HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 04 Rainbow Water District Withdrawal EC SP 08-14, City Planning Journal Number LRP2006-00030 (FourSquare Gospel Church) Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: March 10, 2008 Special Regular Mtg Development Services Jim Donov"1JLn . 726-3660' ~ S Minutes AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: RAINBOW WATER DISTRICT WITHDRAWAL EC SP 08-14, CITY PLANNING JOURNAL NUMBER LRP2006-00030 (FOURSQUARE GOSPEL CHURCH) ACTION REQUESTED: The City Council is requested to conduct a public hearing and first reading of the attached ordinance: AN ORDINANCE WITHDRAWING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS INTERNATIONAL CHURCH OF FOURSQUARE GOSPEL, LOCATED IN NORTH SPRINGFIELD, NORTH OF HAYDEN BRIDGE ROAD, EAST OF 5TH STREET, WEST OF 7th STREET AND INVOLVING APPROXIMA TEL Y 4.13 ACRES IDENTIFIED AS TAXS LOT 12600 AND 12700, T17SR03W S23 MAP 34 AND OTHERWISE KNOWN AS 600 HAYDEN BRIDGE ROAD, SPRINGFIELD; HERETOFORE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FROM THE RAINBOW WATER DISTRICT. ISSUE STATEMENT: Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS 222.520) require that territory located in the Rainbow Water District, which is annexed to the City of Springfield, be withdrawn from that district to prevent double taxation. ORS requires withdrawal prior to March 31 st of each calendar year. The owner requested annexation in order to develop the property for urban use. The subject property was annexed to the City of . Springfield effective on February 7, 2008. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment I: Ordinance with Legal Description, Boundary Commission Staff Report with Maps, City Council Resolution and Notices of Adoption DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMP ACT: Legal notice for tonight's public hearing was published in the Register Guard newspaper as required by ORS 222.520 and notices were posted in four public places. A second reading and adoption is scheduled for March 17,2008. . , . . ORDINANCE NO. (Special) AN ORDINANCE WITHDRAWING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS INTERNATIONAL CHURCH OF FOURSQUARE GOSPEL, LOCATED IN NORTH SPRINGFIELD, NORTH OF HAYDEN BRIDGE ROAD, EAST OF 5TH STREET, WEST OF 7th STREET AND INVOLVING APPROXIMATELY 4.13 ACRES IDENTIFIED AS TAXS LOT 12600 AND 12700, T17S R03W S23 MAP 34 AND OTHERWISE KNOWN AS 600 HAYDEN BRIDGE ROAD, SPRINGFIELD; HERETOFORE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FROM THE RAINBOW WATER DISTRICT. WHEREAS, certain real property described below was annexed to the City of Springfield by order of Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission under Boundary Commission Number File EC SP 08-14, effective 217/08, as recommended in City Planning File No. LRP2006- 00030 and supported by City Council Resolution No. 07-59 (and further described in Exhibit A & B),and WHEREAS, the property to be withdrawn is located within the boundaries of the Rainbow Water District, and WHEREAS, the City of Springfield Common Council held a public hearing and first reading in the Springfield City Council Chambers on March 10, 2008, and a second reading and adoption on March 17, 2008, in accordance with ORS 222.524, for the purpose of hearing any objections to the withdrawal of the property from the public service district mentioned and there having been no objections raised. NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby determine that the real property described should be in the best interest bf the City of Springfield withdrawn from the Rainbow Water District in Lane County, Oregon, insofar as the property is located therein. Section 2: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby determine that the following described real property within the boundaries of the Rainbow Water District is and shall be withdrawn from the Rainbow Water District in Lane County, Orego~, said property being described as follows: Township 17South, Range 03West, Section 23, Map 34, Tax Lots 12600, and 12700, and commonly known as 600 Hayden Bridge Road in Springfield; as more particularly described in Exhibit B of this ordinance, Boundary Commission File Number EC SP 08-14. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 17h day of March 2008, by a vote of _ for and against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 17th day of March 2008. Mayor ATTEST: City Recorder ,--', !~:. i ~; :' . ~~~;_2.__~_~~_.._. .., ~.. ):2.$Jc>~_..~.._...._ f L~' ,> . ATTACHMENT 1 - 1 1- Blackstone St. I....... 1\ ] - CD e CiS .c: 10 /' Royal Delle parle / L Cambridge St. ' / ITT7 ( EXHIBIT A - P1 EXHIBIT A ~ - CD CD ~ - en .c: Co ~~ 'a5 i~ ~o ~ ~ Blac<Sto~e Sl ~~~\~~~-.' , ~~~~~~~~ '.. .. ..'\ --- . ~ L'~~~"~ ~ .~'\~~~,~' "E _I. ':: Royaldel Lane '.;,. .1 ". . ,. . .< :'.t. .. River Knoll Way ..:~~'.. ,.' ~: ;'~ .' < y~ Hayden Bridge Way - : ':~ . :";.;.:';':' :. ~..... _. " . -f..:::" . " ..::: ..' : ;"< " ' .~,.~:+~~,~;' - - CD CD ~ CiS '-,-. Tn ---I I. . Not to .JCQle l! E ~ 1i ~. ~ !! CiS i :5 i I'- fI) . " ... ~. .. < . :-..l~ . .:- ~'. . .~: '.' ;' t:'. '.; t..,. N '.. '..' . .,.' ", ....r.. " :; ::0.. :\.:.;.)~:~ Legal Description Beginning at an iron pipe set 90 feet West and 600 feet North ofa point 2,823.48 feet (42.78 chains) South of the Northeast comer of the Jacob Halstead Donation Land Claim No. 47, Notification No. 3810, in Section 23, . Township 17 South; Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon; thence South 010 01' IS" East 90 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 890 53' West 31.5 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 000 01' IS" East 150.50 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 89053' East 127.59 feet to a point on the West line of the William Spencer Donation Land Claim Number 50 that is marked by an iron'pipe; thence South 000 13' 30" West 319.50 feet along last said West line to a point on the north margin of Hayden Bridge Way as said margin is offset 40.00 feet northerly by perpendicular measurement from the centerline of said road; thence along said north margin of Hayden Bridge Way, North 890 53' We~ 369.77 feet, more or less, to the Southeast comer of Lot 2, Block 6 of "Royal Delle", as platted and recorded in Book 29 at Page 21 in the Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; thence North 000 0 I ' 15" West along the East line of said Block 6 and its Northerly extension 560 feet to an iron pipe; and thence South 890 53"East 275 feet returning to the point of beginning and containing 4.13 acres more or less. . ATTACHMENT 1 - 2 EXHIBIT B - P1 LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION 99 East Broadway Suite 400 Eugene, OR 97401-3111 (541) 682-4425 FAX (541) 682-2635 February 13,2008 .Ms. Amy Sowa, Recorder City of Springfield 225 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Ms. Sowa: The enclosed final order has been enacted by the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission and is forwarded in conformance with ORS 199.505. Final Order 1332 (C SP 08 - 14) annexing territory to the City of Springfield (International Church of Foursquare Gospel) Please acknowledge receipt of this final order. Sincerely, C?~cJ{. j~ Paula L. Taylor Executive Officer Enclosures . cc: ~ternational Church of Fo~isquare Gospel Rainbow Water and Fire District Willamalane Park and Recreation District LCBC:LCOG: L'\BClFOL\PIfo.2OO81.CSPOB14 FOLOOC lAst Saved: February 11. 