HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-6-13 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB ADDRESS: 1068 Dondea St., Springfield, Oregon CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC-1296-80 TRS, TL: 18-02-06.1.3 TLN 8400 Subdivision: Meadow Green Estates . Lot-9 B1k-1 This permit for the referenced property is hereby Approved Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. .Applicant/ Address: Charles Edi son Owner/Address: same ,Contractor/ Aderess: Gordon Rogers ,Cqntractor's OS # -10012 I 4Instruc~,~n a~.~ro~ed b~:,~h~S p:er~it:. . . ~ ....:.... "'" .... Water Supply:..' na PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION ~ Dennis, same as above Telephone: 746-0956 Telephone: same Telephone: 747-2074 Total Construction Value: na Earth, Stove Installation. ';StruCt'ures_ now on property: SFD ." ". , . 1"" c na # Bedrooms: # Plumbing Fixtures: na # Employees: na Zoning: na '. Partitioning # na Parcel # Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: na side exterior: na ; interior property lines: na ;rear property line: na Special Instructions: na na Parcel Size: na' ; centerline of road, For information call 687-4394, Candi Site Inspection # na.. Installation specifications: na na lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: na Special Instructions: na Setbacks Septic Tank .erior property lines 10' ge of road right-of-way 10' Building foundation 5' Wells, other water sources 50' CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: na Date Issued: 6-13-80 C55-13 gal. min. septic tank capacity; Drainfield 10' 10' la" lOa' For information call between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., na na Type of Construction: Group: Fire Zone: Use Classification: Instructions: Installation shall comply with mfg. recommendations as a-proved by Northwest Laboratories. JEB & DRS & JSS For plans information call 687-3750 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a,m" John Smeed For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m, and 5:00 p,m. ./ OEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. COURTHOUSE f PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By: John Smeed/RLH bne county ca LANE COUNTY DEF'T ENV MGT RECEIPT ~ 129'ta0 DATE 051680 . APPLICANT DENNIS, CHARLES EDISON ADDR 1068 DONDEA ST., SPRINGFIELD, OR TL~ 1802061308400 SUBDIV MEADOW GREEN ESTATES LOT 9 BLK 1 NEW BLDG TYPE USE R NO BDRMS 00 NO UNITS 001 NO STORIES NO BLDGS 001. CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE DAYS BP BP BP BP BP BP BP PL MECH SUR PCK 1 -;. , . S. 6 .. 10 -. 12 ..!.'.. 16 -. :;'1 I ~. " -. 14 l!. " -. .. -,I L 52. " -. l! ~. .. -. E- ".J . ~. .. -. .. ..!!.. " . .. ~ " 1!.. LC 129780 WS NO. FIXTURES: SIFO CPI TAKEN BY CH WPC .. -.- .. ~. ~ . . EARTH INSERT NO. CONNECTORS: MECHANICAL FEE STATE SURCHARGE PLAN CHECK FEE PLAN ELEV ADDR COMPLETED BY FP . 5.00 4% 0% EACH = ENVH TOTAL FEE** .. '. c. i. . . . " ,I . . . . , . . . Ii . 15.00 5. .. 0.60 15.60 .. 0~ 0~ .~ 0" '. ~, .0~ II.; C'~ ~ ~._~ o u . 6 . ,.~ . 0 : e . ~~ II ~I\r\ eDEPARTI'IENT OF ENVIRONI1ENTAL t1ANAGEMENT /. \ J',..,,- PSB, 125 EAST BTH AVENUE '"' ~/ "'- '1 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 -"- ''',- Job Address IrJC,( /)"AlcI€1I q: lit... .tllii..,.......1is... ..11...... ..i..........w....t~.