HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1983-6-29 . .. RESIDENTIAL" 'D~r-".mION/D-nMT~ f1..:_..J.~rl..J. ..!:.r. _~ 225 Jorth 5th Street Sp~~ng:ield, Oregon 97477 EuiZc~ng Di~i3ion 726-5755 .'ob !.oc=eio", ~,:s~\ 'bDf'\ Asosscor: .'!ap; \ '7 () '3 'd.l ~ \ S:.hd~:r;3-::C'1: ~""eJ": 1) t'" 1Y\ rCE:.E'. ~ 1'\ .N'\tUL I Add....es3 : Ci.~: n n n n 'l""J Addit:icn r.er.rodeL ,'!ob';!.'! .?cma ~ -2'<1 83 La:e at" .4ppLi:.a::::cn ::.:nu:rc:c:o:os GmeJ"a:7. - DWl\...1f PlumbiJ'tf' ~lectric.:::l. ,'..'flChcr.iC::' 7. co"se~~c~ian C~n~der SPRINGFIELD , $\-n..ot- 1"1,' (J c:::::./"V '\ Tc::zLotll um~ 1? () bu'+ Pr.ane .. '\l\ln~~38-8' I I .. Rcca:.=-; !i loll"l I Zip: De8aT"'~be II'ark: i-.Lt'\.U- ~~ VaZue Addres3 )Jj) ,(f) ;J' ~ Siqr.ed: Date: ('1./ Lo'lo,-x- ~ Lisa.'; Enircs P,!..onQ ./ .J .I rt is :h. :"flsponaibili:y of eM per.wr:: hoZdsr ;0 S68 tha: at!. i1'U;,cectio'118 are :~.ada at :he ?rOp2l" timt;~ tr.at ~h ::ddress is rea.::a.;:ll ,:"rom eM street. and thc:c tho pcrr.ri.e c.::.."'Cf is L..:'cated at thfl [1'07'It" of the property. ~3ui~i~4 ~ui=io~ cp;roved rtan sr~L7. r~in on tr~ E~~Zding Sits at ~ll times. ?'?OCS!JW~E '::'OR I;'lSP~(;1'IO!1 RE"U~CALL 726-37699cC'orderJ stata your City .:ssigr.at€d job nur.:ber, racr..l.estcd a~:i when yeu :.n:'z.z. ~a ~:::ay jOt> ",....tJ...(.."t:-:.on. Contractors or Ot..,,"e:"s r.cne ,::r.d phone nur.tbcr. ~'ill be rr.a.de the same dc.y, request3 mde aftO" 7:00 am !Jill b~ made the nc=t :.Jerkin.; day. P."y,''JH ?!..'..:~~,!:_':G. ~~Z:::':'.'?~~;'!.. -: _'.~~H- D SID=:":"Li<. & DRI'/Ef./I.?: For all C'C11- Ail!O.:': ::0 :';:lr,: ~.3 ::1 jc C'o:,.'erec crece palJing lJit:hin str'ect right- w:::-::l ;r.C3;J ir.a::-ec::iC7:3 h.::U'i! ;~Mr. ot-I.JX:.Y, to be mde atter' aU e;:~c.- ,7'.::L::.'e =r.d =?Pr'?'J~::'. lJatina ccmolete & fom :.;ark .i :::ub- '~~~::;' :~::~o:;~::~~c~:::~-~ ;;;;~::;;~;p;:~~s ~~~~;r. C?~r'o!)..:.l ?f ~::n.:~;, ~1.W;.J')'!.I1lJ...eL.eC':~~- P.lJ.Z. C'aL. & r::eC'r.am,..:a.:.. .H.w ~OJ';.r4 br:::cir.g ~ C'hi.-t:r:.:ys, Jt:..:. .o::".l3t' be D . cO'"F?Ze::cd. " :10 '-::,r~ is to ':;Il con- . ctlG:.Jd :.or:::..1. :1:':.3 'l.r:.:J::ec~CI1 r.as . b~~n :r:ade Cl'ld .=pprn,'ed. =',:l!"""I~~r""""~ -,...~:-.."'~..r.,.q O Si":'E l.':S?!C'::'')N: To.;o o::.a'a af~.1l' e.rcav.:::eicn, .;:u:; prier :~ 3Q: up of forms. Dt U:J'=.~S[,A3 ?!.::,~.'3:.'IC. E!,2C:"~I('.t!. :I .\'!:Cr::~,'i;r::..[,: To be tr.ade belo!"':! any ~r,i( is ~~;)t)ar'ed. o P'CC':'~iG ~ :OU:.'DAT:~"': To co .~~ af:~r :~enC'r.as =re e=~a-~aeed ar~ f~rms ere arec:ed, ~ue prier eo pq~!"ir4 C'~nc~e:~. CJ U.'1D'SRr;.=!c'J.'!!) ?~t;.'.f!!!;":G. S!:J::R. ~,1T!,'?, DRAI.~')'G2: :0 oe ma::.s p~c;r' ~o /i..~w li.r.g ::rer.C'r.Jz. o lJ,'1!)~R.t':':;CR p!J}....'3r:;c ~ ,..