2008 . ATTACHMENT 1 - 3 " EXHIBIT B - P2 LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION FINAL ORDER 1332 Approved: February 7, 2008 Effective: February 7, 2008 ( File C SP 08 - 14 ( In the Matter of Annexing Territory ( To the City of Springfield - Legal Description Attached as Exhibit A - WHEREAS, Resolution 07-59 by the City of Springfield was filed on December 31, 2oo7-in accordance with ORS 199.490(2)(a)(A)-for annexation of territory to the City of Springfield, described in attached Exhibit A and shown on attached map Exhibit B; and, WHEREAS, the commission duly published notice of the public hearing in accordance with ORS 199.463 and in accordance with the rules of the commission and ORS 199.452(1), conducted a public hearing on February 7,2008; and, WHEREAS, on the basis of the study of the proposal, which considered economic, demographic, and sociological trends and physical development of the land including the applicable comprehensive plan, and of the public hearing, the commission approved the proposal and made the findings and reasons attached as Exhibit C. NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED: That the area described be a part of the City of Springfield. ORDERED BY THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION THIS 7lh DA Y OF FEBRUARY 2008. ~~ Clay Mye Chair 2-}oJ!oef? Date NOTE: The subject territory is within the Rainbow Water and Fire District and will remain in the district until withdrawn through separate proceedings by the City of Springfield in accordance with ORS 222. In accordance with ORS 199.510(2)(c), the territory is hereby a part of the Lane County Metropolitan Wastewater Service District and Willamalane Park and Recreation District. pt: LCBC: L'\BCV'OL\PH\2OO81.CSP0814 FO.DOC Last Sav~d: F~bruary 7,2008 ATTACHMENT 1 - 4 EXHIBIT B - P3 EXHffiIT A Beg at an iron pipe set 90.00 ft Wand 600.00 ft N of a pt 2,823.48 ft (42.78 ch) S of the NE cor of the Jacob Halstead DLC No. 47, Notification No. 3810, S23 T17S R03W WM, Lane County, Oregon; th SOooO l' 15"E 90.00 ft to an iron pipe; th N89053'W 31.50 ft to an iron pipe; th SooOOI ' 15"E 150.50 ft to an iron pipe; th S89053'E 127.59 ft to a pt on the W Ii of the William Spencer DLC No. 50 that is marked by an iron pipe; th SoooI3'30''W 319.50 ft alg sd W Ii to a pt on the N mar of Hayden Bridge Way, sd mar is offset 40.00 ft Nly by perpendicular measurement fr the cIli of sd rd; . th alg sd N mar N89053"W 369.77 ftmll to the SE cor Lot 2, Block 6 of Royal Delle, as platted and recorded in BIe 2'9 Pg 21 LCOPR, Lane County, Oregon; th NOOoO 1 ' 15"W alg the E Ii of sd Block 6 and its Nly extension 560.00 ft to an iron pipe; th S89053'E 275.00 ft to the POB, all in Lane County, Oregon. LCBC:LCOG: L:\BClLEGAL\2008\CSPOB14 LGLOOC La5r Saved: FebTVary 11, 2008 FinaJ Oider 1332 C SP 08 - 14 Page 1 of 1 ATTACHMENT 1 - 5 EXHIBIT B P4 EXHIBIT B . Royal DeHe Parle "i e .. CI) 5 CD .:.: ~,1:.: .., ,~€~,/;;1h ':~ Blackstone St j .. CD CD L.. .. CI) 5 .IQ Cambridge St TTTl . ANNEXATION AREA i Includes Tls 12600, 12700,17-03-23-34 ~ Owned by the International Church of Foursquare Gospel Be File C SP08-14 --' ~l 1 rl .1~ Final Order 1332 C SP 08 - 14 Page 1 of 1 A TT ACHMENT 1 6 EXHIBIT B - P5 EXHffiIT C Findings: I. This proposal was initiated with the boundary commission by the City of Springfield after receiving consents from the property owner on December 31, 2007, in accordance with ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B). The proposal was found to be a valid filing under OAR 191-006. . 2. The proposed annexation, as submitted, included two tax lots (TI7S R03W S23 Map 34 tax lots 12600 and 12700) comprising approximately 4.13 acres and was owned by the International Church of Foursquare Gospel. The annexation _area was developed with a church facility and was not contiguous to the main body of the City of Springfield. 3. The land use designation for the annexation area was low-density residential in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan). 4. The annexation area was zoned LDRlUF, low-density residential with urbanizing fringe, in Lane County. After the annexation effective date, the property was rezoned LDR consistent with the land use designation. Provide an impartial forum for resolution of local jurisdictional questions. Consider the effects of the boundary change on other units of government. ORS 199.410(1)(b) and 199.410(3)(c) 5. The boundary commission held a public hearing on February 7, 2008. Notice of the public hearing was given in accordance with ORS 199 provisions. All interested parties were given a reasonable opportunity to be heard. 6. After annexation to Springfield, the annexation area would be withdrawn from the Rainbow Water and Fire District. There would be some financial impact on the district because it derives its water revenue from user fees and the annexation area was developed with a church. The annexation area would be withdrawn from the district through separate proceedings by the City of Springfield in accordance with ORS 222. On behalf of the City of Sprin~eld. the Springfield Utility Board provided service directly to the annexation area. : 7. Upon the effective date of the annexation, the area was annexed automatically to the Lane County Metropolitan Wastewater Service District.in accordance with ORS 199.51O(2)(c). 8. Upon the effective date of the annexation, the area was annexed automatically to the Willamalane Parks and Recreation District in accordance with ORS 199.51O(2)(c). 9. This request was consistent with this standard. Final Order 1332 C SP 08 - 14 Page 1 of 3 ATTACHMENT 1 - 7 EXHIBIT B - P6 Consider the orderly determination and adjustment of local government boundaries to best meet the needs of Lane County and Oregon. Consider alternative solutions where intergovernmental options are identified and make decisions based on the most effective long~ range option among identified alternatives. ORS 199.410(1), 199.410(2), and 199.410(3)(a) and (e) 10. Annexation to the City of Springfield was identified in the acknowledged Metro Plan as the preferred method for providing key urban facilities and services to the area within Springfield's portion of the urban growth boundary. 11. Annexation to an existing city was the method for extending urban facilities and services to urbanizable land in the boundary commission's policy administrative rule, implementing policies (1). (2), (5), and (7). 12. The proposed annexation was the means of boundary change outlined in the Metro Plan and the boundary commission administrative' rules for ultimately providing urban facilities and services to this territory. Annexation of tax lotted property fulfilled the Metro Plan policies of annexing out to the urban growth boundary. 13. The proposed annexation met the criteria for noncontiguous annexations in the boundary conunission law and the Metro Plan. 14. This request was consistent with boundary commission policies and this standard. Make boundary commission determinations which are consistent with acknowledged local comprehensive plans. Assure an adequate quality and quantity of public services required in the comprehensive plan to meet existing and future 'growth. For major boundary changes, there must be assurance that the proposed unit of government is financially viable. ORS 199.410(1)(d), 199.410(3)(b), and (d) 15. The annexation area was within the urban growth boundary of the acknowledged Metro Plan [Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) action in 1982 and as subsequently amended]. Annexation of tax lotted property assisted in fulfilling the Metro Plan policies of annexing out to the urban growth boundary. 16. The Metro Plan recognized "annexation to the City of Springfield as the highest priority for extending the minimum level of key urban facilities and services to urbanizable areas. 17. The proposed use (church) was consistent with the policies in the Metro Plan requiring urban levels of development within the urban growth boundary~ 18. The City of Springfield indicated that the required services outlined in Metro Plan policy #8, page II-C-4 and defined on page V -3, were either available or can be provided in a timely manner. Final Order 1332 C SP 08 - 14 Page 2 of3 ATTACHMENT 1 - 8 EXHIBIT B - P7 19. This request was consistent with this standard. Consider the comprehensive plan's economic, demographic, and sociological trends and projections and its environmental policies, pertinent to the proposal. ORS 199.410(3)(d) and 199.462(1) 20. The annexation proposal was consistent with the Metro Plan, as it was an incremental step in implementing the long-range plan for this area. The urban growth boundary, land uses, and policies in the Metro Plan were developed to meet the future needs of the metropolitan community. The proposed use was consistent with the long-range plan for the area and fulfilled the growth policies in the Metro Plan and in Oregon law. 21. This request was consistent with this standard. Reasons: 1. The proposal was supported by the City of Springfield and the property owner. 