HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-11-28 (2) .. RESI~T1AL'. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: / ~ r~ ]), ~ "'1.04 d ABGBBBOrS Map N /1-03-3t.h:;J3 Taz Lot N 0 /~ SubdiviBion: ;"c+ p,::; ~ Ll.!<L (}, } IG ~ t.... Q.mer: ?:oj".... 1) tJo.......r /7"'J... C.....~CD."{.. 0;;+ Address: City: r=u.C'r.J't t!Jl....L. ("lo~ i..J 4 ~m,' n Addition n Remodel n Uobils Homa Dats of Applioaticn PhonB: 7"$~r- 3'/ 7h" Zip: tp 7 VO( Describe f\'ork: ...'1,., '7')/ t .. I" ( Co;.rJI.u.c.(,.'/. . Ne",", 'lo"cb..;,..,- i /.J!- /rf <Y 'Sy ,s-y~ . ,,; AI.(-D~,~ . . ..a "us ~ RCCB~'Ot !I / /J f(g / 101 111 , :2 _1-/ Sirrr:ed: cR. .~ Dats: / /:2.{j- crt C:ontl"actors Address Lisc. # Gensral F../~u.f!, -::::r-V,- I7f'J..L...."'-'~ S+- .?I.,o.{f.y i Plumbi"!J G:lr~,v(",'~_J Pl........h"'j :.. ..~.iPO&"" ,.. rl_ 97Y.t<{ 7.,..-,')1 I E1Bct"'.cal_Ko.._ ~., ~ ~/..-I_: 7f7a?_4.t~~+V.(r.."'L'Iur<..""1~ki"3'-' I Mechar.<cal Il'~ PC- 'IL<J...,./.oI\. 3S}o 1::., I Nfl. e"r~' FNo 2.d-02..V'o Ccmsm.otion Ltmdsr .... ..J .I/".AJ Q...... . . . It u- ths respont:rj.ba.ity of ths permit holder to 88B that all iPUJpections aJ"B r:tads 'at ths propB1" tilM, that <<:cia ~S88 i.s rea:UzbZ. ft'cm tluJ street. and that the perrrrit card is located at the front of ths property. ABui!.ding Diui::ion approved plan B.ha'Ll. remain on tha Building Sits. at azt timss. PRGcrDURE FOR INSPECTION R"PUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder! stats your City designatsd job number, job aCdrcBB, typ~ of inopecticn l"squestcd ar..d when you z.n.H be ready fo1" inspcction~ Contractors or Owners nczme end phone numbr- Requests rscBived bafcro ?: 00 c::1 ...ZZ be made the same day, requestB mads after 7:00 om ...ll ba mads ths """,t worki"!J day. 015 7 '2. ' , '-,' " y~ City Desigr.ated Job...Numbsr 10: 00 ./ RBaui'l"ed Intmf?cticn8 __ t1. , Y O. SITE INSPECTION: To bs fTrlde after .1 \/I"NSULATIONIVAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: e%'ccwation~ but prior tc set up of ~ To be rmde after all insuk;.ti.m ar.d. ._forms. . ',' required vapor barl"iers are in place O . UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & ...: but cefore any lath, gypeum board or . : MECHANICAL: To be made before any wZZ covering is appUed~ and before , I&t:lrk is ~ouc.z:ed. '. '.~Y inDulation is concealed. ., :l. ~..... . ."1 \. M FOOTING {FOUNDATION: To bs mads . r.71 DRYWALL INSPECTrON: Tc bs made ~ after trenches are excavated and ~ after aZZ drytxzZZ is in place~ , forms are erected~ but prior to . but prior to any taping. , . pouri"!J ccnoreta. ....., . . ",0 ....... I.vl U.YDF:RGROU,~D PLUMBING. SEWER. "-iTER. A DRAINAGE: To be TTrlde prior to fil- .' U-r.g trencMs. " . , . \ i./I. UNDERFLOOR1,WMBING & MECRA~ICAL: L.a..J I To be made prior to inotalla"tion of [1.001' insulation or decking. M POST AND BEAM: To bs made prio;. to lLJ install.aticn of floozo insulation or deokinr;. ~." jl