HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1990-7-16 I~ .. RESIDalTlAL" APPLICAT./PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753, ' Job Wcotion: \ \ ~ Pi \ Y"t"'\\r\9. 0 ') As.es.ors Map N ., ~()~ (j 1-.r \:\ . Ta:t:Lot N I d 100 Subdivision: . :::3:1} ~~1~~nJJtfy-fkpr2s: CitY:,-~Yi f\~iQ ~cl)J,0.A~()VZJp: [LMJ n Addition n Remodel' n !lobile 110m3 Describe ll'ork: ~~0s\~ ~(bD , ~\JYC~ I)-! /4(Y . Valus f\ f(U Date of Applicaticn Conrractors General ...: Plumbing W:l\ O~ q...., A.~~. ~ I Hechanicai ~DY\Q. y~ ,dSSC(l~ I E~~ctri!;al I SI1JJe'C....m.t~;;,..,g glectr:i<<.;ian U6b Sigr.ed: Data: A~ ~1,1(/J,0ri Arlrlress Lise. W Bidrs Iloard J{e". llhnni' D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER I1ISP;:C'fION: To be made after all inBulati~n and '. rcquired vapor barriers are in placa. but before any lath. gypsum booN! or ~ll covering is applied. and before any insulation io concealed. D DnYWAT~L INSPECT!ON: To be mado alte,. all dl'YLJaLL i8 in place.. but p1'ior to any taping. O ~SONRY: Steel location, bond beama, grouting or verticals in aocordance with U.B.C. Seotion 2415. D WOODSTOVE.. After instaUation is ccmpleted. D CURB & APPROACI/ AP!10N: After foms aro oreated but prior to pouring .:wnarete" o SIDEf/Af.X & 'ORII'EWI1Y.. For all con- crete paving within streot right- of-IlJCY~ to be made afteI' all e%ca- 'vating completo & fo~ work & Dub. base rrnterial in plaae. 0~ p u'\ ()1f\. to~ rx:J,S '-' ") ~. Wet ().fll\~ o~i) EXDi,{,(~H fhQ/~q(;) ~ ./1 ( .'10 Jj45-,srofo ,,=*S-~~ It is the responsibility of the permit hoLder to seo that all inopectionB are made at the propsr tim~, t~at Qcoh ~OBD is roadabZu from the stroot, and that the pormit oard is located at the front of the property. .Bui!di~ ~vi=ion appro~ed plan shell remain on thB Buildin9 Sit$ at all times. PflOCSDUP.E FOR INSPECTION R~OUEST~CAlL 726-3769 (recordel') state your City deoignated job numbar, job acM.rcos, typo of in3poc~ic'l requested ar.d when you uiH be ready for inspeotion, Contl'aotorB or O:.mers name and phone number. Requests reCOillQd bsforo 7..00 a-:1 lo.'Ul be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 am will b:: made the next warkina d4y. . ,,' y;"r City Deaigr.atcd Job Numb.r Ie: Qm'74R ~rfc.tI TnPt'(>pt1:mVl D SIT;: INSPEC':'ION:, To, be 11Klde after excavation, but prior to set 'up of fonns. O UNDERSr.A8 PLV1ofBING. ELECTRICAL & . /ofECH,!.vICAL: To be made beforB any work is ~ovcrad. o FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To b. mads after tpCllchco are excavated and fonnG.are erected, but prior to pouring ccncret~. UNDSRGROU,YD PLUMBING. SEWER. W.1TER, DRAINAGE.. To be made priOlO to fil- lir.g trenclree. O UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & MECIIANICAL: . To be mada prior to inotallatton of floor insutation or decking. o O POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instaz,zation of floor insz.:lation or decking. IU-8lWGl1 PrJff!BI{{Q. ET.ECTR!C/I[. .c~Ec1l2 )' LI ANICAl"........~~rk is to be cov~rm- ,until thes8 inspections have beer. made and approved. D FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing :inspec- tior:. D FRAMINr:: Muat be requested afte,. approvaL of rough plwr.bing, alectri- cat & mechanical. All. roofing bracing & chimneys, etc. must be . completed. No wrk is to be con- , coatefl until thiD inspeotion has . bG~n made and approved. D !"ENCE: When compl~te -- Provide' ..gates 0)" movable scctiano through P.U.E. ' o - ,'- DF:MOLITION OR !-lOVSD BUILDINCS =.J Sanitary seuel' ~appBd ::rt p:.opcrt!i l.ir.e ~ Septi:J tan~ p-.onp;;d and filll:~ with Jra:Jol --, Final - (/him above items arc ccmpleted ---1 ar.d wllan demolition is completo or Dtru.::- tUre moved 'and premises cleaned up. . /tJobi Ie Hcmes :=J Bloaking and Sat-,p :=J Plumbing connections -- S&WO)" and wa~er ---, Klectrical Conneotion - Blocking, Bot-up .