HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1988-2-1 T .. ~~- S~/C Lane County Authorization SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEW .: for: 6'G- -1-:J-'1-r. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application/ ~~~ ~~ Perm~t i ~ V-# ,. roW:;SHIP RArlGE SECTION 06.1.3 j TA.~5~~ I [.aT/PAi{Cr::. I OOUT OF rROpOSED USE OF PROPERTY ~ Residential 0 Industrial o CCtl1unercial 0 Public. lR 02 S~BDIVISIONipARTITION (if applicable) BLOCK LOCATlml ADDRESS STREET IT:'Y ZIP 1074 Dondea Springfield 97477 57RUCTURES CURRENTLY ON PROPERTY SFD UI~CTIONS TO SITe 42nd to Jasper Rd. - R - then L on Dondea across from Elementary School (in cul de sac) ~ESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK - BL SPECIFIC SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEW = OF BEDROOMS I " OF STORI~S I #I 01-' I::I-IPLOYCCS m;NER I 5 NAME AND ADDRESS NOFFKE. Marion 41653 Madrone DECLARED $ VALUE r WATER SUPPLY , o proposed rKl Existing TELEPHONE NUMBER 896 1I8U<<3834 Springfield 97478 CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND OSR #I TELEPHONE NUMBER P:::;Rl>llT TO BE MAILED TO (NAME AND ADDRESS} T~LEPHONE NUMBER KINLEY. Cheryl 200 E. 11th. Euqene 97401 345 6789 I HAVE: CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED A.PPLICATlotl }-'OR PERMIT, dltd .]0 hcra:..y cettifY~_h t <111 infol"lllat.iOIl hereon is true and corrcct, and that I have the following legal interest ill the property:Oo....ncr of rucoJ:d; Ocr-'IlO;L.dt.~, p'lIchasuc; ..tut.horized agent, I f'.:rther certify tha.t any and all work pl!rformed shall be donI! in <iCl..:UU1,,:ll;., Idtli tl:l;) Or llanC~!) of Lan~ County and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described hercin, and that NO OCCUPANCY ....tll be :nadc of ilf.; 51.ructlIL.C without t.he permission of the Building Division. I fur- ther certify that. registration with the Builder's Board is in full focce and effect. <lS required by ORS 701.055, that if.exempt the basis for exclIIption is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance wit~: ORS 701.055 will bo used on this project. I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. Cheryl Kinley NAME (please printl )( ~!~ !t~~;/!;ft 1-29-88 DATE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION 'lAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: [] PLANNING/ZONING: Zone Parti tion # Parcel It Parcel Size Minimum Setbacks: C L, front CL, side interior rear cO!>mENTS: SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEW--NO SPECIAL PLANNING ACTION REQUIRED l-?q-RR .Date: ~ a..uJ.O~""<1 // ~~/.. U Date: Installation Record Issued? Dyes 0 No Maximum Depth ~f Tren~hes ~' ... .I::J:: _ .. , _ ..2 - / -{IIf/ ~ . [] SANITATION: S. 1. It B, P. It Installation Gallon Specifications: Tank COMHENTS,_ L.1L lL- . ~f-,d~1- .JDS_ ", I- .:8f4 ?~,:"..'I -' (/ Lineal reel of Ilt.ilir:fjeld [] ~ EXAMINATION: Type Group USe! COMNENTS: Dale: n [ ,~~/f) ~- 2-/-ff ~ROVED BY BUICDtNG/OFF~C VDESIGNEE leer ORS 456.805(1)) DATE LANE COUNTY DEPARTM OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, 125 E T 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION C 14-25 R84- . . SETB,\CKS A:m Q7!!::R CC::OITIO::S OF' ;"PPRQ'J,\L ~:\jST BE SiRIe,:,:.,' OE5!:R'.'ED. VIOL.;TIO:: CA:, RESULT IN RE\"O- C;,:'10:: Of crus 1',:R:HT. CIT;,TIO:: U::D:;R PROVI5ro::s Or LA~E;:ai.:::TY';; INFR"CTIQ;.J OIlDI::,;:;CI::, ;,,,ajOR OTHER RC:.1EDIES ALLOWED BY LAW, \o'HE:l RE,\DY FOR r::SPE.':7rO;J, CAL:" &f17-';065. ,., ~1I;:J:.:L':.: or AT L::;,ST 2'; llOt;RS ;\OV,\:;CE ::O':'IC!': FOR IllSPEC- TIV:: 1{t;r~\L":::;7:i :.;:.;::>'1' ITS GIVE::. Ha'.'c tne ,allowing in::o~::Ia~::on :-cacy: ,ormit number, Job address, type of inspect.