HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-1-23 (2) . .. RESI.NTlAL" APPLICATION/PER/fIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 w,,":__ .' Job Location: l:)O:::>Nn""A 10'2, ASGC8GOl'': Map II \ P, -0 2. -0 G - n Subdivision: <j-r Ta Lot II 6&'00 (}.mOl': WALl w Ii (S~. H IL'D E" L s, Phone: 7<1.1,- 4-p>o8 Address: lOLl L>ON /:),,-,<\ City: 5PL'-,N'4FlelD ~ I I I lJro:.' WOC'uF-e.A-tEQ Additien lG "'0 __ 2..8<"0 Remodel ,'!o'bi!2 ,r:om:J Data of AppZicaticn ...:ont'l..:::::c:;ors 1~-'\V-8c Oe... Zip: DescPibe fl'ork: 5,oi2A C'tIL 'i!.-oe-.-.., '-/--, 8!,<, l-/.c,14 E"lv€, , Value 1> \'~j.("~ c::!::IL,I..ictoL \?"\.) , L-i:\:? rL Add..-es3 :t:: ia th8 l'csponof,bility of the permit holder to see that aH in:;pectio71S are made at the proper timc" that ::a.ch .:dares3 is :re~:c -"rom ths BtrBet, and that the pcrrrrit card is located at the front of the property. '8ui?di~.g D-:.ui::io-:: approved pLan shell. l'er..ain on th;;. Building Site at aU times. '.70CSDUPE FOP. Il.'SPE(:1'IOll REOUE'ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City .:iesigT'..2ted job n~ber, job adi.rcss, type of ir:3pec:icn 'equcs~cd a~~ u~en you ~i,~ De reaay Jar inspection, Conrractors or OUne~s ncme end phone n~cr. Reques~s recei~ec cefere 7;00 ~ .'ilL be made the Bame dey, requests meae, afta' 7:00 am win be made the next '-'Orki.ng de;,'. y. I 0.: ~p~ ~.o'9 ,,' Y;"'" City Desi.gr.ated Job Nwnbor Ie: S'iPb 1 S ';unl;''''':.,! r"'P2"r1:.ip'J.Q 'Vl SITE It.'SP~C':IO:,r; To be rrr:zae after 0 .Lj excav,:n::i,:m, but prior tc set up of forms.~ '/11)9/#r~P c::"'i~,)..& ] : UND!RSLA!1 PLUl..'3ItlC, E~E:1',t~IC1L & \ :.' . NECH.J.;IIC:.L: To be maae before any work is covered. - :' General Plumbing Electrical t-Jo,.., ~ " Ne:::itar.ic;:l .. C~nst1'Uction Lender \Il FOOTING ~ FOUND,1TION; To be rrr:zce ~ after ~l'enches are excavated and form~ are erected, but prior to ')" poUM.r.g ccncret~. ., , UI U!.'D!.r?G..~~U:iD P['~l'fEIN~? SE~R. W.1T~ !J ,ro.'1"J.liI1G=.-, To De ma.::e pM-or to f1.l- . ~ir.g--crenches. ] U!lDE.f:?FLOOR r'LU,'.!3I,'lG & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to instaZZation of 11001' insulation or decking. POST At':D EEA,'.!; To be r.-.adc prior to insta~~aticn of floor insulation or decking. ] ] ROUCH PU'?:~I.',IC, ELEC'J'.'?IC/'!. t. UECH- AliICAL: .'