HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-10-17 .. RESlDfNTlALoo APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-J75J '. SPRINGFIELD . '=:cce:~: ':l F. (,,1% S- K ; f..;J---~ st~ ~~ /~,OO t..; r-/ () .~ 0 Job !.oc..:tion: tlJ.. /1 ~. c-L. " , ' \\ ()3r;.: I LL. Ta= l<>t # (),SL)'0 ~~,(p~~ "1{.()'~ !C/o ~~., ,10 - 17- ~',~ Varus Ii (;so. AS:J8SGOrS .'.!ap II Subditl-:':sion: C'...m:el': ctJ-dA JJ...f ~ 12A./h / ~ t)o.ll ~uru~ jouJ. , , riddreS3: C!ty: 0'.01""., n n n AdCi tic" I . . I) \....)....:.. '-J Co.' .......... R.amoCQ L .'-!obita Ror.:3 Dat. of Appl!caticn Con~l'ac:or8 GensraL Plumbir4 ElsctricaL Na:::har.1.c:::l. CO"Bt~..lCti.:m Lender CTU/'JUA; Phor.e: ? 2~- 0 9/$ Zip: 91'177 DBscribe rl'Ol'k: Address -- I~'&~ Siqr.ed: Dato: .k IO-/,?-R?' Lise.., E:::":Jil'CS PhonfZ It; is ~hG l'Bsponoibil.ity of thJJ permit holder CO 868 that; alZ {,7Wpections are mads at: :ha propsp t;im~, th.at ~ch :=dd:JoGS8 is l'Bt"!~"':":4 jfoorrr th. street. and that; tho pcrmi.t ca:ztd is t..xated at the front of tho property. .Eui!..di~.g o.;t)i::io~ C?pzoovsd Flan sr.c.ZZ !"er.'lain on thG Bu~Zd{.n.fl $:.t:; at all times. .i'.10CgDfJRE rOR ;,'lSPEC1'IOll R!'C'UEST:CAlL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City Jesigr'.:%ted job nur.:ber~ job adi:ocss~ typs of in::psc-:icn l":Z'il'estcd CX'".d when you :.n:n be ready jor' ir.spcction" Con'tractcr's Or' Q....ns:os nc;:1S end phone n.ur.:bcr. Requ~s:s rflceil:ed beJ"cr'tJ 7:00 .=:': :..'iZl bo made th& samB ~:j, requests mcde after 7:DO a:n ~lZ b.z r.rzde the n.c:t ;.)Orkin.; day. -1t!r.lJi':,p1... r"I~P'1t:i"r.n.:~ O SITE INSPEC':'ION: To be rrr:z.da excavat:i"n" .;ut: p1"icr' to ss: f"1'ms. o after up of U!lDF;~SLAB P!.lJ.~'3I:;G, ELEC':RIC;1L ~ ,'&XHA,'/ICAL: 70 be mads be ~ortl work is ~oucred. . o FOOTING ~ FOU:ID.1TIO.": TO:'9 .m.C.e after :;rencnes c.I'9 s:::cauated and ferms are erected" but p!"ior to pouril'".g cancre:o.. UNDi!:RGROU.~'D ?!.UM2ING, SSflER, ;';.J'!'E,':?, DRAI,1/AGE: To be rna.ie pMor to tii-- U".g trenc;.~c. D o UI'/DE.'?F!.CO.q PUJ,'.!3~:G ~ NECYANICA!,: To be maCe prier :;0 i1'!3't'ai.Zat-::on 01' f7,0or ::nsu~ticn or deckir.g. POST AND 3EAN: To be made pr-:.or to instaLLation of j"loor ::nsula:ior. or dsokins ' o D FiOUCH ?r.{C~r::'G. E".2!:':'.'f?!CM.!. I, ".fEC!{- ~: :'10 '.JO::'Y. i3 :;0 be COt:e!'ea ur.~iL thcs~ ~~~~ea:ior.B ~ve ~eer. mads ar.d ;:;:'?!'?"Je.:. Fn:!EP!.ACS: ?:>--:.or to pZc::-:.r..g facing ma~eriai.a a:r.d ;'sfors frcr.ril'".lJ in.spec- tier.. D [] PP.AHING: A1us: be req".ul::totd af';.r approval of r~gh ?tWr".bing~ aZectri- cat & mscnani.:al. All !'Ooy"ing bra~~ng d chimn~ys, eta. ,~~St b6 comolatcd. .'