HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1984-8-3 r/ . .. RESIDENTIAL" AFPLICA'l'ION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street . r 7' 0 97 '77 S:rr:,r.qJ ~e.a, regon ~ BuiZding Division 726-3753 \~~~~~-~~l:\)~~~~ fJ./J.dl \Ji..u./h.,,--", .~ ..'1 azr- ;1hOMVaJi,{fjr.or..: _\;o/Jtf'. (/ v . kv- ~~,",L (~~ 7S0,rrcJ) R - 3 -3'-1 va!ue"?? O('J. crv Job !.oc3:i~": ~.:J."aON .~ /I Sr.Jxli:r.:"ic,,: 00m.1'1": ~ iln III " Al!d:-U3 : Ci.~1: ~ n n n "~-I AdC:: :icn R.v.ro.1l1t "!ob~l. ,~~:J Dat~ of A~pZio::z:ic" :.:o11=l"::::or8 ~ Ceneral Pttonbi~ !'l.,~tr-::c.::l ,'''":Jtar.ic.:l Co'tat1""'..lc~an !.~41' .......... It. U ~Jw NS~Onoibi.Z."'ey of t1s4 perrm:: ;i-cnt tn.. :ttrr.:. end that the penm:: ~="i.~::~4 ~ui:io~ C?~roved;L:n . '--' " Zip: 7<<h-.sf:J ~..r 97~7 /' ~ Rcc.,,= , b :2, -:s / ? Describe Work: Add.-es3 pad! if''' ~ - IV SiQr./Jd: D.~ .? - ::S.-3 ij Date: [.-;'3C.." E::=,ir;:s Pho1tf: ../ hDld.u- to .ed that aZ! inapllcticns a:re mads at Os L.,:,c~ted at eJ:.e front of the property. ~ au-;Zdinfl Sit.:; at all times. :ha prape' :im~1 t:."'.a;t =ch :.dtJrB88 is re......:t'l':.: r."?O~!JUP.!' ?'Ofl ;,':$:'!~I~t1 .~~~U! ALL 726-3769 ceoraezo) state your City ;Jesitp..:zt~d joe nur..ber, zoSt;Ues:ca cr'".G :J.~el1 ~ou :JiLL ae r..~~~,L''' _..;. ,Con't7'actcrs or Q..'ne:"s TfC::'Je .:=nd phar.s 1'fU7Ibcr. :.'iU b. trrul'. e~ .amfl d.c-j, requuts .~/p ../.._ ,:00 c:'l'I 1J'il.Z. boz r.r:z.dll tr.a nc=t :>>rnn.; day. '. :I~"..:.~ ......r -..!.~"::,, 1~:::-" 3 O S~. '7~:Jr'r-",,,,,,, T^ b -- ..- .L ~._..._~-'.., ,"" B "........e c::av.::t:',jn, ,jut: pM.cr t: S41: 1~. o lour City. lJetJigr.atad Job Numbc ID: job ~""C8S, type of ~p41:~icn Requ~s~s receiced esfers 7 :OC c= ~9 OS<.(q - ~ af~4TZO u? of - -'._- -~,._- iJE.~.,(]LI:'IO.',t OR .~."Q!r.:.... ~o,j~....l.!..I'-'~ lr.10~:~S[,':'3 "?~l':~I.'l(;. ~['2C":',~rC.t!. :f ..~c.:;.):I;.::,J,(.: 70 De maaa bejortl uor.ic ::s .:ouc:oed. o F'CO'f!":;C ~ .':'OU..,tO.1Tr:,'I: To b. r.r:::.ce aj":.zr ::-el1C~as as 2=C'cvat.zd ar.d fcr:ns a. erect.:a, but pri..:lr eo pourir.g C::ncree.. Y;:~~C.~:r.!O ?:'~'H3::;~, S!:t::.~, :I.l:"!.::'... D.~)..I.'J:.t;2: fo i:;. r.x:.;e p~or :0 oI-'i.i.- l.t:r.g :rer.e;...as. o o V~JCE.~::'CCR F!.U.~~r::c ~ ,'(ECE':.'l[t;~:.: to be trrJe..fl pl""'i..;l' :a in3t.::L.l.:zt:;on of J7,oor -::r.8UW:ticn or deei<ir..g. MST .~,'/!) 3~':''''': To be r.-.adc pr-:..or eo in.a;al'::";;icn ollZoor i1t3toLa:ior. or d.ck'nq. o o ~f1~tr;;; ?':.~~'9!:.'C. ~!'.:!~!'~.:.~ ~ .'.f?C!1-. ;',VI-:.J[.: ,10 ~:';: ia :0 :,C COL'e:"~G ~:hcu -::r..s::ee:icr.s ;''':V4' ~eer.. IftC:dIl =r.a ;:;::?,zo-:rJ~':. F~::?U.':~: ~or ~ ?U:..::.r.:'J .'G=ir~ ntl:t~rW'4 ar.d belore lr~n.g in,p~c... tier... o D &':'P.A."