HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1978-10-23 . -,,-<-'.'....~.,'",~",,"N MAIN BUILDING AT SITE .... r. _ JOB ADDRESS: .1l38"Dondea Street. Springfield. Oregon CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # 3353-78, TRS, TL: 18-02-<16-1.3' 12100 Subdivision: Meadow Green Estate. Lot 16 Block 1 / This permit for the referenced property is hereby '..... ,..d. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's I nfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS # Glen Longworth. Jr. 1138 Dondea S:...__:.. Springfield. Oregon / / / Total Construction Value: $450.00 Telephone: 747-4920 Telephone: / Telephone: / ~nstruction approved by this permit:" Water Supply: PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION " Wood StoVe countess ICBO , lQlIIl[ 3257 Structures now on property: garage / # Bedrooms: n.. # Plumbing Fixtures: # Employees: l"!:IIl ftft Zoning: na-stove Partitioning # na Parcel # na Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: na side exterior: na ; interior property lines: na ;rear property line: na Special I nstructions: NONE / For information call 687-4394, Susan Iteller Site Inspection #ns Installation specifications: ns lineal feet of drainfield required; max, depth of trenches: Special I nstructionsNONE / / / / Setbacks Septic Tank .erior property lines 10' ge of road right-of-way 10' Building foundation 5' Wells, other water sources 50' CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS/I NSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: NONE Parcel Size: 'na ; centerline of road, DB na gal. min. septic tank capacity; Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call 687-3961 between 8:00 - 9:00 a,m-Marsha Miller Type of Construction: V-N Group: R-3 Fire Zone: 3 Use Classification: Stove add to sm Instructions: READ INSTALLATION wl,b.....cTIONS AND ~".:."...n PLANS CARBI'ULLY PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. For c1ariflcat1ODs on 1DstaUat:lon contact the bulld1Dg 1nspector l1st8d below. Install . per lIIlIDUfacturers insta11at:l.oD instructions. 'lor plans information call 687-3763 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a,m., Herle Neilson For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a"m. and 5:00 p.m, Date Issued: ..... ----.--!. - 10-23-78 C55-13 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 8y: Dave White/ly lane county -\ . .. .' Lo..n j ~t'lr1-t.. Application II 335']-78 for . "" \. 'Phnn,:. 1,1": WORK SHEET Construction Permits & Inspection v - bJ Type of Construction 2,.... "3 Group ~ Fire Zone ~~~~~use Classification TO FD __ ,; II i. 1 - .- ~~\ I . '# 32..157 '/~n-=H= d , '- --I.uJ ~ ~~-r/) , N~1i>.LJGrl{)A16 t ~ e IU 'N.t;-r; 7JaJ. .FZ3.tL '1 MI./FIt:Ai/OJJS 0/.4 IJJs~ I "1JlJLl ~T~~ _~ \~Sp~ '--I~n:.t> PPlnW I k1~~ ~ f-JJWuFN:,;ffLpRJ....S, I~ Date!?/JEI7 , . 74-164 1wI,~.I-~/~ I Signature riea.t' PrInt Kl'tum Appltl'ation to ^J1r(lJnflllt~lIf nlll'- '"''''00''' '~"n Cnol'l..." . . Of/,oo U.. Only B ("1) I, ,.1Ar~~LISATICN 7 1.1(), ~~~ ~ Al'PLlCANT I T7 ~ n ~o n 0. '"'Y 0 '-WI' J V" PHOHE 'L -"T"1.4,., Q ~ ~ ;>l 4DDRESS 11",><;1 InllGlvll -.J")-r _Cl,y~r ',-;,,3 7{1~ 3 ~ ~ -1 .1 en .. ... ""'"U (IF DIFFERLVT) PI "' 10./ -. ~ 2-0g ~ g' ADDRESS 1':11" ZIP ~ OONTRACTOR 'N\ 0 .' PHONE ~~: t ADDRESS _.__CO:-lTRACTOI\'S ORE. STATE LICENSE_ ~ ~ 0""lL COMJ'U:TED Pf.RHIT TO API'l.ICANT/OI.'Nl::R/CONTRAcrOR (CIRCLE ONF.)O PREF'ER TO PICK UP. CALL .. ~ 1. PRESENT USE OF PROrERTY (resldent1o!l1; type of fllnDlng; cOmlllerchl or industrial: vllcant; etc.) ~ (Iv. Y'e ~ 'lIie..nt,' (j I '- _ '~ I, OESCRlBE STRUCTUm HOW OH nlEWO;V'~ '~O~~""CTU~T~B~O~~IEn'_ ~8 ~ I. IH>lEO,lATE P,-,,, FO~THlS PROPERTY (THIS APPLICATION) ~RE'~tJ~/ , I .' . J, ~ ~ ~ <;r.