.'0 wri,;: is :0 012 con- -ceaied untiZ thiD inspecticn h~s . bfien made and app!'Ol.:ed. lour City.Cesigr~ted Job Numb~ Is: o INSULATIONIVAP08 BARRIER INSPECTION: To be rr.ade after aH insu~twn W.tl required tlapor' carT'"';srs CO"B in p Zaae but before any lath, gypsum boare or I..l:Il.Z covering is cppli.sd, and before any inaulaticn fs ~onceaZed. g3 '? /Vr-- .Oc::.:OLITIO,lf OR .~:DV!; 3!JILDliiGS :J Sani:ary Sfr.Jer ::appsd =: ~opo;r~' Zi.v:e ~ Sep:ia tank ;r~i:d ar.d f::ZZed t..-:..t:h ;rz';B~ --, Pinel - :,rher:. a..Xve i:e::"l8 are c~-:rpZat€d ~ ar~ ~hen ie~litior. is complete or s~~~~. t:.uoe moved ar.d pr;::mi:uls clsaMd up. .1 A'obita HC."r.es \ =:J Blocking and Sat-~p =:J Plumbing aonnec=::ons sews!' and we:.!' ---, Electriccl Ccnr.ec~ion - Blockir4~ sot-U? --1 and "Zwr.binc c.:mnections nr..:st co Q~r::;v.c befo~c requesting eZectricaL ir.spec~io~ =:J Access-or;,' 3ui Ziing ] Final - Aft~r.;~rcr.es, 3kirt~r~1 stc. are c~p~s:~d. d8C.;".s~ any Dl?~.JALL I:'lS?::~IO:'l: To os made after alZ. drywal.Z. is in place, but pl"ior to any :::apir.g. O MASONRY: Steel. Zocation~ boiu!. beama" Srouti~4 or verticaLs in QC(:ord.an.ce !on:-th Y. B. C. Ssction ~241' 'OODsrOYS: After installation is cc:rrpZa:ed..--.. o o CURS & APP,tlCACE A.F.'?!)N: Afttr." forms are <trsated out prior to POUl"';ng .::o~rets. SIDEWALK & !JRI1'F'.v'A:!: For aLl con- crete paving wi:;hin street right- of-wcy., to be maie after aU uca. vati,.~ complete 3 fo~ work & ~ub- ooss mater"'.:a~ ::n p~e. o 0'. p....'Ar p'U~n:tr.'IG I ~"i1.... ..u_. ;:: ~I'''L 'n:',..t1.'''r-'~ ~FI:''';'! ,'.f..._..J'\".I..ML. AU pro.fec:; cor.di:i.:Jns, JUc.l.;. as ~he -:..ns:all.ation 01' stl'set "Crees, ~c::,:?Zc:::,::m of :iw required Zandscc:pir'.g, etc. ~ must ;;8 satisfied before :;r.e 3UIL[)I,':C FI.'.'AL -;an be r~C(J.8st~d. o FINAL ELEC":'.9ICriL i=J o 2IUAL BUILDINC: The F'inaZ BuiLding Ins?s:nion ::':Ust be !'Bquea:sd attar :ha Fin::::.l n~bin.; Elecr;ri~al~ and .'1echar.ic:::.i.. Ir.spec:;i~rw have been made and c:.ppro1J;zd. , o D :ENCS: Wher: compL.;te -- ?roovidBi gates or ;:lovabi.,e' sections through P.U.!. ! -A':Z NANHCrc:S AND CLEANOUTS ,'!US':' 3e ACCESS:3LE. ADJi./S::.'!E:/'!' :0 3E :.~1C!' :;T .','0 ::=5r ':'0 CITY I ~"''''e ol 2 D P=ga 2 I JOB NO\ 1;12/t./f) SOLA.CESS REQ- I ZC7':a: ILot Sq. F~. II: ,r ~. C.:1'J<raqt .# of StO!"'~6S \ I. .,. L "I.cta:. _J':.Gr.: 7cpogra:;n-:;I , ::=.\f ,~k:in ~a:C'e i 1':.1r:,cr,: I 1.4c::ocsso~:J I I I Is.a.c. :::T,g v A!~'E' i :.-.:::..:.oC) 1.5 = 3uildir.q Femt St.:::.ta Sv......ch.zrge Toed Ci-.a.."'ge3 11I'E.\I 1_C'i...-:l.:res ResidentiaL (1 bath) Sanit.::r,! Se-..Jer ;"ct,,!" P!:.&r.lbi,..g p,~t Stats Surer.a..'"q8 T~tGZ cr.c::+aes I :,E.'ol I.~cs. Sa. '"':.0. I NoUJ/E--twnd Cir!:"J.i tS I Temporary S~;iCB I EZectrical Permit St:::"t:e Su:r::oha:rce Tot.2Z O.c:r::oes I :~:~c. ru.rr.... ETU'S I E=ha:4.s t Hood I V6?'lt F::n I . I i/:x;ds tC"Je Pe~;t 13su.