~'''~.''.I.%Silb.'... tllii\Wi'til)eWUotl IS' 4 2- (J;) (, 13 ~~I~~f~r~.9mbi;t.;. .~.~ I;Smtrs ".".,,".,,'''~'='' :Jl Application for ";-~/,t'IA~~ 1~~(tLr-- Structures now on the property ~/N"/~ iii'III'\. R,::;ri,,/wc'-<- lii':' $lllIl(j$il~l\r: ",...,j '71 !RilHdlmtfMl ' n 't_Il~et;~ 1_-1 1.;..ffi!......)f.s't'iir~jm .J.1!1l!L..""~,....,,,J!:rnP!l.J,jL lA' ~~~.J _ "b",,,,..Lh,, " Affidavit: I, (]{IfeIK ~!Q;'; ,f)("WAliS IlflllM!l1l!tJntl If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane ~unty Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose, I have the following lega' interest in the property: ~ owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; duly authorized to"a5t for ~~n:r, w}9 is knowledgeable of this application, Signature/Address uA~ JJb~ (zio) P7Y'77 Telephone 71/(.,- o?Sb or Date :>//6/1:0 When pennit is rH9Y notify: CI AppJ1cant, 15"[Mner CI Contractor ~: () mail I'?!phone [Mner f.i.~ ~ &...~~ (zio) 'rN77 Phone 7'fC,-oya. Contractor C6edo/J }?(Jq€1lS (zi 0) '111"77 Phone 7'17- ;207</ Contractor's OSR# /t70/.:J- Plumbing by A/C~ rn1.WJ S;l2f"4F/f'1c1 ~ ['Voo ''''''''] /f '.ft".l"<?"'C1.. I l!igk, 7 ".Q.~" ~""~J~nf1) ~':r?:7/~ IA 'fd 'H'ti. \ ,",U"q~e ..' ~m e",~ o llli!1ttt~J% , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. = ?~md 7 Q ~C:i~;d"bY_ t'3(~ d " Water Supply jI ~ ' Proposed _____ Existing Year Installed ./ If Commerc ia 1: f#WQ~;i$t6~jei1 r~~.~:;:.~Hr.'~Uf<<:.,*.'''~;p Residential: ili~t[~fOQm$l SI test holes ready Tel) h&l~ 'iliNtF1btl&i\ r2 " /' ~"J'f' ~UC2~PJ /./~ 'C \' Valuation Fee $ /\ $/<:::"-. cTLI $ $ $ each $ each $ Total Valuation: $ !PJ.linflJitiiRiij at $ lI~fl~li]tliJj at $ PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: Zone ~A-.part. # 11.. fro~t ........... Parcel # Subtotal $ $ ~6:;~ $ $ TOTAL $5- C:z..d /'" - Parcel Size #(~ 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy . A , ll. side int. ; rear Conments To be typed on permit ?S~ I.0P&1 C/ WPC CI Planning CI Public Works I~I Elevation /~/ n/a CI Address I~I Facility Permit CI Environmental Health Date L \J For plans information call (area inspector) Directions to site By I. 'r. MoieJU'S 'S^-A.:- \' Date c; - Zl - ro Phone Plans to: CP&I WPC set(s) set(s) Date Required Hold Slip to PCC Date Completed Da te to PCC '" -"-.:.~ ,-11- ~ _,~ .,"/! - . ~~~~ ~ (T CVJ -(1./ --:J- ?tv .~L~~ -I~S-bl~~ .~1~, d4-410~~ Permit Control Center 687-HELP (6~3~~ ~ FOR INFOro.~TI0N about progress of your application call: C74-171 ;:.,' &/I.e./.,ES' lJ~/ S :'.~ '-:."APc{g DOIVb.e.11.~ ) ..- "::;;/f I N (; P lel-D, ORe 6-0/>/ NORTH\VEST "'\ 'j ftD If(1 .1 .J >19fJ) ~ t) (J~J ~ <} 7Y'7? LABORATORIES of S"(/II/f..', IlIcorporl/lcd Tt'chnicJI Sl..'fviccs (or: Industry. COll1fJlNCe, /.I:y,'/I Proh's.~io" .~; 11J511f,'/IIf:e /tu/I/srrv 1530 FIRST "VENUE SOUTH ~ ~) 3 , ':j u=. ~ \ ~ 0' N - .s . SE^TTLE, W^SHINGTOI" ~!l1]'1 Telepholle: 120lil 522,0580 . r1ovembe,' 23, 1979 Energy Alternatives P,O. Gox 5~9 Tualatin, OR 97062 ,t'!. t t ~~ : V C!