!I.'lr:: Nl~:J:!l1I rec-04J:J:Jd a.oI&.~.zl' C?prcv.:! of r~git pZ.;.r,.';'ir4~ ~hct7"f.... Cl:Zl 4 ~ec;..an.i..=.'Jl. At! roof-::ng bl"!%c-;r.g 4 eiti.mn~IJS, .t.:. lUst .;e cofIfDlJ:cd. ::0 """1'( -::. ~o OG ccn... . t:tu::'!..:d un:-::Z :J:i:; i.n.,~ec:iC'J'l; ;'.Qa . b~~ ~ and Gpproved. " =:J =:J =:J ':=1 01~ O INSULATION/VAPO.I? SAR.912R I<'!S?=C':'ION: To be r.:a.:ie att2r' aU ir.suL::twn a:-.a . l"cqu"':red vapor l;~era are in place eut: ce;ore any t.a;h~ gyp:r~ bcard or u:tLZ. covering is applied, and "fllars any ir...r.Llation ~a concealed. :=J Sam.~:;/ Se'JC =:;:pee. ::e rn:.op~' Zir.B =:J SGpti~ tank p"oir..?a ar'.d f-it.t.a<i Llith ;r:i-..:z: ::J Pinat ... r/hen ~-v" i:e=:s are c.=.~t2ted ar.d. when. :!er.JCE.:i::Jr. is cor.rplete or a~.:- turs ",.cued c:nC. prc:Ti.3eB clllan2d up. NooiZs Hc:r:es O DRY'.JALL I:'lSP~C"1'IO.V: To as made attar an aZ:..f'.laLl i.a in place, but prior to any taping& O MASONPY: Stael locat".:cn, bo7u! bjjla;Tf3~ grou"!:ing or verticals in aacord4nce rJi:h V.B.C. Secticn 241$. r::::;r:.roODSTOV::: After installation. ill L::::::::I cc'71pWt.d. ... o COP!] ~ APPFiCACP. .4F.~N: Aff;Q;:O larms are arec~sd Dut prior to pouring .::o7Crete. O SIDE'-'ALi( 6' :JRr.r'/A"1: Fer aU c:on- creta paving uithil1 street right- of-r.x=y~ to be ma:ie aJ"~:i!r al.! .a.rca- uan1'.Q cCf7ft'l.sta & lo~ work & .;ub- base M::teriaL in pla:e. ~cr: !.'r.en compL.te -- Prcvid~ 1:::J~ or movabLe sBcticns through P.U.E. o =:J Blocking and S~t-:l.p =:J PLwnbing connee:i...-ns st::JQ'ZO ant! (J(t:-~r -, Elect:rica! Ccnr.ect"".:mt ... Blocki"4~ 8e~-U? -..I and ?t.umDi~ c:~r.ea'tions trr.at =e c:ppr~t:.:f. before rflques=~r4 eLsa:rical i1'~?ec=ic~ ---, A ~," " ---1 c~es$o~' ,;>"1..:..::.ng ::J Fi"..:zL - ;tftcr &;~rer.lla, eta. a:t'g a~..e=.d. ser:-::l".g, ae.aY~, o I ! J I I FI,','A:' P!.:J....'St:..C All pro:ee: cor.di=ians, ~uc~ as :he ~ns;~iZG:-::=n of S:l'~et ~e~s. ~~~!c:~n of :~ Nq'04ired Za1'ld:;c=?i.,..:;. ~:c. ~ ;r.use :,e sa:-::'sficd ~.::iore :;'..11 3f.'rr.=I.W; ?:::Al. -::0121'1 :'8 r2t;'04ssr:.:d. :-r:I:', ,'f!~.lfA:I!CA' o ."::IAl. a::r:'::I:iC: The r-::naL S:,d.l.di1'.g :r.3~ec:-::cn. -..tSt be reatu1::Jtoci =:.:ar :hiI F'i1Ul ?!~bi'V ~!i!c~rical, ~ Nec~~-::c~~ :r.spec:-::~n3 ;~a ce~n .~a ar~ app:"ouei. ?!::At. !:.z::.fU:~l. -A'::; :.!':':,'P't;~!E I..ND CtEANClJ':'S .'IUS: 3E AC=rSS:~'r~ ,J,;.ti.'sr:~:,": :0 3~ :,:1CE :!: .','0 ::s: ':', ':T:! I ?=;z ! of 2 I Job Number: XL/ 0 s-tJ C; Zone: Occu'CanClJ c. WT TYPE iLot Sq. Ftg. ~ of lot C.:;verag~ !