HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-10-2 ~.~~.,~.'ii.~'~..'..~,p.~.;.:..~:......ii~~.'~sitr~~~~~r: -:;;'~l~~_ :I~~~,. ,,6.c..,'.:~ I=-UbE^-.JE: rSijl~]~j.$~{6~r'v":~~,~>>;~~&,~y",~,,,_v> . [1:o{} ;ti'fock1 Application forf\lll'T,r"oJ /1::;i=1'i."'({>~';j 1<:/4,1'-1' Structures now on the property J H{A;O:; P. Wl'il-J mri1p~W.~41tiiI<!Iat\!9Bip~f:tYl; /F(l ;jl<!~jft.~:~r~jf I 0 i~ii!ffii~f~Wj] Affidavit: I, J101A-k?v I N i1:~()O-- K/2cwrV , pl~ase!iprcj"t,) If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: '><' owner of record~ contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase~ duly auth~~>>J act for, th:2wner. ~~hy.s. I<nOw~edgeab~of this appl ication. Signature/Address ~ /t:.J//,/ ,.".. P<:lZluL-- '?t! 7V/I/ (zio)C;17L/CY , Telephon~7':i7, I,,: ?, or 7"/7. Ij, ,,;,-::;> Date q.4.-Yo When pennit is ready notify.: M Appl icant ~ Owner {} Contractor Owner.r]1AI2III/J R. f$.eni"'I6,J .r-<. (ZiD) ((7LW/ Phonc7LI-I 1~,s2- Contractor (zio) Phone , .~e q~1 DEPARTlIEtIT OF EINlROW1EiITAL lIAIIAGEMEI. PSU. 125 EAST 8TH AVEilUE EUGEIIE. OREGON 97401 /{, . () :iiidusFr.(1 Ct !~t6jJ&i . hereby certify that this information is true and accurate, Contractor's 05R# Plumbin9 by .i~"::;"8"f:r:ijR":t''t~:~l i$~~)'f~~;:~~:::::~ :.~A ~~ [diMl ,COstl &>d- 'Tt)~40 ~v Parcel d~+- into 11::\/ re~r~1 <./ I ~' DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE If Commercial: il;6fjstOr.fi~I '. :~f~em~y,,? . _ Residential: i(p(b!!l~. ~ /./~/.:Z1;t~~t!f7-C. 51 test holes ready , """'~~' IFee';; Code' f$i{~tfttniZrl ,. l' of'Sfte.! . "DE!s'ctffBttoR Va 1 u"a t i on ~\ ,\.nrn,\ ncY1 (D/ JJO-l:k . -:vrr.... tp (l)'~ :::.s~ '- -IF:5.3 .) ~, ,~ Total Valuation: $ l~~~;li~j:~~;i! :: : Subtotal g 1~~~~~l-I~_ Received by .4% State surcharge Water Supply P-rllj),\[Cl1t~ G ~ Plans check fee Proposed _' Existing ~ C-.':' ,;.:. .~"'I.."'~""'J Year Installed PERMIT PROCESS lUG. Minimum setbacks: Zon ~~ Part. # P?/"'f I -/ It, fro'l?Ji' V0 It, side Parcel i COllll\[~nts To th! typed on permi t I CP&I Type ")JV Group 1:'-'3 Fi re Zone To be typed on permi t By (l(lrT'1f . '''''4''._~'''-.t,<''''''' }~Ha'rn;hV#l Jl.(. :"';I.l:::;37-i'\(: ~A~TitinedtkTIim -= -Fee ~ S. S $ I.... .. '$ " each $ . each $ $ $ = Use Classification Date ~('J :5 Pc / giJ;j7;rr;...::J For plans information call (area -t>Directions to site J)O(~'-_ll--4 ! (~J\l/=l";r-\l.-! Al?I==A Plans to: CPSI C/ ;;)'0 ~PC -,I /" J~_ By ~~U I Date inspector) !=N-D.....QF / r (Cbl vlFA I t:'-A~ r::OAKW, Q(). 10 Phone \')=Ai,f)\(;l\Jn t="SRJ2Li PO t set(s) set(s) Date Requ ired Hold 51;p tr'l prr Date r .....",... 