2. The proposal was consistent with the ~CDC acknowledged Metro Plan. 3. The services required in the Metro Plan were either available or could be provided in a timely manner when needed. 4. The proposal was consistent with past boundary commission actions supporting annexation to the City of Springfield. 5. The proposal was consistent with boundary co~ssion administrative rule policies. LCBC:LCOG: L'\BW'OL\EXC\2OOlt1CSP0814 EXC.OOC Last Savt!d: Ft!bruary 11,2008 Vmal Order 1332 C'SP 08 - 14 Page 3 of3 ATTACHMENT 1 - 9 EXHIBIT B - P8 STAFF NOTES LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION (99 East Broadway, Suite 400, Eugene, OR 97401-3]] 1) Eugene City HaD Council Chamber m Pearl Street, Eugene February 7, 2008 7:00 p.m. Annexation of Tenitorv to the City of Springfield (International Church of Foursquare Gospel) N.A. BC File C SP 08 -14 Initiated by Resolution 07-59. by the City of Springfield with consents from property owners Action under ORS 199.490(2)(a)(A) of the boundary commission law Received December 31, 2007 . Action to be taken by March 30, 2008 Description The annexation area includes two tax lots located in east Springfield, north of Hayden Bridge Way, east of 5th Street, south of Blackstone Street, and west of Old Orchard Lane Property owner]: International Church of Foursquare Gospel (600 Hayden Bridge Way, Springfield) Tax lots: 12600 and 12700, T17S R03W S23 Map 34 Acres: z 4.13 Estimate of existing population: 0 Existing land use: Church and related facilities, vacant Existing zoning in Lane County: IDR\UF, low-density residential with urbanizing fringe overlay Applicable comprehensive plan: Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (acknowledged in August 1982 and has been subsequently amended) Existing public services to the property: Police (Oregon State Police, Lane County Sheriff),. schools (Springfield School District 19), roads (Lane County, City of Springfield), fIre (Rainbow Water and Fire District contracting with the City of Springfield), water (Rainbow Water and Fire District) ReasOn for Annexation The property owner requested ailllexation to prepare the site for additional church facility development. The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan requires properties to annex in order to receive urban services. Notice As required by ORS 199.463(1), notice of a .publichearing must be published in a newspaper of general circulation not more than 25 days nor less than 15 days before the I . Property owner means ~e owner of the title of real property or the contract purchaser of real property as shown on the last available complete assessment roD. ORS 199.4 I 5( 13) LCLGBC Staff Notes (C SP 08 - 14) - February 7, 2008 Page N-A-l ATTACHMENT 1 - 10 EXHIBIT B - P9 hearing. In this case, notice of the public hearing was advertised in The Eugene Register-Guard on 17, 2008. A second notice may be published in a newspaper of general circulation or notice of the hearing may be mailed to each owner of land in the affected territory,2 as described in the petition,3 not more than 15 days before the hearing. In this case, notice 01 the hearing was sent to the affeded property owner (Tim Baskin - and Lynda Gupton, on behalf of the International Church of Foursquare Gospe~ owner of the property proposed for annexation) on January 25, 2008. The final notice required by the boundary commission law is the posting of a notice of the public hearing in ,-the affected city, district. or territory at least 15 days b~fore the hearing. In this case, notice of the public hearing was posted in the area of the annexation, at the Springfield dty ha/~ and at the lane County courthouse on January 2~ 2008. In conformance with OAR 191-005-0065(3), thes~ staff notes are incorporated as part of the record of the boundary commission public hearing of February 7. 2008. This annexation proposal was fIled with the boundary commission in accordance with ORS 199.490(2)(a)(A), initiated by Resolution No. 07-59 by the City of Springfield. Prior to initiating the annexation. the City of Springfield received written consent from the property owner (Tim Baskin and Lynda Gupton. on behalf of the International Church of Foursquare Gospel) requesting annexation. At the time the annexation was initiated by the city, there were no electors4 registered within the annexation area. The statutory provision to receive COnsents from owners is met. The proposal was fIled with the boundary commission on December 31. 2007, and boundary commission action must occur by March 24. 2008 (90-day statutory time frame). If the annexation is approved by the boundary commission on February 7. 2009. it will become effective upon passage of the final order. . The proposed annexation area includes two tax lots (refer to Maps No. IV-A-1 and IV-A-2). The annexation area is currently developed with one church on site. Annexation to Springfield will allow additional church development to occur. The annexation area is not contiguous to the main body of the City of Springfield. It is adjacent to other noncontiguous portions of the city. The urban growth boundary (DGB) is located approximately 600 feet north. of the', annexation area. The annexation area is designated low- density residential in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) and is zoned LDR\UF. low-density residential with urbanizing fringe overlay. in Lane County. Upon the effective date of the annexation. the UF overlay will automatically be removed and the annexed properties will be zoned consistent with the plan designation. 2 Affected territory melmS the territory descnoed in the petition. ORS 199.415(3) 3 Petition means the documents required to initiate a boundary change and includes, but is not limited to, an initiating document, legal description, cadastral maps, and information form. ORS 199.415(14), ORS 199.490(4), and OAR . ] 9] -006-??oo(3) . 4 Elector means an individual registered to vote at an address within the affected territory. ORS ]99.490(1) and (5) and ORS ] 99505 LCLGBC Staff Notes (e SP 08 - 14) - February 7, 2008 Page IV -A-2 ATTACHMENT 1 -11 EXHIBIT B - P10 The annexation was initiated by the City of Springfield On December 3, 2007. An Annexation Agreement outlining the agreements between the city and the owner for the provision of urban services and financing responsibility bas been fully executed for the annexation area. BOUNDARY COMMISSION REFERRALS Boundary commission referrals were sent to the Lane County Land Management Division, Lane County Environmental Health Division, Lane County Board of Commissioners, and Rainbow . Water and Fire District. No referral responses were received as of January 30, 2008. BOUNDARY COMMISSION STANDARDS - STAFF ANALYSIS In this section of the staff notes, each applicable boundary commission standard is addressed. These standards are derived from ORS 199 and the boundary commission's policy administrative rule (OAR 191, Division 30). Provide an impartial forum for resolution of local jurisdictional questions. Consider the effects of the boundary change on other units of governments. ORS 199.410(l)(b) and 199.410(3)(c) . This annexation request was filed in accordance with provisions in ORS 199 and was determined to be a valid filing in accordance with OAR 191-006 (adopted administrative rule on boundary commission filing requirements). The item was placed on the boundary commission's agenda for February 7,2008. Notice of the boundary commissio.n's public hearing has been published in accordance