HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-6-27 r- .. RESIIilliNTlAL" APPLICA'1fON /PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Location: X 26~c::' ASGeSDOrZ Nap # /1./ Pr LocJl/+L'f"AI Subdivision: Q.mer: L.l'lr I...A>./ ~_ iJ flAVTN-t'~_, Address: II qq to! , IFQ~Y , 7'Jr- ~ _ . City: EJ""/~' I n n n n Nm., f-kt.lse Addition Remodel QL~S&'flJ ~ Nobile Hom3 Date of AppUcaticn Contractors General. numbing E It.M it' 'L ,\,..,,)', . ,C:::,,!--,h'r ,.-,:;,T .\.{ A..ll1l, ().,\f)(4) A/ _C,IHJ hLU~"T Electrical. Mschar.ic.::l Construction Lender -......\.-.. 1+. W(~~- ().."I/UO ftL ..J~' J(2. J Tc;:z: Lot H AM L",,'T .3P 15!n('K 5 Rcce"':pt 11 IB-CJ61 Vf I .,Af-, Phone: bXx -t.o?99 r, '7 llo/;).. i \ ......... Li3C. H '"'c-t: j) C0 Date: - /' /)...LL~( WcY~(\ -, EXD1.l'C8 Phtmc _?--.:J-7D 0.A.\- X/U /- ql) Zip: Describe II'ork: tfli1- LJ 1407 , l/ C} 4.c::-'" '~Cf.(/_ /S-{) () .siZE k f/fI!- Pl~u: UcJ'-,i.,t/iP..lO"" 5hPd2 /dx tS Valu. >< It is -ehe 1'ssponoibility of tns permit holder to 888 that alZ inspections arB made at ths propsl' ti.m~, that DaCh ::.ddrB88 is roo:.: from ths stroot~ and that thB permit card is locatBd at the front of the property. .Bui!di~ ~ui~ion approved pLan shall remain on th8 Building Sit~ at all times. PROCEDURE POR INSPECTION R~QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designa.ted J'ob nW7:berJ J'ob addrCS8J type of ir.3pBO~1' ~equcstcd a~d w~en you ~ll be ready fol' ir.spcction~ Contractors or OUne~s ncme end phone numbc:r. Requests received beforo ?:O{ . ...'ilt.. be made thG same day~ requests made a~t;:.r 7:'00 am LJill be 11llde the next :.)Orkin; day. . '('\ I ' Your City Deoigr.ated Job Number 10: p."q 02:) I Reauirop.d TnS'Df?cticns ._. O SITE INSPEC':'ION: To be 11llde after excavation~ ~ut prior to set up of , forms. O ' UNDERSLAB PWl,fBIIIG, ELECTRICAL & . NECHA,'lICA[.: To bo mado b9j"OJ:"Q any . work is covered. ry4' ~OTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be rrada after trenches are excavated and .' orms are erectedJ but prior to poul"ing ccnCl'et.;;. D. UNDERGROUND Pl.UMBING. SEWER. W,1TER, DHAIlIAGE: To be mde prior to fil- .Ur.g trenches. 0, UNDbERPmadWOR PLugBI'tVG & /.fEtCHlAlaNICAL: f To e e pr~or 0 ~n3 a t~on 0 !tOOl' insulation or decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be rr.ade prior to instaZLation of f'Loor inst.:Lation or deoki"G' O ROUCH PLUHBIIIC. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No :Jerk i.s to be cOL'ered .ur.tiZ these inspections have beer. . made and approved. '. D FIREPLACE: mol' to placir-.g facing mat6riaZs and bofore framing inspeo- tion. ~RAHINC: Must be reque3ted after approval of rough plwr.bing~ alectri- . l & meohanical. An roOfing .. bracing & chimneys~ et.::. nr.4st be ;' completed. !Io work is to be con- .... cBaled until thin inspection has ~b6~n made and approved. .seG PloT DEUOLITIO!1 OR :':OVE~ BUILDIilGS ~ Sani~ary seJer ~apped ::t p~OpCl.t;; li,: .=J ~opt;ia tank p....':':pcd a11f1 fiZ.Z.J~ t.rieh fil' --, Final - r{hen above ito:rls are cC:7Tplotc ---1 and when demolition is complote OJ:" 0: ture moved ~ premises aleanod up. Nobile HcmeD ~ Blooking and S.t-~p ~ Plumbing connections sower arA wa: ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking~ sat --.J and plumbing connections nr.:.st ~e apPl, before request~ng elec~rical inBpac~i ~ Acaessol"d Building ] Final - Aft;)r p:Jrches~ skirting~ dock. etc. are completed. D All project conditions~ suc~ as the installation of street tree8~ c~~lotion of tno required Landsccpir.g~ etc. ~ must be satisfiad before the BUILDING FINAL can bo rsqusst31 o FINAL PLUMBIllG o FIliAL MECHAIIICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL o Addres3 L/3L9D f\r') A~ f>(~ lIJ. ,-'>.:J<././'7' I .4n --'1/"2 FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must bo requeoted after thB Final PlW1lbil Electl'icaL~ arrd Mechar:ical Inspectiono MVD been made and appl'oved. U INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER I.'