HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-10-24 U:tt~~. JOB DESCRIPTION 1000 sq.ft. or less ~'": --Ie m p .R.1.Htr iCO 0 (PV'VI'C t' Ench additional 500 ,;I"'iif". sq, ft or portion ~E~kf ~; Permits arc non-transfcnlble and expire thereof '.'i:>,'~' if work is not 'started within 180 days Each Manufd Home or ~:AS,. of issuance 6i'ifwork is suspended for Modnlar Dwclling /'.... :}.::;'I~' t~'~i~; ~80C::J1tOR INSTALLATION ONLY B. Scn'iC:::::::[~ee:,der . ,.:iJ;'i' ," );:,:' , ~ $ 50,00 '.' ':: t,-:+~'?"~'.. "-",'1" t.n" 0 ......,.'...., . :(~,~ .:.: :t,.,;',....~ ~.I': I Installation, Altcra~ns or~' ,,,:..' . '::. . :.~.[",~i.',i,~.:.i,{", Electrica':~i-~~f~ctol,J!;U i I~r-'S S I~~,~I'C ' RCIO.:~~;,\\~~~~i;';: :"tt;;(~' ;.;~. " . ; .'c. Address Ilqii:)' &W.l"-rW/''\ h:1'.'It"',;. 2~"'\IlVS~nt.t.;'s\ Ni:~";, ", S: ';'$'63.00 ,', l?{)''''~,f' *. ,; I.J" ." ,. . ."XI,....':, ,," 0 '(I'" ,CoUP .,'~ .. _" .-,- ..'^,' ''iZJi.~. 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",,; Limited Energy/CoHlm $.J5.00 " 'i!,fc!r!1' "~"r;J::;:, .' ". . , :';r~1~s~~ii~~::;""';"" ,,,;, M'"" ~J" .;:.......""1(... ... ,,:,, :\;:~.:~:: ", . ". ..'.' ,~~;'~,~ ':~'~,:,.., ' , ,'Iit,<, , ~'~'225< F;:lpH;STREET !;,~-,,,, ~'\~":ii~) '(i F,},~';;h E~8u<;:A!-,PE~T AP!'9CA TIOl)1,":. : . !:"'11!~. irSPRlNGFIELD,OREGON97477r;:~:;j;i~ ~~ ~~~"'.d;t: 1 r:':\~~~":;:'\ ..l.~' r..\.':..~~.t;1"~:-}'."}~f.rl!.: ~\:;~ ! IB.s,p'!<:s:tl~)J~;MQy's~'( ;7~~;37hi';i K~ ;~ tpty'Joh l'iu~hcr@vl1 Zoo ;;j;'<D1\'c~'':?ifr~,:.:;: ";'~"'~' r"FOEFICE....726-3759,'''~ r, "'(1":.t<"" I*i ,,~ r~. "" t" ..,,.. .' ',-: .'.. ":;.q.h....'.;..,:, ' ,,.,'" .'. ~:~ ,',r." ", ~.!~ !~'~'" \., ",' '-' . ',' " "", "\'.' .:" ,;, " v.~;J Z~ ~,1t --., h (~h~",4 '},.'l:i! ~' .'i:':~ ;i; t..;" \~ ~ 35.COIv1PLETEFEESCHEDULEBELO\Vl(~')i;.~:~""~:':~""t'~,~" ~:f1!~~ ~; L Lb:' A:,}8.N9.F ~STAiL~fJ(lN ~~1 ~'ffl~~~~,)tif)::,.'~:' ,;: ;::;,:~~~,-, :':.'~.': : }Y:~;':>' (F' ;;:~,~. ~ 4f1:jll' (.) rY'o.rl!l 1\ V\ 13\,\{0 A. NcwRcsldcnhal-Smglcor ' , . :iii:,"' 13 V'I'v:~...e: q C\' I d. Y' Multi-Family pcr d\\'elling unit. ';:~h", LEG.t18IJ;~~:;lN 01 fuC:J Scr\'iccIncluded; Items Cost s'~~~i :'.:~:1:.: $106,00 ,.: ,. . r~ ';'''' $ 19,00 TOTAL 57st) . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit Status: Pending 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line PERMIT NO: COM2002-01241 ISSUED: APPLIED: EXPIRES: VALUE: 10/24/2002 04/28/2003 $ 10,000.00 SITE ADDRESS: 4446 FRANKLIN BLVD 2 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1703344401500 Eugene TYPE OF Foundation TYPE OF USE: Remodel Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Repair / remodel of existing structure Gary Karp Planner Site Plan Review Journal 2001-07-0143 Owner: BRING RECYCLING Address: PO BOX 885 EUGENE OR 97440 ICONTRACfOR INFORMATION J Contractor Type General Electrical Role Type Null Owner Role Type Null Contractor License BRING RECYCLING 119422 BUILDERS ELECTRIC INC 4296 KEATING ENGINEERING \)l?':~ BRING RECYCLING \\~ ~ ';:).... EGGERT MADSEN -'l'~\~ '\ 0'1. \'0 ~ I BUILDING 1NJj'6Rk~1ii4tv \,\,)1. ~~'\\~~~i~ ~~~f~ ~~~~\J . ,\\\\'0 \IIi f0~ ~\;)'V. ~~'\ " ~~. C.