with Oregon law.. Any person may attend and will be given a reasonable opportunity to be beard. The proposed annexation area is within the Rainbow Water and Fire District. The fIre district contracts with th.e City of Springfield for fITe services within its boundaries. Upon the effective date of the annexation, the annexation area will be automatically withdrawn from the rrre district in accordance with ORS 199.510(2)(a) and the city will provide flre services directly to the annexed property. The Metro Plan identifles the city as the ultimate provider of urban services within the UGB. Policy #18, page ll-C-6, in the Metro Plan recognizes that as annexations to the city occur, existing special service districts within the UGB will be dissolved. The continued annexation of properties to the City of Springfield is consistent with the Metro Plan, which likely will.result in the elimination of several special districts within the urbanizable area. Upon annexation, the area will be annexed automatically into the Lane County Metropolitan Wastewater Service District [ORS 199.51O(2)(c)). Tl:ris special district was formed to provide the flnancing for the regional wastewater treatment plant. serving wastewater users within the cities of Eugene and Springfield and other users within the urbanizable area. LCLGBC Staff Notes (C SP 08 - ]4) - February 7, 2008 Page N-A-3 ATTACHMENT 1 - 12 EXHIBIT B - P11 Upon annexation, the area will be annexed automatically into the Willamalane Park and Recreation District, which provides park and recreation facilities and services to territory within the City of Springfield. This request is consistent with this standard. Consider the orderly determination and adjustment of local government boundaries to best meet the needs of Lane County and Oregon. Consider alternative solutions where intergovernmental options are identified and make decisions fJased on the most effective long- range option among identified alternatives. ORS 199.410(1), 199.410(2), and 199.410(3)(a) and (e) The area in this annexation proposal is located within the acknowledged UGB of the Metro Plan. Territory within the UGB ultimately will be within the City of Springfield. Springfield is the unit of government identified in the Metro Plan to provide urban services to territory in this area. The proposed annexation is not contiguous to the main body. of the City of Springfield. Noncontiguous annexations are allowed by state annexation law and provided for in the Metro Plan if certain criteria are met. The Metro Plan policy for noncontiguous annexation (policy #12, p~ge II-C-5) requires that noncontiguous annexations meet the following criteria: a. The area to be annexed will be provided urban service(s), which is (are) desired immediately by the residents/property owners. b. The area to be annexed can be serviced. (with a minimum level of services, as directed in the Metro Plan) in a timely and cost-efficient manner and is a logical ex tension of the city's service delivery system. c. The annexation proposal is accompanied by support within the area proposed for annexation from the owners of at least half the land area in the affected territory. This annexation . is consistent with boundary commission administrative rule implementing policies (1), (2), (5), and (7) which recognize annexation to an existing city as the preferred method of servicing urbanizable land:: (1) This policy recognizes cities as the logical providers of urban levels of service within urban growth boundaries when consistent with the comprehensive plan. (2) This policy expresses the commission's preference for providing urban services through annexation to a city in order to provide urban services to urbanizable lands. (5) This policy encourages the provision of urban levels of service within .urban growth boundaries. LCLGBC Staff Notes (e sp 08 - ]4) - February 7.2008 Page N-A-4 ATTACHMENT 1 -13 EXHIBIT B - P12 (7) This policy expresses the commission's preference for annexation to an existing city over all other alternatives as a means of extending services to urbanizable lands. Implementing policy (3) recognizes that in order to meet the long-tenn objectives of annexing out to an acknowledged urban growth boundary, short-tenn boundaries are created which are logical within the context of the future service boundary. In the long tenn territory within this geographic area will be annexed to Springfield. Annexation to the city fulfIlls the policies adopted in the Metro Plan of annexing out to the urban growth boundary. This proposal to annex territory to the City of Springfield is consistent with boundary commission policies and this standard. Make boundary commission determinations which are consistent with acknowledged local comprehensive plans. Assure an adequate quality and quantity of public services required in the comprehensive plan to meet existing and futur.e growth. For major boundary changes, there must be assurance that the proposed unit of government is financially viable. ORS 199.410(l)(d), 199.410(3)(b) and (d) The proposal is within the Metro Plan urban growth boundary. The Metro Plan was acknowledged by the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) in August 19~2 and has been subsequently amended. The Metro Plan recognizes annexation as the highest priority for extending the minimum level of key urban facilities and services to urbanizable areas (policies #8 and #10, page Il-C-4) and recognizes that ultimately, all territory within the urban growth boundary willbe annexed to an existing city (poli~y #16, page Il-C-6). The annexation area is currently designated low-density residential in the Metro Plan. H the annexation is approved, the tax lotted properties will be rezoned to a LDR, a city zoning district consistent with the plan designation. Th.e annexation area will take advantage of urban service delivery systems that are already in place to serve this area. The following facilities and services are either available or can be extended to this annexation area. Water - The annexation area is withiri the Rainbow Water and Fire District. The city indicates there is existing ~inch water line located in Hayden Bridge Way. Service to new development within the annexation area can be provided by this line. Following annexation, the City of Springfidd will withdraw the property from the Rainbow Water and Fire District in accordance with ORS 222 and the Springfield Utility Board (SUB) will provide services to the annexation area. An intergovernmental agreement between the water district and . SUB and state law will determine the orderly transition of services and finances between the two service providers. Electricity - Springfield Utility Board (SUB) provides electric service to developed properties in this area of south Springfield. New development in the annexation area will be served by SUB. LCLGBC Staff Notes (C sp 08 - 14) - February 7, 2008 Page IV -A-5 . ATTACHMENT 1 -14 EXHIBIT B - P13 Police services - Springfield staff indicates that police currently provide service to other properties in this general area already inside the city. After annexation, this proposal area will receive police services on an equal basis with properties inside the city. Infill annexations and development in this area will increase the efficiency of service delivery to this area. Fire and emergency services - Fire protection is currently provided to the annexation area by the Rainbow Water and Fire District. This special district contracts with the City.of Springfield for fIre services to tenitory within the district's boundaries. Upon annexation, the annexing area will be withdrawn from the fire district and Springfield will provide fire services directly to the annexation area. Springfield fire stations are located near Pheasant A venue and Hayden Bridge Way, S 47th Street and Main Street, and S 6Sth Street and Main Street. Emergency medical transport (ambulance) services are provided On a regional basis by Eugene. Springfield, and Lane Rural