~on. when it wi.ll be ready, your name and pr.Of.C :lU::lbcr, and any s;Jccial directions to site. BUILDI~G D!VISIO~: REQUIRE:> l::SPCCTlONS; 1. FOl.:nd<ltion InSPCCt.lon: To be mild€! .lfter trenches are excavated and forms erected and' when all C'.aterlaJ.S :;or Ene toundation are delivered on the.job. I.o'here concrete fro::! a central mixing plant (commonly termed "transit mixed") is t.o be used, r.'Iaterials need not be on the job. 2. Concrete Slab or Under-;:.loor Inspection: To be mace after all in-slab or under-floor building serVl~e equrpment, conOUlt., plplny accessories, and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor. 3. Framing ~ Insulation Inspections: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking, and braclng arc tn ?J.acc ~ aJ.J. plpes, fireplaces, chi~neys, and vents are complete and all rough elect.rical and plumbing are approved. All wall insulation and vapor barrier are in place. 4. Lath and/or Gvosum Board Inspection: To be made after all lathing and 9ypsum board, interior and eXICrTOr;-rs-rn-prace ou~ oeLore any plastering is applied and beiore gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and finished. 5. ~ Insoection: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. ~o work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obt3ining the approval of the building off:cial. Such approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. All building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: Block wall: TO be made a!ter reinforcing is in place, but befo~e any grout is poured. This rnspection is required for each bOnd beam pour, There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved, Wood~; To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation is co~plete. Installation shall be in accordance with an approved, nationally recognized testing agency and the manufacturer's installation instructions. Mobile Home: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved scwer-or septic system for setback requirements, blocking, footing connect.ion, tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing connections. 1. Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended by the manufacturer. . 2. ~obile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a flood- plain management letter. 3. ~lobile home tiodowns, when required, .1nd skirting shall be installed and ready for inspec- tion within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. O. Swtmmln9 Pool Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade ~nen pool-rs-installed. ~OTE: A. B. c, ,WPROVED PLA:lS :.IUST BE 0:; THE JOB SITE AT ALL TI:-JES OURI"G WORKING HOURS. ':ollIS PERJolI1' WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS Sl1SPE::DEO OR ABA~DONED FOR :.lORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION ;.lAY OCCUR IF THIS PERl.IIT I~AS ISSUED ON TilE Bj\SIS OF INcmlPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORHATION. ^NYO~E PROCEEDING Pi\ST TilE POIl1T or REQUIRED INSPECTIO:1S WILL DO SO AT TIlEIR OWN RISK. :i SUBSURFACE ,\ND "LTER~ATTVE SEHAGE DISPOSAL SYSTE}IS: 1. Permits shall be ~ffective for one year from the date of issuance. 2. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued, the permit holder shall notify the Lane County Department of Planning and Co~munity Development by submitting the installation record form. The Department shall inspect the construction to determine if it complies with the rules contained in this division. If the.con~t;uction does comply with.such 'to rules, .the Oep,Jrtment. s!1all issue: a I.!cttificate of. ,satisfacto.r.Y.,s:oDlpletion to. the perlllit; holder. If the construction clo~s not comply wittT such ~ules;, the De-partmefit shall nonly' the"p~I'\ntt' ..holder and shall require satisfactory completion before issuinq the certifiC;;J.tc. F.:\ilurc. tQ_ meet the .requirement.s for sati5f.1ctory completion ""ithin a reason<Jble time constitute;; _a \7io- '1.rtion of ORS -15-1.605 to -154.745 and this rule. . - - Setbac~s - Subsurface S~wdqe Dis~osa~ From: Interior propert, lines Ed,;c 0:- road n:;i1t:-o!