.'0 :..IOrk is to Dc covered untiL these insvectior.s have beer. made ar.d c:pprove=.. FIREPL~CE; Prior to pleciT'~ facing materia~s and before framing inspec- tior.. FRA.'fJ.'IC: /.f'..l=t be reque3ted after approv~L of rough pl~bing, zlectri- caL & mechanicaL. A U roofing bracing ~ chimneys, et.:::. nr..lst be . completed. /.'0 wrk is to be con- ..:. cealed until this insocction has . b6en made and approvcd. ] ~ INSULA'1'IONIVAPO."l? BARRIER INSPECTION; To be TT'.ade after all. insu~.:.;:tian w.d roequired vapor carriers are in place Cut beloroe any Lath, gypsum board or wall covering is applied, and beforc . any ir.11uZation is concealed. o DRYWALL INSPE:CTTON; To be made after aU d:ryt.;aLl ,is in place, but prior to any taping. ~MSONRY; Steel Location, bond oeam3, ol'Outina or vertica.ls in accoraance Lr~th U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE; After installation is ccrrrpZeted. ~ Rcce:~t ..; .... /~ Ip / l/'f( t-, , '. o o o CURB & APPROACH APRON; After' forms a::re ore.:::ted but prior to pouring con.:::rete. SIDEr';ALK & DRI'/Er,'AY: For aU con- crete paving within street right- of-ocy, to be made after all exca- vating complete & fo~ work & sub- base material in pZa::e. c:OtJ8: , ~~ ~ \ \ C \ 0'" \ ()~ I ~')...'- Si~ed; Data: cv / -;z.3 -<7"/ o o ~EnCE; A~r. ca~pl~te -- Provide gates or movable. sections through P.U.E. . Li;;o. it .:;=:~n.l'.:os F-r.or:.: o DE.'1()LITIO;',1 OR ,~:OVE; E:"'lLDI::CS ~ Sani=ary Se'..Jer :::ap?ed ~t v:.opcrt":i lir.e ~ Septic tank P-"'""7.:d and fi1.Z.:~ with ;r::J.".JeZ ::J Pinal - rl'hen ab.:::ve ite.'7Is arc cc...-raletca and uhen demc~itior. is c~'eto or st~~:- ture moved. and pr::r.ri.;;es cZearn:d up. Mobile Hcr.:es =:J Blocking and Set-~p =:J PlumbiT'~ conneetions sewer ar~ water ---, Electrical Ccnr.ection - BZockiT'~, se:-u~ --.J and p'LWTlbing conr.cctions nr...st be a;:?ra"...c.i before requesting elcctri.:::a'L in8pec=io~ =:J Accessop',d Building ::J Fina'L - J'.ft.:or pprches, etc. arc campZe;~d. skirting, decks~ o Al'L project conditions, such as the insta~Zation of street ~raos. c~'7Ip'Lc:i~n of the required 1Arid8cepir.g~ etc., must be satisfied beloro the BUILDI/;C Fl:lAL can be r:uluest.=d. ] FIlIAL PLU!.!BIllG ] FII:A.L NE~HA:.'1CAL ] FI....AL E!.~~' - :C/oL ] ~ ,~ 00 FINAL BUILDINC; The Final Building Inspection must be rcquosted after the Pirt:J.l Plur.:binq Electri.:::al, and Mcchar:ical lnspectiono have been made and approva:i. -ALL NAl.'HC!.ES AND C!.EANOUTS 1fUST BE ACCES$IS!.E, ADJUST!:2.'.''!' TO SE f.:'1DE 1.7' '.'0 C'::S':' TO CITY 'P::9C! of 2 /;J;:~v /Nt~~D fq~oc:~a~~"RG:~~~Q- I Lot Faces - I I ~ :; ::Jf bt C.:Jl)crc.q:: ., of Stories Total Hei.ght TDpogrc;;hy Lot Sq. Ft.;;. !':'E:.' I S~.F~G I I t./l/~ I I Mc::ir. :7crn.:'.:- Ca~::,:: .~cccssor:J TOTAr. t'ALt.:.: I I I I I/~"""ol I I I I I I, I I/?~~ 1..___:::2- _7t? I l/g.~pl' I I j I I LeT TYPE Interior .'....~~. COrner Panhandle '~-de-sac ---. . "f<~. '~, ... ",.... X ') VaLue S.D.C. IV'::;t.:..:;; 1.5 = Eu.i.!.:::."ir.g Permit State Surcharpc Tote! Cna.:-ge3 :':'E....' ......... :t==:"''''::S .=?esiCenticZ ~1 beth) 3C'r:i't.