FirelRescue to central Lane County. The annexation area will continue to receive this service consistent with the adopted ambulance service area (ASA) plan. Mutual aid agreements have been adopted by the three regional ASA providers to provide backup coverage for each other's jurisdictions. Parks and recreation - Upon annexation area to the City of Springfield, the annexing area will also be annexed to the Willamalane Park and Recreation District. Park and recreation services are provided to the City of Springfield by the park district. Indoor recreation facilities, such.as the Willamalane Park Swim Center. lively Park Swim Center, Memorial Building Community Center, and Willamalane Adult Activity Center will be available to residents as new development occurs. The park district offers various after-school and other programs for children at schools and parks throughout the community. Also available.are pathways and several categories of parks, including community parks, sports parks, special use parks, and natural area parks. There is one park currently located in the vicinity of the annexation area, Royal Delle, a 2.76-acre neighborhood park on Blackstone Street. Other nearby recreational opportunities include Harvest Landing and Page Park. Schools - Springfield School District 19 serves this area. Existing schools-Guy Lee elementary, Hamlin and Springfield high-serve this neighborhood; however, the annexation area does not contain any residential dwellings and should not generate any additional demands on the school system. . :: Wastewater - Springfield staff indicated tat the existing church within the annexation area is not currently connected to the city wastewater system. There are three possible connection points for extension of wastewater service to the annexation area: an existing 6-inch line within Blackstone Street northeast of the annexation area; an S-inch line that extends south of Blackstone Street roughly parallel with and about SO feet offset from the east.property line of the annexation area; and an S-inch line at the intersection of Mint Meadow Way and Old Orchard Lane (approximately 500 feet east of the southeastern comer of the annexation area). The public wastewater lines within and extending from Blackstone Street are located within the city limits. However, extension of a wastewater line from the intersection of Mint Meadow Way and Old LCLGBC Staff Notes (C SP08 - 14) - February 7, 200S Page N-A-6 ATTACHMENT 1 -15 EXHIBIT B - P14 Orchard Lane along Hayden Bridge Way would be outside the city limits until the right-of-way is annexed. Upon the annexation effective date, the area will be annexed automatically to the Lane County Metropolitan Wastewater Service District [ORS 199.510(2)(c)]. Stormwater - Springfield staff indicated that roof runoff is directed. onto the site and passes into a series of catch basins within the site parking lot. From the catch basin system, stormwater infiltrates into a drywell. There is an existing 18-inch stormwater line adjacent to the annexation area within Hayden Bridge Way. Approval from Lane County is needed before connection to this system may occur. Any further development or redevelopment in the annexation area will require appropriate stormwater management techniques in accordance with city standards. Streets - The annexation area abuts Hayden Bridge Way On its south side, which is fully improved with curb and giltter, pavement, sidewalks, and street lights. An interconnected transportation system will be required in order to provide access and a transportation system for. the provision of lITe and life safety services to and from the annexing properties. Hayden Bridge Way is not located within the Springfield city limits. Solid waste management - Private firms and individuals collect and transport solid waste to the Lane County administered landfill. Communication facilities - Various providerS offer both wire and wireless communication services in the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area~ Existing providers and those entering the market have the cap~bility to provide service to future development in this area. Land use controls - The property is within Springfield's portion of the urban growth boundary. Through an intergovernmental agreement between Lane County and the City of Springfield, the city already has planning and building jurisdiction for this property. The city will continue to administer land use controls after annexation. The minimum level of key urban facilities and services, as defined On page V -3 of the Metro Plan, are either immediately available or can be provided within a reasonable future time frame as needed. This request is consistent:~ith this standard. Consider the comprehensive plan's economic, demographic, and sociological trends and projections and its environmental policies, pertinent to the proposaL ORS 199.410(3)(d) and 199.462(1) The annexation proposal is consistent with the Metro Plan, as it is an incremental step in implementing the long-range plan for this area. The urban growth boundary, land uses, and policies in the Metro Plan were developed to meet the future needs of the metropolitan community. The existing and proposed uses are consistent with the long-range plan for the area and will fulfill the growth policies in the Metro Plan and in Oregon law. LCLGBC Staff Notes (C SP 08 -14) - February 7, 2008 Page IV -A-7 ATTACHMENT 1 - 16 EXHIBIT B - P15 This request is consistent with this boundary commission standard. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The boundary commission staff recommends that the proposed annexation to the City of Springfield (BC File C SP 08 - 14) be approved as submitted based on the following fmdings and reasons. The findings are organized to respond to boundary commission standards outlined in ORS 199. the boundary commission law. The following fmdings and reasons are based on approval of the request as submitted. If the boundary commission modifies or denies the proposal, the fmdings and reasons would need to be adjusted. Findings: 1. This proposal was initiated with the boundary commission by the City of Springfield after receiving consents from the property owner on December 31, 2007. in accordance with ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B). The proposal was found to be a valid filing under OAR 191-006. 2. The proposed annexation. as submitted, included two tax lots (T17S R03W S23 Map 34 tax lots 12600 and 12700) comprising approximately 4.13 acres and was owned by the International Church of Foursquare Gospel. The annexation area was developed with a church facility and was not contiguous to the main body of the City of Springfield. 3. The land use designation for the annexation area was low-density residential in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General PI.an (Metro Plan). . 4. The annexation area was zoned LDRIUF, low-density residential with urbanizing fringe, in Lane County. Mter the annexation effective date, the property was rezoned WR consistent with the land use designation. Provide an impartial forum for resolution. of local jurisdictional questions. Consider the effects of the boundary change on other units of government. ORS 199.410(1)(b) and 199.410(3)(c) 5. The boundary commission held a public hearing on February 7, 2008. Notice of the public hearing was given in accordance with ORS 199 provisions. All interested parties were given a reasonable opportunity to be heard. 6. After annexation to Springfield,. the annexation area would be withdrawn from the Rainbow Water and Fire District. There would be some financial impact on the district because it derives its water revenue from user fees and the annexation area was developed with a church. The annexation area would be withdrawn from the district through separate proceedings by the City of Springfield in accordance with ORS 222. On behalf LCLGBC Staff Notes (C sp 08 - ]4) - February 7, 2008 Page N-A-8 ATTACHMENT 1 ;... 