HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-10-16 4t . .o~ IIIISPECTIOtI LItlE CITY OF SPRltlGFIELD INFORJtATION Lllle 726-3769 COf1BIIIATION APPLICATION/PERMIT 726-37SJ . -. ErIERGY SOURCES: Sq. Ftg. '.lain Job Address ""j L' 7 -7")~ ., -'" -.o~.---_ < rt A L... J [.,/UFY -:::., rJC:C::-" Heat _q. , g. ccess. Legal Description 17-"'''''-27.''' "/" ....C ~ Hater Heater Sq. Ftg. Other ,.,,. iO ~,~ ~ )(lIew Add Alter Pep. Range -Fence Demo Change/Use ValuE of Hark: KOther~~""".QV_ ~a::t::'. tf>-o ~~. BUllriinQ Permit Info: Describe Work(;~e.t Build Single Familv nesidence With Attash~d Garaae) F'4UA(p..rr_AJ ~.N(;..... .F~iP r~~7';P ,.0. ~~/~E';<; . , WARE'.N7?~~ . (lies. no.) ! ' MECHANICAL I r':lARll.E ..JlQ.....1 I furnace/burner to BTU's I Floor furnace and vent I Recessed wall ~n~rp hp~tpr ~nrl vpnt ITemporary Construction I'Change in existing I l"P'S- j qpnrp Imultifamily. COIllTl. or I Tnnuc;,tri,,1 IOf amps.j I ICOMl-I./lND. FEEDERS I IInstall/alter/relocate I I di~trih. fppder~ IOf amp'-I I I I I I I I I ISSUANCE OF PFRfm ~ TOTAL CHARGES I TOTAL CHARGES that the Electrical work be done by an"Electrical Contractor~ the electrical portion 'of this pemit label has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and returned to the Building Division Owner Jt/~N ~~"-_;C-h'p~c.::~ '1/$ ~~~ ~~<: ~~~, Address Phone ~~-99Y'" Construction Lender Address UESIGN TEAl,! (name) Phone "(a-ddress \ Primary C~jN'N~ Structural Electrical Mechanical CONTRACTORS (namel (address) (lice;.. no.) General /:)WA/~_ Plumbino Electrical t-techanical PLUllBIIlG --1!Q.,,1 FEF rHaRr,F ./ Each Single fixture ~_~",.. fQ ,,~..~,;.'\ fit.41!J it I.' ..,." Relocated building (new fix. additional) ELECTRICAL "n ~ H~ Residence of SQ. FT. I'New circu~ts alts. or extenSlons . I SERVICES I IS.F. Residence (1 bath] IDuplex (1 bath) IAdditional bath I~Jater service I Sewer each Storm Sewer TOTAL CHARGES WHERE STATE L~H REQUIRES shall not be valiJ until the ~ () ~ ~ €,,/ F<:"Z2- S"_~ Y (exoires) (ohone no. (pxoi rpc;. \ (ohnnp nn. l I ~~~ Irl-lllRG..E... ./ I Appl iance vent se>oarate I Stationary evap. cooler I Vent fan with ~inole duct I Vent system apart from I he>atina or A.C. I Mechanical exhaust hond and clurt I "load stove/heater I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed aprlication for permit. and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work oerformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. and that IlO OCCUPAllCY will be made of any structure without the permission of the Building Division. I further certify that my registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with OP.S 701.055 will be used on this project. !lANE (p I ease pri nt) ~r.."".x- G:u c k'CnJ bt;7i?-'1 t:Z SI'GfIATURE~~ FOr. OFFICE USE miL Y Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg. Zone /f(f./'4'J Fire Zone Flood Plain Tyoe/Const, .'\"-)(/ Bed rooms Stories '2 Units Occy Load Occy Group .if -:2 t1ain x Value Access x Value Other mJ..vn...,_-/ a(; ~alue TOTAL VALUATION 41~. '-0 .)-.:....- DATE IP-/? d'J- BUILDING PERIIIT ___:;?R.,,_o_~_ ~~;!R~~~ ConmlI nd Shstems Development ~E r>>,p Charges and Ppr J:'pp C arQ. tl.5~) , Surcharges /./<. Plan Ck. Res ' ~. ~.-:"o -,7 JO%/BldQ Per Fee _.#., ... _."JIT I Fence I ' . PLUl1BING PERMIT 2. ct:J - Charges and ---- -_.:._--- Surcharges 1.2t:? I Demo I ELECTRICAL PERI:IT I Sidewalk I Cha rges and ------------ I A/C Pavin9 Surcharges ITota' Comb, Permi t 6(). ;?Z j MECHANICAL PERMIT I Curb Cut I roo. Charges and ------------ 3.1 Surcharges I I TOTAL ....sr~ $/-'-'/ a+l?p "" . , . ./ '~e~ ~ -..-'-'"""~ aJn~l?u5~s~~d . .y/Yg<;;77 aWl?U :A8 03M3I^3lf SNlfld :UO~+l?WJOjUI +JarOJd ll?UO~+~PPIf :asnl?Jaq PJl?08 s,JaPl~n8 a4+ 4+~M uO~+l?J+s~5aJ WOJj +dwaxa +Ul?J~lddl? +~wJad q~-4""""'.6? "-.s;7..?4~OM.L"~?../ c:::L ~/~ 'W/~ -I C"""'?--2'&1~ .~<Z'. ~~/CZi!E-t7 , ~.:i1.J;('-?6'? ~ ~~~1?~ r",sz d-(":./ ~H/~ , :AJNlfdnJJO 3lfO~38 03I~SI1lfS 38 01 SNOI1IONOJ 1J3rOlfd ,. /jJ ~JalJ +~WJad A1NO 3sn 3JI;;0 HO; '^ , \ /(1\ l' j;,~/ c,~ ~I 'panss~ s~ ~~wuad a4~ ua4M alqp^~d pu~ anp aJP 5a6J24' pup saa; Ja410 tl~ 'Pled aJP saa} asa41 t!lun passaJoJd aq Ll!M suvtd ou pue 'UO!lp)Jldde a4~ jO aw!~ a4~ ~o aLqo,od puo anp aJO 5aaj ~Ja4J uOLd 5a6J04J puo 5aaj '^I "a.Jnlpu6lS S!4 JO} panss! 5! l!wuad [enlJV a41 aWl. 841 lV lUPJ!ldde a41 0, l! 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