HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-11-6 . -u I HlSPECTlOll LlIlE 726-3769 Job Address "2004 Donnelly Legal De$Criot;on Lochaven Subdivision CITY OF SPRI;lGFIELD-- . COIIBIlIATI ON 'APPLI CAT ION/PERMIT E!IERGY ...5OURCES: . Heat t;lec tr~c - Lb t '34 evLlG 3 Owner Gene & Bernard Hiatt & Robert ~- .,. Address 663 W, Centenni~r~'''~~'' 'Springfield COI1f1. II NO, FEEDERS Install/alter/relocate di<;trih. feeders I Of amps. I I I ISSUANCr cF PFR!IIT TOTAL CHARGES I TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES WHERE STATE L'I.J REQUIRES that tile Electrical \'Iork b~ done by an Electrical Contractor. the electrical portion of this perr.lit shall not be vali1 until the label has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and returned to the Building Division Construction lender Address U!:.:;)lliH Tcl\i1 lname) Primary 'S::"~.:c.:::.:-!~ Ele':trlcal :.~!-::;~-: --...-~---- .. ,.-.-.. .".; Generil,l Hiatt Bros, ". I ~~~:l r:c: :::~<:::""i.:!: Penselin Electric .O:.:_!__ :: ?L!.:~~S!:;~ ;.::':';;~ f~xt;;re C::;'- I (!-lARGE I ! ;~elocateo J~ildino i (new fix. additional) 17 iF ba ~~) i dence Duplex (1 bath) each Additional bath l~!dter service I Sewer !Storm Sewer I ~'!ater Hea ter lNFORt1ATION UNc. 72E-3753 Sq"Ftq,I,lain :q. ftg. Access. So, Ft9, Other Ilew Add A lter ~ep, --Fence Demo Change/Use Other =- - ~ I~ 7lf'lQ420 I Ranqe I I I I I I ValuE of Hork: 28,200 Builriina Permit Info: Describe Work(i.e.. Build Single Fal:'lil v l1.es idence l'li th /I.ttached flaraae) Mobile home set UP with Phone (address I improvements Ooubtt. W'lcto) (l ics. no.) (OhOM no.l (exoires) {: ic<;_ ~.J.: :~~ni"e!=i (ohon~ no. ) Springfield 741-1420 Springfield 20-48C 741-1186 :~~:':T~!C':'L ~ECHt.:,~ICAL ~ln _ I IResidence of 5Q. il. I'New circu~ts alts. or extenslons ISERVICES p~'C j r'!-J!lQr,~ 1:0_ I I furnace/burner to I 6TU's I Floor furnace and vent Recessed wall Snaee hpater arn vpnt fHARr.F , I FFF I I Temporary Construction Change in existing res i dp.nee. multifamily, comm. or Tnduc;tr;;l1 Appliance vent c;p.oarate Stationarv evar:. cooler ~ . I Vent fan with sinale duct I I Ven t sys tem apa rt from heatina or A.C. I ~lechanical exhaust hood and durt Of amps, Wood stove/heater I HAVE c/\REFULLY EXN"1WED the completed aprlication for permit. and do hereby certify that all infonnation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work oerformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Soringfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that IlQ OCCUPAHCY \'1i11 ,be made of any s:ruCture without the oermission of the Building Division. I further certify that my registration with the Builderls Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055. that if exempt the basis for exemntion is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and emnloyees who are in com~liance with OP.S 701.055 will be used on this project. IWIE(please print) D.J2."'.... lu, 't/ C-o....-A SIr,HATURE jQ~,--,!f.,V ~I VV L. DATE fJ. ? ~t() FO~ OFFIr.~ IJSE O"LY Zone HH~ Type/Const. l'-\ +I Units Sq. Ftg. l1ain Fire Zone Bedroems Dccy Load Sq, Ftl]. Access Flood Plain Stories Occy Group r&,'<., Sq, Ft9, Other BUILDIIIG PERI,IIT Charges ane Surcharges '4000 ' ___c..;________ PLUI1BING PERMIT Charoes and Surcharges __L~_OQ___ ion IO,CO ------------ 40 ELECTRIC;,L PERI:IT . Charoes and Surcharges t1ECHAII I CAL PERI1IT Charges and Surcharges Value Value V3lue x , x TOTAL VALUATlDrI Plan Ck, 65VBldo Plan Ck. 30%lB1 do Conro/ I nd Ppr F~e Res Per Fee 'Syste~s Development Cha rue (\. 