=nca .'fecr-=rric::t P2rr:r:.t Sta"':.e Surc~e T~"';,:l. r:J..tTr~I!!J =:iCRCAC'::XE.'!'! I Sec",J.1"~t"J Os:'c::it Stcr!:qe ,\!airtt.m-....,......::q Pe.~t _ ~c':al O.c:r~cs S~.F':G ,~'o. I :iO'1 I I I 1:10., I I I I if I ic-.a'!!cu' Is" .. l t..:e:JaI.i( I :811::'e ! !Zec~rica! ::":':e! I ~.. : .Vor,Il..:..e Hor.:e I !?TAL ANOU:IT CUE,' CC~J.::::ar.c:J ~n.l:::'.' LeT ':'!?~ Ir::eroicl' Corne:" P::rJ..cn.d L~ C':4L-d~-sac x ;.'al.ue FEE C;-:ARC! :.;.::;"'::'Cc ;ot"~ Cll'~'":- ..l"I.I.~_ ;.t;.OO 1e:;.OO . (0 0 J .::;. ltJ 0 I I I I I I I I )<; .tp D I I .' \'.1 I- I ~ . L-COC'Ij, T:i:JeICor.st: 3€Croor.:s: I ~n.eralJ SO',J.l'~es I - Hea, I 1 Yater 1Jp'"'1~p.", I I I ~~~:lcce I I '.Jooa~:ot:e II ,i Ti.J::e I !.ot Faces - I I P.l,. INoI'th lEast: Sot.:th Ir;e.. Setblcks " I r ..ouse ,~araae I I I ! Access, -- F2es \.. Building Value & Permit This pel"m"~t 1..'1 gI'anted on the express condition that the said.oortstl'Uction shaLZ, in alZ respects, ~or.jC~ to the Ordinance ~o~eed by the C~ty of . Spr1.1VJ/,ield, :.,..c!w:;Ertg :he Zon:.nq Crd:.ncr.ce, r'qguu:~:.q] :r.e CCr:3tI"AO~-~Cn and use of buiZdings, and m=y ~c aucpended Or' revakec at C!-y time u;cr. vic- lation of any pr,vi3ions of ~aid ~rdir~ces. .. Iplan Check Fee: Cate Paid: IReceipt H: 'S,:g"Bd' Plumbing Permit No person ahaZL construct, inste!!, a!ter or change ar.y r~w cr e--istir.g plumbi1VJ or drainage SY8t~ in ~hole or. in part, unless such person is tr~ Zegal possessor of a valid plumber's Licenso, except tr.c:t a ps:+son ma~ do plumbing work to proper~~ which is owned, leassd or operated ~y ths appZi- ~t. / I I, I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I , I ! Electrica I Permit Where Stats Law requiroes tr.at tho eZectM.caL work be dene ~y an Ela~trical Contractor, the eLectrical portion of this pe:omit shall roOt be valid until the labeL has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractar. Mechanical Permit ~ Pl.an t;:::cnn.ner uar;a I, I I I I HAVE' CAREFULLY EXA.'o!L'IED the ~ompt2ted appl::caticm tor permi.t, and do hereby certi.fy that aLL i~jo~ation hereon is true and correct. and I f'.L.....ther cer~ity that any ar..d atl. u"ol'k perlo'mfed shall be &'7:6 i."t aC~::ll'. dance :.nth the Ordin....--nces of' the City of Springficl.d, and ;h.z La:,;s o[ tr.a State of Oreg.:m p.slr~ining to the work d.6sC!""'~bcd herein, ar.d :;..at .vo :XC!J- Pl'.!lCl :Jill. be "'ade of emu struct-.u'<:! without oermis3ion .:;l ehs 3uil.dina rr;- vision. I further esrtifJ tr~t o~ly contraotors ar.d e~L~Y6e8 wr~ ar; in compliance with ORS ?Ol,OSE wilL be used on this Pl'ojsct ~ I I I \ -.~8.J' ~ ........ \-'f\... I..D..::../ 7- g ~ Data "..gnzd