HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-11-28 .. RESI~T1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Buildin~ Division 726-3753 Job Location: / L/ f~ J)/4 "1.0..r d AeoeBGOrS Map N /,-Q?r34-d3 Taz Lot SubdiviBion: 1--.0+ -# J <: lL kL 11.) /G ~ t..- II NO/~ Q.mer: Y:.;".... IS tJt;,...... r Awess: /7YJ.... C-...., ~=.J I. $+ Phone: 9'..~r- 51 /h City: € U <r oJ... "o'-L-J"../ Zip: Y")VO( .' <J . C21. Om.' n Addi tion n Remodel n .'.!obi Ze Homa Describe fl'ork: ;tIc<.</ 7?o,J,;;r/{~ ( Co....y.j<~<.(,o./ ilu-/J j- Date of Appliooticn Value tIS; DO .::> ,i- Rcce~pt # / () f(g I .. . ....~ Siqr:ed: Vf.:'~, Date: / / 2.{/- <Tt Contractors Addres3 Lisc. H General r...fM~ I!:. a:-.h... j")f'J.. (~cx..---r s+ ;>I.dy Y Plwnbi"!J G:!r~.vr,'k"" Pl"....b,..j ~lfo&.",.. ,,_ P7VJ.y -?,r:.,J ElBot"'.cal _Ko.. ~ ,J..u_1'. ,01 ILI_.-I _,' .H7o "?_J:..I.~t..+Vu(r..i ,..L ~((, 9"'f1.Hi' 3~ MBchon<cal rfn PL.IL~...,.f."j . 3S}o 1:4>.J ''II/' '1.'-'< rNo UO~VO qonstruction Lender . A/ e> P ~ Eroircs SiX-I' ft,J.f.j-, ?/f~ .z/J 7 Phone ~S.3I) ",. ~V) ,,-LLLo' 1'.'1'- JG. 7.l ~ -000 L It is ths responaibiUtyof ths permit holder to see that all inopections are made .at ths proper timE~ that each cdd:res8 is rBadahZ(l f1"Otn ths Btroeet, and that ths permit card is located at the front of the property. .Bui!di~ Dividor: app1'Ol)ed plan shall remain on tha Building Sit:;. at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (l'ccordB1'J state your City desig7Ulted job 71umber~ job add.rc8s~ type of ~n3pGcticn requested and lJhen you lJiU be ready for in8pcction~ con.tractors or Owners ncme 'and phone numb~ Requests receivad bafore '1: 00 (Z':'l win be made the same day, requests made, ~~ter 7:.00 ,am wi'Ll ba made the nczt :.JOrking rJay. (/ f'73 - . ~OO ( , ' , Your Ct.ty Desigr.a.ted Job NwnbGr' 10: R'L.r:rpi-"'~r1 r?J.{!Q~f!f.1:r.n.Q D. SITE INSPECTION: To be "",de after excavation, but prior .to set up of , . forms. O : UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & , MECHANICAL: To be made before any . kIOrk is aovcred. ,.,. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be mulB after trenches are excavated and . forms are el'ected~ but prior to pouring concret~. i, .vI UND8RGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. W.1TER, A DRAINAGE: To be rrxz:ie prior to fi z.- ,l.ir.g trenches. 1.71, UNDERFWOR PLU~fBING & MECHANICAL: LAJ I To bs mads prior to inotaLZation of floor insulation 01' decking. I X I POST AND BEAM: To be mad. prior to instaLl.ation of floor insulation or . d8cki7l{i. [A)( ROUGH PLUMBING. ET,ECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be cOtJered ~w:tiZ. thoBe inspections have beer. made and approved. . fVl FIREPLACE: Prior to pLaair.g faaing lCJ materials and before framing inspec- tion. rvl FRAMING~ Must be requeoted after lL.J approvaZ of rough plwr.bing~ eZectri- .cal & mechanical. All. roOfing bracing & chimn.cY8~ eto:!. nr.Jst be ;' completed. No work is to be con- .....