17 EXHIBIT B - P16 of the City of Springfield. the Springfield Utility Board provided service directly to the annexation area. 7. Upon the effective date of the annexation, the area was annexed automatically to the Lane County Metropolitan Wastewater Service District in accordance with ORS 199.5IO(2)(c). 8. Upon the effective date of the annexation, the area was annexed automatically to the Willanialane Parks and Recreation District in accordance with ORS 199.51O(2)(c). 9. This request was consistent with this standard. Consider the orderly determination and adjustment of local government boundaries to best meet the needs of Lane County and Oregon. Consider altemotive solutions where intergovernmental options are identified and make decisions based on the most effective long- range option among identified alternatives. ORS 199.410(1), 199.410(2), and 199.410(3)(a) and (e) 10. Annexation to the City of Springfield was identified in the acknowledged Metro Plan as the preferred method for providing key urban facilities and services to the area within Springfield's portion of the urban growth boundary. 11. Annexation to an existing city was the method for extending urban facilities and services to urbanizable land in the boundary commission's policy administrative rule, implementing policies (1). (2), (5), and (7). 12. The proposed annexation was the means of bouD:dary change outlined in the Metro Plan and the boundary commission administrative . rules for ultimately providing urban facilities and services to this territory. . Annexation of tax lotted property ful[,Illed the Metro Plan policies of annexing out to the urban growth boundary: 13. The proposed annexation met the criteria for noncontiguous annexations in the boundary commission law and the Metro Plan. 14. This request was consistent w.ith boundary commission policies and this standard. , Make boundary commission determinations which are consistent with acknowledged local . comprehensive plans. Assure an adequate quality and quantity of public services required in the comprehensive plan to meet existing and future growth. For major boundary changes, there must be assurance that the proposed unit of government is financially viable. ORS 199.410(1)(d), 199.410(3)(b), and (d) 15. The annexation area was within the urban growth boundary of the acknowledged Metro Plan [Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) action in 1982 and as subsequently amended]. Annexation of tax lotted property assisted in fulfilling the Metro Plan policies of annexing out to the urban growth boundary; LCLGBC Staff Notes (C SP 08 - ]4) - February 7, 2008 Page IV -A-9 ATTACHMENT 1 -18 EXHIBIT B - P17 16. The Metro Plan recognized annexation to the City of Springfield as the highest priority for extending the minimum level of key urban facilities and services to urbanizable areas. . 17. The proposed use (church) was consistent with the policies in the Metro Plan requiring urban levels of development within the urban growth boundary. 18. The City of Springfield indicated that the required services outlined in Metro Plan policy #8, page ll-C-4 and d~fined on page V-3, were either available or can be provided in a timely manner. 19. This request was consistent with this standard. Consider the comprehensive plan's economic, demographic, and sociological trends and projections and its environmental policies, pertinent to the pr(JposaL ORS 199.410(3)(d) and 199.462(1) 20. The annexation proposal was consistent with the Metro Plan, as it was an incremental step in implementing the long-range plan for this area. The urban growth boundary, land uses, and policies in the Metro Plan were developed to meet the future needs of the metropolitan community. The proposed use was consistent with the long-range plan for the area and fulfilled the growth policies in the Metro Plan and in Oregon law. 21. This request was consistent with this standard. Reasons: 1. The proposal was supported by the City of Springfield and the property owner. 2. The proposal was consistent with the LCDC acknowledged Metro Plan. 3. The services required in the Metro Plan were either available or could be provided in a timely manner when needed. 4. The proposal was consistent with past boundary commission actions supporting annexation to the City of Springfield. 5. The proposal was consistent with boundary commission administrative rule policies. pt: LCBC: L Vl0S N\2OO81.CSP0814 SN.DOC Last Saved: Febn/Qry 1. 2008 LCLGBC Staff Notes (C Sp 08 - ]4) - February 7, 2008 Page N-A-IO ATTACHMENT 1 - 19 EXHIBIT B - P18 Map No. IV-A-! Vicinity Map Annexation to Springfield (International Church of Foursquare Gospel) CSP08-l4 }~~~~:, LCLGBC Staff Notes (C sp 08 - 14) - February 7. 2008 Page N-A-ll ATTACHMENT 1 -20 EXHIBIT B P19 Map No. IV -A-2 Site. Map Annexation to Springfield (Internauonal Church of Foursquare Gospel) I CSP0814 - ---..I Blackstone Sl - ID ! - en fa ] - ID .! - en 5 .1() . Royal DeOe .pajk --0:0- .-. "._ ..._ e . ANNEXA nON AREA Includes TLs 12600, 12700, 17-D3-23-34 Owned by the International Olurch of Foursquare Gospel : :, BCFile CSP08-14 :'.H~y~,e.n J3ridgeWaY ." - ....~..... -. . ~ ,'. . . ''''1'''-':-- ! ,.., .'5-.1 LCLGBC Staff Notes (C SP08-14) - February 7, 2008 Page N-A-12 A TT ACHMENT 1 21 EXHIBIT B - P20 RESOLUTION NO 07-59 A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATIQN OF CERTAIN TERRITQRY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPRQVE THE ANNEXATION WHEREAS, the City received a request to annex approximately 4.13 acres into the City of Springfield 011 November 22, 2006, said territory being described as follows: Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Section 23, Map 34, Tax Lots 12600 and 12700 (commonly known as 600 Hayden Bridge Way, Springfield) as generally depicted and more particularly described in Exhibit A of this Resolution. WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed is within the Eugene-Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, and is adjacent to the City Limits; and, WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by ORS 199.490(2)(a)(A) to initiate annexation upon receiving cons~nt in writing from a majority of the electors registered in the territory proposed to be annexed and written consent from more than half of the owners of land in the territory proposed to be annexed, who also own more than half of the land in the territory proposed to be annexed and of real property therein representing more than half of the assessed value of all real property in the territory proposed to be annexed; WHEREAS, one hundred percent of the property ownerS of the territory'signed a consent to annex (Exhibit B); and, WHEREAS, there are no registered electors in the territory to be annexed (Exhibit C); and, WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by Springfield Development Code 6.070~ ORS 222.111 and other . applicable Qregon Revised Statutes to initiate annexation when the territory in the annexation proposal can be provided with the minimum key level of urban facilities and services in an orderly and efficient manner as defined in the Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan Policy 8, Page II-B-4, and where there will be a logical area and time within which to deliver urban services and facilities; and, . . WHEREAS, minimum level of key urban services and facilities are defined in the Eugene-8pringfie.ld Metro Area Gimeral Plan, Page V -3 as sanitary sewer service, stonnwater service, solid waste management, water service, fIre and emergency medical services, police protection, city-wide parks and recreation programs, electric service, land use controls, communication facilities and services, and public schools on a district-wide basis; and, WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed can be immediately provided with a minimum level of key urban facilities and services, with the exception of City stormwater and sanitary sewer services which are available within public streets near the property; and,:., - WHEREAS provision of City