.'SPECTION: To be made after all. insul.::;,t~n a:-.d '. required vapor carriers are in place . but before any lath~ gypsum board 01' IoXZU colJering is applied, and beforo. any inaul.ation is concealed. D DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made afto'1' aU drywall is in place~ but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel loaation~ bond beam3~ grouting or verticals in accordanoe with U.B.C. Section 2415, O WOODSTOVE..: After installation is ccmpleted. D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte:> forms are crected but prior to pouring co~re te. SIDEr{ALK & DRIVEWAY: For aLl con- crete paving ~ithin street right- of-ux:.y~ to be made after all exca- vating complete & foP-m work & sub~ . base 11llterial in place. o D .t'ENCE: When compl~te -- Provide. gates 01' movable sections through P,U,E, ' 'ALL NANHCLES AND CUANOUTS /lUST BE: ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fEIIT,TO BE IIADE AT 110 COST TO CITY I Pogo 1 0.' D ;'::;:,..: .. I JOB NO, I Zone: SOLAR ACCESS OccuoanCl/ Gr'. REQ,- L-COC'" T~'pe/Cor.3t: . I Bedrooms: En21'Ol) Soul'aes Heat Wate1' !/eatp1' Range Fi 1'eD lace Wood:;tove .TUDe Lot Sq. Ftg, S of lot Coverag. ,II of Stonos Total Height Topography LOT TJPE Interior Cornel' Panhandle Cul-de-sac I Lot Faces - I I P,L, ItlO1'th lEast ISouth IWest Setbacks House Caraqe Access. -- Faes IITEN I Main IC<::foaae ! SQ,FTG I x Value Building\ Value & Permit This pel'mit i:; granted on the e:r:p1'eD8 condition that ths said. con3tructi( shaLL, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City'of Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the ccnatructicn and UDe of buildings, and m~y be sUDpended 01' revoked at cny time upon u: Zation of any provisions of said Ordinances. Carvort Accessoru / {kQ(} TOTAL VALUE I I I, I /JP-,COI 1.40 c9Q,<4C' Plan Check ~~' Date Paid: \ ' Recdpt #: I Signed: ' cC} IS.D,C, (vct.UC) 1,5 :r Building Permit State Suraharge Total Cha:>ges i ITEN I NO, I Fixtures. I Residential (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer I Water I FEE CHARGE Plumbing Permit No pereon shall construct, install, a~ter 01' change any r~w 01' e=iating plumbing or drainage 8yste~ in whole 01' in part, unless such person is t legal possessor of'a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~so" may d plwnbing work to property which is OtJned, leased 01' operated by the appl. cant.' . Plumbing Pern:i t FEE I I, I I F~'~) I I I 1. I'.J. ~',-~,(t2Z" I I 1 State Surcr.a.pge Total Charaes lITEM I Res. Sa. fta. I New/Extend Circui ts I Tempol'ary Service I NO. FEE CHARGE Electrical Permit ,{)1-' Where State LazJ' requires tr~t the eZectl'ical work be done by an Eleat2'ic Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall. roOt be valid wlt the ~eZ has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. ' Ele~t~ical Permit ,- State Su;t'~harqe Total Charc:es IITEN I Furnace ETU' S I E:::haus t Hood I Vent Fan I WoOdstO:J6 1/10, CHARGE Mechanical Permit Pernrit Issuance Me~hanic:Il Permit Stato Surcharae Total Cha~aea -- ENCROACHMENT -- ISe~dritu Dev03it .1 Storage I Main tena11.:!6 , ~ti:Lc~~Q(J I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all info~tion hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all. work perfor:ned shall. be done in accor- dance :.nth the Ordinances of the city of Springfield, and th& Lc;..;s of t. .t State of Oregan'pzrtaining to the work described hel'eO::n, end that NO OC, PANCY will be made of any structure without p3rmisaion of the !JuiZding vision. I furthcl' certify that only contractors ar.d e:np1.::JY668 who are ca~pliance with ORS 701.05t will be used on this project lo -!2 0- xq .Jcir;e- _ C Permit Total Charqcs Curbcut; I Sidewalk I Fcn::e I Electrica l Labo l j Mobile Home I I I TOTAL AMOU/lT DUE:' I I ~3 ()2--. ' ~ \('(\~d' Jo~;) I~ 1'9 Dat. Signed