\)~ ~15 pe: ~\;\'IR nge Type: Energy Path: Expiration Date 01117/2003 12110/2003 Phone 541-746-3023 541-485-0922 541-687-8608 541-687-8608 # of Buildings: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occupancy P'rimary Construction Type Secondary Construction # of Bedrooms: SETBACKS Lot Size: Sq Ft 1st Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: I'BP'ePvious Surface Area: _eo" .."\\,, I DEVELOPMENT lNFORMATlo~.,.eo.\)~~~o~~~\'o~~. ,,0" . ,I \~e 0 S 1J.~e ,,<:>'2:~fJIRED PARKING 'U~e'<J 6'0, \)\e \>0'<'-':> ,eS Overlay Dist:\U~'''''o,,\e ,^ose~ ",0 ",e~~Total: . ,\' \) IY ~" :i>t:8' ~\\' ~" . # Stre~tTrees,\es~ ~\e\' O\~\o ',eso e\e<;l:~g!!dlcapped: paved~D~&"e ~gd':Je :\!\:J;:)\ ,~co<;l . \~e :"'o'i.,\'eompact: \O~.. z,.\\o'r,sJu ~\1J.\ ~'o\e,. ':1.'1 \~ % ofkR,t\(\)&ve~Jige: z,.'!o :l.e~'~~ ~\j\~\ ?.~bP<'l' \~O!,~ -{o~~ec~:O~e~~Cl'~~'2: IPUBLIC lMPR()V.EM_i~tfSl~~e~\S' "V' ~ Sidewalk Type: 44,867 3,000 Front yard Setback: Side 1 Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: Stree t Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: Downs pou tslDra ins Notes: 1 of 3 . . CITY VI' ~rKll~ul'IELD Building/Combination Permit Status: Pending 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line PERMIT NO: COM2002-01241 ISSUED: APPLIED: EXPIRES: VALUE: 10/24/2002 0412812003 $ 10,000.00 I Valuation Descriotion I Description Type of Construction Foundation Onlv Use Bid Amount $ Per Sq Ft $1.00 Square Footal!e 10,000.00 Value $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Date Calculated 10/2812002 Total Value of Project Fees Paid I Fee Description Plan Review CommlInd/Public + 7% State Surcharge + 8% Administrative Fee Temp Power 200 amps or less Amount Paid Date $69.81 $3.50 $4.00 $50.00 10/24/02 11/12/02 11/12/02 11/12/02 Receipt Number 1200200000000000130 1200200000000000221 1200200000000000221 1200200000000000221 Received By djb djb djb djb Total Amount $127.31 Total Fees Paid Prior to 9/30/02 Initial Review Planninl! Review 10/25/2002 10/2812002 Plan Reviews , 10/28/2002 APP LLH 10/30/2002 EMM Site Plan Review not complete - Gary Karp Planner - 2001-07-0143. No occupancy until Final Site Plan and Development Agreement are signed. Check with Gary Karp 726-3777 for Final Site Inspection also. Public Works Review Structural Review 10/28/2002 10/28/2002 To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. I Rcouircd InsnectionsJ I Temporary Electric: Approval required prior to Utility Company energizing pole. 2 of 3 . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit Status: Pending 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line PERMIT NO: COM2002-01241 ISSUED: APPLIED: EXPIRES: VALUE: 10/24/2002 04/28/2003 $ 10,000.00 By signature, 1 state and agree, that I have carefuUy examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work perfonned shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made ofany structore without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 wiD be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. Owner or Contractors Signature Date 3 of 3