~,ceal6d untiZ this inspection has ~.b6~? made and approved. ,...-. .ri7I INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPEC.TIOIl:. LCJ To be made after aLl insul.a.ti:m ar.d .'~. ,- required vapor barriers are in place . . ': but before any l.ath~ gypsum board or u:zlZ. covering is appZied~ and before ..}u!,y i~ul.ation is conceaZed. . r7l DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made L.:2.J after all drywall is in pZace~ but prior to any tapi"!J. . 0- MASONRY: Steal "Location ~ bomI beam:J~ grouting or verticc.Zs in accordance IJith U.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpZeted. r:::J CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms ~ are oreated but prior to pouring " concl'ets. r:-;] SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For aU con- -l...X..J crete paving UJithin stJoeet right- of-wc.y~ to be made after an exca- vating c~Zete & [om work & sub- : base material in pla::e. I \/1 PENCE: When compl~te -- Provids, ~ gates or movable sections through P.U.E. . o 'DEMOLITION OR gOVED BUILDINGS =:J Sanitary s6Uer aapped at ~OPC1'~:1' Zir.a ==:J'septi~ tank ~~.d and filled ~th Jraoel :J Final - r~'hen ~ve items al"e completed and when demoZitior. is campZete or 8tru~- ture moved and premises clsaned l':J. Nobile Hemes ,. ::J Blocking and Set-.p ::J Plumbing connections -- sauer and watar I ::J Eleatrt.cal Connectt.on - BZockt.ng, sat-up I and pZumbing aonr.actions nr..lst ba approved I ~. before requesting elec~rical inspection =:J Acaessor!; Bui~ing " :J FinaZ - Aft;)r p~rcr.es~ skirting~ deckD, etc. are completed. o All project conditions~ such as the instaZlation of street trees, c~~Zation of the required 'Landscc:pir.g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied before tha BUILDING FINAL can be request3d. IZl FIliAL PLUMBING ILJ FINAL MECHANICAL !Zl FINAL ELECTRICAL o o FINAL BUILDING: The FinaZ Building Inspection must be requeoted after the FinaZ PZwnbina EZectl'ical~ and Mechar.ical Inspectiono hava been made and approvod. "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS NUST !IE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!f.EN,! r.o"BE NADE A! NO COST TO CI'!'Y Page 1 of 2 I JOB NO. r/{ro 7} SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- IZone: '/_Z/~ OcOUlXlnc" Ge !?-5"'///,?-/ Lot Sq. Feg. e:: S"ao LOT TYPE I Lot FaceB - S of tot CrJVerage Interior I Setbacks I P. L. House. Caraqe" !I of StoM.es Corner INOl'th Total Height PanhandLe East iSouth ~opog~hy CUt-de-sac . -, IWeBt -- Fees -- I 1I?~"e I 7.o~.....1 I I I I I g.t5",g<?/~'1 : $/B.f?.'I:. . 1'29B.~ I ~ 1'-1 '''J"P I ,. ; -:?/ 2_<7~' . I I~EM 1110. I FEE I CHARGE I Fi.rtureB~".........~kL~ 7- Si:' I I 5":<.::;"0 i I -;;:<f1. -~ I I /5'". -= I I =<~.- I I//C- 5".717. /20.?S1. I;::~ So..fto. /~~71'~" FEE ; ;;~~t IN""'/Extend Circuits 1;;a'.,J=;.