HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1989-5-3 .. RESI~T1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Location: J:} 1 \ ( \ tJQ.J\ 1\.'\\C'j'(\f\ ~ 9,,)(in \, / ABaB.aO"" Map # \" 0 ~\ 4 (Y) Tax Lot II n~ t<)rxJ .... Subdivision: RcC!e-!.pt # {(Y),~J J'J , ~c,(0 (;Jne":~t\~d, \~, ~'R)\Nt./ Address: \~L\{\ ~ \~~\L~~ona: rQ~-\\ffi City: T). )~f\ Q ) (CJK ) zip: Q C\.L;"t:)S [Q:;: n Addi ticn n Remodel n !~bile Home Deac:ribe fl'ork: ~~ W\~ ~,~ 4- 20 ,RQ Date of Applicaticn Value ",IA ::"~~- Lise. It Bldrs Board R,g. P~onp & any o DRYWAf.L INSPECTION: Tc be made aftep aU dryJ.JaZl is in place~ but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beam3, grouting or verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Section 241&. WDODSTOVE: After installation is ccmp leted. Extiires contracto~~ Addre~s General \' 0 1"1,\-(1o,q S'f\ \::i's : Plumbing \::\.I.i.x\~ ~g ~1;1..\~ I Hechanicat . t), I El"ctricalt\.~Q r\~, \ '\\ 'c\~ I SUDe.r"Vj_~j:.ng_Ele(' l r.ic LI~ It is tho responsibility of the permit hoLder to see that al! inspections are made at the proper tim€~ that each ~es8 is readab:e j'room ths street, and that the peI'mit card is l.:>cated at the fPOnt of the property. ~Bui!ding Divi~io-:: apPl'ot:ed plan shc.ZZ remain on the Building Sit:: at all times. prWCEDUp.E FOR INSPECT TON RSpUEST:CALL 726-3769 (:rccoI'derJ state your City designated job number, job addrcss, type of in3pec;ic1i requestcd ar.d W~en you will be ready for inspection, Cmttractors or OWners ~e and phone number. Requests received befel'e 7:00 ~~ :,,'ilZ be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 a:n will bz made the next :x>rking day. YOU" City Desigr.at,ed Job Numba Ia:" A q O~ <;:)4 , .' '.. '.~'. k1" ,,",.,.' i':' .," ,'" .." .,!", u ,.1....1.... ...'.: oW Jv""u., '.!.".1"",~' .1., '.' J, D INSULATIONIVAPOR'B.4RRIER INSPECTION:' 1 I DEMOLITION OR ;~:OVE!J BUIL'DIiJGS~ To be made after all insul~tion.~~ required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath; gypsum boareror LJaU covering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. l?p.mJ1:r.pn TnR1?t:>f!b:r-nR D o SITE INSPECTION: To be rrude excavation, but prior to Set forms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL.. To be made befol'e work is aovcl'ed. after up of D FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms aI'C erected, but prior to pouring ccncret~. UNDSRGROUND PLUMBINC/, SEriER. W,1TER~ DRAINAGE: To be made priOI' to fil- lir.g trenches. o o o UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inDtallation of j100p inauLation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation or decking. Ror/GlI Pr,UMRJllG. ET.ECTR!CAf. ,~ MECH- ANICAL: No :Jork is to be cot.'el'ed until these inspections have beer. made and approve~. FIREPLACE: Prior to placi~J facing matel'ials aOO bcforle framing inspec- tior:. FRANINr.: Muct be requeated after ., approval of rough plumbing, 8lectl'i- cal & mechanical. AU rOOfing bracing & chimneys, eta. nr~st be ,completed. No w:Jrk is to be con- . cealed until this inspeotion has 'been made and apPI'Oved. o o o o o D CURB & APPROACH AP.r:::oNo' After> forms are cre[! ted bu t pl.iol' to pouring .:!01U!l'ete. SIDEf{ALK & DRIt'Ervc1Y: For all con- orete paving within street right- of-way, to be made after all exca- vating complete & foP.m work & Dub- baee material in pla:!e. . d.-~~~~~. .~.e:"'.e.~_~:..~J)_~_~~= ~:.o'p;;rty. Zir.e =:J Septi.:: tank p'..mrped and filled uith gra:;el --, Final - E.'hen above ite:ns are completed ---1 and when demolition i8 complete or 8t~~- tupe moved and pr~3es eleaned up. Mobile Bcmes ~loaking and Sat-~p ~lumbing connections scwer and Water ~lectrical Connection - Blocking, set-u..-::: ~ and plumbing connections nr~st ce approvec before requesting electrical inspec;io~ ~ Accessor'bo' Building ~nal - Aft~l' p~rches, ~ etc. are campleted. skirting, decks, D D ['ENe!':: lI'her.. compl,<;te -- Provide gateD or movable sections through P.U,E, D All pI'o,ject conditions, iJuch as the ~..nstaLZation of street trees, co.'71pZ~tion of t~e requir>ed landsccping, etc., must be satisfied befope the BUILDING FINAL can be l'zquestzd. D FINAL PLUMBI!