~::':.9.4.vrt;:..!.: To ::e ~-tis <::ricr' :0 -::n3~al.i.J:':.on of Jrzoor' ;nsu~::ic;r. o~ =2c~~ng. o ?QST AND 3rt..U: To:,e frail; =,~or =0 ir:st'alL.;:.;i..cn ot noor ir.3toz.a:icr. or decki",. D o o Your City. Desigr.atcd Job l/umber 13: o INSlJLAT!ON/VItPO.'? E.4RRIE.? I.'lS?EC':'ICN: To be ......".ds after aU ir:S"..tL.:::t:i.:m a:-.:i. raq-..tired tlapor barrier'S are in place eut before a7ly lath, gypsum beard or wl.l. covering is C?ptied, ::r.d before arty il13uZ.ation is conceaLed. job adircSB, type of" ir..3;'6cticn Requ.sts rQcei~Qd G~fcrG' 7:00 ~ 8'~ I 82.. '1 D2:.tOl.ITION OR ;~:OV;:; 3!JILDI;;'CS ~ San:i:ary sr.Jer ~ap?ed :::t p~:;l?~rt-.1' tir:a =:=J Se?ti.~ tank F~~~d and f~Zl~d ~~th ;r~~.~ ---, PinaL - mum abcve .;.t6.~S are C'c.-::'Ote;~d ~ ar~ ~hen i~oL~;ior. is cDm?ia~a or st~~~- tu:'e r.:olJsd ar..: prc:'i';;;as ~tfl.::r.ed up. Nobi. Ze Ec.-::es ~ Bloaking and Sat-up ~ prumbir~ ~or.nec:~~r.s ---, Elcc~;caL Ccr.r.eat~on - BLockin;, set-~? --.J and piumbing conr:sctions ~..st =8 C??r:l~.a' be;orc pequ6st~ng sZec:rical inspea=io~ ;;~Ilr ar..:: lJa-:ar ~ .4.C06530,';" Bui t..::.-:.r.g =:J Fin::: t - J1ft~r ;~l'Cr.llS, etc. arB c::mptll~~d. S,iC:.!"::.ng, ccc;:.s, o VFiY'.lALL ~NSP~CT!C'.V: To be r.:ade ~fter atl. a'!'ywatl. is in place, but prior to cny taping. ,~SO~?Y: Steer Zocation, bond D2Cm:3, grou tinq or vertica Ls in accor~e w-;th lJ.B.C. Section 2415. o Atl ~rojec= c~di=ions, ;;~c~ as ~r~ ~ns=a~Za=icn :lj a:r6et :r.es, :~~!~:i.~~ of :~ required ~ni3cC?ir4, etc., .~8C be sa~i.s!~cd bc:~re t1:a 3U~~OI~~ ?!~~L :cn ;6 r3~~3s:3d. D. PI,'/Al. PU'/.'.fEI:,'C ;~. FI:IA.l. ;'.!~~H:":IIC:'L =:J :1,'I.4L 2~EC:R!C:'; .:=J o PINAL BUrI-DI.'le: The F~r..c.i. E:.lil.d~r.g !r:S?ilction .';.':.lSC 09 r'Bque:3cad =l;er er.6 :~r.at n;.L~!;ir.; 2tuccricat, end .'!ec;..a."":.ic::.~ Ir.speceicna ;..,::vo been :~ade ar.d :::.?prclJ.:i. D D ;;OODS~OVE : C'C:~1pl.e:€d. Aftilr instaZz:ation -:.S .tALi: UANFiCLZS AND CLEANOUTS UUST BE .4C=ESSI3!.E, ADJUSi.'!!:,'T '1'0 32 .~~1li2 ..!T /.'0 ~:S":' TO CITY o CURS & A.J."P.9.(JACH _4?r~(JN: Afta:, forr./s are cre~ted but pl"";or to pc-.lri"'.g ~n.:ret6. ?~':01 of ~ : JOB /o!o, K~\8"2.-'1 , l::cr.a: ILot Sq. Fe;. I: :;f ::: ~:;V(lr~: ;:J of :;..Ot"!.8S 1-0-01 u ~'C'- . ..... ..il.. 1'1.. ; " I Topog~hy I 1!:~1 S~.::~ I ,'loin l~"ca i . ! :~=.:r: i. t ...C':CS3'r"J ':'~...H, :fAL("!, S.~.C. 1.; = 1:;C::'~O:.' Zuildir.g :'(!~;; Sta:e Surcft.z'ge To=al ~",a::"ge3 II:~'I I Fi.:::=-..ores 1':?esi.:ientiaL [1 bath) I SO'i.it.:z'I"J SetJf::O I "r:::~J!' , NO. Pl:.ombing Perr.:i. t State Su:rcr~e T.:ta! r1-.c.!'ces I Il'E.'-1 1.'iO. I I I I ., 1- I .f?es. Sa. fta. .'l::.J/Eztand Ci't'C'.l.i:s I Temf)crc:::ru Sit1"'"Ji.CB I Ele.:tr-ical ?e~-; St:.t:.te SUI'c;..a:r~e Tota.l c;..a:!'