5~) I ?\':?_~.on i I I I I Fence Df-mo 'Sidewa 1 k I A/C PdV; ng Curb Cut Total Comb. Permit " . TOTAL ., COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. I t I I J ; Applicant to furnish A, Job Address B. Legal Description 1. examole- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 11 03 43 2, examole- Lot I, Block 3, 2nd Addition to ~prlngtield Estates C. ~lame. etc. of owner and construction lender O. Energy Sources 1. examole- heat/electrical ceilinQ/or forced 2. exam~le- waterheater/electrlcal/or solar E. Square footage or valuation, etc. - 1, examole- 1250 sq, foot house. 500 sq, foot og' 2. examole- if new proj~ct. check-new - if add check add, etc. F. 8:.Jildinc periodt information: .- -:::.:;::::;e - CO:'lS!rt:c: single family house wit: ~ dttached Qar"'ce -. -?x.:!:::le -' re::-:oael existing garage into rami' .- ~xa~;je - c~nvert single family residence 11 =-~S:=:"::-~!1t (char:::e of use) ./-. u. ;c:!.:e of ...;ori< as deflr.ed in Section j03 (a) of: Structural Specialty Code H. :::':S; ;:; T::':':.; MiD CO::TRACTORS ;c ~void design o~ construction delays, Buildinf C- Division Staff must be able to contact approDri, persons reg~rjing design information or job sitf corrections. etc. ':'::.!"en~:e: ?h::::bing. ~.!echanical, & Electrical Schec (S .:. :..'(:e::: ~.:he~e ~lank s~aces occur in the descriDt~ ::r:~c~ of :;:e :.~echa:dcal and Electrical Schedul :;:e ='Joiicant need fill-in only the "10. Boxes ac :~ tne aaorooriate item(s) to be installed ( 8. f'Jll Plu:::oing. t~echanical. and Electrical Schedl " ~!"2 ~v~i:able at the Suilding ~ivision 1. :0 c~nserve space on the permit form the scr hav~ been abbreviated 2. !f ~he item(s) to be installed are not cover the aObreviated scnedules you should consult fu il scnedu 1 es C, BUILDING DIVISIOII STAFF \,ILL FILL OUT ALL FEES A CHARGES ml THE SCHEDULES O. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered electrical contractor for Signature by his elect supervisor. The general contractor is .not autho ~o to siQn the electrical label. - "- Applicant-to sign and date Whenever possible, the initial application will be u a worksneet only. Where possible, Building ~ivision will pre~are a type written copy and return it to th applicant at the time the actual permit is issued fa signature. Fees and Cnd rges /,.'. Plan check rees are due and payable at the time of t: \ application. and no plans will be processed until thl fees are paid. All other fees and charges .are due al payable when the permit is issued. I I!. IV, V, FOR OFFICE USE ONLY '- g . PERMIT VALIDATION ~, CITY ,& OF SPRINGFIELD City Hall Springfield. Oregon Department of Public Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT Dote 1(-(0 ,6 B 55105~ No. ISO Reed From t-4l0-tt brOI~ (J..lA..U Address ~i():: f ;;~ ( ()0~.;J{ I ) ('.P Iff- .-,^-.~/, 8.]..... - ......... J . '--"'-''-../, 'I " 1'C- L L VI Received For: ( nf)L \---In 4()UU f ~ " P-P 15,00 L-\Oj (j In() G(-,P iO,[;O 4010 ~o srx./ 4-2..'3 ,CD G 6 G 4 -(J ~h~qu {t l' > (' -1f) ( fr Amount Received. ( = AutHORIZED SlGNATUIU: ..s".s (~. S"[lTO".TU~".Ull ....'..T[~. . e:uoe:,.e:, O~ .7"01 , ' (. ( , I ' ~, . ___ .n'.. . 0....... _ .., . ". j PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: ; ! ~ , J i ~ , ! I I I l I I J Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY: name signature " date I "" '..'.."'. .. .,.... '''.....OJ