1 ro ~........ Da te to 'f<l)/J,'J::- r<OI,,,,^J (please'print) If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: '../ owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option "to purchase; duly authorized to act for the_owner, who is knowledgeable of tllis application. Signature/Address---)'J;&,~f"',''''_/''':'-,~/ 'N,: -;; ,. . / . 'I' .r. _' Telephone ---'~l" I.~",,,,,,,, When permit is ready notify: i\J'Applic~nt 1~/'Owner -, ..-, Owner ~-1}^I)lIrt.l}"J R'"";llll,\ J Contract~~ ~y~ r.i""'~~'-- n'l e tj,-, IJ . DEPARTliENT OF EI;'1IROW1EiHAL IlANAI;EflE. PSG, 125 EAST GTH AVENUE EUGEnE, DREGOiI 97401 Job Address .< ~ }1/:::L> nnl/)~ \/'0, 'Township, Range. Secti~;-n. Tax lot I --,~-... Subdivision ". _.'1 ,,' Application for" A t""~rrl rt"'\ ICr-r>.rt;'"h"'''...J l~ft-lf-l- . .,_ .._. /.._ _ _ .n .., " Structures now on the property I-I.). >::.. 1::- ~ I (,,~I Proposed use of pro'perty: iiI Residential I I,::i Co~ercial .' ~ \ Affidavit: i. j,{,iLfO",,,j 1:-"'1 !,,:,/...;^ Ji::::" J.::L-oJ '-'1 I ";~IJ:- J 'j \ City - ~Jt~r"l",",) Lot Block CI Industrial CI Public . hereby certify that this information is true and accurate, or ' Date ,/ .' ~ ;T) /~/ Contractor (zio) (z;o) Phone -j.., 11 ,/ Phone Contractor's OSR# Plumbing by Application # ~ "f' '1J:: ,?17- 7\t'.. - -,,-.-, Assigned Numbers = (zio) I . .~/; ,- ~?- UU I1U-1 WR.III:. tH,LUW "I-titS LH'lt If Commercial: # of stories Residential: ! of bedrooms ';;..:) 51 test holes ready . # of employees " - ~, ~1~''''1r?'?1',-':,''',. - (1"'1,,. # of units SOS: I~I Existin9, BP N .-:.., I_I Proposed, SI N ., 'r. .... ('r"- Fee Code Sq. Ft. or N of Sites Unit Cost Oescriotion Valuation \- ',r .....~ '. f"'-o---:,...., "'-h ,"'1(1\ ,. ~,,-.\ J 11/' "\. I~ '::':"\: ~-Xr; ~~.I / ) - , 'f ( , , '-.' CI Cash CI Check # Received by Total Valuation: S Plumbing fixtures at S Sewer/water conn. at S Subtota 1 4% State surcharge Plans check fee I ) ~ I Water Supply 1'- f ; ; .\.~q Proposed \ - Year Installed , ';,' ). j~" \ ;.", - I "C;.r. .. I . l....L _''':' .... E;isting y" Change. of. Occupancy . ('. ' TOTAL ' ....! l,'\..."" each each Fee S I I I I $ $ $ I I $ f' , , $ PERI11T PROCESSINIi, !.1inimum setbacks: Zone//.//- t, front.,! c. 1., side Part. N Parcel # Parcel Size into p. rear Comments To be typed on. permit By . '" :, ~ Date ' '; .'t". j i' , I WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Installation specific'ations: ~LSL..~ gal. ~ank; ft, of drainfield; max. depth of trenches: To be typed on permi t a 1< . t.- D...[tl <t &..L.:..{ ~ - l<,c.a..1c..0-- n~ SJ';:J'L ~'\.-~ r(....lI...J..J'-- tc:<a.J~ <eD. .