# of Stories , : Total Height : ::'opogra;;hy lITEM I jUain I GcJ>aa e SQ.FTG Cm-oort AecesBoru TOTAL VALUE Is.D.c. eVCl.ue} 1.5 x BuiLdir.g Permit State SuPcha::rge Total Cha:oges lITEM I Fixtures Residentia~ (1 bath) Sanitary Sewer .1 l~hP I I ~ NO. numbing Pero:it State Surcr.a:l'ge Total Chal'aes I I'lEU NO. I I I I I Hes. Sa. fta. N3IJ/Extend Circui ts I 1 Tcmporary Service I I i I I I I ITSM I PurJ1::ce ETU' S I E::haust Hood. Ele::rncal Permit State Surcharae Total. Charaes I ilO. I Vent Fan "' W:1odsto;Je ~'I / I ~I Permi t I:1suanca Me::hanica.l Permi t State Surchc:rae Totn 1. Charap.D -- ENCROACHMENT -- ISe~~rit~ Dzposit I Storage I,-laintenan.:;!e I Pcrmit I Total Charaes Curbcut Sid_~k Pen:::e Electrical Label Mom le H:Jme I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: ~ Interior Corner Panharui~e Cut-de-sac x Value FEE CHARGE FEE I, I CHARGE I I I I I I I I I, FEE ClJARCE I /-S'"ovl I I I ~D I /s:6dl, I I I I 'i( (J() 3?~1 Referer.ce ~umbel's: L-COC #: I' , I I I Lot Faces - I I P,L, INorth lEast iSouth jriest Type/Cor.st: . Bedrooms: I I Enerou Sources I I Heat Access. I I fyater Yp.ater I I Range I I Fireplace I L_ Wood3tove I! Y:it'B Setbacks House CaL'aqe Faes Building Value & Permit This peY'm'":t iD granted on the express condition that the said const1'Uction. 8hall~ in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the ZOning Crdinance, regu,1.ating the ccnstl'Ucticn and use of bui1.dings, and m::y be suspended or revoked at c:ny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. I. , ' , Plan Check Fee: Date Pa1.d, Rec~ipt II: Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, instal!, atter 01' change any new or existing plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is tr~ legal possessor of a valid pZumber's license, except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is oumed, leased or operated by the appli- cant, Electrical Permi t Where State La1JJ requires tr.at the eZectrical IJOrk be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical. portion of this permit shall roOt be valid until the label has been. signed by the Elecmcal Contractor. Mechanical Permit PLan E~ner ua~e I, I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAJ.fIllED the completed application for permit, and do Mreby certify that aLl info;omation hereon is true and correct.. and I f'~rthel' certify that any ar.d alL lJOrk perfor:ned shall be do:1e in accor- dance :.nth the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th~ UUS of the State of Ol'eg,::m p~rt.:zining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be nude of any Btructura without p~rmiB8ion. of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o~ly contractors and e:npl..:Jyees who are in compliance !.Yi.th ORS 701. 055 wiLL be used on this project ~4"/~~ . Signsd - , pI:? Pc/ D6te