-J and plumbing conneotions trr.lst 1;0 approJ.'sd before requesting olec~rical inspeo~ion ~ AOCOSGo1"J Build~ng ---, Final - Aft~r p~rches, skirting, decks, ....J eta. aro oompleted. D AlL project oonditions, ouch aO tIle i,nstallat~on of atreot trt:es, c~lation of tit. required landscapir:g, ctc.~ must be satisfied before tJ:t: BUILDINe FINAL can bo rsquost:rd. .,- o FIliAL PLUMBIIIG ~AL M;:CIIANICAL ~INflL EU:CTRI~I.L o FINAL BUILDING: Tho Final BUildinu Inspeotion must bo J"oqueDted altar tho Final Plumbin.3 Electrical, and Mechanical InspectionD have been mads and approved. 10 . . . ..... AAl.D UANIICl,ES AND CU:ANOUT:: JIlJ!'iT, ng ACCF.!JEI8LF., ADJUST/lf."NT TO 8f: u,~m.: AT NO COST TO Cl'!'Y PatJ!! of.~ I JOB NO. I ;~onf!:~ qOO?4~::Ln:uR G~E S S Lot Sq. Ftg. s ~f lot Coverago .II of Stones Total. Height Topography I lITEM I Main SQ.FTG x CcPnoe 'l,!rryrp.t; AcCeSfJOl"ll TOTAL VALUE Is.o.c. (vatuC) 1.5 :r Building Pe1'1'f'lit Sta te Sw-chorge Total Charges ITEM Futures NO. I FEE 1 Reeidential (1 bath) Sani ta~ Sewer Water ~rt.{~. Q..l[(:.nb"flC1 Plumbing Penr.i t I State Surc}o.arge Total. ChaMCB 111';')1 I Res. Sa. NO. PO'S fta. Haw/EXtend Circuits TempOl"artJ Service Ele::trical Pennit State SUl'::harae Total Chlzl'gos I NO. I FEE lITEM Furn:zce !!TV'S I E:rhaus t Hood I Vant Fan I WOodSt07J6 I fV\1'.lI\ Va Vh11~a'j PBJ"J7fit Issuanca Mechanical Permi t Stato SUrcharoe Tntal CharaaD -- ENCROACRMENT -- I SecuM.tl/ Daoosit I Storage I Main tenan~e I Permit I Total ChalV108 I Curbcut ,I Sidewalk I Fcn::e I Eledtrical Label I Nobile Home I I 1'l'rI'T'Ar 1IUJ1I1A1'l' nllr;'.. WT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle CUl-do-sac Value CHARGE Ib.OO . '751 (C'). 75 I. CHARGE CIIARGE /6.00 '}':" ~ - /'S.I'J.."=3 J. .- 5.1.50 . -.,- - REQ,- L-COG~ TuoeICor.et: . I I EnerQ}I Sources I I Heat AccesS. I I Water' .c/p.atnl' II Range Firoplacc I I W00d3 toco II Bedl'ooms: TII'(lc Lot Faces - P.L. North East isouth IWeet Fees Setbacks House Caroge Building Value & Permit This permit io gronted on the express condition that the sdid construction shall;, in all respects;, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinanco, regulating the ccnotructicn and uoe of buildings, and m::zy b,e suopended or revoked at c.ny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. . Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Receipt II: Signed: Plumbing Permit No person ohall construct, instal!, alter or chang~ any ne~ or e:isting plumbing o~ drainage syste~ in whole or in part, unless such peroon io the legal possessor of a valid plumber's liconso, excopt that a po:"son may do plumbing work to property lJhich is OIJJnod, leased or operated by the appLi- cant. Electrical Permit Where Stats La1J requires tJ..at the electrical lJOrk be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been oigned by the Electrical Contractor. . Mechanical Permit I. I PLan Examiner vo'e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED ths completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all info~tion hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d aU lJOrk porforo:ned shatt bo do:1s in accor- dance :.nth the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the 'La'..iS of tho A State of Oreg,:m pertaining to the IJOrk described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be mde of any structU1'8 fJithout pannisaion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contl'actors ar.d e:nplDyoes lJho are in compliance with ORS 701.055 ~ill be used on this project /)~ 7 r-/ (.. -? /) fute