~r. C ~.O\.:l 2j' Re: Mark One Fireplace Insert Test Vern: From Apl'il 2'] thl'OU(111 Apri I 27, 1979, tests Vllcl'e cOllllii<:ted on t.1a rk One Fi rep 1 ace I nsel't for FncI'gy I~ 1 te1'rlil t i ves , All tes ts 1'le,'C dOrH~ in accordance \'/i th the test pl'ocedure hy j'Jol't1n'!est Lubo,.utol'ies, dated Hal'cll 26, 1979, 1,Il'jcll \'/05 ilppl'oved by I,C.G,O. The I.lil rk One F i l'ep 1 ilce Insert. pa ssel! illl t\/S t n~qu i I'CIIICII to. for bl'ilnd, fla~,h ,1nd l"ildiant fi"es on ,1'11 componlmts of t.he units, as \'Jell ilS pClssinlJ electrical component tests and tests 1'01' impilct resistilnce ilnd CO level determination. rhnOl' I'evisiow; in the de~,ign of the units \'I('re l'equired for compli,1nce to the st,1ndilrds quoted c1bovc. All units ill'e nOl'1 he'inl} produced "lith these I'evisions, In ilpproved masonl'j' construction fi rcrd ace:. , the cleilrilnces to comhustibles will be ilS follows: 1) Clearances to either side illong t.he fireplace front: to combustibles mounted flush on the fireplilce fl'ont is 4 inchcs~ 2) Cleal'ances to comhusl'ibles in fl'Ont: of the uni t at tile extended hearth level I'd 1 1 be Ginches, 3) Cleilranccs from the top of the unit to combustible mantle extending 8 incbes out fl'om tbe fireplilce front I'li 1\ be ,20 inches, 11) Clearances from tbe top of the unit to combustible", mounted flush on the top of tile fireplace fl'ont \'Iill he 10 inches, Combu:;tibles mounted flush "ill be :l!~ inch !1Ii1xirlHlIlI. """\ ~/ -,'~ --... ..- ~ ..-' ..,~'~, .".oIL;'l . . NORTH\VEST LABOHATORiES uf SCI/Il/C, IIIClupol'll/!'d 7"I.'CI1l1;C..,/ Servicl..'s fo(: Inrlusrrv, COlllmcrce, (.I.'!pl I'rufl.',~:.iu" 8 Insl/rllnce Industrv 1530 FIRST AVENUE SOUTH . SEATTLE, WASIIINC,TON %13,1 , , . T"'"pll"",,, 120GI G22'0680 Ilovemhel' 23, 1979 '.ole are nO\~ in the process of \vl'i tinr) i1 I'cpn,'t of the re~;1I1 to. of the:.e tests and al'e compilill~ an appl'oval ~;ulllnitt:ill pilcl:il~je f()J' 1.C.I3.0. He ill'e presently conductinu Cju,ll'l:c,'ly Cjllill'j I:y contl'ol inspect'iOlls fo the units as pruduced. Sincerely, /'> ' , ' ( (--, U t/;L, \1 \fL,I.),/ /_f, I~ ~r- .. . , RONALD J, kEISEL Professional Engineer .15264 RJI'I: cmh " r. l- ! '~,.. ~, -' ..J ,Q : .. .:., ...-' ,0'1 "~ "I ,~{:o ". , ::l ' , ,tlt~\lI:' . , ~ ). ~ J~ ' . >,,' 'O:'Jclo" ,\., "In ,0;:', ..;::: ;~.;;~t~ ,..y ,.,;:.. ~~ \ .~ ~ -'0' ~ '-. .;.c\ ~ '.\;l. ~, I \ I / ,}01~ 7 ~, \ '? ~ ,~ ~ , \ J \ \ \ i I , \ , ._~u_ ~ l ~ 1\ I \ , " . _ -..L- \ \ \ ~' ,,' .: ',.t, ~ }:. f',.': ' "", ',' . t,J;,.,,:,': h I t,- ' '~{,.l,,'~.; . . r ^ ".. 1/' - / ..I.? c'.. :!",,..-' . _:~ ,I;'~.>J r;'':~ 4w 'll~r ~>:~!~:. i. '.;.,1",::( .~. "", "l'~4''\'l~/ l\~f:;'I~lI1 \", . ."" " . 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" \i.l' ~~ :~ , ~;: I I I I ~ I ~ , ~ I ;" ~~~ '~1~ III! ,r.' ~ ":/.; J)", ~,~ 1".. ,> ~. :: '.,' 'i / / ..,.t 'i \ 'r I I ~ ).\ ~) Jt e<furn your 'fireplace into at home heating system~ c..,D- ) ~ f\ , PROBLEM: How can you save heating costs in your fireplace- equipped home? An ordinary fireplace wastes fuel and energy, almost all of the heat goes up the chimney. SOLUTION: The Mark I fireplace furnace is an efficient wood heater that fits into your existing fireplace without special modifications to your home. One load of wood burns for hours and very little heat goes up the chimney. You get the warmth that wood