH- AHIC~L: So ~or~~a :0 bc co~erea until tr.cs~ ~~~=ec~ior.s ~-V~ beer. l'rIO..d.e ~.d C??r::l:Je.=. FIREPLACE.: Prior to pLac-:.r..g facing matarial.s and before lrar.tir..g ins?ec- tior.. PRA.'!I.'IG: Mu.st';B requested after ap?rov~l of rot.:gh pZUffhirtg~ elect~~- eal & mecr.ani.:aZ. At! 'f'Oof~r.g braci7".lJ ~ chi:rmo:ys, et~. .~...!st be ,cofTfOle:cd. ,'10 :..:01"_'< is to b,g cen- ;, cea'lad .m:il thi3 instlBc;icn r.as "b€6n made and approved, o SIDEW,J.Li<. & DRnrer";A?: For all ccn- crete paving within street right- ol-oc'?J, to be made aJ....ter aU ezcc.- uatina comvlete & form ~rk & 3ub- base ,~teriaz. in pz.a~e. D o fENCE: Ifher: eO:71olote -- ?!'ovice gates or movabZ.~' sections through P,U.S. D D . DF.'10LrTIO;'! OR ;'..'DVE'; 3UIl.Dli;'CS :J Sani~;/ Se'.JS1' ca'?ped =:t rn:~Po::"~' li~a --, . k d -, ,.,. . .. . ---J Sepc~c tan p~~~ ~;~ ~~~~.c ~~tn ;r==~Q~ ~ Final - fthen cbcve ~t8~S are cc~Zat.d ~ and when d~t~tior. is c~?la:G or st~~~- cure ~oved ar~ ?r~~aes ~le~r:ad U:::'. .',Jobi le Hc.~es =:J BZockir.g ar.d Sa:-~p =:J Plur.~ir~ connec:ior.s S&U8r ar~ wa:~r --, Slectrica! Ccnnec::on - Blockir.g, set-:.J.p --' and pi.tU77bing eonnections r.:-...st =~ .:p?r:;:;~d beforc request:ng aZec:rical inspec:i.o~ ~ o4c.::e8so.;; 3uit.i:r.g I Fin.::.l - A"'"to:r :'~rer:esJ ~ ete, are ~cmplj:o:d, ski:'ting~ dec;:3 ~ o 0, FINAL PLU,',!8D'G D. Fl.'IA! ,~fE~HA.'lIC..t[. AlZ pl'oJee~ concitions~ JUC~ as :r~ instaLlation of s:reet ~aesJ ~~~!~t:~~n ~f ;hc required 1.andscC?ir..g~ etc. J ,?:Ust be sar;isfiad bo:;"'ore ti:a 3UI!DI.W; F[;'.'Al. ~.::n :;8 r>3qtJ3S:oid, D. PI:IAl. E!.EC':'.9ICAI. o o PINAL BUILDI.'IG: The Final Building .Inspection .'mUle otJ requ8:Jted .::.f:er the, ':-~r'..:::.l ?l:.&::':bin.; Elt:1ctri~aZ., and .'.techar:icc.l Inspectiom; haUt1 08en :~ade ar.d apprcued. ,fALl. MANHCLES AND CI.EANO!JTS ,'WS': BE AC:::ESSI3LEJ ACJUST.'!E,~"!, TO 32 :,~1D.:' ..!1' ,':0 :~sr TO Cry ':J'"'"il of:2 I JOB NO. <6 '2.E~4.s SOLA"CESS I i :.;"!:.o: 1[,0. Sq. ''''J. ~ Jf Lot ~~er-aq. j.iJ of St01""~6S ! :'otal Haieh: i . I Topog~hy I I ITE,~/ I"kl'" 1~~c2 i I Car==r: I. 1."1c::!eS30l".J I I 7'OT.-t.G ;'"ALlJ! I s.a.c. I {:;C:":.l<;) 1.5 :: Euil.ding Pemt State Surcn.7r2e ~o~z ~.a..-ge3 , I:!M I FL-:u.res Il?esUJ.ential fl bath) Sanit.1r'?-! Sewer tlc:te..... Pl:.omb{.ng Pemt State Surcr,arge T"tat Chcraes 11I'EM l.t?~s. Sa. fta. IN~/Ert8nd Circuits I r "'''r--' -- d Service Ele:tr-iaal St.::.t:e Su:r::;..arae Total cr.a:1'ces I :rE.'1 I F':a-r"::CIl ?lV'S I E.:ha:4.s t Hood I Vertt F:::n I . I ilooas to:;e Ped-t Issu.