~J ~<_Sc> 1/1 1/5.- I I I I 75:- I -=? 7.)1 17.8.7:5""1. FEE I CIIARGE I ~.#t? II I I o/'..-$l> 181"3:-1 7.- 1';s.M... Zl3,..l9i' V~r I 3.'-'" 6;H)/"';;}n~ I I l:z. O<e> I I ':<'~ S'6J I I /. =<'3. I 125"-73 !. I I I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.J.1INED the completed application for pemrit~ and do I hereby certify that all info~tion hereon is true and correct, and I , further certify that any ar.d all work perfom/ed shall be do~e in accor- I dance OJith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th. La:.J. of tho A- State of Oreg~n pertaining to the work described hel'ein~ and that NO OCCU- PANCY fJill be m:zde of any structUl'il wittur..tt parmission of the Building Di- /3 9tt>" 111- vision. I fUl'ther ce:rtify that o~ly contractors and e:rrp~yses who arEl in . I {1 canpZiance with ORS 701.055 will. be used on this project "3~?S ? ~ -"'.I_le, I I Mobile 110mB I I i~.AN A'E Wcw Fe.!' A-~~..:::~//I ~VE~ fM.cac ~...."..,.,;:- I 7'7"371 f TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' ./7' 3 /'.. '79 . .1 I lITEM I Main I Gc:Joa.ae , SQ.FTG /3'17 70~ , X I ~~ yto /.0.....1 I I , Value I Caroort I AccessorIi TOTAL VALUE IS.D.C. (vatuc) 1.5 :r BuiLding Permit State Surcharge Total. Cha......ges ReBidential ct bath} 12 I I / I Water If 1 ~7l>~ .z:7R/;r~.k=- Sanitary Sewer Plwnbi"!J Perri t State Surcr.a.rge Total C'hcaoaes Temporary Seruice EZ.e~tricaZ. Permit State Surcharqe Total Charc;es lITEM 17/ F'ur>nace ETU'S ' Exhaust Hood Vent Fan Permit Issuance Me::hanicaZ Per>rrri, t State SurchaPae Tr::rtnl ChaYomUJ -- ENCROACHMENT -- ISe~dritv Daoosit I Storage , ! MaintenanL!e P02'IIIit Total ChaNCB Curbcut / - :z~' /bS' I Sidew lk I Pen.:::e I EZectrica l Lebe 1. L-COG~ Type/Cor.st: .# BedroomB: 5" I I EnerGl! Scr.aoaeB Tl/vO I I .qeat L~. r"...#- Access. J I Water Yp.atp.Y' ~- I I Ra"!Je {!'c.~ I / I Fireplace I I Wood3tove II I Building Value & Pe r m i t This permit io gronted on the express condition that the sdid construction 8hall~ in all re8pects~ conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield~ incZuding the Zoning Crdinance~ regulating the construction and use of buildings~ and may be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Or>dinances. .... '~~. IpLon Check Fee: /b.Gf, 33 Datc Paid: / - OJ. g - J?!: IReceipt N: (/) q':::=d3 I Signed: ('./ Plumbing Permit No person shall. construct~ instaU~ aUer 01' change any new or existing plumbing 01' drainag~ system in ~hole or in part~ unless such person is the legal possessor of a vaZid plumber's Zicense~ except that a person may do plumbing ~ork to property which is oumed~ leased or operated by the appli- cant. " Electrical Permit Where State LauJ requires tr.at the c lectrica l work be done by an Electrica l Contractor~ the electrical portion of this permit shaH root be valid until the 'Label has been signed by the Electrical f:ontractor. . Mechanical Permit ~~-.