\, f'CLf_l.!' .\(' <'+uVQ../ I n--VQ VVI iB O+VUe... -C/NI1/1Q<lfbl'lck<ii l: ~ ., FUTURErLANS, +~(~D-ft OS? 't::Mh1/I;t;~.d./ \J ~+.~ ~"d -~G ~ - " :) 0 a 0 ~ ~, ,. PLOT PLAN. Sketch (8) all road!! Cn) bo,~d8TleA of property CC) existing/proposed buildings Cd) exillting! proposed sewage dtspollnl areas ({!) exl!1ting/proposed wells (f) eXisting/proposed dTiVl:!WIIY8 (8) CD9ClD('nts (h) dratnageways, strealllS, creeks, any other pertinent features. If cOlllllll!rcial . I:" j':" r J.n~~I!lt:r,1all': Sh~l.fr:er.a~dJl~g: ~1sr:1'." ,nrnR ~Ir,ea~.. i t~ni:~ OIIT~I:O'IN~'. : i; i !:;; "', "":!': ! "., .1 : . I' 1. I :" ," _;;;..; .;,:,,~ ... "" : T: -ll: :-:'; ~I : :~1':--':I' :'~ -~ [-""'"": - --il-"-- - . : i"" ---!"" -, II .- ul_ -:- :: ii':-; '" .: .... . .. ".. ,'" , '"' "! 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TOTAL!.OT SIZE OR ACRF...\GE 3. ~ln: INSPECTION TEST HOLES RF.ADY (DATE) Mr.TIIOD OF Sr.....AGE HlsroSAL ---..--.--------- 9. l'IWl'OSEIl WATEH SllI'f'I.Y WELL Sl'HING STI<I:^M LAKE PUBLIC lO. EI.E:r:TRICITY Fl!R:HSIlEn BY II. "....TURAL (;AS BY 12. rJRE DlSTRlCT_________ 13. . SCIIOOL DISTRICT 14. PLUHBlf.;G BY ....."'.."'."'."'."'......"'''''''.'''...''''''...... DO NOT IJRITF. BEl.OW THIS LINE ."'.."'......."'''''''....'''''''''..'''..'''......'''....'''''' BEFORE YOUR AI'PLlCATlON CA.~ BE PRDCES~1::lJ YOU MUST FUR:"ITSH: S~xll PLOT PLA."lS LEGAL DESCRIPTION (DIMENSIONED) - BY D.\TE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 LANE COUNTWPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAIMNAGEMENT 125 EA!I"8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON.1 o ZOning-L1! ;:; -~ Fee AVERAGE PROCESSING TI.... PLANNING DIVISION partitioning. Parcel NO. Current []pending [JCompleted Partitionino Reouired Other I s $ ~ NATER POLLUTION CONTROL , of Sites New Site In8pectlon(8) 60S Construction [] New [J.Repair Number of Bedrooms. $ $ Commercial/Industrial - Other of Employees $ ~ CONSTRUCTION PERMITS AND INSPECTION FEE (See above for , of bedrooms/. of employees) o :~obi1e Home $ o Permanent o Temporary o Renewa 1 5 ructure Sq. Ft. valutlltion ~ $~dt'? $ Total vsluation S $ ~ $ $ $ Each $ r.ach S _____ Plumbing fixtures at Sewer/Water Conn. ^t .\ State Surcharge Plana Check Fee Change of Occupancy .$ $ $ S TOT~L BUILDING PERMIT FEE $ 61 ~t') Subtotal . O-i'!) Minimum atructural setback8: From centerline of street: Front Exterior Side From interior lot linvs: Side Rear [] Comm'l plans sheet to applicant [] Curb cut to applicant o PUBLIC LANDS o PUBLIC WORKS o E~' N'<ENTAL Calh Ch.c_ t . o o , Address [] Minimum Elev3tion Facill ty Permit HEALTH s b~,/.4IP/Y'L.I TOTAl, s ,</ ~,/) Rec'd AFFIDAVIT I It this permit la tor an agricultural building, I hereby declare that this buildinq will be used tor agricultural purposes as allowed by zoning and/or the State Building Code. and for no other purpose. I further certify that the statements and other information submitted on this apPlic~. to are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal intereat in the property: owner of recordl contract purchaser; lesaee; holder of an e~clusive option to purchas ; ___duly authorizea-to act for a person wOO-has the !OIlowing legal interest I ; or that the owner of record is knowledgeable of this app11catlon. 1t I am not th~ owner. I further agree to comply with all Ipplicable codes relatlft9 :t:h/J:ri.~~.7( Applicant's Signature~ .h A: ~_ ~_ __ 'b ~ -.- /" THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT, AND DOES NOT GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO BUILD. lOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROGRESS or YOUR APPLICATION, CALL PERMIT CONTROL, 687-4357 (687-RELP) C74-170 "f -m I' .. .. 