Y). r-vI RonGH PLU!tBI/1C. ELECTRICAL & MTiCH- ~ ANICAL: No :.Jerk is to be covered . ur.til. thcse inspections have bear. made and approve:!. ' FIREPLACE: Prio'l" to pZacir.g facing matsriaZ.s and before framing inspec- tion. o [l] PRAJ.1ING: Must be requeoted after approval of rough plwr.bing~ electri- ,cal .. mechanical. All roOfing bracing "chimru:ys~ eta. m".J.st be ;' complstcd. No work is to be con- ,.......,csaled until this inspection has ..'.bBen mads and approved. ,~._. - dP)' ILl PIIIAL PLUMBIIIG ~ ILJ PIIIAL MECHANICAL '1") [B FINAL ELECTRICAL o O MASONRY: Stsel Location, boiui beama~ grouting or vertiools in accordance lJith U.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After installation iB ccmplst€d. , ' qO.~.'1) ... r:/I CURB & APPROACH Ap.rK)N~ Afte:. forms ~ are created but prior to pouring . ccm...'"'1'ete. . r;j'J SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: Por aU con- . L!J crete paving within street 'l"'ight- pf-riXZY~ to bc mads after aU exCQ- , . vating ccmplete & form r.m"k & sub- : base matsrial in place. '.s'l 1771 !"BNCE: WIum """'Plots -- Pro>Jide. ~ gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. . D Eroircs S(9"1' &?/.$-,c 71fT .l../J 7 PhonQ l4J'S .317 " ' ?yJ j,-LJ..L. Y""i..3(.,. 7 J ~ -000 L DEMOLITION OR ",JOVED BUILDINGS =:J Sani~ seuer ~apped 2t,~OpDl.t-~ l.ir.s ::::J Sspti~ tank p"-""P"d and fillod fJith ""':..' :J Final - rr1um ab..:"V8 items arB CcmplstDd and when demolition is complete or 8tru~~ ture moved and premises c l8arnza I? Mobil.e Hcmes ~ Blocking and Set-~p ~ Plumbing connections -- sauer and 1Ja~6r :::J Electrical. Connection - Btocking~ Bet-up and plumbing conr..sotions l1f'..:st es app1"ovlli. . before requesting electrical. inspection ::::J AcaessoJftd Bui ~i.ng " ':';",' :J Final - Aft:J1" p~rc1:s8~ s1d.rting~ d8cks~ etc. are completed. o AU project conditions, ouch as the installation of street tl'ees~ eor.rplotion of tits required landscc:.pir.g~ ctc.~ must be satisfied bcfo'l"s tJ-.e BUILDING FINAL can be l"sC(Usstad. 1"1 (8) PINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must bs requeated attar thla Final PZwnbing El8ctM.cal~ and Mechar.ical Inspecti.cno kava bS8n mads and app1"Ovad. , 'r 'ALL I/AN80LES AND CLEANOIITS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/1E1IT TO BE NADE AT NO COST TO Cr.Y I PaUe 1 of 2 I JOB NO.~()f) 7} SOLARICESS REQ.- IZene: /_Z?~ OCOUlXl1lCU G : l?'-"--f/:?~/ Lot Sq. Ft{;. '.f!. S"~ roT TYPE . Lot FaceB - S of lot C:JlJerag. Interior H SetbacckS P.L. ouae araqe fI of Stories Corner North TotaZ Height Panhandls East South Topography CUl-de-sao WeBt I AcceSB. I t-7Y I I I::nemu So-","ce. I I Heat L~. I I Water' YMttnt ~ I I Ra"!Je ~L~ I 1/ Fire." Zace I I Wooo"tOVB II L-COG~ Ty"e/Cor.at: BedroomB: 3" T~De r:A- ITEM sq. FTG X Main /3<17 ~~ :5"0 Gerace 7~$I I~.'''' CQrvOl't AcceS80Ml -- Fees -- . I i/; ~$I'9.,..e I ?