=T"'J Se'....c'!' :.tete:- PZu:~::::.r:? PcI'i.:i t Eta:;; Surcr.arge 7.....-1 cr.c.rol'!s ...:-.. 1......:. ! .~(!s. Sc. f't=. :cwIE=;end Ci:,:~its ~~crCTY S;;~Jicc EZe=trical Pe~it St::te Su:r:::r.a.rae Total C"r.a:rces '7'::,., :;D. r FEE :.rr..:2C'.l1 ETU'S ::haust Hoo.::. 'cn t Pan '~odsto..,e Pe~;t Issuance J.1e::;..:::r:i::::::l PCI'mt Stc::c SW'cncrac Tote! cr.~;,al"r. c::,'CRaACHJ.!E:,1']' .-:C-..t~t:J D::~03it ';oraaa :i"r;p.r.ar~r. ?~t Tet::! C;:c.-r>nc~ U'~C'..l~ ~de'..J.2lk 'r:=r. :cctrical Leo.:!. :biZa H.:me ':-~[. A..:!:JU.':: : Cr:.':i.;:;C:.: c.:~.R.:::!:.- 1&- 4 C> P. L. IfJOT'tiJ lEast ISemtn IWc"t Fees . T;"eICor.:Jt: ..;:::- ~ ~I :.''1:Jr:7:1 SO:lr!'!f':-J Sctha~k" I ica: I House II Caraar. II I'.ccc:;:;. II ,I. Wr.tr.r Hr:~t.~!' Hanpr. I I I II I I II I I II "" l-COC~ 5e::.roo~G: T:..'~{! Fircni.acr Wcoa'::Ol,:e Building Value & Pe r m i t This pc~~t is granted on the express condition that the said. construction shaZl, in aZl respect:;, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City oj Springfield, including the Zonina Crd:.nance, repulcti'~g the ccnstl"'..l=ticn and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revokec at cr.y time upo~ vie- Zation of any pr:Jvisior.s of said Ordir.ances. ( Plumbing II.S? /2.. - //)-f(l..., 13 to /j &).:2 ..., Cc Permit ___ Plan Chcck Datc Paid: Rec~ipt #: !Sig~ed: Fec: No pereon shaZl construct, install, aZ:er or change cny r.~~ cr c=~=t~~~ plumbing or drainage syst~ in ~hole or in part, unless s~c~ person :.= :r.~ legal possessor of a vaZid pLumber's license, e:rce'pt tr.at a pe:osorl r.:a;; co pl~bing ~ork to property ~hich is ok~ed, leased or opcra~ed by the c~?~i- cant. I I, Eiectdca I Perm it Where State Law reauires tr~t the cZectrical work be done au ar. EZc~:ric=: Contractor, the el~ctriccl Fortior. of this pe~it shclZ not~be u=t~ ul::i: the 7..a.bel has been signed by the EZecr:rical [;or.r;r=.~tor. I I I , ' l I j I Mechanical Permit /?~. . .. ....- ~ ----- /qK Excrrr:..ncr ~ -/""e<< ~ / /' I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for perr.:it, end do hereby certify that all 1:r;fo-:T.".ation hereon is true and correc:., c:r.:i I further certify that any ard alZ work perfo~cd si~~l be do~c in ac=or- dance :.lith the Ordinances of tlla City of Sprin.(1ficZd, and th:: Lc:,,;o of th" State of Dreg:Jn p::rt.::.inin.g to the lJOrk c.eseribcd hcre-:':n, c1:d tr.4t NO CCC:;- P/'.J}CY L1iZl be m:z.:ic of any structur.1 witho:.tt parmis3io~ of tlU! Sui-Zdir.g Ir~. vision. I further certify that O:1Zy contractors m:d c::Jpl..:;yecs 1.:;:0 are in co.;:pl.iance with CRS 70.1. (',c.~ t,n: 1.7. h," ~!;>,--:"1 (1'1 this project , fnlcrPZt-..d ru/ ~,,e,b/ Signza (- 23--fJ DJ.:e J