HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1981-11-5 ,....... _""-~"" .'0-.... -"'."'''"''''''"_'t'''(''.~,." " .. -- RE.lliNTIAL -- CO~BINATION/~ICATION PERMIT :4..8S0SS01'S }.Jap II n-o.j-.2G- 14 Ta>: Lot # bO 2/J tt . ~. "Um1 .~ twJ. t;J~ \J$/oJ 6 [) )[~5-ol RECEm ., 157,1') IS 7 CITY Of SPRINGF IEl.D 225 t:O!?TH 5TH S':REET SPRJ.'IGFIE!.D, ~REC{)N P7417 Buildi~4 DiviBio~ 726-5753 Job Loaation: ;;Z/45 DffiRA [)f<. <;j2tl~J1IPJJ Subdiv'!. sion: -..,. JAr tyl )f ',ruT=. AddN.s ~/4 {;'"" Of 8f! It Ci:y<c.Or I ~o.j.:'I"IJ ( II N f::, 'l-l""P Y"Sf^\ f)~ Phons NJd/.., -'1/ K i Zip 1')4.) 7 OK. ~ DS8cribs work ~ n NfI'J n AdJ!i tion l5<l ,qenod. , Contractors ilame .... Addzoess UsciJ Authol"iJled Ci.t':f Agent Ezp".rss Phons # Ctmflral ~/ Plumbing !lectrical UQchar.iaaL Ccnatru...-tion Lander REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the responsibilJty of the permit holder to 8e~ th3t all i~pections are made at the proper readable frc1n the street, and. that th~ pe!"m.it card. is located at the front or the property. fa All manholes and c.leanouts are to be adjusted at no cost to the City O SITE: UISPEctICN: To be made after 0 FIREPLACE: Prior to excavation, but prior to set u? or materials and berore ron"-'. tion. time, that each address is plac ing facing NI framing inspeo:...p' WOODSTOVES: After installation ~ is completed. 0 UNDERSLAS PLUHBING,,- EU:~ICAL & 0 MECHANrCAL: To be made before any work is covered. 0 FOOTING & FOUUDATION: To be made after trenches are e}tcavated. a::!.d terms ar~ erect!d, but prier to pouring concrete. D UNDERGROUND PLUMBInG. SEWER, WATER. 0 DRAIUI'.GE: To be made prior" to fi~- ling trenches. 0 UNDtRF''..OOR Pt,Ul.fSING & ME'::HANICAL: To be made prior to install~tion of floor insu13tion or decking. 0 POST & BEAM: !o be ~de prior to 0 instnllation of floor insulation or decking. FRAMING: Must: be reque:st:ed after 0 approval of rough plumbing. electri- cal 6. mechanica.l. All roofing. bracing & chimoeys, e~c. must be cc:mpleted. No work is to be con- 0 cealed until this inspection has been made and approved. CURS & APPROACH APRON: Aher forms are erected but pr10r to pouring concrete. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after aLl insulation and required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath, gypsum board or wall covering is applied. and befe._U any insulation is coneealed. SIDEWALK & DRI~nAY: For all con- crete paving within street right:- ~f-way. to be cade a~er all exca- vating complet:e & form work & sub- base materi1! in place. OTHER INSPECTIONS: may be required in accordance with Building Code, to be indicatee in rla~~ or by no- tice from Building Inspector. DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all drywall is in place, but prior to any taping. . o ROUGH PLUMB!NG~ ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANCIAL: No ~ork is to be covered until these ins;ections have been made and approved. o MASONRY: Steel loc3tion. bond be3ms, grouting er verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Sec~ion 2415. D FINAL PLUMBING All project conditions, such as the installation of stree~ trees. compl~tion of the required landscaping. et:c., mus~ be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. o o FINAL 9UILDIlIG: The Final Suilding Inspec~ion must be requested a.:t:er the E'inal Plumbing Electrical, and Mechanical Inspections have ~een made ~a Arr.. _~. F!NAL LLECT~ICAL tlo occupancy of the premises cJ.n be made until the Final Building Inspection has been mada and approved, and a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS B~~ ISSUED BY THE BUILDI~~ DIVI- SION ~~D POSTED O~ THE PREMISES. ~ FINAL MECHANIC'" PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE9UEST: Call 726-3769 (recorder)state your City designated job number. job address, type of inspection requested and when you will be ready for inspec- tion, Contractors or Owners name and phone numbers. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will "be tr.ade the sa:ne d.:1y. requests made after 7: 00 a.lll. wil1'ie ~4!l.. tl'\e nex~ working day. YOUR CITY O~SIGNATED JOB HUH~ER IS, q I 0 -5 Page 1 Qf 2 _.';::iJ:~;-f<<.~,~::E3;~E\J;;::JI~~;~:;.;>,..~>;::;~~i;".'~~iS2";g~i:::~%:~'~:;~D~:;r~~.~::,~:2.~~~'~;,~~:;:::}:;S~:::'f:s~:;~.::~~;-::,~':::k~:.~_:;;;:jE:'!:';;;<;~'7.~/~6"\~L~~~c~;1:~f~~1 -' ~ :.~,~ IJOB NmmER Pi/ ()i'K.,h) I ZONE OCCUPANCY CoROllP Lot Squarlil :'tg. :1 of L.ot Covered ;I ot Stories 7ota~ Hsigh-: :':opograp~y I I: I.<n, r~n_ '.:,,"n ISq, etg. Gazo!l..3e I Sq. Ftg. ~arr~ ISq. ."t;. A::ctI!:so:oy Iso. Fix!. !Jabe ?gmi t CJu%r::.liIS St.n.tlt SU1"f!;,rrrnt:t TOTAL CI!.4RCES S!lstmr Detu,lo~t Char:JB '1. 5 % !Jal:,ur IND. , I ~i:tur.s I Yater Service I S2m.~, Sil'.JBr I I SUBTOT.4L Stat. Sl4'altarg. TOTAL CHARGES I IND. PEE I Sa. Footaas I Nelli ,,~ E.::ttmSian/Ci~i: I I T ~......~...... C~8t:ouc:ion I j I I SU!!TOTAL St'rz't.. Surclu:z.rr1. TOTAL ~HARr:ES I ,':n.. p,~~",- ff711'.C; F:zlraust Hood V.-nt Fan Wood Stove/Heattn' /....J J/;I..4lA'_~ SUBTOTAL Stato SurcJunoqo Tf7!AL ~HARGF:S .1 ":~.:.. -. ,-. ,..-'..- .'. ~..... ,,-. ~.' ~ ~:':,__~;,,~,~,;'':.'''r5.;:.';;' A~ .:.,,1. ?.Jge 2 1 . REFr.RENCE NI'!!BERS TYPE/CC)!'lST1l.UCTION I I I I I .~""~E~ ~-;::a I ;yo~.:. S;~:Ja. _I .:lO..~' L-COr. :: BEDROOMS Lot TIj;)s Setbacks Ir:teT"ior I Lo~ Fa.ee8: Comer P.L. PanJrandlo Nor~h IJthw Eaa t; Sou th West 'rOTA!; Al.fOU!lT Due Ji)5.60 ." :: . r . El:er(1Y So:~'::es I Hmws I i '..<Ira{1et Acc.,s~ I J 'l'fr. I f,''atezo Hsater I ,~ar.g8 I Pool I I I r . FEES BUILDING VAWE/Pr:R!!IT Th'!:s pcl'f1ri..t is grantsd an tiut e::pruB e:mdi~n ~hat th" said consT;rUCtWn shalZ, in aZ: reB=Bctl~ confo~ to ths ~i.'"Zar.:eB adopted by ths Ci~ 0;. 5;r-:.ngfi8ld, incLuding the Zoning Ordina:ncs, re~.JLatf..ng =.;,... con- Btr'..tC"tion and US" of l1'.J.ildings, ::rrtd."TaY .;e rJ.B?er.dsd 0:- rtrJoksd at any M8 upon uioZati"n of an? previ- sions of said ordinancss. Plan Chtzck Pes !)at" Paid Racnpt: fi. PLUMBING I'F:l/MIT No p41'sGn shaH construat, inst::tz... ::t~~ar 01" changs tZ!t1J 7Il1fJ or ~8ti.ng plur.:bing or ~:.nag" sys:m in wJw~s or in part, untsSB such perso~ is ":h. :"ga.~ poSSgSBOr of a valid pbmber's 'T,iaer-.se, UCfl';rt tha-t a psl'son may do plumbing f.'OrK. to pro,?tIZ'~ !.1?:-:.ch is mmod. !eassd "" apflNtsd by the ~!i.cc:nt. ELECTRICAL PE:l'.MIT I I I 1 I I l fIhsr. State ~, requires that ths '~Q'ct:"'ica! lJork be dons by an Ebctri.caZ C~tMl::tOl'" til. si:."a~:.caz. gOl'- t'imI of this plU"m"it shalt not be pa!{.d untiZ :hs la- b.! has b.... .ignsd by tM i:lec~! Con_~:or, 71u: E7..ectricaZ Safety LarJJ does not 1's'1u::':r. .:: ps:"son to obtain a license as an glsct:M.ci:::n ar.d/or B~"C:- meal CO'ltl'"'2CtOl' to ma.Jc. an e14ctr~t. -::ns~.:Zl.::tion on pro?Rty which is ~ by himBs!f' or a :::~.bB:" of his immediau famlt.y rJhich is not ir.tmied .-.:1' 8aZB~ Zeas8 or rant. r ~AIlIi~ 1 I i I I l I . I I MECHANIc-a nRMIT F:!/CROACHNE!IT ISsaurity a.pa.it I St.orag. I UainclUl"1CliI Ip.,.,.;.t I TOT:tt AP.OUNT Df!~ lco..,.,""t I Sid....,!k 'Fane'/!' I :'lectl"icaZ Lab.! fEE ~HARCE CHARGE .~~ crI,4lICE , I I ~.OIOI I I I / {J, 00 I I /~. tnJ I .(~O 1),.0::;,/.,0 P7.an E=Qmi."tw Oat. I HAVE" C.4REFULLY eXAMINED tM oamp1.Btsd app!i.catian far p......t, end do heraby CBrtifY that a'Ll i1if...~".....;":_n hsreon is trua and correct~ and I furt/rno c_ify that any end ell work porfOl'lrlSd shall b. dontJ in accar- da=. wrih tM Ordi.nanc.s of tM City of Springfi.ld. :nul tho LalJ. of tM Stats of Oregan psrtai.ning ita tho """k dssaribod /rnooin. end thet NO OC- CUPANCY uriLZ- be m:z..u of anY stro.totuN tJithout permission of ths Bui7.di.rrg Division. I f'.a"thsr ~ertify that on~y ecmtractOZ08 and e:rr:p'Loy.es who arB in compLiance lUi.:h ORS 701~05S t.Ji.11. be usBd on -:his proj.ot. l B~I':';~:: E: j~ =:-::: Md ;;{~! t' s. \