=rtCs Me::r.anic:zl ?errrri: State surcht::::-ac ,!,,,~,,:"!. C1-o.cr'MtJ SQ,E'TG 1''10. i I I I ,.'10. I I I Perr:ti~ I ;;C'I I I I I II I I -- ;:IC.~CAC:::,\'!:!':' -- 10' . l~e~J.~#tu DZ=03~e I St:oraqe I ;'k;tintertC7"...::a I Parrri: I Total C'llGr7CS I Cur';C'"I; ! SWlll<XlZ" I ?<!n::e I EZdc"Cl"ical I \lobiLa Heme !.cheZ TOTA!:. AMOU,'lT DUE:" CCC"J.::::a1tC"J Gl'O'.l:;: LeT T'!?E Ir:terior Corner PanhandLe CU l-de-sac x VaLue FEE CHARGE CHAFfGE I I 0"" I I I I ,S 001 I ( (), ex) I ((5,00 I . (rl:J I IEJ{oo I_ I I I CHARGE I ... :I~ ( T /0 roC) I. P=qe 2 ~ L-coc{r REQ.- T;'oe/Cor.s"C : 3ed:r?o~s: I &ot Faces ~ I I p,~, Itlorr,/1 lEast Isou.th JWest I I 2ner~J Sour~es ! I Hea"C I Access. i ; I II II TiJ'Oll Setbacks I Rous< I Coraoe I I I I Water H{.!a~;?1' Range Fi'!'eol.ace Waods to:,;e Fees Building Value & Permit This pel'mit ifJ granted on the e:press condition that the sdid. constl"..lc:ion shall, in all '!'espccts, aonform to the Ordinar.ae a.dopted by the Cit~ vi' Sprir.gt:.eZd, ~~71C!uding the Zoning C'rdinance, regul.c.til!g the ccnstrHczicn ~~ ~ze of buiLdings, end m:z.y be Jusper~ed or revok~c at cr.y time u;or: vie. Lation of ~y pr~vi3ior.s of said Ordir~ces. I I , I I I. I PLan Check Fee: Catc Paid: IRec.,p. #, jSig:o:ed: I I I I I I I I I- , I I I I I I- Plumbing Permit No pereon ahall construct, instal!, arter or change any 1'~ or e=is:ing plumbing Qr drainage syste~ in ~hole or in part, unless such person is tr~ legal posse3sor of a valid plumber's licensB, e:cept tr~t a pe:"son ma~ do plumbing work to proper~~ which is owned, laased or operc:tsd by the appli- cant. I ./ Electrical Perm it Where State l.c:LJ requires tr~t the elecw;cal work be done by an Ele~trical Controctor, tM eLectrical portion of this permit shall. not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical ~ontract:or. Mechanical Permit Pt.an ~'Lr.el' L.:a;a I HAVE CAREFULLY !XA!.{INED the -::orr.platad C?plication for permit. ::nd do hereoy certify that all ~njormation ~ereon is true a~4 correct, ard I t.l.I'-;her cer:ilFJ that any cr.d all work PQr-fo'r.'ned shall oe do:16 i:1 aa::or- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of SpringficUi, and =h~ ~~~s of tha . State of Ol'ea.::m D,zrt.:zinina to the work descl"'~bcd herdn, .zr.d tha:; NO OCCU- PJ.!lCY Wiu b~ nt:de of anyv Stzouct:.a>2 without p~Z'l'I1is3ion of the 3uilding Di- vision. I further ~el'tif~ tr~t O:1Zy contractors ar.d ~l~yees wr~ are in ~pliance with C'RS 701.055 wiZZ be used en :his pr-Oj2ct 11t1v .~ Jo-- 2.9 -6'2..--- Date Si~n2d