HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1968-9-6 '"; '0' . . DEPART!NT OF HEALTH AND tlNITATI~N." LANE COUNTY COURTHOUSE EUGENE. OREGON SEI'TEMIIER 6, 1968 HAROLD D. LYMAN, M.D., DIRECTOR MoSD - WELLS, DoNALO 17 - 03 - 15___ Il~ -c."'"-=~-"'--'C:::-=-===--'=- ---~;';::. MR. TOM KERR, ACTING S!CR!TARY LAN! COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION COURTHOUSE EVG!NE, OREGON DoNALD WELLS MINOR SUIIDIYISION TH! AIOYE DESCRIIIED I'ROl'!RTY HAS IIE!N INYESTIGATED IIY TNIS DEI'ARTMENT AND IS NEREIY GIYEN AI'I'ROYAL 'OR TNE INSTALLATION 0' INDIYIDUAL IUS- SUR'AC! SEWAG! IISI'OSAL SYSTEMS, I'ROYIDING A SEWAGE DIII'OSAL SYITEM IS INSTALLED 'OR TNE EXISTING DWELLING. JOHN C. STONER, R.S., DIRECTOR BUILDING AND SANITATION DIYISION C, hJ/~ c. P. KNO,." R.S. SANITAAIAN CPI< fl. (2) ") - .J Y J _ o1o~ Dvu{Y'--\.oY"O( / f<,rVj " / /f r1t:i'liJ/"L(J~e_Ogi7.1.. -ftf!f.'-.I>_ - - t" _ _ Id'_ _ \ \~&.::. \ _ _ _ J'd'(.J':?2J f),),iY__.___ ,. I . '. j..er .J \ .../ Co' J,J;v \ \ I L7,,!J ' Wit/i) ~ \\ ..M)- - ..,.. - -- - -\ ~.. ,. P/i"PtJSlnJ '. l ~ , -'- j~,_. . 1'-. ., 7" .i~o;. -' . -- - J,..or / y~'.). j. 01;2. I I ~!)7: t BElr J,11v~ frrENTIO!V 5 CAltJs":- /()fr; 5[f13./9~8 BY D. 1. lIE/Is ~ ,.' ", '" .... VUIYiO' l1A-r _ 8:!f/i:::::- GfT. .-: ,- 0- - ----:- - - , Cl , HtJ,u,' iRAI/ltl1 SEChA/;-rzXYPI"'P H[YIJE D FoR L()T J Jo1INtJN SUOD/l'/JllhV POI? DM'/t/o T 'Wt:-I/.J 74(,,-22..53 /, /70" nt1R 5rtJ/v f?o 5Pf{/Il/YFI/!//J. f}f(J;jtlll fl'- 3-/5 - "'4500 , I "l .. . - LAN_ '''- COUNTY -- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 1820 Roosevelt Boulevard P. O. Box 2729 Eugene. Oregon 91402 Phone 688-5231 September 10, 1968 Mr. Tom Kerr, Acting Secretary Lane County Planning Commission Courthouse Eugene, Oregon Re: Wells, Donald - Minor Subd. Sec. 15, Tl7S, R3W, W.M. Dear Sir: ,. -, Since this property is subject to innundation from the McKenzie River, the finish floor of any residence to be constructed on this property shall be 18 inches higher than the asphalt surface of Deadmond Ferry Road by the North, end of this property. Subject to the foregoing, approval is hereby recom- mended for this division of property. Very truly yours, Cerald K. Attig. Director John M. Clay, Al!Isistant to the Director' Luther Freeman, Principal Engineer "Harold Williams, Office Manager Wallace Whiteley, Maintenance Supt. C;>rvill~ Rice., Construction Supt. Gerald K. Attig Director of Public Works .;f-:JL. t~~ Subdivision Engineer ,/\~S~j,'" /",' \ "'( " , ""'.... /..~ ! ,.ts,?o. ~/.. .';l /c/),o 'I-f./,IJ" ' I -- , ~I (JfI07 \ r () 1/,.//;,;, l \(V")' * u'J.'. "I:,rfll'l'" ~.:- i "') Vat ...... ~. Jd < '\'- (J~'~;t" /:::~', -- ~ ~r.I"" f:....:-..l ;::0 \~" ~ ~JJ:;(jI/' '-' /~, ,,,. 'H, /', "'J j ,...: ~ ....<r:i..;,. ',:,", 'TT-" -ii' 'U-, ~-J,;,!.. \." George Griffin, Subdivision Engineer Ole Halderson. Bridge Superintendent Francis Waggoner, County Surveyor cc - File GLG/dlp DEPARTIENT OF HEALTH AND "NITATION .,. LANE COUNTY COURTHOUSE EUGENE, OREGON ,; November 24, 1970 HAROLD D. LYMAN, ~.D., Director "-SO (Revised) WELLS, Donald T. 17 - 03 - 15 TiJ"'-. J"Qt)t5QO 0..:;.._ _,....- .." .... '------ - .. Mr. Lee Hiller, Secretary Lane County Planning Commission Courthouse Eugene, Oregon Re: Donald T. Wells Revised Minor Subdivision Investigation of the above property by this department Indicates that the sewage disposal system Is within five feet (5') of the proposed lot line. This Is a request for the parts of the subsurface sewage disposal system nearest the property line to be uncovered to determine the dlst~nce from the line. The distance frQlll the sept.lc tank to the property line Is to be at least five feet (5') and the distance frQlll the dralnllnes to the property line Is to be at least ten feet (10'). When this Is uncovered please notify this department for Inspection. JOHN C. STONER, R.S., Director Building and Sanitation Division ("..p.~-~ By: C.P. KH~ Sanitation Section CPK: rd cc: Donald T. Wells 6195 Thurston Road Springfield, Oregon Stanley Petrasek, Sanitarian 1 . .J Y .J _