~;.k ~()6ak& ,~~ o.."-u- cP ..fVLoI)o;,z) Cl.C'~' L.'"-l~ . D. 1.10 C"l<L",<s< .cJjn"""g,11I,f.iLb''/u--\ dt ~f<;t~ ,><-~')q,-J, QL~> '<;k~ yv C'- ~u 1'<<..o'Y'...L1 ...f. r.-:<>!J),.-- aJ~L.c- ~ ' ; Telephone (0::;;'; 1--:'>'15 <." By r I\{ Lt 5"-' .Oirectionstosite ~}I"')("-,"I 1.1. l___:' "~ I.'r\ -I." 1-. v',. - . {\, " (\,l':"A-T' __ I~ 1/" I .A ...)~- ^ 'Plans ~o: Date ".,,, " , , CI SIFO /' CPSI set( s) ~rc ===== set(s) Date (("\f1I[llntp(j Date Requ ired Hold Sl;p to pre d , ./' I CJ-2...q,0) ~ " '~'" ,.- 'j ~. t Oa te to prr " " TRS. TI ,P,lat c,..'r""'" Subdiv],s:i?on "",,~,lf C i-:-' .... ~ Plan Lot Block Job Location Permit /I Permit Ii" ^ Permit Ii "" -~ -r- /35 ~.(l2.:::W.o ~,_v?C?_CZ~ ~ "" "l;;:'l ~ IP . r p z,..,,,,s 1->/ P,:'--r,:!'( 7 <A"'(O~c::.~03 ,;tc..T10""~~' ,,,,- Pc<. ~ ~-::9't 102- 1i't:.c ~ '/1 S. ~C i." 7J/~~~~ , r 'r T-+-r t>:~ ~ C' ~~ r , (. c. 0 " ~<'" c. . \~I u,r ' 6' ~ t.L-r1\ --- ~ "r--N, e'r--t~' , - .~ry/.~ ~ ~,,, ' /'X ',' o -0'" t35- ) 'V"~.~ / c;:. {;:~I'-- / _ [' '- r. '" 'LE:..-;- < " 'i . r- 0, ~~~,-'-..!...- ' -~:V" -; ~'" (' l-,(J\ ~ P I~ ~c '7'- I~ ,-' c... 0 ~ Y";'''3;f (I',l!:i ~>- l ,~ ."'~-Sl-.., l~ .0 I -:t:" 1 \ , r..!.. 7, I ~ \ ~ f~ "j r I, .....', _9 ,"\) I ",'" _ I 6 'V~;c~r1ity 7ap C74-150 ,,~, . N I br157lVJG~8 .i- I 1 i (AddreRS) (35 For For For [:f::A!::H1u.o F"/. / 1 eJ .' l Ii i . . I .6'~6;";t, -""1-PP/?7CN I} p ;i~' .<~ . ..~"'" ~ '61 1 ";,.;f' 'v ~ . ,'" v \" ~ ~~~v~:t~) .... ' ~ '" I , Ad i \ .\ . Permit II Permit 1/ Permit ./1 f2i), ~'"7t.:~ C!7QO/ , ' For For For /'397P/3CJW .tu4-rB)2.. . C>/S~/c-r. .J 1 - '" ~ '"-:.> :'1\ ?4.t1' -1 . I\./M --A- r\... ~ ~ I I , zoLl U -- ~) J \ Si R~ ~: ~~ ~ ~; I 'J / ~\ /f I I I i I I i . I i i ! i i ~ 'I (J I ~Hf-(- :{! 32.. j --....-,-.- t} I I , I i . , !-2 . I , i i ! 1...,-' ,,11 ~~ U i Q' \ I \ i I /0 ~ ': " , l , 1 \ ~/' , . ~.~ : ..- . ".. ., " . -. .' - - :. ,... :--.J"~ ~ ':~ ~ _-:;.~ . "-..' \.......... . " . .' , , . . .1- . . lane county Water Pollution Control Division Environmental ManaQement Department 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, OreQon 97401 LOCATION: Twp.rr RanQPO<- (Comp le te Subdivision Name: - Section 15 Tax Lot # [4/02- the foUowi!!.gLi[~pp.1ica9le)_ -- --- -[ot-# -8loek #~-----",. [i] system located on this property has ever failed by discharQing sewage upon the ground surface or into public waters, by clogging or backing up, or in any other manner. ~ I have information that the existing subsurface sewage disposal sys- tem located on this property has failed in the past by discharging sewage upon the ground surface or into