~~"bl " 1 This permit ia granted on the B%press condition that the sdid construction shall~ in all respects~ conform to the ~inance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning fJrd-:.nance~ regulating the construction and UDe of bui'Lding8~ and may be sUDpended 01' revoked at c:ny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. Value Building Value & Permit I '3if.~li>q./6 l $IB.f?'I-' I 29&.-- i I i..,l.?p 1- J I . I ' ~/ 2._.<?;? . . I 7. 5el I 5"z.:5:'ol -;;;:(/? -,p I I /5". -= I I ~e:>. - I 11/ :57-1 '" I 5".~I-.:. 1/:20.7.51. lITEM I NO.' FEE I I Res. so.. ftc. I .:1<17 / '37 - ~ IN""'/Ertend CircuitB I;;;;,..;R~.J I Temporcry S81'>Jice' I / I I . I I I I 75:......1 w I ":? 7.)1- I 17S.~I. TOTA~ VAWE IS.D.C. (val/u.S) 1.5 :r: '-J.--;).. I ITEM NO. I FF:E Firt=eB Lnr-h<. ~ ~kL""9;" zi 1/ I IWater 11 I I~~~ mR/.h'~J;,. CHARGE IpLon Check Fee: /b.Gf.:33 Cate Paid: /- 01 g -[{,( 1- IRecdpt u: (I) Y'~!o ISig:1ed: r ../ Plumbing Permit Building Permit State Su.1'oharge Total Cha.-geB ReBidential ct bath) I Sanitary Sewer No person shalt construct~ instalZ.~ alter or change any nelJ Cl" L-isting plwnbing or drainage syste:n in whole or in part" unless such pspson is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do plwnbing wcrk to property ",hich is UlJned. leaaed or operated .by the appli- cant. Plwnbing Perci t Stat. SUrcl-.arge / Total Charaes CHARGE Electrical Permit ~<_sc> /5.- .Where State LalJ requires tr.at the electrical lJOrk be done by an E'Lscmcal Contractor~ the electrica7. portion of this permit shall roOt be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. . ";, Ele::trical Permit State Surcharqe Total Charc:es lITEM 17 FEE CIIARGI:: I Z._ ..__" ETU'S . ?:.- Mechanical Permit I E:rhaust Hood II ~S&> I Vent Fan Igl3.:--1 "'7. ~ 1-::.. , 2)'w~ Vc'&'r I 3.- 6,t?~'rM,:9~ I I I :z . e>e> I Permit ISBUanC2 I I Mechanical Permit I -;:;?sr. 5'& LIP State Surcharae I /. ::<"3- I Totr..l ChtrrOp.s 12$"_73 . -- ENCROACHMENT -- ~~~ SeC"..Lroitli D2P03it --Z-/-~~ Storage ~ Examiner ( ~ -- va<B I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for pernrit~ and do hereby certify that all ir:fo:rmation hel"eon is true and c01'rcct, and I further certify that any ar.d an work perfomled shazz. be dons in accor- dance IArith the Ordinances of th13 City of Springficld~ and the ~s of tho Jt State of ~eg"n p~taining to the tJOrk described herein~ and that NO OCCU- PANCY urill be TTrlde of any structura UJitJur.J.t permission of the Building Di- /3. "!J't!)" I ).-vision. I further certify that o:1ly contraetors ar.d e:rrpl..:1yess who ars in ~ compZiance with ORS 701.055 wilZ be used on this project ~~?S '='" 6: -"I ICj I I NoM le Home I I i,.0_;?cY/cwF~~4:)~,'):,.:::::;pl.._.~"\ ~ . !j)vEh/keJc ~~...."...,S- I -:;::>"t3?1 l.s1.:l~~~ rf&.1e... I TOTA~ AMQU.1'1' DUE:' .I ~ '3 Y. '9'9 I. igne~ d / L, Maint~e Permit Total Chal'QCB Curbcut ,- :z6 ' /.6.~ r SidelJOlk Fen:::e Electrical Label /.hJ IN- Dat.