heat provides, right in your own home. UNIQUE HEAT TRANSFER SYSTEM Room heat circulation is provided by an electrically operated blower fan which takes cool air from the room, warms it around the outside of the enclosed Mark I firebox and returns the warmed air back into your home. With the Mark I you enjoy your fireplace's radiant warmth with the added safety of tempered glass doors. A special air vent is even included that works to keep the glass doors clean.. .Iess work for you. 1.',W:;'.;;'':\''';.a'''''~h\(i.~-:;?' ~L. '",,!_. - --- -_.-._-- '<#1' SAVING HOME HEATING COSTS With the Mark I fireplace furnace you can reduce your conventional heating bills significantly. Let wood do the work... turn down your home thermostat and set the Mark I heat controls for maximum room comfort. With the Mark I you save home heating costs while using one of nature's finest renewable energy resources. STANDARD FEATURES 1 Heated return nir 2 Choice 01 polished brass, antique brass or black trim 3 8" dampured flue 4 Replaceable hearth heat shields 5 Flue damper conlrol 6 Large heat circulation chamber 7 1/4" replaceable tempe/cd glass lire doors 8 Replaceable "draw Iype" lirescreens 9 Built-in.log sllield 10 Cool air intake system 11 Pre-heated "power pack" air inlakes lor efficient complete combuslion 01 wood at all burning levels 12 Oversize blower Ian blades 13 Powerlul "long Iile" blower kit assembly 14 Replaceable masonry firebox Iloor 15 Bottom combustion (lam per conlrol 16 Variable speed Ian motor control 17 Fulty insulated conslruction to prevent heat loss .,,-.-,,"., M' ~ -., ,1 c,(,'l , b " " , "" ib, .' ....1 ",:l It'" ',' ,J' .,(\...~, ";~~}'" '{1: .ll .~ i ;" ~{~,,,t" ';' ;!"l ,-;,,:,-1.' . LV"~~'~:!;C'", :~. J i~ ,~':~ lJ,~~ " (I' l~ . 11 ('I:~ ;-<," , " ,'/, ,,~,:~j ~, , "",.,:".- , L' IJ' ' , ) ;. ;r.c' If\i ;\,':1," "';' , " ....... ,'-:,1"....." ..."'ll'" 'J . "'I. I ~' I:' >om.' 1 '. ~,_.I~ ," ,;~...j ~f. j l,j~:: /1 _ ... J ~..J..J , . " , ~';O';' or,. .:/' {, ",,' 1;'-, h~,j..""" <> .," ... ~: l-;'-' .,....' ...~ " , -':',)',: ,r -- ~asy to in~an f.' . . '1) I I '. measure your fireplace fill in the above dimensions Write your The Mark I furnace fireplace will fif your fireplace dimensions if your dimensions are- here more than... but less than.. .1 A 24" 30" 1 B 33" 42" 1 C 20Y2" 1 0 24" I E 15" 1 ~ 3 )" ow )~~(k\ll\i,)g\ )( rIlUPlAClfUANAl;1 ~ Aller you have determined that the Mark I will lit your fire- place, installation and hook-up will lollow three simple steps: 1 Slide the firebox unit into the fireplace opening (make sure that' your fireplace drall is securely locked in the open position). Leveling legs on the bottom of the stove allow easy positioning of the lirebox unit in the fireplace, 10p and bottom anchors are provided to secure the fire- box in place. 2 Bolt on the fireplace front screen and door assembly (all necessary hardware is included). 3 Plug in the blower motor cord to the nearestll0v wall socket in your home. The cord can be let out to the right or the left of your fireplace unit. Manufactured by: ~~~ PO, Box 549 Tualatin, Oregon 97062 Authonzed dealer: ,~~:-;""t_- ,~;~ "'?' ..-:; -/".; ...$;'", ,t."1.{-L)~Jf..Z~{;.(c.< ,=-~~u~-<('~: tf:~/.'