/G D FINAL MECHANICAl, D FINAL ELECTRIC!.L D o FINAL BUIl,DING: Thc Final Building Inspection must be requeated alter the Final plwnbing Electrical~ and Mechar.ical Inspections have been made and approved. D "Af,L MANHCLES AND CLF-ANOUTS nUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTNENT TO BE ,ftMDE I!T NO COST TO CITY I Paga 1 of .2 JOB NO, 959n03f--SOLAR AC~SS OccuvancM Gl"OU. Zona: Lot Sq, Ftg, z ~f Lot C~verag& III of Stories Total Height I TOpogMphy ITf.M SQ.FTG Main ~aGe Carver t JlccenDorll TOTAL VALUE IS,D.C, (Vat.UCJ 1.5 ;r Building permit State Surcharge Total Cha;ogea lITEM I Fixtures I ResidentiaL (1 bath) Sanitary Sewer I Water NO. Plwnbing Perr.:i t State Surcr.arge Total Charao8 I ITEM NO. I Res. Sa. fta. I Now/Extend Circuits I TemporaI'Y Service I Ele~trical Permit State Surahal'Cl6 Total Charges lITEM Purn:1ce !!TU' S I E=haus t Hood I Vent Fan I I Woodstove I NO, I FEE I Permi t Issuanca Mechanic:zl Permit State Surchal'OC Total Charaeo -- ENCROACHMENT -- Ise~dritu Davo3it I Storage Il.fa:intenanae I Permit Total Chal"Q08 I Curbcut sidewalk I Fcn::e I Electrical Label i I Mobi1.e Home I '6% , I l'roTAL AMOUNT DUE:' WT TYPE Interior Corner PanhandLe Cut-de-sac x Value FEE CHARGE FEE . \S,f\SI. CHARGE I I I I I I ItS/,S I. CIIARGE ~c:;,cO /11--51 lo<6.'J5 . UJ- - REQ,~ L-COG~ ,i . . Bedrooms: Type/Cor.st: I Lot Faces . I I P,L, INorth lEast ISouth IWe$t I I Enerrll/ Soarces I I Heat Access. I 'I Watm' .t{f?atm' I I Ra>lfie I I Firenlace I I Woods toco II T.ime Setbacks House Gal'age -- Faes Building Value & Permit This pGrmit i3 gra.nted on the express condition that the said construction shallJ in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield. inc!udi.ng the Zoning erd:.nance. regulc.tillg the cOl1struaticn and use of buildirl{7s, alld m:lY be ouspended or revoked at C:I:y time upon vio- lation of any provi~Jionn of naid Ordinance:;. . . I Plan C}leck Ivate Paid: IReadpt H: I Signed: Fee: Plumbing Permit No percon ehaU aonstructJ instaltJ alter 01' change c.ny r.eIJ C1' e:::isting plumbing 01' drainage systen in whole 01' in partJ ur.less such person is tho legal posseSS01' of a valid plumbe1"s license. except tr~t a pe~son may do plumbing wo1'k to property which is owned, leased 01' operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Perm it Whe1'e State Law requires tr~t the electrical work be done by an Ele~t1'ical ContractorJ the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the tabel has been aigned by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit . Plan examiner uar..e I. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit. and do hereby certify that aU information heI'eon is true and corI'cct. and I f'.lrthe1' certify that any ar.d aLl work perfor:ned shaH be do:1e in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of SpringficldJ and thl: La..;s of tho State of Oreg,;m p~1'taining to the work described hcreinJ c.nd :hat NO OCCU- PANCY wilL be made of any st1'uctura without panmi33tOn of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o:1Ly contractors a,.d e.71pz.,yees who are in compliance with CRS 701.05~ will be used on this proj$ct ",9-- - /J " ~O, ( Siynad r1~~ ;s /};>z...." Dute /' 87 ',> . . sycan Sycan B (503) 746,8444 3405 Baldy View Lane . Springfield, OR 97477 To Whom It May Concern City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 On March 31, 1989, Sycan B sold and removed a 14 x 70 mobile home that was located on tax lot 1200 17-03-14, better known as 277 Deadmonds Ferry Road. If any further information is needed. please contact me at 746-8444, Sycan B. Corporation. Cordially, 'iJlt '/30 Margie~diCk Administrative Assistant LA . .( , \D' . ../ <;----$ ~ f'/)E:T.nJ.. UT,,..,.TY /?""... 1/' 1 ',. .1' .L tove,zr;.() t.1I~f'P~/" ,. " 180' ;,...... ~ , ...-&--; ~., i '. tJ \'l t' III 1'- HB' 1 J 'g .... / -i-I. t, E-P" t. _ j'fIrlf?- 1 r/ I> J ~" il~ t'J tI g I~ r; HoPlE r i \ ';'7'7 D~OMONt:l~ Fe~lt.y ~D, L / ( " . ! \ , . ) '.,fTN-IT}I /14 p..~ p.~ r?U ~ III \<l ~ ,. ) \ \ , <E: 1 '-2..0 -------- , ;:; \ , I 7 ~TE.P {- '- -g~