public waters, by clogging or backing up, or in some other manner, and that:. D The system has not been repaired. I have no information that the existing subsurface sewage disposal D The system has been repaired and has operated since the repair without other failures, Date(s) repaired , continuously I have had personal knowledge of the performance of the existing subsurface sewage disposal system located on this property for20 years and months, The existing sewage disposal system consists of: a) Septic tank has a~t?ot) gallon capacity. b) Number of drainlines ~ . c) Length of drainlines~'! ~..u.. d) Distribution box? VeSJU~~ No - , The existing septic system was installed under Lane County Building Permit # This system last served a dwelling having ~ bedrooms (include all rooms which could be used as a bedroom, though actually used for other purposes such as for a den or a sewing room) OR, if for commercial use, this system last served an establishment having employees, and gallons/ day sewage flow. This system was last used on~7.ZV //S~ (Date). / In case of an addition, the new portion will be,ll?'.> feet away from the existing drainfield. ~ APPLlCANT:~d&/M~ ~.d' ~ '(//4/ BI!<<:E.E;;owAf PROPERTY OWNER: [XjVes D No , DATE: q,C:J..s;.o (Date) , C74-156 WATER POLLUTION CONTROL OIVISION I 125 EAST BTH AVENUE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT EUGENE. OREGON 97401 I 15031687.4061 Water PQ11ution Control Divisi~ 125.East 8th / Public serviC~lding / Eugene. Ore. 687-4061 ~ RECORD OF EXISTING SYSTEM DIAGRAM ~l~ j4 ~ ~ ~ccili ~~ W S42(l~ 0JI..9.9- }-<> ~ y ~y s1uu.U ~ fut.~. ~~t ~ cvJ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Sr ~\:cLUJ-;b, ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ' ~~ ~ JL 8~ \J-v ~St C'- ~cu-v ~ ~ or .2-'1. _yO TWP. Ii RANGE 03 SUBDIVISION/PARTITION ZONING DESIGNATION ~C;-r OWNER Ml.e.VVJ ~rJ ADDRESS 135 V~ j.~ ' 7~ EXISTING DWELLING NUMBER OF BEDROOMS :J, PHONE rr- "7<17; 1l_C; 2. IF NO DWELLING EXISTS, LAST KNOWN NUMBER OF BEDROOMS SERVED(FROM A&T RECORD) PREVIOUS SITE INSPECTIONS OR PERMITS ~ SEPTIC TANK SIZE / cbO GALLON CONCRETE [] METAL 0 FIBERGLASS [] OTHER 0 LAST KNOWN PUMPING DATE W;"~\u:-.... ~ Z ~s CONDITION OF SEPTIC TANK: SATISFACTORY ~ DISTRIBUTION METHOD: EQUAL [J CONDITION OF DIST/DROP BOXES: SATISFACTORY [] NUMBER OF LINES LENGTH EACH LINE 1) ft. 2) 5) ft. 6) CONDIDTION OF FIELD: SATISFACTORY COMMENTS lvtc.~ f.