. L~,~-/r~:';::-'2. '. '; : ..::::..:~..'~c.::~;'< ~..';::c.l~ ;"r?::(~':-~',(t~:,~.;.~? i~:. "(:'(?~:~' :r::r-.-5~i~.;';;' 12178.50M.ML , "'EAnTH STOVE P"lllctlinUSA ~-~~",,;::;;~. rr~'--'~" JOB ADDRESS: POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE -+ lGbC Doncica St. D S:,l"ifl4'li01~, Oregon CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC-12[;6-;:;O TRS, TL: 18-02-00.1.3 TUi 8LiOn Subdivision: 1,~aad=:1 Grccn Estiltcs l.ot-!l 3111.-.1 . This permit for the referenced property is hereby J\i1p..ovc:d Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be stnctly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law, Applicant/Address: Chilrks Edison DCililis. Sili.":<! as a"'ovQ, Owner/ Address: sc;~ Contractor/Address: Gol"<lon Rot!~V's Contractor's OS # 10012 Total Construction Value: na .onstruction approved by this permit:, Water Supply: n~ PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Telephone: 7%-0956 Telephone: SOr::2 Telephone: 7lJ7-2UJ4 Earth Stove Installation. Str:Jctures nO:1 on property: SFD # Bedrooms: # Plumbing Fixtures: # Employees: nn nn "n Zoning: ila Partitioning # I'll! Parcel # Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: nil side exterior: .llil ; interior property lines: 00 ;rear property line: na Special I nstructlons: no Ill! Parcel Size: n(/ ; centerline of road, For information call 687-4394, Cal'ldf ' Site Inspection # I'la Installatio~ specifications: no na lineal feet of drainfield required; max.' depth of trenches: na Special I nstructions: nil Setbacks Septic Tank .terior property lines - 10' , dge of road right.of-way' 10' Building fO!1ndation 5' Wells, other water sources 50' CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS/I NSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: f.<l Date Issued: 6-13-80 C55-13 gal. min. septic tank capacity; Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., nn n.. Type of Construction: ~roup: Fire Zone: Use Classification: Instructions: Installilticn shall caIj:lly t1ith mg. roc(!;'.xr.dat1ons as a-proved by f~ol'1:htleSt' labol"llroV'1es. JEll (\ D:tS (\ JSS For plans information call I;R7.-3750 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m" JOhr. c:~ For inspections (see back onliis permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m, anCf 5:00-p-:m. ./ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By: JG~n S;~/niH 6ne county ~ . . SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED Cl DISAPPROVED Cl DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FOUNOATION INSPECTION ApPROVEO L-/ 0' SAPPROVEO L-/ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED Cl DATE INSPEC10R ~EMARKS~"~'/ {HjL~ cr>.'-f_^, 1u'f;.,dA...~ 'Y.1.//!~. n..ul /'~~ z3j-U '" ~? r'k.?AA ;;:;U.. ~ ~~~'ft.'f1z.t, c:;-~,.(}~.\'~~. ~~<"_~~~ ~ ~ (.'C'v.7;~~~,^", ~=)R- ~ LC:.2~C '. CL - d-4-':(?r :-_~. _' U? -eI,If' ~ .6 '/2' .,.. ~ ~ LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION " -i ApPROVEO L-/ DISAPPROVED / ( DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS ~ . FINAL INSP;C~ ApPROVED _ 01 $APPROVED C7 DATE_1-15- g3INSPECTOR~ - ,...,. , ~ 1 Rr.MARK 5 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE L::::7 NOT READY TO ISSUE ! ! DATE INSPECTOR REMARK 5