1;; c ill '" .. " " :a M .. &l M " .. .. M' M 0 ~~ " ~. ~~ ~~ 'I ~~ ~ ~ ~ '" .. " '" ~/;;~J II~ o ., Addren Minimum Elevation .. \; I lane county ea Gi '!..... II~~~J ~";~"1 U~~Zo P.QST:<!JIIS:P~RMIT:':ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # JOB ADDRESS: llW S:;-~::::J G\:2C::;::o C;::",i!.::c211.~.C, C::'::::;3"2 :;l::J$~uJ TRS, TL: ll.C-;)2C!l:?l.:i1 0 11211c::l Subdivision: t'~M''':7 0;;>= iloeci:co ~z 16 Dll.oC 1 I This permit for the referenced property is hereby CV,,-ilvv....;,1. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and!or other remedies allowed by law, Applicant! Address: Owner! Address: Contractor! Address: Contractor's OS # Q= ~"""..L10 31:. :usn ~:::l {\ltlrC:;~~ ~~icl.do a.v,"",""" I I I Total Construction Value: ,. <V\ "" [Jt).. ,) . "" Telephone: 747..t)SJ29 Telephone: r Telephone: I /. leonstruction approved by this permit: ~J Water Supply: PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION r '\ Zoning: ~ -Ii:'"=' Partitioning # \ Parcel # t:D Minimum r;;-quire~ structural setbacks, from: fe'1lterline of ro~d, front: t::l side exterior: t::} ; interior property lines: t::} ;rear,property line: ~ Special Instructions: I:n::m \ ' I For information call 687-4394, g"~r-;;\ T".dl.:i.n~ Site Inspection #C!) I nstallation specifications: = lineal feet of drainfield required; max, depth of trenches: Special I nstructions,:::::m I I I I ~ ;.,setbacks Septic Tank ~.nterior property lines 10' c~'=--'Edge of road right-of-way 10' Building foundation 5' Wells, other water sources 50' CONSTRUCTION PERMITS!INSPECTION DIVISION " \., , \ Directions to Site: , , t- ticod oCCvo OOc.:-.::C::D )tt;.) 0 ;7.;:"~ 3257 Oi:li:'ocl:Cl&'OO 1:= r;;:J ~;:yg (!i:llro30 I # Plumbing Fixtures: # Employees: # Bedrooms: Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, = , ro = gal. min, septic tank capacity; Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' \ between 8:00 - 9:00 a,m,..~~...~ For information call ,VI7_'i\C\"1 '-!4'iJ!:::, Type of Construction: V-Ci Group: tl-3 Fire Zone: ~ Use Classification: Si:!Wa c21 1:0 SJ7i) Instructions: '. ' ,1ID!lD L~^1.1.^,i'!O:J !i.~L>xc.c:lilIC;:S JI.!.lJ) tJ?i?i!1JviJD l?LiL':lS cmmtiliLL'I? l?UXOB 'lO Xl!lJ:i'^1JtN71m::J. 170Ir el!.cr:S!?i'.enCic-'--:J = ilc::hnnnZ!!.ou =ec::i: i:b t-~~ l"~oo~ llo~ hoXC"'J. Xt:::l1:Dll.! !?O1: ,----,One..."",,-,,"u fuloUJ!J\oCitcn ~~i:::lD<Wo !jor plans information call (;07-37G3 between 8:00 a,m, and 9:00 a,m., ~lta r~oilam For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a,m. and 5:00 p,m, Date Issued: ::O:Ti!/ lc,;;S"70 10-23-79 C55-13 - DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By: ~c ~~Ii:Q/ll.y bne county - - I ., . SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARKS FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVED L-/ 01 SAPPROVED L-/ DATE REMARKS FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVED / / 01 SAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARKS LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION A~PROVEO ~ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARK 5 FINAL INSPECTION ApPROVED ~~tSAPPROVEO . INSPECTOR INSPE:CTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR ~ DATE /-2-c/- 7 r I NSPEcTOR.5);&rJ: REMARKSP: lI/.Jtt.,.~L -tJ./>,...J /2_-/8-"7.<.1 QiAd: / y 'lC : I ( If C/.. '"rrJL. /-f:4T~ ;g. 4"'-'- d,~~ ,.L-, IfF.:F ," r If' ~.,,- H u { .r,,~' ",' 2 .f'"~ -?t-' ~-P. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY f"L - ur - -or ~ "i:'~-" _ - h. fI ~ . . .. <..L.A-_..Y ,._.;:~_ 7'*/ .. READY TO ISSUE L:::7 NOT READY TO ISSUE I / DATE REMARK 5 INSPECTOR 1 ~e.-