stonnwater and sanitary sewer services has been arranged through an Annexation Agreement that has been negotiated with City staff and the property owner, as described in Attachment2, Case Number LRP2006-0003 0; and, . WHEREAS, an Annexation Agreement has been proposed for execution by the City of Springfield and the property owner (International Church of the Foursquare Gospel operating as Springfield Faith Center) which will memorialize the OWner's commitment, agreement and obligation to meet the City's requirements for provision of the minimum level of key urban services and facilities as required for an affmnative City recommendation fot the annexation request; and, WHEREAS, the City Manager is authorized to forward this resolution supporting the applicant's annexation request to the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission when an Annexation Agreement is entered into by the City of Springfield and International Church of the Foursquare Gospel (Owner); ATTACHMENT 1 - 22 rJ EXHIBIT B - P21 - . NOW THEREFORE BASED ON THE FOREGOING RECITALS, THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES RESOL VB AS FOLLOWS: Section]: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby recommend approval of the annexation of the subject territory to the City by the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission, Lane County, Oregon, said territory being described as follows: Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Section 23, Map 34, Tax Lots 12600 and 12700 (commonly known as 600 Hayden Bridge Way, Springfield) as generally depicted and more particularly descn"bed in Exhibi~ A of this Resolution. Section 2: This resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Common Council of the City of Springfield and approval by the Mayor. Section 3: The City Council recommends that the Boundary Commission approve the proposed annexation upon execution of an Annexation Agreement as descnbed in the recitals. Section 4: The City Manager is hereby authorized to sign the Final Annexation Agreement which memorializes the Owner's commitment, agreement and obligation to meet the City's requirements for provision of the minimum level of key urban. services and facilities. Section 5: The City Manager shall forward this Resolution supporting the applicant's annexation request to the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 3 rd day of December, ;2.007, by a vote of 6 for and 0 against APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 3rd day of December, 2007. City~buR ATIEST: ~'~H'.L"'I'q-rl ~ jI\j:""'~O"En I;:~: -t' : i: i!~ f. \t) ,~; t U r~~" tJ 'U A~~~i IOF.~ L~" D/\T~~~ Or-riCE OF CIT'( ATTORNEY City of Springfield, Oregon CERTIFIED TRUE COPY ~.luw City R rder 1- ATTACHMENT 1 - 23 lllt"C::nT.TT'T'TnN' N'n n7_"Q .--~,~,~ '.... -.&W.~"" .1 \' ~ ~ RNer KnOIIWay~' 11..w-i ,/~ -..~~";, _i '~~a'~ Hayden Bridge Way\, 'i:;'<";~ 1- Blackstone St. 1-- \. j - Q) e - en = LO ./ Royal Dene fark [)' '. . L Cambridge St. . ' / ,"{ / r - CD e Ci3 --to 1----1 1 . Not to Ktlk EXHIBIT B - P22 EXHJ.HIT A ---., - Q) Q) ~ - en = co 3!.. ~~ ~:J '51b riiti -'.:'. ---- -} Blac,kStone St. .. : Royaldel L~ne . .:;, .' ~ :.... ;i:'" .". ".", :1',.. . " ". ;::~~ - , ~ , ~ - ~. , , IU e 3! - ~ en ClIl . = i ..... fIJ , " ' ... < ~..1..;o ..;:". ..':.;~::\: ", ." t.',. . . .,~: -~. :~,~ ';"<~:.:,,~~~ i: Legal Description Beginning at an iron pipe set 90 feet West and 600 feet North ofa point 2,823.48 feet (42.78 chains) South of the Northeast comer of the Jacob Halstead Donation Land Claim No. 47, Notification No. 3810, in Section 23, . Township 17 South,' Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon; thence South 010 01' IS" East 90 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 890 53 ' West 31.5 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 000 aI' IS" East 150.50 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 89053' East 127.59 feet to a point on the West line of the William Spencer Donation Land Claim Number 50 that is marked by an iron'pipe; thence South 000 13' 30" West 319.50 feet along last said West line to a point on the north margin of Hayden Bridge Way as said margin is offset 40.00 feet northerly by perpendicular measurement from the centerline of said rmid; thence along said north margin of Hayden Bridge Way, North 890 53' We~ 369.77 feet, more or less, to the Southeast comer of Lot 2, Block 6 of "Royal Delle", as platted and recorded in Book 29 at Page 21 in the Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; thence North 000 01'15" West along the East line of said Block 6 and its Northerly extension 560 feet to an iron pipe; and thence South 89053' 'East 275 feet returning to the point of beginning and containing 4.13 acres more or less. . ATTACHMENT 1 - 24 EXHIBIT B - P23 EXHIBIT 8 . FORM #1 PETITION ANNI:XATION .TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD . . . TO: LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION We, the undersigned, constitute the oWners of at least one-half of the land area of the property descn"bed in the attachment marked "Exb.1"bit A'lt AND We desire to be annexed to the City of Springfield. A map is attached marked ~"bit B," showing the affected territory and its relationship to the present city ~t boundaries. . .. The ~exation constitutes a minor'boundary change under the Boundary Commission Act arid should therefore be considered by the Boundary Commission and, after study, a Final Order should be entered by the BoUndary Commission. '" .' . .' . . '.. Date .1111 Y 6, 'nn~ B Date July 6. 2006 'By Date By Date .. MAP# J."} -t!:J3 ~.2.3 - ':54 LOT# f-:J...f- ~o MAP# (7- OJ -)-3 - 31 LOT#- )).. 7l5l) ~ With the above signature, I am v'erifying ~hat I have the authority:to consent to the annexation on my own behalf or on behalf of my firm, agency 'or trust. . , . 5 ATTACHMENT 1 - 25 EXHIBIT B - P24 VERIFICATION OF PROPERTY OWNERS I have caused a search to be made of the assessment and taxation records, Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation (A&T), on 17-03-23-34-12600 and 17-03-23-34-12700. Those records reflect that the International Church of the FourSquare Goscel are.the owners . . .' of record of the property identified by th~ tax lots described on the attached sheet. . A&T is not responsible for subsequent deed activity which may not yet be reflected on the A&T computerized taX roll. ~ ~/lA-Iu- Lane ~OU1l:ty Department of Assessment and Taxation 11/14/07 Date I:\A TINFO\BusinessProces~~~~'froJ'etty2"terification fonn.doc , 6/27/07 . PETITION FOR 11I ANNEXATION TO DISTRicrS 0 FoRMA'tION OF DXSTRICT ~ mGNATURESHEET TO THE COUNTY ELE~;ONS FILING ~FFI~lSTRIcr OF" .CY ~? l'- U <'\ " e ld PETITION I.D. TIllS IS A CITY 1 DISTRICT PETITION. SIGNERS OF THIS PAGE MUST BE REGISTERED VOTERS IN LANE COUNTY ONLY. ./"S)IGN~~~ DATI: SIGNED PRINT NAME IU:SWENCI: ADDRIEIS MAP & TAX LOT raur .EU. .IOJUAYIY~ STREET. NUMBER It. ern' UWNE. O"'H&a 1. A. Y~.4.A 7/6/06 Ba'skin SI' . . 1910 . ~ 7 ~o:J '~.;1 ~ -3Y ,;;!., <<l '3 . I Tim J Asst 'e". W nl" ~~I-^oJ. ~j:-.J'Y I ~ YDd r^- f ~ ":"/1 "- I :ite ~ ;wu .^~ "- ~ 01 ,,- r-7/06/0fJ Lvnda J. Gunton. Asst' e on. os Ana..' eR .CAQr 0''; l (' rU' t U . u J' ~E 4. 1", .....): S. ,r". .~ .... ~ 6. " . ,,. 2 7. 8. 0 I 9. '" 10. - 11. . " - 12. 13. . , 14. 15. . 16. 17. . . 18. , 19. CIRCULA TOR".S VERIFICA TJON . ~ THIS VERIFICATION MUST DE SIGNEU BY THE CJRCULA.TOR SHEET NUMDER SIGNA nJIm OF CIRCULA T CIRCULATOR'S ADDRESS (strc't c..~ t6-~ ci.'-Pl'--- Rd_". .~ oJf........, ." 'J.'o ...,('t"-,, ,,-I ..><. A.. C:I .... D U :~ .. Cl - .r? u ;8 . . Ii D ~: ".1 ~ J: ~ OJ .... ~ D U 0 III D il ~ .U 1:2 IE D 'D r- 'D u i:1. III ~ :s B (I) l B '1iI . fl f ~ .r:l 0 .~ EX H I BIT B - P'2 6 FORM #2A CERTIFICATION OF REGISTERED VOTERS I hereby certify that if signatures on the attached petition are registe~ voters and reside in' the area descn"bed in the petition. These signatures represent not less than 50 percent of the registered voters residing within the annexation or withdrawal area descn"bed in this petition. . . . ..