~es I I?Z.'.f I,','::. I ?-.a-r"::~lJ ?TV'S E:haus t Hood 17Emt Fen I ' I ilaoc.s:o-.;e Pi!~;t I::;3'lL::1".c~ Me::;.~"ic=l "emi: Stat01. Surchc...-:zc '!'''~r.! ~"ar"<?!J ;.'1C:='::AC~':':E:.": Se~.I.!";:u D2~C3i: Stor'.lqe I ,'~"':nten.ar..-z2 Pcrm.t Teta! '':'l'lCl'''1CS i C\u'':;C'.J: ls~z~ i ,.""e i E!..zc:rica.l !.a!;;ei. ! .lfobil.J H:;me I :-OTA~ ANOU.'lT DUE:" SOLARtCESS t;C~.i..'=c:1".c".J 'J1"O'.l::: LC':' ':'!?! Ir:r::e~or Corner Pcnhar.dle C",J Z-de-sac X VaLue Ci-:A?'C:: :.:HA.=?CE . C.'I,JJiGS I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I Itff'Ol I I I I {g?O I. ?::qa 2 . L-COG~ j J I I I I I I j REQ,- T':ipe/CoY'.3r;: 3e::z..,0~s: I ~t; ::7ces - I I P.... InoZ'-;n lEas;": ISou";' Idest 112r:.at'TJ SO".J.:r~#13 ;r:J~B He-a: 3eti:a~i.:s I Ho~ae j Cc.rc.ae I I I I 1,'::'':08ss. I I i I I: II II ;';at~!' ;.':?a~~p' Ranqe :~"!'eoiGoe ;';ooa:; :o:;a Pees Building Value & Permit I I I I ,. This permit ic grant6d em the e--press ~ondi.ti,:m that the said. C011SCr'.(C::::OrI shaZl, in ~ll respects) conf?rm to the JTdinar.ce ::dop~ed by the :i~~ Qf Sprir.af':eZd, -:nc!:.u::.:na the :::anir.a C!'d~r.cr.ce, l'e<1".lt.:::i/:a thli! =C'r.S;~lC:.;';r. ar.d ".J.s~ of buildings,Vcnd m::y C&v~ucper~ei o~ r;uokec ~t cr.~ t::~e u~~r. uic- ta:icn af ~y pr~vi3iar.s of!sa~d CTdi.r~nces. ~, I PZan Check ICate Paid: IReceipt #: ISig::.a: Fee: Plumbing Permit No perean ahalZ construct, ins~lZ,\aZter or change cny r~W or e=is:ing plumbing ar drainage syste~ in whOle or in p~t, unless such Fer son is :r~ lega~ posse3S0r of 3 va~id plumber's license, e=cepc tr~t a pe~son ~~: do pl:.w.:oing ;.;ork to propert-:I which is OL."r.ed, l2ased or opcrc::ted by the r:ppli- cant. ',/.' I I I. Electrical Permit Where State Lc:tJ requires tr.at the el~ctr"~cal work be done by an Electrical Ccntl'!1cta1", the electrical par;ior. of this ?emit shall not ba valid :.mtiZ the label has bc:en signed by the Electrical ~antractar. Mechanical Permit P t..Q1 Z:=--m.ner ''''a:;~ I HAVE CARSFUT..LY ~XA.J.f.IN~D t.t..e con:platad application l"r pel':':'ri.;. c:n.d do hsreby certify that aLZ i.oo:fo:-ma:ion here~m is ~:rua ar.d CC'r'!'CC:, cr.d Z f.lr:her ce:o:if':i ;hat any ad ail :..-ork ;erlo~ed ahalt be do:1e i~ ~c::ar- dance :.lith the Ordin::n.ces of the City ~f Springfield, an.:: ;h.; U:~3 of :h3 State oj" OI'8tpn. p~rt.lining to the UOI'k des~~bcd her!J-:.n. .:=rod ;iu;; ,','0 '.'xC:J- Pt..'lC? !Jill be rrc.:e of c::ny 3trua::U>8 tJi~ho:.(; ;?ermia:r:'()r,. oj" the Euitdir::; Di- vision. I further ~erdr:j tr.::;; o:'tZy ccn-:rac:ars <r..: e:::pl.cYSt1S w;..o \~,,"'B in c~pZiance with CRS ?Ol.DSS wil! oe used cn this pr~jzcc AsGiio 1) f!..,.v>7V7 .muz. i-::" -...29- ff3