~ . ~ -~xtmt1-ner . r ~- --Z-/-l?~ ua.e r:;?;~tfltf AJ{{, "'"!fign.~ /.1. / I~ ca /~ / /J-J IN- Date -ADDRESS- 1496 DIAMOND BUILDING i. DIVISION JOBt 88(~3 -LEGAL.- . LOT BLOCf( Uf(E VILLAGE 1'70334230p28 FINAL --VALUE- 54589 DESCR:NEW SFR 880201 I 880531 485-31'76 -ENERG1'- HEATl- H20- RANGE- -STAT ,-.. BLDG ZONE RL STORIES FLOODPLAIN BEDRM OCC GRP R3 UN ITS SQ FEET 1347 CONST T (PE ::;N -CONTRACTORS'- GENL-FUTURE B HOMBS CONTRACTOR PHONE-485 3176 PLMB-GLENN COHEN PLU ELECT-ROGER HEAGARD . MECH-ROLHS HEATING DESGN- 3 1 -DWNER- FUTURE B HOMES J.792 CRESCENT ST EUGENE, OR 97401 2- -INFO- NEW RESIDENTIAL 1111 REPT CAT *101 SEQ-REQUIRED PERMITS------FEE---SURCHARGE-DATE-RECEIPT---PERMITt-- ---VALUE--- 001-001-PLAN CHECf( FEE 169.33 0.00 880128 10856 002'-002-BU ILD ING PERM IT 298.00 14.90 880201 10881 003-.022-S1'S DEV CHARGE 818.84 0.00 880201 10881 004.-005-PLUMB ING 115.00 5. '75 880201 10881 005-004-ELECTRICAL 75.00 3.75 880201 10881 006-006~MECHANICAL 24.50 1.23 880201 10881 007-012-CURBCUT 13.90 0.00 880201 10881 008--013-S IDEWALf( 34.'75 0.00 880201 10881 009-019-F.'ENCE 5.00 0.00 880201 10881 0 54,589 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DATE --ACT DATE- 880216 880229 880223 880331 880223 880401 880401 880405 880407 / 880407 88040'7 880517 88052~) 880531 SEQ-MINIMUM INSPECTIONS + REQUIREMENTS--------------------EXP 001-002-FOOTING 002-003-F.'OUNDATION 003-020-UNDERGROUND PLUM 004-026-SANITAR1' SEWER 005-021-UNDERFLOOR PLUMB 006~Oj3-ROUGH PLUMBING 007-031-ROUGH MECHANICAL 008-042-ROUGH ELECTRIC 009-013-PIREPLACE 010-006-FRAMING 011-009-INSULATION 012-018-VAPOR BARRIER 0],3-011-.DR1'WALL 014-090-DRIVEWA1'/CURBCUT () 15-091-S IDEWALf( 016-081-FENCE 017-029-FINAL PLUMBING 018-039-PINAL MECHANICAL 019-049-FINAL ELECTRICAL 020-019-PINAL BUILDING SEQ--INSPECTIONS-------COMMENTS--------------------------DATE----RISULT--INSP--- 001-040-TEMPORAR1' ELECTR 002-003-POUNDATION 003-005-POST & BEAM 004-021-UNDERFLOOR PLUMB 005-030-ROUGH GAS 006-031-ROUGH MECHANICAL 880212 Of( 88021 G 01.( 880223 Of( 880223 Of( 88022t.~ O~( 880223 Of( , . n 25 25 28 28 28 , . . pr... )10 t8<;088 8Nl Inl na 1\;1Nla-6tO-680 ~:l <... 8<:: }10 SG~088 l'JNl aWWld 1\;1NliI-6<::0-880 8-'- )10 S<::S088 1\;13lNI;IHJ3:W 1I;1NI.3-680-l80 (~ r'~ 01 8t<;088 8NIG1Ina 1I;1NI';{-6tO-980 .,,", f""" >iIM 8t<;088 8,,<::'088 3:NOI] NOlIJ::J:dSNl wnWlNlW 1I;I3l NI;IHJ3:i-i H8nO~-T80-<;80 .::1 oJ 88 )~O 19088 11;1::JI~1Ja1a 11;1NI i1-6vO-vE:0 ~~~ G 3>iI It<;088 1I;I3lNI;IH33:i-i 1\;1Nl a-680.-880 sc: }to It';088 8NI aWWld 11;1Nl ';(-6<::'0-1:80 8<:: )~OION "g088 1I;1JlNI;IH33:i-i 'll;lNl .1-680.- t 80 8E )Hl IO N <::I';088 )13H1O-';<::'0-OE:0 8<:: )j() IO N <::.g088 8Nlllwn1d 'll;lNl i1-6<::'0-6<::'0 88 )1OION 90';088 Il~1;I8::1aH 3Ion 11;1JI~lJa13 11;1Nl i1-6VO-81:0 ';<:: Ol 80v088 NOlI\;I1nSNl-600-l<::0 ';'.- HO lOv088 11I;1M^~I]- t I 0-9<~0 . 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