~;.:'A ~.,~,,~~... ..!'<>"i\'\ 1 c..., ~ ~aJv>~tr::~~)~~J. Lane County, Oregon . ~\ ~. \ 6 . '1.~.'. IUlfA ~ 1-' '- /.ri..i:,~ p,'" '\. .,On ~... O~ ~ ::'J"'''",l\,'n l'~ ~DJ ~ , ;t cO -, -;.,,~\~YI Date ~. ATTACHMENT 1 - 28 EXHIBIT B - P27 Informational Attachment For the proposed annexation of:l:4.13 acres of property located at 600 Hayden Bridge Way. The area is descnoed on Lane County Assessor's Map 17-03-23-34, TL 12600 & 12700. The legal description of the property follows: Beginning at an iron pipe set 90 feet West and 600 feet North ofa point 2,813.48 feet (42.78 chains) South of the Northeast comer of the Jacob Halstead Donation Land Claim No. 47, Notification No. 3810, in Section 23, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; Lane County, Oregon; thence South 010 01' IS" East 90 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 890 53' West 31.5 feet to an iron pipe; th~ce South 000 01' 15" East 150.50 feet to an iron pipe; thence SoUtIi 89053' East 127.59 feet to a point on the West line of the William Spencer Donation Land Claim Number 50 that is marked by an iron pipe; thence South 00013' 30" West 319.50 feet along last said West line to a point on the north margin of Hayden Bridge Way as said margin is offset 40.00 feet northerly by perpendicular measurement from the centerline of said road; thence along said north margin of Hayden Bridge Way, North 890 53' West 369.77 feet, more or less, to the Southeast comer of Lot 2, Block 6 of ''Royal Delle", as platted and recorded in Book 29 at Page 21 in the Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; thence North 000 01' IS" West along the East line of said Block 6 and its Northerly extension 560 feet to an iron pipe; and thence South 890 53' .East 275 feet returning to the point of beginning and containing 4.13 acres more or . less. Zoning The Low DensitY Residential (LDR) zoning of the subject property and existing use is consistent with the Metropolitan Area General Plari (Metro Plan) and the City's Development Code. Churches are listed as a Discretionary Use in the LDR District. A site review permit for the church was issued by Lane County in July, 1984 and upheld by the Lane County Hearings Official in September, 1984 (Case PA1315-84). . Sanitary Sewer The existing church is not currently connected to the city sanitary sewer system. There are three possible connection points for extension of sanitary sewer to the property: an existing public sanitary sewer line within Blackstone Street northeast of the property;.a public sanitary sewer line that extends south of Blackstone Street roughly parallel with and about 80 feet offset from the east property line of the site; and a sanitary sewer line at the intersection of Mint Meadow Way and Old Orchard Lane (approximately 500 feet east of the southeastern comer of the site). The public sanitary sewer lines within and extending from Blackstone Street are located within the City limits. However, extension of a sanitary sewer line from the intersection of Mint Meadow Way and Old Orchard Lane would require approval of an extraterritorial extension along Hayden Bridge Way. Solid Waste Management The City and Sanipac have an exclusive franchise arrangement for garbage service inside the city limits. Upon annexation, Sanipac will serve this property. Water Service . Rainbow Water District is cum:ntlyservingthe site with water and will continue to do so until the July following the completion of annexation, at which time SUB Water will be the provider. Water service to the property originates from a 6-inch water main in Hayden Bridge Way. . Electric SUB Electric is currently serving the site with power from an overhead line running north-south along the western boundary of the site. Fire and Life Safety . . The Fire Marshal has reviewed the application ~d has determined that fire and emergency services are available to this property. The building has an existing fire sprinkler system and there is a fire hydrant at the southeast comer of the site. . Police Protection Upon annexation, the area will receive police protection from the City of Springfield. Police protection and response to priority calls can be pro~t, ACC ~ ~~?pyn ~nfftion consistent with service prote~on throughout EXHIBIT B - P28 the city. Parks and Recreation PrograD18 After annexation to the City of Springfield, the subject property will be, within the Willamalane Park and Recreation District boundary. City residents receiv!= park and recreation services from the District. The District operates two aquatic centers, a Community Center, an Adult Activity Center, and 3 I parks containing a variety of outdoor recreational amenities. There is one park currently located in the vicinity of the annexation area: Royal Delle, a 2.76-acre neighborhood park at 401 Blackstone Street. Among other features, the park contains an open play area, basketball court, playground, picnic shelter and tables, ~d night lighting. Other ne~by recreational opportunities include Harvest Landing and Page Park. A complete listing ofWi1Iama1ane's parks and programs can be found on-line at www.Willamalane.org. or at 736-4044. Although the site is zoned LD&, there are no occup~ed dwellings on the site and none ~ proposed. For this reason, the property should not generate any additional demands for park and recreation facilities. Land Use Controls . The City of Springfield Development Services Department has provided all planning and building functions for the owners of the subject property. The City of Springfield Development Services Department will continue to provide land use control for the site after the annexation. CommunicatioD Facilities Qwest and AT&T currently provide "communications in the area for cable service and an array of wireless companies provide different communication services. The City has no exclusive franchise arrangements with telecommunication or wireless companies. The field is competitive and therefore guarantees a wide selection. Public Schools Public School services are available through School Distrjct 19. Page ElementaIy School is located just to the east of the subject property. As stated previously, the site does not contain any dwellings and should not generate any additional demands on the school system. . Stormwater Control . Roof runoff is directed onto the site, and passes into a series of catch basins within the site parking lot From the catch basin system, stormwater infiltrates into a chywell. There are existing public stormwater facilities adjacent to the site within Hayden Bridge Way. Any future development or redevelopment on this site will require appropriate stormwater management techniques in accordance with City standards. Approval of an extraterritorial extension is not required to extend private stormwater lines through unincorporated areas to serve the site. ATTACHMENT 1 - 30 EXHIBIT B - P29 Office of the Secretary of State Archives Division MARY BETH HERKERT Director BILL BRADBURY Seaetuy of State SOD Summer St. NE Salem, Oregon 97310 (503) 373-0701 Facsimile (503) 373-0953 February 19, 2008 Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission Paula L Taylor 99 East Broadway, Suite 400 Eugene OR 97401-3111 Dear Ms. Taylor: Please be ad~ed that we have received and filed the following Annexation(s): Ordinance Number Our File Number Date C SP 08-14 (Springfield) EC ED 07-50 (Eugene) AN 2008-0018 AN 2008-0019 02/14/2008 02/14/2008 . Please verify the effective date(s) for these annexations through the application of ORS 199.519 . Our assigned file number(s) are included with the above information. Sincerely, d VM~ 4; [3~-JL Unda Bjornstad,. Official Public Documents . cc: Lane County Clerk ODOT /Highway Division PRC/Population Research Center Revenue Cartography Section WWW Server - http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us . Internet E-mail -reference.archives@State.or.us Oregon Genealogy Ustserv - or-roots@arcmve14.sos.state.or.us ATTACHMENT 1 - 31