-way BIll10lnq toun(!ation ~ells. other ~;;J.tcr sources ScPtic~ lO' 10' 5' 50' lO' lO' lO' 100' Dr.1infield '. \ '. \. "''''. -' . " s j --- ...... C> . . ~e ~\~pJtN ...--- ~i ~ ::fj'/J,J --- ~ArA~.t , I ~ .~~ v +1 W-~~ .. ., . .;;. 751 .- I 1901rL89 I lOvL6 ~O '3N3~n3 "3^V 4~8 '3 SZl I . NOISI^IO 1N3W39VNVW ONV1 . , EJ;-'71 :3sn ONV1/3NOZ -- - .. A1NO 3Sn jjV1S ~Oj .. . :31IS 01 SN011J3~IO 9 , )/J018 S3~JV 101 (op o~ ueld nOA ~e4M Al~JeXa a~e~s) 1S3nb3~ S (alqeJ~ldde J~) NOISI^I08nS v :dIHS~3NMO 3WVS NI A1~3dO~d SnOn~I1NOJ 1V101 N011J3S 3~NV~ d1HSNM01 9NINOZ # 13J~Vd ~O (S)101 XV1 ~NINOZ # 13J~Vd ~O (S)101 XV1 N011J3S 39NV~ dIHSNM01 9N1NOZ # 13JMVd ~O (S)101 XV1 N011J3S 39NV~ d1HSNM01 (~uawa~e~s xe~ WOJJ JO uo~~exe1 pue ~uawssaSSV JO ~uaw~Jedao U~ sdew xe~ WOJJ) (NOI1VW~OjN1 03~1nb3~) t:Ia1aWnN 'a10t:lVd '9 d'Cl'W E (SS3~OOV 9N111VW WO~j 1N3~3jj10 j1) SS3MOOV A1M3dO~d Z I ' # 3NOHd3131,3WOH 1 # 3NOHd3131 SS3N1Sn8 # 3NOHd3131 3WOH # 3NOHd3131 SS3N1SOS 300J d1Z 31V1S AllJ 300J d1Z 31V1S AlD SS3~OOV 9NIl1VW SS3~OOV 9NIlIVW ~3NMO Al~3dO~d 1S3nb3~ 9N1)/VW NOS~3d , e i031J3r3M 38 111M SW~Oj 3131dWOJN1 'N01IJ3S SIHl 3131dWOJ l33 HS NOIlVWHO.:INI AlIAIJ.:)V . e . . . .'" . . I c~r " '. . . , . rr n . .. . e- . ,I r I . A .m (51 .~ i " .~ 1 r[' ~ " .~ ~ , . .~ . r .~ , r"".l . . " " 1 " . . . . I:' . .: . W: 5 LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT ~ 26688 APPLICANT KINLEY, CHERYL ADDR 200 E. 11TH ST.. EUGENE TL~ 1802061j08500 SUBDIV LOT NEW BLDG TYPE USE R BDRMS 0 UNiTS 00~ STORIES ~BLDGS 001' PHONE 345 OWNER NME NOFFKE, MARION ADDR 41653 MADRONE ST.; SPRINGFIELD CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE Bf BP BP BP BP . DATE 01298E BL~ 67A9 ~~ it .(51 ~ , . .1 ~FIX/BATH: SWR: FT. WTR:' MECHANICAL FEE STATE SURCHARGE PLAN CHECK FEE FT'. RAIN: FT " .. ;; .~ " .. '\ 'I~ ,. il .' . PL ,MECH SUR PCK LR 5X 257. LC 26588 SDSV 60.00 . . . CATG: SEQU:, TAKEN APP , 1~ BY GT RA FP SDS SI PCK OTH ISS 3 DEPOSIT ** .. , g . 1'" I' 2 1~ 60.00 ce j EST. COMPLETION DATE , ' . ~ ~ I e~ . r . . . ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET ENID" ',- :"", '; l.....' ...~.."''' ...,Nt o'~,,,..... ......"............",.~~-_... ./ , ~. anE ,I_ounty - Please complete all Items above dolled line FILLING OUT * LINES WILL GET YOU INFORMATION ONLY ;k(1~ tudJl~.A:V;- wk ~ *DATE / 1 ;'/11 ~~ ?!.aee~", /_. - - 17 ACTUAL /1 J t;?uruL /~ it1 /-tu ~~O:E~TY f'1MIdtA. Ah f'{ke AODRESS ,M(J k. II~ I AODRESS 4/Vf{3 /JI/ adY~Ilt?- CITY J:1"'1L1.AA-! STATE lJl zlPdf7'11i CITY ~ STATE ()12 ZIP<17tf7J! TELEPHONE (Bu0J/5-~7gj)(HOMEI ' . TELEPHONE (BUS) tHO ME) 896' 3~3t/ /()'/II /)DII~/.l.- - StJM c?7fL77 * PERSON MAKING REOUEST * PROPERTY ADDRESS OR MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (Found on tax maps in the Assessment & Taxation DepL) STAFF WILL DETERMINE_ !{ 1d3'- :::IrA Zoned Flood Plain' IE .,; ~). - or, - /.5 g5~O Township Range Section Tax Lot Township Range Seclion Tax Lot Zoned Flood Plain Township Range Section Tax 'Lot Zoned Flood Plain TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: ACRES *REQUEST(descrlbe whal you wanl to do) -~t:?+/(J. i7'1.~"ec-It'/)AJ I ) , ..&;;;. /u /'u!<V' : Directions Ao site , frt.<,..J.j lJl4" I/i >r/'tJ. M I '-- tk!.~~- wi -f1.IJ1!Jc_J;;7....~J#I2f ....................5taff Use On~.................... comments:.~~~ 'land Management Division, Public Works Department 125 E. 8th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 phone 687-4061