-. Q...oudL ~..:..Jl..J.). SECTI ON I~ TAX LOT <tiOL PARCEL LOT BLOCK UNSATI SFACTORY SERIAL OTHER UNSATISFACTORY o o (SEE COMMENTS) [J ft. 3) ft. [] ft, 4) ft, UNSATISFACTORY [] FINDINGS 1) This system is in compliance with provisions of Oregon Administrative Rules, chapter 340, division 7 and is sized to accept a sewage flow of up to ~ gallons per day. 2) This system is not in compliance with one or more provisions of Oregon Administrative Rules chapter 340, division 7. IL AI _.' ~1I. _ - ' ~ J~ "l,2Jj',X\l Ullltu M74-176 ~!bNIIIUKt . . HOLD . SLIP bne county - I-\Cv" oj tv' DroLlJ VI I 3S DE(~d, Y,\~ APPLICATION # -:2531- y~) LOCATION ntit.dv'I..I5\\...Q Yo/(U j NAME c ( J.,.l.j)o.,r..Jl.. _ U of2. jQ/r^'1 (. J . Q1lf'OI Zr'P CODE ADDRESS The Lane County Water Pollution Control Division cannot proceed with processing your application because: 1. D Incomplete application (items deficient). r=:J Address and/or directions to application site. o Proposed number of bedrooms in dwe 11 i ng. c::JApprovable plot plan (see attachment). E::J Notification of date test holes will be ready. ~ 2.0 3. D Verification of existing system required (memorandum explaining this procedure attached). Two test holes (2'X4'X5' deep) required for expansion or repair of existing sewage disposal system in the area of the proposed drainfields. 4. 13 Other: 1'(} ~(o\Jtv d;,,1 V~'/,9"'-' bo-x.. CclLCOVr1 SIGNATURE <{ _ goO OFFICE HOURS AGt (SOh q - 29 -Y,o DATE t{-l?f\ -::J.r~ ft/-.7 3 CI5 "- PHONE If the necessary corrections are not made within 30 application will be denied, days, the ~25 BUILDING & SANITATION / ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT East 8th Avenue / Public Service Building / Eugene, Oregon 97401 / (503)687-4061 1 .. , . . ,~ -;-. . - . ..!. ..!.. 10 -. .!! .!!. 16 -. '. J-J ~ .!!.. " -. .. ~. " -. . . . i. . . . l I ( . . . " 7J 1) ".I'1.PPLICANT BROWN, M TI.O 1703150004102 " NEI.) BLDG TYPE -.CODE AF'PL NO " BF' - DP J!ep BP .. BP -.p " SF' -, -' .IP!:. ~.ECH SUR .. PCI< -.DS . LANE COUi'dy DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT ~'253'7EI0 DATE 09~)98~ n BRUCE ('1.DDR 135 DEAOMOI-lD FERRY RD., EUGENE, OREG e SUBDrv . LOT BLK , USE R NO BORMS 03 NO UNIJS 001 NO STORIES NOBLDGS 001 . ACTION DESCIUPTION SQ FT UNIT COST VAL.UATION FEE DAYS. ADD TO EXISTING DWELLINGI BEDROOM WITH BATHf~[)OM :~60 ,38.10 1:5716 . . L.C 253780 F~MA NO. FIXTURES: 3 NO.. CONNECTORS: MECHANICAL. FEE STATE SURCHARGE PL.AN'CHECI< FEE ADEQ. . 13716 15.00 EACH '" 68.00 15.00 '. I' .! ~ . 4% 5(-)% 3.32 41.50 40.00 e~ SDSC CERi'. OF .. ~. e~ . " CATG: - eEQU : ~{T?I<EN '1!~ , ,'iPI" o BY CAD F~A FP SDS ' sr I COMPLETI ON DATE pel< OTI-I ISS 3 TOTAL FEE~"* 167.82 . ~ 19".~ CI< . I I a i! J j,~ ~I . ~---- Y.-i. 10 ~~J "> ~ EST. 100680 " -. 60 . . . 6 , sei o . = :I . ~ e .!!. .. -e